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# IndicatorId Label Definition
1 FE_FRTR_W_A10 Age specific fertility rate: 10-14 Age-specific fertility rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 10-14 expressed per 1,000 women
2 FE_FRTR_W_A15 Age specific fertility rate: 15-19 Age-specific fertility rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 15-19 expressed per 1,000 women
3 FE_FRTR_W_A20 Age specific fertility rate: 20-24 Age-specific fertility rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 20-24 expressed per 1,000 women
4 FE_FRTR_W_A25 Age specific fertility rate: 25-29 Age-specific fertility rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 25-29 expressed per 1,000 women
5 FE_FRTR_W_A30 Age specific fertility rate: 30-34 Age-specific fertility rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 30-34 expressed per 1,000 women
6 FE_FRTR_W_A35 Age specific fertility rate: 35-39 Age-specific fertility rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 35-39 expressed per 1,000 women
7 FE_FRTR_W_A40 Age specific fertility rate: 40-44 Age-specific fertility rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 40-44 expressed per 1,000 women
8 FE_FRTR_W_A45 Age specific fertility rate: 45-49 Age-specific fertility rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 45-49 expressed per 1,000 women
9 FE_FRTR_W_TFR Total fertility rate 15-49 Total fertility rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 15-49 expressed per woman
10 FE_FRTR_W_TF4 Total fertility rate 15-44 Total fertility rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 15-44 expressed per woman
11 FE_FRTR_W_GFR General fertility rate General fertility rate for the three years preceding the survey expressed per 1,000 women age 15-44
12 FE_FRTR_W_CBR Crude birth rate Crude birth rate for the three years preceding the survey expressed per 1,000 population
13 FE_FRTY_W_PRG Percentage of women currently pregnant Percentage of women 15-49 currently pregnant
14 FE_FRTY_W_NPG Number of women age 15-49 Number of women age 15-49
15 FE_FRTY_W_UPG Number of women age 15-49 (unweighted) Number of women age 15-49 (unweighted)
16 FE_FRTY_W_MNC Completed fertility of women age 40-49 Mean number of children ever born to women age 40-49
17 FE_FRTY_W_N49 Number of women age 40-49 Number of women age 40-49
18 FE_FRTY_W_U49 Number of women age 40-49 (unweighted) Number of women age 40-49 (unweighted)
19 FE_FRTT_W_A10 Age specific fertility rate: 10-14 (five year periods) Age-specific fertility rates for five-year periods preceding the survey for age group 10-14 per 1,000 women
20 FE_FRTT_W_A15 Age specific fertility rate: 15-19 (five year periods) Age-specific fertility rates for five-year periods preceding the survey for age group 15-19 per 1,000 women
21 FE_FRTT_W_A20 Age specific fertility rate: 20-24 (five year periods) Age-specific fertility rates for five-year periods preceding the survey for age group 20-24 per 1,000 women
22 FE_FRTT_W_A25 Age specific fertility rate: 25-29 (five year periods) Age-specific fertility rates for five-year periods preceding the survey for age group 25-29 per 1,000 women
23 FE_FRTT_W_A30 Age specific fertility rate: 30-34 (five year periods) Age-specific fertility rates for five-year periods preceding the survey for age group 30-34 per 1,000 women
24 FE_FRTT_W_A35 Age specific fertility rate: 35-39 (five year periods) Age-specific fertility rates for five-year periods preceding the survey for age group 35-39 per 1,000 women
25 FE_FRTT_W_A40 Age specific fertility rate: 40-44 (five year periods) Age-specific fertility rates for five-year periods preceding the survey for age group 40-44 per 1,000 women
26 FE_FRTT_W_A45 Age specific fertility rate: 45-49 (five year periods) Age-specific fertility rates for five-year periods preceding the survey for age group 45-49 per 1,000 women
27 FE_CEBA_W_CH0 Women with no children ever born Percentage of women with no children ever born
28 FE_CEBA_W_CH1 Women with 1 child ever born Percentage of women with 1 child ever born
29 FE_CEBA_W_CH2 Women with 2 children ever born Percentage of women with 2 children ever born
30 FE_CEBA_W_CH3 Women with 3 children ever born Percentage of women with 3 children ever born
31 FE_CEBA_W_CH4 Women with 4 children ever born Percentage of women with 4 children ever born
32 FE_CEBA_W_CH5 Women with 5 children ever born Percentage of women with 5 children ever born
33 FE_CEBA_W_CH6 Women with 6 children ever born Percentage of women with 6 children ever born
34 FE_CEBA_W_CH7 Women with 7 children ever born Percentage of women with 7 children ever born
35 FE_CEBA_W_CH8 Women with 8 children ever born Percentage of women with 8 children ever born
36 FE_CEBA_W_CH9 Women with 9 children ever born Percentage of women with 9 children ever born
37 FE_CEBA_W_C10 Women with 10+ children ever born Percentage of women with 10+ children ever born
38 FE_CEBA_W_TOT Women: Total Percentage of women: Total
39 FE_CEBA_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
40 FE_CEBA_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
41 FE_CEBA_W_MNC Mean number of children ever born Mean number of children ever born for all women
42 FE_CEBA_W_MNL Mean number of living children Mean number of living children for all women
43 FE_CEBA_W_MND Mean number of children died Mean number of children born to women who have died
44 FE_CEBM_W_CH0 Married women with no children ever born Percentage of currently married or in union women with no children ever born
45 FE_CEBM_W_CH1 Married women with 1 child ever born Percentage of currently married or in union women with 1 child ever born
46 FE_CEBM_W_CH2 Married women with 2 children ever born Percentage of currently married or in union women with 2 children ever born
47 FE_CEBM_W_CH3 Married women with 3 children ever born Percentage of currently married or in union women with 3 children ever born
48 FE_CEBM_W_CH4 Married women with 4 children ever born Percentage of currently married or in union women with 4 children ever born
49 FE_CEBM_W_CH5 Married women with 5 children ever born Percentage of currently married or in union women with 5 children ever born
50 FE_CEBM_W_CH6 Married women with 6 children ever born Percentage of currently married or in union women with 6 children ever born
51 FE_CEBM_W_CH7 Married women with 7 children ever born Percentage of currently married or in union women with 7 children ever born
52 FE_CEBM_W_CH8 Married women with 8 children ever born Percentage of currently married or in union women with 8 children ever born
53 FE_CEBM_W_CH9 Married women with 9 children ever born Percentage of currently married or in union women with 9 children ever born
54 FE_CEBM_W_C10 Married women with 10+ children ever born Percentage of currently married or in union women with 10+ children ever born
55 FE_CEBM_W_TOT Married women: Total Percentage of currently married or in union women: Total
56 FE_CEBM_W_NUM Number of married women Number of currently married or in union women
57 FE_CEBM_W_UNW Number of married women (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women (unweighted)
58 FE_CEBM_W_MNC Mean number of children ever born to married women Mean number of children ever born for currently married or in union women
59 FE_CEBM_W_MNL Mean number of living children to married women Mean number of living children for for currently married or in union women
60 FE_CEBM_W_MND Mean number of children died to married women Mean number of children born to currently married/in union women who have died
61 FE_BINT_C_I07 Previous birth interval: 7-17 months Percentage of non-first births in the five years preceding the survey whose previous birth interval is 7-17 months
62 FE_BINT_C_I18 Previous birth interval: 18-23 months Percentage of non-first births in the five years preceding the survey whose previous birth interval is 18-23 months
63 FE_BINT_C_I24 Previous birth interval: 24-35 months Percentage of non-first births in the five years preceding the survey whose previous birth interval is 24-35 months
64 FE_BINT_C_I36 Previous birth interval: 36-47 months Percentage of non-first births in the five years preceding the survey whose previous birth interval is 36-47 months
65 FE_BINT_C_I48 Previous birth interval: 48-59 months Percentage of non-first births in the five years preceding the survey whose previous birth interval is 48-59 months
66 FE_BINT_C_I60 Previous birth interval: 60+ months Percentage of non-first births in the five years preceding the survey whose previous birth interval is 60+ months
67 FE_BINT_C_TOT Previous birth interval: Total Percentage of non-first births in the five years preceding the survey: Total
68 FE_BINT_C_NUM Number of non-first births Number of non-first births in the five years preceding the survey
69 FE_BINT_C_UNW Number of non-first births (unweighted) Number of non-first births in the five years preceding the survey (unweighted)
70 FE_BINT_C_MED Median birth interval (months) Median duration of the preceding birth interval in months for non-first births in the five years preceding the survey
71 FE_BINT_C_I3Y Previous birth interval: <36 months Percentage of non-first births in the five years preceding the survey whose previous birth interval is less than 36 months
72 FE_BORD_C_BO1 Births of birth order 1 Percentage of births in the 2 years preceding the survey of birth order 1
73 FE_BORD_C_BO2 Births of birth order 2 Percentage of births in the 2 years preceding the survey of birth order 2
74 FE_BORD_C_BO3 Births of birth order 3 Percentage of births in the 2 years preceding the survey of birth order 3
75 FE_BORD_C_BO4 Births of birth order 4 Percentage of births in the 2 years preceding the survey of birth order 4
76 FE_BORD_C_BO5 Births of birth order 5+ Percentage of births in the 2 years preceding the survey of birth order 5+
77 FE_BORD_C_TOT Births in the 2 years preceding the survey: Total Percentage of births in the 2 years preceding the survey: Total
78 FE_BORD_C_NUM Number of births in the 2 years preceding the survey Number of births in the 2 years preceding the survey
79 FE_BORD_C_UNW Number of births in the 2 years preceding the survey (Unweighted) Number of births in the 2 years preceding the survey (Unweighted)
80 FE_PPIS_W_AMN Postpartum amenorrheic Percentage of births whose mothers are postpartum amenorrheic
81 FE_PPIS_W_ABS Postpartum abstaining Percentage of births whose mothers are postpartum abstaining
82 FE_PPIS_W_INS Postpartum insusceptible Percentage of births whose mothers are postpartum insusceptible
83 FE_PPIS_W_NUM Number of births Number of births
84 FE_PPIS_W_UNW Number of births (unweighted) Number of births (unweighted)
85 FE_PPIS_W_MNA Mean duration postpartum amenorrheic Mean number of months of postpartum amenorrheic
86 FE_PPIS_W_MNB Mean duration postpartum abstaining Mean number of months of postpartum abstaining
87 FE_PPIS_W_MNI Mean duration postpartum insusceptible Mean number of months of postpartum insusceptible (either still amenorrheic or still abstaining following the birth)
88 FE_PPID_W_MDA Median duration postpartum amenorrheic Median number of months of postpartum amenorrheic
89 FE_PPID_W_MDB Median duration postpartum abstaining Median number of months of postpartum abstaining
90 FE_PPID_W_MDI Median duration postpartum insusceptible Median number of months of postpartum insusceptible (either still amenorrheic or still abstaining following the birth)
91 FE_MENA_W_M10 Age at first menarche: <=10 Percentage of women whose first menstruation occurred by age 10 or younger
92 FE_MENA_W_M11 Age at first menarche: 11 Percentage of women whose first menstruation occurred by age 11
93 FE_MENA_W_M12 Age at first menarche: 12 Percentage of women whose first menstruation occurred by age 12
94 FE_MENA_W_M13 Age at first menarche: 13 Percentage of women whose first menstruation occurred by age 13
95 FE_MENA_W_M14 Age at first menarche: 14 Percentage of women whose first menstruation occurred by age 14
96 FE_MENA_W_M15 Age at first menarche: 15 Percentage of women whose first menstruation occurred by age 15
97 FE_MENA_W_M16 Age at first menarche: 16+ Percentage of women whose first menstruation occurred by age 16+
98 FE_MENA_W_MNV Age at first menarche: Never Percentage of women who have never menstruated
99 FE_MENA_W_MDK Age at first menarche: Don't know Percentage of women who don't know their age of first menstruation
100 FE_MENA_W_MAM Mean age at menarche Mean age at menarche
101 FE_MENA_W_TOT Age at first menarche: Total Percentage of women: Total
102 FE_MENA_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
103 FE_MENA_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
104 FE_MENO_W_PCT Women age 30-49 menopausal Percentage of women age 30-49 menopausal, defined as women who are not pregnant and not postpartum amenorrheic whose last menstrual period occurred 6 or more months preceding the survey
105 FE_MENO_W_NUM Number of women age 30-49 Number of women age 30-49
106 FE_MENO_W_UNW Number of women age 30-49 (unweighted) Number of women age 30-49 (unweighted)
107 FE_BBAG_W_A15 Women giving birth by age 15 Percentage of women who gave birth by age 15
108 FE_BBAG_W_A18 Women giving birth by age 18 Percentage of women who gave birth by age 18
109 FE_BBAG_W_A20 Women giving birth by age 20 Percentage of women who gave birth by age 20
110 FE_BBAG_W_A22 Women giving birth by age 22 Percentage of women who gave birth by age 22
111 FE_BBAG_W_A25 Women giving birth by age 25 Percentage of women who gave birth by age 25
112 FE_BBAG_W_NEV Women who never gave birth Percentage of women who never gave birth
113 FE_BBAG_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
114 FE_BBAG_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
115 FE_BBAY_W_A15 Young women age 20-24 giving birth by age 15 Percentage of young women age 20-24 who gave birth by age 15
116 FE_BBAY_W_A18 Young women age 20-24 giving birth by age 18 Percentage of young women age 20-24 who gave birth by age 18
117 FE_BBAY_W_A20 Young women age 20-24 giving birth by age 20 Percentage of young women age 20-24 who gave birth by age 20
118 FE_BBAY_W_NEV Young women age 20-24 who never gave birth Percentage of young women age 20-24 who never gave birth
119 FE_BBAY_W_NUM Number of young women age 20-24 Number of young women age 20-24
120 FE_BBAY_W_UNW Number of young women age 20-24 (unweighted) Number of young women age 20-24 (unweighted)
121 FE_BBAY_W_MED Median age at first birth [Young women] Median age at first birth for young women age 20-24
122 FE_AAFB_W_M20 Median age at first birth for women age 20-24 Median age at first birth for women age 20-24
123 FE_AAFB_W_M25 Median age at first birth for women age 25-29 Median age at first birth for women age 25-29
124 FE_AAFB_W_M30 Median age at first birth for women age 30-34 Median age at first birth for women age 30-34
125 FE_AAFB_W_M35 Median age at first birth for women age 35-39 Median age at first birth for women age 35-39
126 FE_AAFB_W_M40 Median age at first birth for women age 40-44 Median age at first birth for women age 40-44
