# fieldname fieldDescription
1 SurveyId DHS survey ID. Each survey will always have a unique ID (of the form ccyyyyttt where cc is the DHS country code, yyyy is the survey year, and ttt is the survey type) and can be used to obtain national or subnational data for a particular survey.
2 DHS_CountryCode Two-letter DHS specific country code.
3 CountryName DHS specific country name.
4 SurveyYear The principal year in which the survey was conducted.
5 SurveyYearLabel The survey year label provides the range of years in which the fieldwork took place. For example if a survey started in 1998 and finished in 1999, the survey year would be 1998 while the survey year label would provide 1998-99. This information could be used to make the user interface more intuitive and accurate.
6 SurveyType The survey type determines whether the survey was a DHS, AIS, MIS, SPA, or other (OTH) type of survey.
7 SurveyStatus Specifies whether the survey is ongoing or completed.
8 SurveyNum Unique numeric id assigned to each survey.
9 IndicatorData Whether indicator data is available for this survey (1) or not (0).
10 RegionName The region name for the surveys (countries) returned as a result of a specific query. E.g. region name for Egypt is North Africa/West Asia/Europe
11 SubRegionName The sub region name for the surveys (countries) returned as a result of a specific query. E.g. Egypt is in the North Africa sub region.
12 PublicationDate Date specifying when the survey data was published.
13 ReleaseDate Date specifying when the survey data was made available.
14 SurveyCharacteristicIds A list of IDs for the survey characteristics that includes additional topics, modules or features that were included in the survey beyond the standard. See the survey characteristics for the descriptions associated with each ID.
15 FieldworkStart The month and year of the start of fieldwork for the survey (note: day is always returned as 1).
16 FieldworkEnd The month and year of the end of fieldwork for the survey (note: day is always returned as 1).
17 Footnotes Footnotes about the survey.
18 ImplementingOrg The name of the implementing organization(s) for the survey.
19 NumberOfSamplePoints The number of sample points (or clusters/enumeration areas) visited in the survey.
20 NumberOfHouseholds The total number of households interviewed in the survey.
21 UniverseOfWomen The universe of women interviewed: All Women or Ever Married Women.
22 NumberOfWomen The total number of women interviewed in the survey.
23 MinAgeWomen The minimum age of women included in the survey (typically 15 years).
24 MaxAgeWomen The maximum age of women included in the survey (typically 49 years).
25 UniverseOfMen The universe of men interviewed: All Men, Ever Married Men, or Husbands.
26 NumberOfMen The total number of men interviewed in the survey.
27 MinAgeMen The minimum age of men included in the survey (typically 15 years).
28 MaxAgeMen The maximum age of men included in the survey (typically 49/54/59/64 years).
29 NumberOfFacilities For SPA or service availability surveys, the number of health facilities visited.
30 Footnotes Footnotes about the survey.