127 FE_AAFB_W_M45 Median age at first birth for women age 45-49 Median age at first birth for women age 45-49
128 FE_AAFB_W_M2A Median age at first birth for women age 20-49 Median age at first birth for women age 20-49
129 FE_AAFB_W_M2B Median age at first birth for women age 25-49 Median age at first birth for women age 25-49
130 FE_TNPG_W_LVB Teenagers who are mothers Percentage of teenage women who are mothers
131 FE_TNPG_W_PRG Teenagers who are pregnant with their first child Percentage of teenage women who are pregnant with their first child
132 FE_TNPG_W_CBR Teenagers who have begun childbearing Percentage of teenage women who have begun childbearing
133 FE_TNPG_W_PGL Teenagers who have had a pregnancy loss Percentage of women age 15-19 who have had a pregnancy loss
134 FE_TNPG_W_CPG Teenagers who are currently pregnant Percentage of women age 15-19 who are currently pregnancy
135 FE_TNPG_W_EPG Teenagers who have ever been pregnant Percentage of women age 15-19 who have ever been pregnant
136 FE_TNPG_W_DKM Teenagers with don't know or missing information on childbearing Percentage of teenage women with 'don't know' or missing information on childbearing
137 FE_TNPG_W_NUM Number of women age 15-19 Number of teenage women age 15-19
138 FE_TNPG_W_UNW Number of women age 15-19 (unweighted) Number of teenage women age 15-19 (unweighted)
139 FE_TNBH_W_SEX Teenage women who initiated sexual intercourse before age 15 Percentage of women age 15-19 who initiated sexual intercourse before age 15
140 FE_TNBH_W_MAR Teenage women who married before age 15 Percentage of women age 15-19 who married before age 15
141 FE_TNBH_W_BTH Teenage women who had a live birth before age 15 Percentage of women age 15-19 who had a live birth before age 15
142 FE_TNBH_W_PRG Teenage women who have ever been pregnant before age 15 Percentage of women age 15-19 who have ever been pregnant before age 15
143 FE_TNBH_W_NUM Number of women age 15-19 Number of women age 15-19
144 FE_TNBH_W_UNW Number of women age 15-19 (unweighted) Number of women age 15-19 (unweighted)
145 FE_TNBH_M_SEX Teenage men who initiated sexual intercourse before age 15 Percentage of men age 15-19 who initiated sexual intercourse before age 15
146 FE_TNBH_M_MAR Teenage men who married before age 15 Percentage of men age 15-19 who married before age 15
147 FE_TNBH_M_BTH Teenage men who fathered a live birth before age 15 Percentage of men age 15-19 who fathered a live birth before age 15
148 FE_TNBH_M_NUM Number of men age 15-19 Number of men age 15-19
149 FE_TNBH_M_UNW Number of men age 15-19 (unweighted) Number of men age 15-19 (unweighted)
150 FE_PRGO_W_POL Pregnancy outcome: Live birth Percentage of pregnancy outcomes in the 3 years preceding the survey ending in a live birth
151 FE_PRGO_W_POS Pregnancy outcome: Stillbirth Percentage of pregnancy outcomes in the 3 years preceding the survey ending in a stillbirth
152 FE_PRGO_W_POM Pregnancy outcome: Miscarriage Percentage of pregnancy outcomes in the 3 years preceding the survey ending in a miscarriage
153 FE_PRGO_W_POA Pregnancy outcome: Induced abortion Percentage of pregnancy outcomes in the 3 years preceding the survey ending in an induced abortion
154 FE_PRGO_W_TOT Pregnancy outcome: Total Percentage of pregnancy outcomes in the 3 years preceding the survey: Total
155 FE_PRGO_W_NUM Number of pregnancies ending in the 3 years preceding the survey Number of pregnancies ending in the 3 years preceding the survey
156 FE_PRGO_W_UNW Number of pregnancies ending in the 3 years preceding the survey (unweighted) Number of pregnancies ending in the 3 years preceding the survey (unweighted)
157 FE_ABRT_W_A10 Induced abortion rate: 10-14 Induced abortion rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 10-14 expressed per 1,000 women
158 FE_ABRT_W_A15 Induced abortion rate: 15-19 Induced abortion rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 15-19 expressed per 1,000 women
159 FE_ABRT_W_A20 Induced abortion rate: 20-24 Induced abortion rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 20-24 expressed per 1,000 women
160 FE_ABRT_W_A25 Induced abortion rate: 25-29 Induced abortion rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 25-29 expressed per 1,000 women
161 FE_ABRT_W_A30 Induced abortion rate: 30-34 Induced abortion rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 30-34 expressed per 1,000 women
162 FE_ABRT_W_A35 Induced abortion rate: 35-39 Induced abortion rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 35-39 expressed per 1,000 women
163 FE_ABRT_W_A40 Induced abortion rate: 40-44 Induced abortion rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 40-44 expressed per 1,000 women
164 FE_ABRT_W_A45 Induced abortion rate: 45-49 Induced abortion rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 45-49 expressed per 1,000 women
165 FE_ABRT_W_TAR Total induced abortion rate Total induced abortion rate for the 3 years preceding the survey expressed per woman
166 FE_ABRT_W_GAR General induced abortion rate General induced abortion rate for the 3 years preceding the survey expressed per 1,000 women age 15-44
167 PR_DESC_W_ASN Desire for more children: Have another soon Percentage of currently married or in union women who want to have another child soon
168 PR_DESC_W_ALT Desire for more children: Have another later Percentage of currently married or in union women who want to have another child later
169 PR_DESC_W_AUN Desire for more children: Wants, unsure timing Percentage of currently married or in union women who want another child but are unsure of the timing
170 PR_DESC_W_UND Desire for more children: Undecided Percentage of currently married or in union women who undecided if they want another child
171 PR_DESC_W_WNM Desire for more children: Wants no more Percentage of currently married or in union women who want no more children
172 PR_DESC_W_STR Desire for more children: Sterilized Percentage of currently married or in union women who are sterilized
173 PR_DESC_W_INF Desire for more children: Declared infecund Percentage of currently married or in union women who declare that they are infecund
174 PR_DESC_W_MIS Desire for more children: Missing Percentage of currently married or in union women with missing information on desire for more children
175 PR_DESC_W_TOT Married women: Total Percentage of currently married/in union women: Total
176 PR_DESC_W_NUM Number of currently married women Number of currently married/in union women
177 PR_DESC_W_UNW Number of currently married women (unweighted) Number of currently married/in union women (unweighted)
178 PR_DESC_M_ASN Desire for more children [Men]: Have another soon Percentage of currently married or in union men who want to have another child soon
179 PR_DESC_M_ALT Desire for more children [Men]: Have another later Percentage of currently married or in union men who want to have another child later
180 PR_DESC_M_AUN Desire for more children [Men]: Wants, unsure timing Percentage of currently married or in union men who want another child but are unsure of the timing
181 PR_DESC_M_UND Desire for more children [Men]: Undecided Percentage of currently married or in union men who undecided if they want another child
182 PR_DESC_M_WNM Desire for more children [Men]: Wants no more Percentage of currently married or in union men who want no more children
183 PR_DESC_M_STR Desire for more children [Men]: Sterilized Percentage of currently married or in union men who are sterilized
184 PR_DESC_M_INF Desire for more children [Men]: Declared infecund Percentage of currently married or in union men who declare that they are infecund
185 PR_DESC_M_MIS Desire for more children [Men]: Missing Percentage of currently married or in union men with missing information on desire for more children
186 PR_DESC_M_TOT Married men: Total Percentage of currently married/in union men: Total
187 PR_DESC_M_NUM Number of currently married men Number of currently married/in union men
188 PR_DESC_M_UNW Number of currently married men (unweighted) Number of currently married/in union men (unweighted)
189 PR_DESL_W_WNM Women who want no more children Percentage of currently married or in union women who want no more children or are sterilized
190 PR_DESL_W_NUM Number of currently married women Number of currently married/in union women
191 PR_DESL_W_UNW Number of currently married women (unweighted) Number of currently married/in union women (unweighted)
192 PR_DESL_M_WNM Men who want no more children Percentage of currently married or in union men who want no more children or are sterilized
193 PR_DESL_M_NUM Number of currently married men Number of currently married/in union men
194 PR_DESL_M_UNW Number of currently married men (unweighted) Number of currently married/in union men (unweighted)
195 PR_IDLC_W_ID0 Ideal number of children [Women]: 0 Percentage of all women whose ideal number of children is 0
196 PR_IDLC_W_ID1 Ideal number of children [Women]: 1 Percentage of all women whose ideal number of children is 1
197 PR_IDLC_W_ID2 Ideal number of children [Women]: 2 Percentage of all women whose ideal number of children is 2
198 PR_IDLC_W_ID3 Ideal number of children [Women]: 3 Percentage of all women whose ideal number of children is 3
199 PR_IDLC_W_ID4 Ideal number of children [Women]: 4 Percentage of all women whose ideal number of children is 4
200 PR_IDLC_W_ID5 Ideal number of children [Women]: 5 Percentage of all women whose ideal number of children is 5
201 PR_IDLC_W_ID6 Ideal number of children [Women]: 6+ Percentage of all women whose ideal number of children is 6+
202 PR_IDLC_W_IDN Ideal number of children [Women]: Non-numeric response Percentage of all women whose response for the ideal number of children is a non-numeric response
203 PR_IDLC_W_TOT Women: Total Percentage of all women: Total
204 PR_IDLC_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
205 PR_IDLC_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
206 PR_IDLC_W_MNA Mean ideal number of children for all women Mean ideal number of children for all women
207 PR_IDLC_W_NMA Number of women with a numeric response for ideal number of children Number of women with a numeric response for ideal number of children
208 PR_IDLC_W_UNA Number of women with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted) Number of women with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted)
209 PR_IDLC_W_MNM Mean ideal number of children for currently married women Mean ideal number of children for currently married women
210 PR_IDLC_W_NMM Number of married women with a numeric response for ideal number of children Number of currently married or in union women with a numeric response for ideal number of children
211 PR_IDLC_W_UNM Number of married women with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted)
212 PR_IDLC_M_ID0 Ideal number of children [Men]: 0 Percentage of all men whose ideal number of children is 0
213 PR_IDLC_M_ID1 Ideal number of children [Men]: 1 Percentage of all men whose ideal number of children is 1
214 PR_IDLC_M_ID2 Ideal number of children [Men]: 2 Percentage of all men whose ideal number of children is 2
215 PR_IDLC_M_ID3 Ideal number of children [Men]: 3 Percentage of all men whose ideal number of children is 3
216 PR_IDLC_M_ID4 Ideal number of children [Men]: 4 Percentage of all men whose ideal number of children is 4
217 PR_IDLC_M_ID5 Ideal number of children [Men]: 5 Percentage of all men whose ideal number of children is 5
218 PR_IDLC_M_ID6 Ideal number of children [Men]: 6+ Percentage of all men whose ideal number of children is 6+
219 PR_IDLC_M_IDN Ideal number of children [Men]: Non-numeric response Percentage of all men whose response for the ideal number of children is a non-numeric response
220 PR_IDLC_M_TOT Men: Total Percentage of all men: Total
221 PR_IDLC_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
222 PR_IDLC_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
223 PR_IDLC_M_MNA Mean ideal number of children for all men Mean ideal number of children for all men
224 PR_IDLC_M_NMA Number of men with a numeric response for ideal number of children Number of men with a numeric response for ideal number of children
225 PR_IDLC_M_UNA Number of men with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted) Number of men with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted)
226 PR_IDLC_M_MNM Mean ideal number of children for currently married men Mean ideal number of children for currently married men
227 PR_IDLC_M_NMM Number of married men with a numeric response for ideal number of children Number of currently married or in union men with a numeric response for ideal number of children
228 PR_IDLC_M_UNM Number of married men with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union men with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted)
229 PR_IDLC_M_M5A Mean ideal number of children for all men 15-54(59) Mean ideal number of children for all men age 15-54(59)
230 PR_IDLC_M_N5A Number of men age 15-54(59) with a numeric response for ideal number of children Number of men age 15-49(54,59) with a numeric response for ideal number of children
231 PR_IDLC_M_U5A Number of men age 15-54(59) with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted) Number of men age 15-49(54,59) with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted)
232 PR_IDLC_M_M5M Mean ideal number of children for currently married men 15-54(59) Mean ideal number of children for currently married men age 15-54(59)
233 PR_IDLC_M_N5M Number of married men age 15-54(59) with a numeric response for ideal number of children Number of currently married or in union men age 15-54(59) with a numeric response for ideal number of children
234 PR_IDLC_M_U5M Number of married men age 15-54(59) with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union men age 15-54(59) with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted)
235 PR_MIDL_W_MNA Mean ideal number of children for all women Mean ideal number of children for all women
236 PR_MIDL_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
237 PR_MIDL_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
238 PR_PLST_W_THN Percentage of births wanted then Percentage of births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey wanted then
239 PR_PLST_W_LAT Percentage of births wanted later Percentage of births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey wanted later
240 PR_PLST_W_NOM Percentage of births not wanted at all Percentage of births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey not wanted at all
241 PR_PLST_W_MIS Percentage of births unsure about wantedness/with missing information on wantedness of birth Percentage of births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey unsure about wantedness/with missing information on wantedness of birth
242 PR_PLST_W_TOT Percentage of births: Total Percentage of births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey: Total
243 PR_PLST_W_NUM Number of births in the last five (or three) years Number of births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey
244 PR_PLST_W_UNW Number of births in the last five (or three) years (unweighted) Number of births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey (unweighted)
245 PR_PLSA_W_THN Percentage of pregnancy outcomes wanted then Percentage of pregnancy outcomes in the three/five years preceding the survey wanted then
246 PR_PLSA_W_LAT Percentage of pregnancy outcomes wanted later Percentage of pregnancy outcomes in the three/five years preceding the survey wanted later
247 PR_PLSA_W_NOM Percentage of pregnancy outcomes not wanted at all Percentage of pregnancy outcomes in the three/five years preceding the survey not wanted at all
248 PR_PLSA_W_MIS Percentage of pregnancy outcomes unsure about wantedness/with missing information on wantedness of birth Percentage of pregnancy outcomes in the three/five years preceding the survey unsure about wantedness/with missing information on wantedness of birth
249 PR_PLSA_W_TOT Percentage of pregnancy outcomes: Total Percentage of pregnancy outcomes in the three/five years preceding the survey: Total
250 PR_PLSA_W_NUM Number of pregnancy outcomes in the last three/five years Number of pregnancy outcomes in the three/five years preceding the survey
251 PR_PLSA_W_UNW Number of pregnancy outcomes in the last three/five years (unweighted) Number of pregnancy outcomes in the three/five years preceding the survey (unweighted)
252 PR_WTFR_W_WFR Total wanted fertility rate Total wanted fertility rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 15-49 expressed per woman. Total wanted fertility rate is calculated in the same way as the total fertility rate, but only including wanted births. A birth is considered wanted if the number of living children plus this birth is less than or equal to the ideal number of children
253 FP_KMTA_W_ANY Knowledge of any method of contraception (all women) Percentage of women who know any method of contraception
254 FP_KMTA_W_MOD Knowledge of any modern method of contraception (all women) Percentage of women who know any modern method of contraception
255 FP_KMTA_W_FST Knowledge of female sterilization (all women) Percentage of women who know of female sterilization
256 FP_KMTA_W_MST Knowledge of male sterilization (all women) Percentage of women who know of male sterilization
257 FP_KMTA_W_PIL Knowledge of pill (all women) Percentage of women who know of pill
258 FP_KMTA_W_IUD Knowledge of IUD (all women) Percentage of women who know of IUD
259 FP_KMTA_W_INJ Knowledge of injections (all women) Percentage of women who know of injections
260 FP_KMTA_W_DFJ Knowledge of diaphragm, foam or jelly (all women) Percentage of women who know of diaphragm, foam or jelly
261 FP_KMTA_W_IMP Knowledge of implants (all women) Percentage of women who know of implants
262 FP_KMTA_W_MCN Knowledge of condom (all women) Percentage of women who know of condom
263 FP_KMTA_W_FCN Knowledge of female condom (all women) Percentage of women who know of female condom
264 FP_KMTA_W_LAM Knowledge of lactational amenorrhea method (all women) Percentage of women who know of lactational amenorrhea method
265 FP_KMTA_W_EMC Knowledge of emergency contraception (all women) Percentage of women who know of emergency contraception
266 FP_KMTA_W_DIA Knowledge of diaphragm (all women) Percentage of women who know of diaphragm
267 FP_KMTA_W_FOM Knowledge of foam or jelly (all women) Percentage of women who know of foam or jelly
268 FP_KMTA_W_MPL Knowledge of monthly pill (all women) Percentage of women who know of monthly pill
269 FP_KMTA_W_STD Knowledge of standard days method (all women) Percentage of women who know of standard days method
270 FP_KMTA_W_OMD Knowledge of other modern methods (all women) Percentage of women who know of other modern methods
271 FP_KMTA_W_TRA Knowledge of any traditional method (all women) Percentage of women who know of any traditional method
272 FP_KMTA_W_RHY Knowledge of periodic abstinence (all women) Percentage of women who know of periodic abstinence
273 FP_KMTA_W_WTH Knowledge of withdrawal (all women) Percentage of women who know of withdrawal
274 FP_KMTA_W_BRF Knowledge of breastfeeding (all women) Percentage of women who know of breastfeeding
275 FP_KMTA_W_OTR Knowledge of other traditional methods (all women) Percentage of women who know of other traditional methods
276 FP_KMTA_W_FLK Knowledge of any folk method (all women) Percentage of women who know of any folk method
277 FP_KMTA_W_TFK Knowledge of any traditional or folk method (all women) Percentage of women who know of any traditional or folk method
278 FP_KMTA_W_MNM Mean number of methods known Mean number of methods known by respondents 15-49
279 FP_KMTA_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
280 FP_KMTA_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
281 FP_KMTA_M_ANY Knowledge of any method of contraception (all men) Percentage of men who know any method of contraception
282 FP_KMTA_M_MOD Knowledge of any modern method of contraception (all men) Percentage of men who know any modern method of contraception
283 FP_KMTA_M_FST Knowledge of female sterilization (all men) Percentage of men who know of female sterilization
284 FP_KMTA_M_MST Knowledge of male sterilization (all men) Percentage of men who know of male sterilization
285 FP_KMTA_M_PIL Knowledge of pill (all men) Percentage of men who know of pill
286 FP_KMTA_M_IUD Knowledge of IUD (all men) Percentage of men who know of IUD
287 FP_KMTA_M_INJ Knowledge of injections (all men) Percentage of men who know of injections
288 FP_KMTA_M_DFJ Knowledge of diaphragm, foam or jelly (all men) Percentage of men who know of diaphragm, foam or jelly
289 FP_KMTA_M_IMP Knowledge of implants (all men) Percentage of men who know of implants
290 FP_KMTA_M_MCN Knowledge of condom (all men) Percentage of men who know of condom
291 FP_KMTA_M_FCN Knowledge of female condom (all men) Percentage of men who know of female condom
292 FP_KMTA_M_LAM Knowledge of lactational amenorrhea method (all men) Percentage of men who know of lactational amenorrhea method
293 FP_KMTA_M_EMC Knowledge of emergency contraception (all men) Percentage of men who know of emergency contraception
294 FP_KMTA_M_DIA Knowledge of diaphragm (all men) Percentage of men who know of diaphragm
295 FP_KMTA_M_FOM Knowledge of foam or jelly (all men) Percentage of men who know of foam or jelly
296 FP_KMTA_M_MPL Knowledge of monthly pill (all men) Percentage of men who know of monthly pill
297 FP_KMTA_M_STD Knowledge of standard days method (all men) Percentage of men who know of standard days method
298 FP_KMTA_M_OMD Knowledge of other modern methods (all men) Percentage of men who know of other modern methods
299 FP_KMTA_M_TRA Knowledge of any traditional method (all men) Percentage of men who know of any traditional method
300 FP_KMTA_M_RHY Knowledge of periodic abstinence (all men) Percentage of men who know of periodic abstinence
301 FP_KMTA_M_WTH Knowledge of withdrawal (all men) Percentage of men who know of withdrawal
302 FP_KMTA_M_BRF Knowledge of breastfeeding (all men) Percentage of men who know of breastfeeding
303 FP_KMTA_M_OTR Knowledge of other traditional methods (all men) Percentage of men who know of other traditional methods
304 FP_KMTA_M_FLK Knowledge of any folk method (all men) Percentage of men who know of any folk method
305 FP_KMTA_M_TFK Knowledge of any traditional or folk method (all men) Percentage of men who know of any traditional or folk method
306 FP_KMTA_M_MNM Mean number of methods known (all men) Mean number of contraceptive methods known by all men
307 FP_KMTA_M_NUM Number of men 15-49 Number of men 15-49
308 FP_KMTA_M_UNW Number of men 15-49 (unweighted) Number of men 15-49 (unweighted)
309 FP_KMTA_M_UN5 Number of men 15-54(59) (unweighted) Number of men 15-54(59) (unweighted)
310 FP_KMTM_W_ANY Knowledge of any method of contraception (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know any method of contraception
311 FP_KMTM_W_MOD Knowledge of any modern method of contraception (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know any modern method of contraception
312 FP_KMTM_W_FST Knowledge of female sterilization (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of female sterilization
313 FP_KMTM_W_MST Knowledge of male sterilization (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of male sterilization
314 FP_KMTM_W_PIL Knowledge of pill (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of pill
315 FP_KMTM_W_IUD Knowledge of IUD (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of IUD
316 FP_KMTM_W_INJ Knowledge of injections (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of injections
317 FP_KMTM_W_DFJ Knowledge of diaphragm, foam or jelly (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of diaphragm, foam or jelly
318 FP_KMTM_W_IMP Knowledge of implants (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of implants
319 FP_KMTM_W_MCN Knowledge of condom (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of condom
320 FP_KMTM_W_FCN Knowledge of female condom (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of female condom
321 FP_KMTM_W_LAM Knowledge of lactational amenorrhea method (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of lactational amenorrhea method
322 FP_KMTM_W_EMC Knowledge of emergency contraception (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of emergency contraception
323 FP_KMTM_W_DIA Knowledge of diaphragm (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of diaphragm
324 FP_KMTM_W_FOM Knowledge of foam or jelly (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of foam or jelly
325 FP_KMTM_W_MPL Knowledge of monthly pill (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of monthly pill
326 FP_KMTM_W_STD Knowledge of standard days method (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of standard days method
327 FP_KMTM_W_OMD Knowledge of other modern methods (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of other modern methods
328 FP_KMTM_W_TRA Knowledge of any traditional method (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of any traditional method
329 FP_KMTM_W_RHY Knowledge of periodic abstinence (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of periodic abstinence
330 FP_KMTM_W_WTH Knowledge of withdrawal (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of withdrawal
331 FP_KMTM_W_BRF Knowledge of breastfeeding (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of breastfeeding
332 FP_KMTM_W_OTR Knowledge of other traditional methods (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of other traditional methods
333 FP_KMTM_W_FLK Knowledge of any folk method (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of any folk method
334 FP_KMTM_W_TFK Knowledge of any traditional or folk method (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of any traditional or folk method
335 FP_KMTM_W_MNM Mean number of methods known (married women) Mean number of contraceptive methods known by currently married or in union women
336 FP_KMTM_W_NUM Number of married women Number of currently married or in union women
337 FP_KMTM_W_UNW Number of married women (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women (unweighted)
338 FP_KMTM_M_ANY Knowledge of any method of contraception (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know any method of contraception
339 FP_KMTM_M_MOD Knowledge of any modern method of contraception (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know any modern method of contraception
340 FP_KMTM_M_FST Knowledge of female sterilization (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of female sterilization
341 FP_KMTM_M_MST Knowledge of male sterilization (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of male sterilization
342 FP_KMTM_M_PIL Knowledge of pill (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of pill
343 FP_KMTM_M_IUD Knowledge of IUD (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of IUD
344 FP_KMTM_M_INJ Knowledge of injections (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of injections
345 FP_KMTM_M_DFJ Knowledge of diaphragm, foam or jelly (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of diaphragm, foam or jelly
346 FP_KMTM_M_IMP Knowledge of implants (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of implants
347 FP_KMTM_M_MCN Knowledge of condom (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of condom
348 FP_KMTM_M_FCN Knowledge of female condom (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of female condom
349 FP_KMTM_M_LAM Knowledge of lactational amenorrhea method (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of lactational amenorrhea method
350 FP_KMTM_M_EMC Knowledge of emergency contraception (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of emergency contraception
351 FP_KMTM_M_DIA Knowledge of diaphragm (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of diaphragm
352 FP_KMTM_M_FOM Knowledge of foam or jelly (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of foam or jelly
353 FP_KMTM_M_MPL Knowledge of monthly pill (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of monthly pill
354 FP_KMTM_M_STD Knowledge of standard days method (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of standard days method
355 FP_KMTM_M_OMD Knowledge of other modern methods (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of other modern methods
356 FP_KMTM_M_TRA Knowledge of any traditional method (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of any traditional method
357 FP_KMTM_M_RHY Knowledge of periodic abstinence (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of periodic abstinence
358 FP_KMTM_M_WTH Knowledge of withdrawal (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of withdrawal
359 FP_KMTM_M_OTR Knowledge of other traditional methods (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of other traditional methods
360 FP_KMTM_M_FLK Knowledge of any folk method (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of any folk method
361 FP_KMTM_M_TFK Knowledge of any traditional or folk method (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of any traditional or folk method
362 FP_KMTM_M_MNM Mean number of contraceptive methods known (married men age 15-49) Mean number of contraceptive methods known by currently married or in union men age 15-49
363 FP_KMTM_M_NUM Number of married men 15-49 Number of currently married or in union men 15-49
364 FP_KMTM_M_UNW Number of married men 15-49 (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union men 15-49 (unweighted)
365 FP_KMTM_M_UN5 Number of married men 15-54(59) (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union men 15-54(59) (unweighted)
366 FP_KMTU_W_ANY Knowledge of any method of contraception (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know any method of contraception
367 FP_KMTU_W_MOD Knowledge of any modern method of contraception (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know any modern method of contraception
368 FP_KMTU_W_FST Knowledge of female sterilization (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of female sterilization
369 FP_KMTU_W_MST Knowledge of male sterilization (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of male sterilization
370 FP_KMTU_W_PIL Knowledge of pill (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of pill
371 FP_KMTU_W_IUD Knowledge of IUD (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of IUD
372 FP_KMTU_W_INJ Knowledge of injections (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of injections
373 FP_KMTU_W_DFJ Knowledge of diaphragm, foam or jelly (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of diaphragm, foam or jelly
374 FP_KMTU_W_IMP Knowledge of implants (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of implants
375 FP_KMTU_W_MCN Knowledge of condom (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of condom
376 FP_KMTU_W_FCN Knowledge of female condom (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of female condom
377 FP_KMTU_W_LAM Knowledge of lactational amenorrhea method (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of lactational amenorrhea method
378 FP_KMTU_W_EMC Knowledge of emergency contraception (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of emergency contraception
379 FP_KMTU_W_DIA Knowledge of diaphragm (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of diaphragm
380 FP_KMTU_W_FOM Knowledge of foam or jelly (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of foam or jelly
381 FP_KMTU_W_MPL Knowledge of monthly pill (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of monthly pill
382 FP_KMTU_W_STD Knowledge of standard days method (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of standard days method
383 FP_KMTU_W_OMD Knowledge of other modern methods (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of other modern methods
384 FP_KMTU_W_TRA Knowledge of any traditional method (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of any traditional method
385 FP_KMTU_W_RHY Knowledge of periodic abstinence (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of periodic abstinence
386 FP_KMTU_W_WTH Knowledge of withdrawal (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of withdrawal
387 FP_KMTU_W_BRF Knowledge of breastfeeding (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of breastfeeding
388 FP_KMTU_W_OTR Knowledge of other traditional methods (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of other traditional methods
389 FP_KMTU_W_FLK Knowledge of any folk method (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of any folk method
390 FP_KMTU_W_TFK Knowledge of any traditional or folk method (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of any traditional or folk method
391 FP_KMTU_W_MNM Mean number of contraceptive methods known (sexually active unmarried women) Mean number of contraceptive methods known by sexually active unmarried women
392 FP_KMTU_W_NUM Number of sexually active unmarried women Number of sexually active unmarried women
393 FP_KMTU_W_UNW Number of sexually active unmarried women (unweighted) Number of sexually active unmarried women (unweighted)
394 FP_KMTU_M_ANY Knowledge of any method of contraception (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know any method of contraception
395 FP_KMTU_M_MOD Knowledge of any modern method of contraception (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know any modern method of contraception
396 FP_KMTU_M_FST Knowledge of female sterilization (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of female sterilization
397 FP_KMTU_M_MST Knowledge of male sterilization (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of male sterilization
398 FP_KMTU_M_PIL Knowledge of pill (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of pill
399 FP_KMTU_M_IUD Knowledge of IUD (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of IUD
400 FP_KMTU_M_INJ Knowledge of injections (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of injections
401 FP_KMTU_M_DFJ Knowledge of diaphragm, foam or jelly (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of diaphragm, foam or jelly
402 FP_KMTU_M_IMP Knowledge of implants (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of implants
403 FP_KMTU_M_MCN Knowledge of condom (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of condom
404 FP_KMTU_M_FCN Knowledge of female condom (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of female condom
405 FP_KMTU_M_LAM Knowledge of lactational amenorrhea method (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of lactational amenorrhea method
406 FP_KMTU_M_EMC Knowledge of emergency contraception (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of emergency contraception
407 FP_KMTU_M_DIA Knowledge of diaphragm (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of diaphragm
408 FP_KMTU_M_FOM Knowledge of foam or jelly (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of foam or jelly
409 FP_KMTU_M_MPL Knowledge of monthly pill (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of monthly pill
410 FP_KMTU_M_STD Knowledge of standard days method (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of standard days method
411 FP_KMTU_M_OMD Knowledge of other modern methods (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of other modern methods
412 FP_KMTU_M_TRA Knowledge of any traditional method (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of any traditional method
413 FP_KMTU_M_RHY Knowledge of periodic abstinence (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of periodic abstinence
414 FP_KMTU_M_WTH Knowledge of withdrawal (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of withdrawal
415 FP_KMTU_M_OTR Knowledge of other traditional methods (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of other traditional methods
416 FP_KMTU_M_FLK Knowledge of any folk method (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of any folk method
417 FP_KMTU_M_TFK Knowledge of any traditional or folk method (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of any traditional or folk method
418 FP_KMTU_M_MNM Mean number of methods known by sexually active unmarried men age 15-49 Mean number of methods known by sexually active unmarried men age 15-49
419 FP_KMTU_M_NUM Number of sexually active unmarried men 15-49 Number of sexually active unmarried men 15-49
420 FP_KMTU_M_UNW Number of sexually active unmarried men 15-49 (unweighted) Number of sexually active unmarried men 15-49 (unweighted)
421 FP_KMTU_M_UN5 Number of sexually active unmarried men 15-54(59) (unweighted) Number of sexually active unmarried men 15-54(59) (unweighted)
422 FP_KMET_W_ANY Knowledge of any method of contraception among married women Percentage of currently married/in union women who know any method of contraception
423 FP_KMET_W_MOD Knowledge of any modern method of contraception amonth married women Percentage of currently married/in union women who know any modern method of contraception
424 FP_KMET_W_NUM Number of married women Number of currently married/in union women
425 FP_KMET_W_UNW Number of married women (unweighted) Number of currently married/in union women (unweighted)
426 FP_KMET_M_ANY Knowledge of any method of contraception among married men Percentage of currently married/in union men who know any method of contraception
427 FP_KMET_M_MOD Knowledge of any modern method of contraception amonth married men Percentage of currently married/in union men who know any modern method of contraception
428 FP_KMET_M_NUM Number of married men Number of currently married/in union men
429 FP_KMET_M_UNW Number of married men (unweighted) Number of currently married/in union men (unweighted)
430 FP_EVUA_W_ANY Ever use of any method of contraception (all women) Percentage of women who ever used any method of contraception
431 FP_EVUA_W_MOD Ever use of any modern method of contraception (all women) Percentage of women who ever used any modern method of contraception
432 FP_EVUA_W_FST Ever use of female sterilization (all women) Percentage of women who ever used female sterilization
433 FP_EVUA_W_MST Ever use of male sterilization (all women) Percentage of women who ever used male sterilization
434 FP_EVUA_W_PIL Ever use of pill (all women) Percentage of women who ever used pill
435 FP_EVUA_W_IUD Ever use of IUD (all women) Percentage of women who ever used IUD
436 FP_EVUA_W_INJ Ever use of injections (all women) Percentage of women who ever used injections
437 FP_EVUA_W_DFJ Ever use of diaphragm, foam or jelly (all women) Percentage of women who ever used diaphragm, foam or jelly
438 FP_EVUA_W_IMP Ever use of implants (all women) Percentage of women who ever used implants
439 FP_EVUA_W_MCN Ever use of condom (all women) Percentage of women who ever used condom
440 FP_EVUA_W_FCN Ever use of female condom (all women) Percentage of women who ever used female condom
441 FP_EVUA_W_LAM Ever use of lactational amenorrhea (all women) Percentage of women who ever used lactational amenorrhea
442 FP_EVUA_W_EMC Ever use of emergency contraception (all women) Percentage of women who ever used emergency contraception
443 FP_EVUA_W_DIA Ever use of diaphragm (all women) Percentage of women who ever used diaphragm
444 FP_EVUA_W_FOM Ever use of foam or jelly (all women) Percentage of women who ever used foam or jelly
445 FP_EVUA_W_MPL Ever use of monthly pill (all women) Percentage of women who ever used monthly pill
446 FP_EVUA_W_STD Ever use of standard days method (all women) Percentage of women who ever used standard days method
447 FP_EVUA_W_OMD Ever use of other modern methods (all women) Percentage of women who ever used other modern methods
448 FP_EVUA_W_TRA Ever use of any traditional method (all women) Percentage of women who ever used any traditional method
449 FP_EVUA_W_RHY Ever use of periodic abstinence (all women) Percentage of women who ever used periodic abstinence
450 FP_EVUA_W_WTH Ever use of withdrawal (all women) Percentage of women who ever used withdrawal
451 FP_EVUA_W_BRF Ever use of breastfeeding (all women) Percentage of women who ever used breastfeeding
452 FP_EVUA_W_OTR Ever use of other traditional methods (all women) Percentage of women who ever used other traditional methods
453 FP_EVUA_W_FLK Ever use of any folk method (all women) Percentage of women who ever used any folk method
454 FP_EVUA_W_TFK Ever use of any traditional or folk method (all women) Percentage of women who ever used any traditional or folk method
455 FP_EVUA_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
456 FP_EVUA_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
457 FP_EVUA_M_ANY Ever use of any method of contraception (all men) Percentage of men who ever used any method of contraception
458 FP_EVUA_M_MOD Ever use of any modern method of contraception (all men) Percentage of men who ever used any modern method of contraception
459 FP_EVUA_M_FST Ever use of female sterilization (all men) Percentage of men who ever used female sterilization
460 FP_EVUA_M_MST Ever use of male sterilization (all men) Percentage of men who ever used male sterilization
461 FP_EVUA_M_PIL Ever use of pill (all men) Percentage of men who ever used pill
462 FP_EVUA_M_IUD Ever use of IUD (all men) Percentage of men who ever used IUD
463 FP_EVUA_M_INJ Ever use of injections (all men) Percentage of men who ever used injections
464 FP_EVUA_M_DFJ Ever use of diaphragm, foam or jelly (all men) Percentage of men who ever used diaphragm, foam or jelly
465 FP_EVUA_M_IMP Ever use of implants (all men) Percentage of men who ever used implants
466 FP_EVUA_M_MCN Ever use of condom (all men) Percentage of men who ever used condom
467 FP_EVUA_M_FCN Ever use of female condom (all men) Percentage of men who ever used female condom
468 FP_EVUA_M_LAM Ever use of lactational amenorrhea (all men) Percentage of men who ever used lactational amenorrhea
469 FP_EVUA_M_EMC Ever use of emergency contraception (all men) Percentage of men who ever used emergency contraception
470 FP_EVUA_M_DIA Ever use of diaphragm (all men) Percentage of men who ever used diaphragm
471 FP_EVUA_M_FOM Ever use of foam or jelly (all men) Percentage of men who ever used foam or jelly
472 FP_EVUA_M_MPL Ever use of monthly pill (all men) Percentage of men who ever used monthly pill
473 FP_EVUA_M_STD Ever use of standard days method (all men) Percentage of men who ever used standard days method
474 FP_EVUA_M_OMD Ever use of other modern methods (all men) Percentage of men who ever used other modern methods
475 FP_EVUA_M_TRA Ever use of any traditional method (all men) Percentage of men who ever used any traditional method
476 FP_EVUA_M_RHY Ever use of periodic abstinence (all men) Percentage of men who ever used periodic abstinence
477 FP_EVUA_M_WTH Ever use of withdrawal (all men) Percentage of men who ever used withdrawal
478 FP_EVUA_M_OTR Ever use of other traditional methods (all men) Percentage of men who ever used other traditional methods
479 FP_EVUA_M_FLK Ever use of any folk method (all men) Percentage of men who ever used any folk method
480 FP_EVUA_M_TFK Ever use of any traditional or folk method (all men) Percentage of men who ever used any traditional or folk method
481 FP_EVUA_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
482 FP_EVUA_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
483 FP_EVUM_W_ANY Ever use of any method of contraception (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used any method of contraception
484 FP_EVUM_W_MOD Ever use of any modern method of contraception (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used any modern method of contraception
485 FP_EVUM_W_FST Ever use of female sterilization (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used female sterilization
486 FP_EVUM_W_MST Ever use of male sterilization (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used male sterilization
487 FP_EVUM_W_PIL Ever use of pill (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used pill
488 FP_EVUM_W_IUD Ever use of IUD (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used IUD
489 FP_EVUM_W_INJ Ever use of injections (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used injections
490 FP_EVUM_W_DFJ Ever use of diaphragm, foam or jelly (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used diaphragm, foam or jelly
491 FP_EVUM_W_IMP Ever use of implants (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used implants
492 FP_EVUM_W_MCN Ever use of condom (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used condom
493 FP_EVUM_W_FCN Ever use of female condom (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used female condom
494 FP_EVUM_W_LAM Ever use of lactational amenorrhea (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used lactational amenorrhea
495 FP_EVUM_W_EMC Ever use of emergency contraception (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used emergency contraception
496 FP_EVUM_W_DIA Ever use of diaphragm (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used diaphragm
497 FP_EVUM_W_FOM Ever use of foam or jelly (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used foam or jelly
498 FP_EVUM_W_MPL Ever use of monthly pill (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used monthly pill
499 FP_EVUM_W_STD Ever use of standard days method (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used standard days method
500 FP_EVUM_W_OMD Ever use of other modern methods (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used other modern methods
501 FP_EVUM_W_TRA Ever use of any traditional method (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used any traditional method
502 FP_EVUM_W_RHY Ever use of periodic abstinence (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used periodic abstinence
503 FP_EVUM_W_WTH Ever use of withdrawal (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used withdrawal
504 FP_EVUM_W_BRF Ever use of breastfeeding (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used breastfeeding
505 FP_EVUM_W_OTR Ever use of other traditional methods (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used other traditional methods
506 FP_EVUM_W_FLK Ever use of any folk method (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used any folk method
507 FP_EVUM_W_TFK Ever use of any traditional or folk method (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used any traditional or folk method
508 FP_EVUM_W_NUM Number of married women Number of currently married or in union women
509 FP_EVUM_W_UNW Number of married women (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women (unweighted)
510 FP_EVUM_M_ANY Ever use of any method of contraception (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used any method of contraception
511 FP_EVUM_M_MOD Ever use of any modern method of contraception (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used any modern method of contraception
512 FP_EVUM_M_FST Ever use of female sterilization (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used female sterilization
513 FP_EVUM_M_MST Ever use of male sterilization (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used male sterilization
514 FP_EVUM_M_PIL Ever use of pill (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used pill
515 FP_EVUM_M_IUD Ever use of IUD (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used IUD
516 FP_EVUM_M_INJ Ever use of injections (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used injections
517 FP_EVUM_M_DFJ Ever use of diaphragm, foam or jelly (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used diaphragm, foam or jelly
518 FP_EVUM_M_IMP Ever use of implants (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used implants
519 FP_EVUM_M_MCN Ever use of condom (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used condom
520 FP_EVUM_M_FCN Ever use of female condom (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used female condom
521 FP_EVUM_M_LAM Ever use of lactational amenorrhea (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used lactational amenorrhea
522 FP_EVUM_M_EMC Ever use of emergency contraception (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used emergency contraception
523 FP_EVUM_M_DIA Ever use of diaphragm (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used diaphragm
524 FP_EVUM_M_FOM Ever use of foam or jelly (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used foam or jelly
525 FP_EVUM_M_MPL Ever use of monthly pill (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used monthly pill
526 FP_EVUM_M_STD Ever use of standard days method (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used standard days method
527 FP_EVUM_M_OMD Ever use of other modern methods (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used other modern methods
528 FP_EVUM_M_TRA Ever use of any traditional method (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used any traditional method
529 FP_EVUM_M_RHY Ever use of periodic abstinence (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used periodic abstinence
530 FP_EVUM_M_WTH Ever use of withdrawal (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used withdrawal
531 FP_EVUM_M_OTR Ever use of other traditional methods (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used other traditional methods
532 FP_EVUM_M_FLK Ever use of any folk method (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used any folk method
533 FP_EVUM_M_TFK Ever use of any traditional or folk method (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used any traditional or folk method
534 FP_EVUM_M_NUM Number of married men Number of currently married or in union men
535 FP_EVUM_M_UNW Number of married men (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union men (unweighted)
536 FP_EVUU_W_ANY Ever use of any method of contraception (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used any method of contraception
537 FP_EVUU_W_MOD Ever use of any modern method of contraception (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used any modern method of contraception
538 FP_EVUU_W_FST Ever use of female sterilization (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used female sterilization
539 FP_EVUU_W_MST Ever use of male sterilization (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used male sterilization
540 FP_EVUU_W_PIL Ever use of pill (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used pill
541 FP_EVUU_W_IUD Ever use of IUD (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used IUD
542 FP_EVUU_W_INJ Ever use of injections (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used injections
543 FP_EVUU_W_DFJ Ever use of diaphragm, foam or jelly (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used diaphragm, foam or jelly
544 FP_EVUU_W_IMP Ever use of implants (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used implants
545 FP_EVUU_W_MCN Ever use of condom (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used condom
546 FP_EVUU_W_FCN Ever use of female condom (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used female condom
547 FP_EVUU_W_LAM Ever use of lactational amenorrhea (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used lactational amenorrhea
548 FP_EVUU_W_EMC Ever use of emergency contraception (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used emergency contraception
549 FP_EVUU_W_DIA Ever use of diaphragm (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used diaphragm
550 FP_EVUU_W_FOM Ever use of foam or jelly (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used foam or jelly
551 FP_EVUU_W_MPL Ever use of monthly pill (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used monthly pill
552 FP_EVUU_W_STD Ever use of standard days method (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used standard days method
553 FP_EVUU_W_OMD Ever use of other modern methods (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used other modern methods
554 FP_EVUU_W_TRA Ever use of any traditional method (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used any traditional method
555 FP_EVUU_W_RHY Ever use of periodic abstinence (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used periodic abstinence
556 FP_EVUU_W_WTH Ever use of withdrawal (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used withdrawal
557 FP_EVUU_W_BRF Ever use of breastfeeding (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used breastfeeding
558 FP_EVUU_W_OTR Ever use of other traditional methods (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used other traditional methods
559 FP_EVUU_W_FLK Ever use of any folk method (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used any folk method
560 FP_EVUU_W_TFK Ever use of any traditional or folk method (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used any traditional or folk method
561 FP_EVUU_W_NUM Number of sexually active unmarried women Number of sexually active unmarried women
562 FP_EVUU_W_UNW Number of sexually active unmarried women (unweighted) Number of sexually active unmarried women (unweighted)
563 FP_EVUU_M_ANY Ever use of any method of contraception (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used any method of contraception
564 FP_EVUU_M_MOD Ever use of any modern method of contraception (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used any modern method of contraception
565 FP_EVUU_M_FST Ever use of female sterilization (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used female sterilization
566 FP_EVUU_M_MST Ever use of male sterilization (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used male sterilization
567 FP_EVUU_M_PIL Ever use of pill (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used pill
568 FP_EVUU_M_IUD Ever use of IUD (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used IUD
569 FP_EVUU_M_INJ Ever use of injections (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used injections
570 FP_EVUU_M_DFJ Ever use of diaphragm, foam or jelly (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used diaphragm, foam or jelly
571 FP_EVUU_M_IMP Ever use of implants (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used implants
572 FP_EVUU_M_MCN Ever use of condom (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used condom
573 FP_EVUU_M_FCN Ever use of female condom (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used female condom
574 FP_EVUU_M_LAM Ever use of lactational amenorrhea (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used lactational amenorrhea
575 FP_EVUU_M_EMC Ever use of emergency contraception (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used emergency contraception
576 FP_EVUU_M_DIA Ever use of diaphragm (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used diaphragm
577 FP_EVUU_M_FOM Ever use of foam or jelly (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used foam or jelly
578 FP_EVUU_M_MPL Ever use of monthly pill (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used monthly pill
579 FP_EVUU_M_STD Ever use of standard days method (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used standard days method
580 FP_EVUU_M_OMD Ever use of other modern methods (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used other modern methods
581 FP_EVUU_M_TRA Ever use of any traditional method (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used any traditional method
582 FP_EVUU_M_RHY Ever use of periodic abstinence (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used periodic abstinence
583 FP_EVUU_M_WTH Ever use of withdrawal (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used withdrawal
584 FP_EVUU_M_OTR Ever use of other traditional methods (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used other traditional methods
585 FP_EVUU_M_FLK Ever use of any folk method (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used any folk method
586 FP_EVUU_M_TFK Ever use of any traditional or folk method (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used any traditional or folk method
587 FP_EVUU_M_NUM Number of sexually active unmarried men Number of sexually active unmarried men
588 FP_EVUU_M_UNW Number of sexually active unmarried men (unweighted) Number of sexually active unmarried men (unweighted)
589 FP_CUSA_W_ANY Current use of any method of contraception (all women) Percentage of women currently using any method of contraception
590 FP_CUSA_W_MOD Current use of any modern method of contraception (all women) Percentage of women currently using any modern method of contraception
591 FP_CUSA_W_FST Current use of female sterilization (all women) Percentage of women currently using female sterilization
592 FP_CUSA_W_MST Current use of male sterilization (all women) Percentage of women currently using male sterilization
593 FP_CUSA_W_PIL Current use of pill (all women) Percentage of women currently using pill
594 FP_CUSA_W_IUD Current use of IUD (all women) Percentage of women currently using IUD
595 FP_CUSA_W_INJ Current use of injections (all women) Percentage of women currently using injections
596 FP_CUSA_W_DFJ Current use of diaphragm, foam or jelly (all women) Percentage of women currently using diaphragm, foam or jelly
597 FP_CUSA_W_IMP Current use of implants (all women) Percentage of women currently using implants
598 FP_CUSA_W_MCN Current use of condom (all women) Percentage of women currently using condom
599 FP_CUSA_W_FCN Current use of female condom (all women) Percentage of women currently using female condom
600 FP_CUSA_W_LAM Current use of lactational amenorrhea (all women) Percentage of women currently using lactational amenorrhea
601 FP_CUSA_W_EMC Current use of emergency contraception (all women) Percentage of women currently using emergency contraception
602 FP_CUSA_W_DIA Current use of diaphragm (all women) Percentage of women currently using diaphragm
603 FP_CUSA_W_FOM Current use of foam or jelly (all women) Percentage of women currently using foam or jelly
604 FP_CUSA_W_MPL Current use of monthly pill (all women) Percentage of women currently using monthly pill
605 FP_CUSA_W_STD Current use of standard days method (all women) Percentage of women currently using standard days method
606 FP_CUSA_W_OMD Current use of other modern methods (all women) Percentage of women currently using other modern methods
607 FP_CUSA_W_TRA Current use of any traditional method (all women) Percentage of women currently using any traditional method
608 FP_CUSA_W_RHY Current use of periodic abstinence (all women) Percentage of women currently using periodic abstinence
609 FP_CUSA_W_WTH Current use of withdrawal (all women) Percentage of women currently using withdrawal
610 FP_CUSA_W_BRF Current use of breastfeeding (all women) Percentage of women currently using breastfeeding
611 FP_CUSA_W_OTR Current use of other traditional methods (all women) Percentage of women currently using other traditional methods
612 FP_CUSA_W_FLK Current use of any folk method (all women) Percentage of women currently using any folk method
613 FP_CUSA_W_TFK Current use of any traditional or folk method (all women) Percentage of women currently using any traditional or folk method
614 FP_CUSA_W_NCU Women not currently using any method Percentage of women not currently using any method
615 FP_CUSA_W_TOT Women: Total Percentage of women: Total
616 FP_CUSA_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
617 FP_CUSA_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
618 FP_CUSM_W_ANY Married women currently using any method of contraception Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using any method of contraception
619 FP_CUSM_W_MOD Married women currently using any modern method of contraception Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using any modern method of contraception
620 FP_CUSM_W_FST Married women currently using female sterilization Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using female sterilization
621 FP_CUSM_W_MST Married women currently using male sterilization Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using male sterilization
622 FP_CUSM_W_PIL Married women currently using pill Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using pill
623 FP_CUSM_W_IUD Married women currently using IUD Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using IUD
624 FP_CUSM_W_INJ Married women currently using injections Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using injections
625 FP_CUSM_W_DFJ Married women currently using diaphragm, foam or jelly Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using diaphragm, foam or jelly
626 FP_CUSM_W_IMP Married women currently using implants Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using implants
627 FP_CUSM_W_MCN Married women currently using condom Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using condom
628 FP_CUSM_W_FCN Married women currently using female condom Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using female condom
629 FP_CUSM_W_LAM Married women currently using lactational amenorrhea Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using lactational amenorrhea
630 FP_CUSM_W_EMC Married women currently using emergency contraception Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using emergency contraception
631 FP_CUSM_W_DIA Married women currently using diaphragm Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using diaphragm
632 FP_CUSM_W_FOM Married women currently using foam or jelly Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using foam or jelly
633 FP_CUSM_W_MPL Married women currently using monthly pill Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using monthly pill
634 FP_CUSM_W_STD Married women currently using standard days method Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using standard days method
635 FP_CUSM_W_OMD Married women currently using other modern methods Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using other modern methods
636 FP_CUSM_W_TRA Married women currently using any traditional method Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using any traditional method
637 FP_CUSM_W_RHY Married women currently using periodic abstinence Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using periodic abstinence
638 FP_CUSM_W_WTH Married women currently using withdrawal Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using withdrawal
639 FP_CUSM_W_BRF Married women currently using breastfeeding Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using breastfeeding
640 FP_CUSM_W_OTR Married women currently using other traditional methods Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using other traditional methods
641 FP_CUSM_W_FLK Married women currently using any folk method Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using any folk method
642 FP_CUSM_W_TFK Married women currently using any traditional or folk method Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using any traditional or folk method
643 FP_CUSM_W_NCU Married women not currently using any method Percentage of currently married or in union women not currently using any method
644 FP_CUSM_W_TOT Married women: Total Percentage of currently married or in union women: Total
645 FP_CUSM_W_NUM Number of married women Number of currently married or in union women
646 FP_CUSM_W_UNW Number of married women (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women (unweighted)
647 FP_CUSU_W_ANY Current use of any method of contraception (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using any method of contraception
648 FP_CUSU_W_MOD Current use of any modern method of contraception (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using any modern method of contraception
649 FP_CUSU_W_FST Current use of female sterilization (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using female sterilization
650 FP_CUSU_W_MST Current use of male sterilization (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using male sterilization
651 FP_CUSU_W_PIL Current use of pill (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using pill
652 FP_CUSU_W_IUD Current use of IUD (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using IUD
653 FP_CUSU_W_INJ Current use of injections (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using injections
654 FP_CUSU_W_IMP Current use of implants (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using implants
655 FP_CUSU_W_MCN Current use of condom (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using condom
656 FP_CUSU_W_FCN Current use of female condom (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using female condom
657 FP_CUSU_W_LAM Current use of lactational amenorrhea (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using lactational amenorrhea
658 FP_CUSU_W_EMC Current use of emergency contraception (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using emergency contraception
659 FP_CUSU_W_DIA Current use of diaphragm (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using diaphragm
660 FP_CUSU_W_FOM Current use of foam or jelly (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using foam or jelly
661 FP_CUSU_W_MPL Current use of monthly pill (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using monthly pill
662 FP_CUSU_W_STD Current use of standard days method (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using standard days method
663 FP_CUSU_W_OMD Current use of other modern methods (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using other modern methods
664 FP_CUSU_W_TRA Current use of any traditional method (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using any traditional method
665 FP_CUSU_W_RHY Current use of periodic abstinence (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using periodic abstinence
666 FP_CUSU_W_WTH Current use of withdrawal (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using withdrawal
667 FP_CUSU_W_BRF Current use of breastfeeding (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using breastfeeding
668 FP_CUSU_W_OTR Current use of other traditional methods (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using other traditional methods
669 FP_CUSU_W_FLK Current use of any folk method (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using any folk method
670 FP_CUSU_W_TFK Current use of any traditional or folk method (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using any traditional or folk method
671 FP_CUSU_W_NCU Sexually active unmarried women not currently using any method Percentage of sexually active unmarried women not currently using any method
672 FP_CUSU_W_TOT Sexually active unmarried women: total Percentage of sexually active unmarried women: Total
673 FP_CUSU_W_NUM Number of sexually active unmarried women Number of sexually active unmarried women
674 FP_CUSU_W_UNW Number of sexually active unmarried women (unweighted) Number of sexually active unmarried women (unweighted)
675 FP_CUSY_W_ANY Current use of any method of contraception (young women) Percentage of young women currently using any method of contraception
676 FP_CUSY_W_MOD Current use of any modern method of contraception (young women) Percentage of young women currently using any modern method of contraception
677 FP_CUSY_W_NCU Young women not currently using any method Percentage of young women not currently using any method
678 FP_CUSY_W_TOT Young women: Total Percentage of young women: Total
679 FP_CUSY_W_NUM Number of young women Number of young women
680 FP_CUSY_W_UNW Number of young women (unweighted) Number of young women (unweighted)
681 FP_ASTR_W_A20 Age at sterilization: <25 Percentage of sterilized women sterilized at age <25
682 FP_ASTR_W_A25 Age at sterilization: 25-29 Percentage of sterilized women sterilized at age 25-29
683 FP_ASTR_W_A30 Age at sterilization: 30-34 Percentage of sterilized women sterilized at age 30-34
684 FP_ASTR_W_A35 Age at sterilization: 35-39 Percentage of sterilized women sterilized at age 35-39
685 FP_ASTR_W_A40 Age at sterilization: 40-44 Percentage of sterilized women sterilized at age 40-44
686 FP_ASTR_W_A45 Age at sterilization: 45-49 Percentage of sterilized women sterilized at age 45-49
687 FP_ASTR_W_TOT Sterilized women: Total Percentage of sterilized women: Total
688 FP_ASTR_W_NUM Sterilized women Number of sterilized women
689 FP_ASTR_W_UNW Sterilized women (unweighted) Number of sterilized women (unweighted)
690 FP_ASTR_W_MED Median age at sterilization Median age at sterilization for sterilized women
691 FP_SRCM_W_PUB Current users most recent supply or information from a public source Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a public source
692 FP_SRCM_W_GHS Current users most recent supply or information from a government hospital Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a government hospital
693 FP_SRCM_W_GHC Current users most recent supply or information from a government health center Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a government health center
694 FP_SRCM_W_GFP Current users most recent supply or information from a family planning clinic Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a family planning clinic
695 FP_SRCM_W_GMB Current users most recent supply or information from a mobile clinic Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a mobile clinic
696 FP_SRCM_W_GFW Current users most recent supply or information from a fieldworker Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a fieldworker
697 FP_SRCM_W_GOT Current users most recent supply or information from an other public medical source Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from an other public medical source
698 FP_SRCM_W_PRV Current users most recent supply or information from a private medical source Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a private medical source
699 FP_SRCM_W_PHS Current users most recent supply or information from a private hospital/clinic Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a private hospital/clinic
700 FP_SRCM_W_PPH Current users most recent supply or information from a pharmacy Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a pharmacy
701 FP_SRCM_W_PDR Current users most recent supply or information from a private doctor Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a private doctor
702 FP_SRCM_W_PMB Current users most recent supply or information from a mobile clinic Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a mobile clinic
703 FP_SRCM_W_PFW Current users most recent supply or information from a fieldworker Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a fieldworker
704 FP_SRCM_W_POT Current users most recent supply or information from an other private medical source Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from an other private medical source
705 FP_SRCM_W_NGS Current users most recent supply or information from NGO sector Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from NGO sector
706 FP_SRCM_W_NGH Current users most recent supply or information from an NGO hospital Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from NGO hospital
707 FP_SRCM_W_ONG Current users most recent supply or information from another NGO source Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from another NGO source
708 FP_SRCM_W_OSR Current users most recent supply or information from other non-medical sources Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from an other private non-medical sources
709 FP_SRCM_W_SHP Current users most recent supply or information from a shop Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a shop
710 FP_SRCM_W_CHH Current users most recent supply or information from a church Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a church
711 FP_SRCM_W_FRR Current users most recent supply or information from a friend/relative Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a friend/relative
712 FP_SRCM_W_OTH Current users most recent supply or information from an other unspecified source Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from an other unspecified source
713 FP_SRCM_W_DKM Current users most recent supply or information from an unknown source Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from an unknown source
714 FP_SRCM_W_MIS Current users most recent supply or information: Missing Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information: Missing
715 FP_SRCM_W_TOT Current users: Total Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods: Total
716 FP_SRCM_W_NUM Current users Number of women currently using modern contraceptive methods
717 FP_SRCM_W_UNW Current users (unweighted) Number of women currently using modern contraceptive methods (unweighted)
718 FP_SPUS_W_SPU Percentage using DMPA-SC/Sayana Press Percentage of women using injectables receiving DMPA-SC/Sayana Press
719 FP_SPUS_W_NM1 Number of women using injectables Number of women using injectables
720 FP_SPUS_W_UN1 Number of women using injectables (unweighted) Number of women using injectables (unweighted)
721 FP_SPUS_W_SPS Percentage using self injection Percentage of women using DMPA-SC receiving self injection
722 FP_SPUS_W_SPH Percentage receiving injection given by health care provider Percentage of women using DMPA-SC receiving injection given by health care provider
723 FP_SPUS_W_DKM Person administering injection: Don't know Percentage of women using DMPA-SC reporting Don't know for the person administering the injection
724 FP_SPUS_W_TOT Person administering injection: Total Person administering DMPA-SC injection: Total
725 FP_SPUS_W_NM2 Number of women receiving injection Number of women receiving DMPA-SC injection
726 FP_SPUS_W_UN2 Number of women receiving injection (unweighted) Number of women receiving DMPA-SC injection (unweighted)
727 FP_ECUS_W_ECU Percentage using emergency contraception in last 12 months Percentage of women using emergency contraception in the last 12 months
728 FP_ECUS_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
729 FP_ECUS_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
730 FP_SOCM_W_PIL Using social marketing brand of pill Percentage of women currently using pills who are using a social marketing brand of pill
731 FP_SOCM_W_NPL Number of women using pills Number of women using pills
732 FP_SOCM_W_UPL Number of women using pills (unweighted) Number of women using pills (unweighted)
733 FP_SOCM_W_CON Using social marketing brand of condom Percentage of women currently using condoms who are using a social marketing brand of condom
734 FP_SOCM_W_NCN Number of women using condoms Number of women using condoms
735 FP_SOCM_W_UCN Number of women using condoms (unweighted) Number of women using condoms (unweighted)
736 FP_ICHC_W_SID Users informed about side effect or problems of method used Among women currently using modern contraceptive methods who adopted the current method in the five years preceding the survey, percentage who were informed about side effects or problems of method used
737 FP_ICHC_W_WDO Users informed what to do if experienced side effects Among women currently using modern contraceptive methods who adopted the current method in the five years preceding the survey, percentage who were informed what to do if experienced side effects
738 FP_ICHC_W_HFP Users informed about other methods Among women currently using modern contraceptive methods who adopted the current method in the five years preceding the survey, percentage who were informed about other methods that could be used
739 FP_ICHC_W_PRM Users informed that sterilization is permanent Among women who were sterilized in the five years preceding the survey, percentage who were informed that sterilization is permanent
740 FP_ICHC_W_MII Users informed of all three (Method Information Index) Among women currently using modern contraceptive methods who adopted the current method in the five years preceding the survey, percentage who were informed of all three (Method Mix Index)
741 FP_ICHC_W_NUM Number of users of selected modern methods of contraception Number of users of selected modern methods of contraception
742 FP_ICHC_W_UNW Number of users of selected modern methods of contraception (unweighted) Number of users of selected modern methods of contraception (unweighted)
743 FP_ICHC_W_SWT Users informed they could switch to another method Among women currently using modern contraceptive methods (excluding sterilization) who adopted the current method in the five years preceding the survey, percentage who were informed that they could switch to another method if they wanted to or needed to
744 FP_ICHC_W_NM1 Number of users of selected modern methods of contraception excluding sterilization Number of users of selected modern methods of contraception excluding sterilization
745 FP_ICHC_W_UN1 Number of users of selected modern methods of contraception excluding sterilization (unweighted) Number of users of selected modern methods of contraception excluding sterilization (unweighted)
746 FP_DISR_W_PRG First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to method failure Among women who started an episode of contraceptive use within the five years preceding the survey, the percentage of episodes discontinued within 12 months due to method failure
747 FP_DISR_W_DES First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to desire to become pregnant Among women who started an episode of contraceptive use within the five years preceding the survey, the percentage of episodes discontinued within 12 months due to becoming pregnant
748 FP_DISR_W_FRT First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to other fertility related reasons Among women who started an episode of contraceptive use within the five years preceding the survey, the percentage of episodes discontinued within 12 months due to other fertility related reasons
749 FP_DISR_W_MBL First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to changes in menstrual bleeding Among women who started an episode of contraceptive use within the five years preceding the survey, the percentage of episodes discontinued within 12 months due to changes in menstrual bleeding
750 FP_DISR_W_SID First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to side effects, health Among women who started an episode of contraceptive use within the five years preceding the survey, the percentage of episodes discontinued within 12 months due to side effects, health
751 FP_DISR_W_WME First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to wanting a more effective method Among women who started an episode of contraceptive use within the five years preceding the survey, the percentage of episodes discontinued within 12 months due to wanting a more effective method
752 FP_DISR_W_MET First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to other method related reasons Among women who started an episode of contraceptive use within the five years preceding the survey, the percentage of episodes discontinued within 12 months due to other method related reasons
753 FP_DISR_W_OTH First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to other reasons Among women who started an episode of contraceptive use within the five years preceding the survey, the percentage of episodes discontinued within 12 months due to other reasons
754 FP_DISR_W_ANY First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to all reasons Among women who started an episode of contraceptive use within the five years preceding the survey, the percentage of episodes discontinued within 12 months due to all reasons
755 FP_DISR_W_SWH First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to switching to another method Among women who started an episode of contraceptive use within the five years preceding the survey, the percentage of episodes discontinued within 12 months due to switching to another method
756 FP_DISR_W_NUM Number of episodes of use Number of episodes of use of the contraceptive method within the five years preceding the survey
757 FP_DISR_W_UNW Number of episodes of use (unweighted) Number of episodes of use of the contraceptive method within the five years preceding the survey (unweighted)
758 FP_RDIS_W_PRG Discontinuation due to becoming pregnant Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due to becoming pregnant
759 FP_RDIS_W_DES Discontinuation to become pregnant Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey to become pregnant
760 FP_RDIS_W_DIS Discontinuation due to husband's disapproval Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due to husband's disapproval
761 FP_RDIS_W_WME Discontinuation due to switching to a more effective method Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due to switching to a more effective method
762 FP_RDIS_W_MBL Discontinuation due to changes in menstrual bleeding Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due to changes in menstrual bleeding
763 FP_RDIS_W_SID Discontinuation due to side effects/health concerns Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due to side effects or health concerns
764 FP_RDIS_W_ACC Discontinuation due to access/availability Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due to access/availability
765 FP_RDIS_W_CST Discontinuation due to cost Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due to cost
766 FP_RDIS_W_INC Discontinuation due to method being inconvenient to use Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due to method being inconvenient to use
767 FP_RDIS_W_FAT Discontinuation as woman is fatalistic Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey as woman is fatalistic
768 FP_RDIS_W_DIF Discontinuation due to menopause Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due to menopause
769 FP_RDIS_W_INF Discontinuation due to infrequent sex Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due to infrequent sex
770 FP_RDIS_W_SEP Discontinuation due to marital dissolution Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due to marital dissolution
771 FP_RDIS_W_OTH Discontinuation due to other reasons Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due to other reasons
772 FP_RDIS_W_DKN Discontinuation due to unknown reason Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due unknown reasons
773 FP_RDIS_W_MIS Discontinuation with missing information on reason Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due with missing information on reason for discontinuation
774 FP_RDIS_W_TOT Discontinuation: Total Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey: Total
775 FP_RDIS_W_NUM Number of discontinuations Number of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey
776 FP_RDIS_W_UNW Number of discontinuations (unweighted) Number of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey (unweighted)
777 FP_KFTP_W_BEF Believes fertile period is before period begins Percentage of women who believe the fertile period is before period begins
778 FP_KFTP_W_DUR Believes fertile period is during her period Percentage of women who believe the fertile period is during her period
779 FP_KFTP_W_AFT Believes fertile period is after period ended Percentage of women who believe the fertile period is after period ended
780 FP_KFTP_W_HLF Believes fertile period is middle of the cycle Percentage of women who believe the fertile period is middle of the cycle
781 FP_KFTP_W_OTH Believes fertile period is 'other' Percentage of women who believe the fertile period is 'other'
782 FP_KFTP_W_NON Believes fertile period is at any time Percentage of women who believe the fertile period is at any time
783 FP_KFTP_W_DKN Doesn't know the fertile period Percentage of women who don't know the fertile period
784 FP_KFTP_W_MIS Fertile period: Missing Percentage of women with missing information on knowledge of the fertile period
785 FP_KFTP_W_TOT Women: Total Percentage of women: Total
786 FP_KFTP_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
787 FP_KFTP_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
788 FP_KFPC_W_CKF Correct knowledge of the fertile period Percentage of women with correct knowledge of the fertile period
789 FP_KFPC_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
790 FP_KFPC_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
791 FP_NADM_W_UNS Unmet need for family planning for spacing Percentage of currently married or in union women with an unmet need for family planning for spacing
792 FP_NADM_W_UNL Unmet need for family planning for limiting Percentage of currently married or in union women with an unmet need for family planning for limiting
793 FP_NADM_W_UNT Unmet need for family planning Percentage of currently married or in union women with an unmet need for family planning
794 FP_NADM_W_MNS Met need for family planning (currently using) for spacing Percentage of currently married or in union women using family planning for spacing
795 FP_NADM_W_MNL Met need for family planning (currently using) for limiting Percentage of currently married or in union women using family planning for limiting
796 FP_NADM_W_MNT Met need for family planning (currently using), total Percentage of currently married or in union women using family planning
797 FP_NADM_W_TDS Total demand for family planning for spacing Total demand for family planning for spacing is the sum of unmet need for family planning for spacing and those currently using family planning for spacing
798 FP_NADM_W_TDL Total demand for family planning for limiting Total demand for family planning for limiting is the sum of unmet need for family planning for limiting and those currently using family planning for limiting
799 FP_NADM_W_TDT Total demand for family planning Total demand for family planning is the sum of unmet need for family planning and those currently using family planning
800 FP_NADM_W_UMS Unmet need for modern methods for spacing Percentage of currently married or in union women with an unmet need for modern methods for spacing
801 FP_NADM_W_UML Unmet need for modern methods for limiting Percentage of currently married or in union women with an unmet need for modern methods for limiting
802 FP_NADM_W_UMT Unmet need for modern methods Percentage of currently married or in union women with an unmet need for modern methods
803 FP_NADM_W_NUM Number of married women Number of currently married or in union women
804 FP_NADM_W_UNW Number of married women (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women (unweighted)
805 FP_NADM_W_PDS Demand for family planning satisfied Percentage of demand for family planning satisfied is calculated as the number of currently married women using family planning divided by the number of currently married women with demand for family planning (either with unmet need or currently using any family planning)
806 FP_NADM_W_PDM Demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods Percentage of demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods is calculated as the number of currently married women using modern methods of family planning divided by the number of currently married women with demand for family planning (either with unmet need or currently using any family planning)
807 FP_NADM_W_TDN Number of married women with a demand for family planning Number of married women with a demand for family planning
808 FP_NADM_W_TDU Number of married women with a demand for family planning (unweighted) Number of married women with a demand for family planning (unweighted)
809 FP_NADA_W_UNS Unmet need for family planning for spacing (all women) Percentage of women with an unmet need for family planning for spacing
810 FP_NADA_W_UNL Unmet need for family planning for limiting (all women) Percentage of women with an unmet need for family planning for limiting
811 FP_NADA_W_UNT Unmet need for family planning, total (all women) Percentage of women with an unmet need for family planning
812 FP_NADA_W_MNS Met need for family planning (currently using) for spacing (all women) Percentage of women using family planning for spacing
813 FP_NADA_W_MNL Met need for family planning (currently using) for limiting (all women) Percentage of women using family planning for limiting
814 FP_NADA_W_MNT Met need for family planning (currently using), total (all women) Percentage of women using family planning
815 FP_NADA_W_TDS Total demand for family planning for spacing (all women) Total demand for family planning for spacing is the sum of unmet need for spacing and those currently using for spacing
816 FP_NADA_W_TDL Total demand for family planning for limiting (all women) Total demand for family planning for limiting is the sum of unmet need for limiting and those currently using for limiting
817 FP_NADA_W_TDT Total demand for family planning, total (all women) Total demand for family planning is the sum of unmet need and those currently using
818 FP_NADA_W_UMS Unmet need for modern methods for spacing (all women) Percentage of women with an unmet need for modern methods for spacing
819 FP_NADA_W_UML Unmet need for modern methods for limiting (all women) Percentage of women with an unmet need for modern methods for limiting
820 FP_NADA_W_UMT Unmet need for modern methods, total (all women) Percentage of women with an unmet need for modern methods
821 FP_NADA_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
822 FP_NADA_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
823 FP_NADA_W_PDS Demand for family planning satisfied (all women) Percentage of demand for family planning satisfied is calculated as the number of all women using family planning divided by the number of all women with demand for family planning (either with unmet need or currently using any family planning)
824 FP_NADA_W_PDM Demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods (all women) Percentage of demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods is calculated as the number of all women using modern methods of family planning divided by the number of all women with demand for family planning (either with unmet need or currently using any family planning)
825 FP_NADA_W_TDN Number of women with a demand for family planning Number of women with a demand for family planning
826 FP_NADA_W_TDU Number of women with a demand for family planning (unweighted) Number of women with a demand for family planning (unweighted)
827 FP_NADU_W_UNS Unmet need for family planning for spacing (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women with an unmet need for family planning for spacing
828 FP_NADU_W_UNL Unmet need for family planning for limiting (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women with an unmet need for family planning for limiting
829 FP_NADU_W_UNT Unmet need for family planning, total (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women with an unmet need for family planning
830 FP_NADU_W_MNS Met need for family planning (currently using) for spacing (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women using family planning for spacing
831 FP_NADU_W_MNL Met need for family planning (currently using) for limiting (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women using family planning for limiting
832 FP_NADU_W_MNT Met need for family planning (currently using), total (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women using family planning
833 FP_NADU_W_TDS Total demand for family planning for spacing (sexually active unmarried women) Total demand for family planning for spacing is the sum of unmet need for spacing and those currently using for spacing
834 FP_NADU_W_TDL Total demand for family planning for limiting (sexually active unmarried women) Total demand for family planning for limiting is the sum of unmet need for limiting and those currently using for limiting
835 FP_NADU_W_TDT Total demand for family planning, total (sexually active unmarried women) Total demand for family planning is the sum of unmet need and those currently using
836 FP_NADU_W_UMS Unmet need for modern methods for spacing (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women with an unmet need for modern methods for spacing
837 FP_NADU_W_UML Unmet need for modern methods for limiting (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women with an unmet need for modern methods for limiting
838 FP_NADU_W_UMT Unmet need for modern methods, total (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women with an unmet need for modern methods
839 FP_NADU_W_NUM Number of sexually active unmarried women Number of sexually active unmarried women
840 FP_NADU_W_UNW Number of sexually active unmarried women (unweighted) Number of sexually active unmarried women (unweighted)
841 FP_NADU_W_PDS Demand for family planning satisfied (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of demand for family planning satisfied is calculated as the number of sexually active unmarried women using family planning divided by the number of sexually active unmarried women with demand for family planning (either with unmet need or currently using any family planning)
842 FP_NADU_W_PDM Demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods is calculated as the number of sexually active unmarried women using modern methods of family planning divided by the number of sexually active unmarried women with demand for family planning (either with unmet need or currently using any family planning)
843 FP_NADU_W_TDN Number of sexually active unmarried women with a demand for family planning Number of sexually active unmarried women with a demand for family planning
844 FP_NADU_W_TDU Number of sexually active unmarried women with a demand for family planning (unweighted) Number of sexually active unmarried women with a demand for family planning (unweighted)
845 FP_NDYM_W_UNS Unmet need for family planning for spacing (married young women) Percentage of currently married or in union young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for family planning for spacing
846 FP_NDYM_W_UNL Unmet need for family planning for limiting (married young women) Percentage of currently married or in union young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for family planning for limiting
847 FP_NDYM_W_UNT Unmet need for family planning (married young women) Percentage of currently married or in union young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for family planning
848 FP_NDYM_W_MNS Met need for family planning (currently using) for spacing (married young women) Percentage of currently married or in union young women age 15-24 using family planning for spacing
849 FP_NDYM_W_MNL Met need for family planning (currently using) for limiting (married young women) Percentage of currently married or in union young women age 15-24 using family planning for limiting
850 FP_NDYM_W_MNT Met need for family planning (currently using), total (married young women) Percentage of currently married or in union young women age 15-24 using family planning
851 FP_NDYM_W_TDS Total demand for family planning for spacing (married young women) Total demand for family planning for spacing is the sum of unmet need for family planning for spacing and those currently using family planning for spacing
852 FP_NDYM_W_TDL Total demand for family planning for limiting (married young women) Total demand for family planning for limiting is the sum of unmet need for family planning for limiting and those currently using family planning for limiting
853 FP_NDYM_W_TDT Total demand for family planning (married young women) Total demand for family planning is the sum of unmet need for family planning and those currently using family planning
854 FP_NDYM_W_UMS Unmet need for modern methods for spacing (married young women) Percentage of currently married or in union young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for modern methods for spacing
855 FP_NDYM_W_UML Unmet need for modern methods for limiting (married young women) Percentage of currently married or in union young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for modern methods for limiting
856 FP_NDYM_W_UMT Unmet need for modern methods (married young women) Percentage of currently married or in union young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for modern methods
857 FP_NDYM_W_NUM Number of married young women Number of currently married or in union young women age 15-24
858 FP_NDYM_W_UNW Number of married young women (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union young women age 15-24 (unweighted)
859 FP_NDYM_W_PDS Demand for family planning satisfied (married young women) Percentage of demand for family planning satisfied is calculated as the number of currently married women using family planning divided by the number of currently married women with demand for family planning (either with unmet need or currently using any family planning)
860 FP_NDYM_W_PDM Demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods (married young women) Percentage of demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods is calculated as the number of currently married women using modern methods of family planning divided by the number of currently married women with demand for family planning (either with unmet need or currently using any family planning)
861 FP_NDYM_W_TDN Number of married young women with a demand for family planning Number of married young women age 15-24 with a demand for family planning
862 FP_NDYM_W_TDU Number of married young women with a demand for family planning (unweighted) Number of married young women age 15-24 with a demand for family planning (unweighted)
863 FP_NDYA_W_UNS Unmet need for family planning for spacing (all young women) Percentage of young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for family planning for spacing
864 FP_NDYA_W_UNL Unmet need for family planning for limiting (all young women) Percentage of young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for family planning for limiting
865 FP_NDYA_W_UNT Unmet need for family planning, total (all young women) Percentage of young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for family planning
866 FP_NDYA_W_MNS Met need for family planning (currently using) for spacing (all young women) Percentage of young women age 15-24 using family planning for spacing
867 FP_NDYA_W_MNL Met need for family planning (currently using) for limiting (all young women) Percentage of young women age 15-24 using family planning for limiting
868 FP_NDYA_W_MNT Met need for family planning (currently using), total (all young women) Percentage of young women age 15-24 using family planning
869 FP_NDYA_W_TDS Total demand for family planning for spacing (all young women) Total demand for family planning for spacing is the sum of unmet need for spacing and those currently using for spacing
870 FP_NDYA_W_TDL Total demand for family planning for limiting (all young women) Total demand for family planning for limiting is the sum of unmet need for limiting and those currently using for limiting
871 FP_NDYA_W_TDT Total demand for family planning, total (all young women) Total demand for family planning is the sum of unmet need and those currently using
872 FP_NDYA_W_UMS Unmet need for modern methods for spacing (all young women) Percentage of young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for modern methods for spacing
873 FP_NDYA_W_UML Unmet need for modern methods for limiting (all young women) Percentage of young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for modern methods for limiting
874 FP_NDYA_W_UMT Unmet need for modern methods, total (all young women) Percentage of young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for modern methods
875 FP_NDYA_W_NUM Number of young women Number of young women age 15-24
876 FP_NDYA_W_UNW Number of young women (unweighted) Number of young women age 15-24 (unweighted)
877 FP_NDYA_W_PDS Demand for family planning satisfied (all young women) Percentage of demand for family planning satisfied is calculated as the number of young women age 15-24 using family planning divided by the number of all young women with demand for family planning (either with unmet need or currently using any family planning)
878 FP_NDYA_W_PDM Demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods (all young women) Percentage of demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods is calculated as the number of young women age 15-24 using modern methods of family planning divided by the number of all young women with demand for family planning (either with unmet need or currently using any family planning)
879 FP_NDYA_W_TDN Number of young women with a demand for family planning Number of young women age 15-24 with a demand for family planning
880 FP_NDYA_W_TDU Number of young women with a demand for family planning (unweighted) Number of young women age 15-24 with a demand for family planning (unweighted)
881 FP_NDYU_W_UNS Unmet need for family planning for spacing (sexually active unmarried young women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for family planning for spacing
882 FP_NDYU_W_UNL Unmet need for family planning for limiting (sexually active unmarried young women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for family planning for limiting
883 FP_NDYU_W_UNT Unmet need for family planning, total (sexually active unmarried young women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for family planning
884 FP_NDYU_W_MNS Met need for family planning (currently using) for spacing (sexually active unmarried young women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried young women age 15-24 using family planning for spacing
885 FP_NDYU_W_MNL Met need for family planning (currently using) for limiting (sexually active unmarried young women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried young women age 15-24 using family planning for limiting
886 FP_NDYU_W_MNT Met need for family planning (currently using), total (sexually active unmarried young women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried young women age 15-24 using family planning
887 FP_NDYU_W_TDS Total demand for family planning for spacing (sexually active unmarried young women) Total demand for family planning for spacing is the sum of unmet need for spacing and those currently using for spacing
888 FP_NDYU_W_TDL Total demand for family planning for limiting (sexually active unmarried young women) Total demand for family planning for limiting is the sum of unmet need for limiting and those currently using for limiting
889 FP_NDYU_W_TDT Total demand for family planning, total (sexually active unmarried young women) Total demand for family planning is the sum of unmet need and those currently using
890 FP_NDYU_W_UMS Unmet need for modern methods for spacing (sexually active unmarried young women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for modern methods for spacing
891 FP_NDYU_W_UML Unmet need for modern methods for limiting (sexually active unmarried young women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for modern methods for limiting
892 FP_NDYU_W_UMT Unmet need for modern methods, total (sexually active unmarried young women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for modern methods
893 FP_NDYU_W_NUM Number of sexually active unmarried women Number of sexually active unmarried young women age 15-24
894 FP_NDYU_W_UNW Number of sexually active unmarried women (unweighted) Number of sexually active unmarried young women age 15-24 (unweighted)
895 FP_NDYU_W_PDS Demand for family planning satisfied (sexually active unmarried young women) Percentage of demand for family planning satisfied is calculated as the number of sexually active unmarried young women using family planning divided by the number of sexually active unmarried young women age 15-24 with demand for family planning (either with unmet need or currently using any family planning)
896 FP_NDYU_W_PDM Demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods (sexually active unmarried young women) Percentage of demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods is calculated as the number of sexually active unmarried young women using modern methods of family planning divided by the number of sexually active unmarried young women age 15-24 with demand for family planning (either with unmet need or currently using any family planning)
897 FP_NDYU_W_TDN Number of sexually active unmarried young women with a demand for family planning Number of sexually active unmarried young women with a demand for family planning
898 FP_NDYU_W_TDU Number of sexually active unmarried young women with a demand for family planning (unweighted) Number of sexually active unmarried young women with a demand for family planning (unweighted)
899 FP_RNIU_W_MAR Reason for not intending to use contraception: Not married Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to not being married or in union
900 FP_RNIU_W_OMR Reason for not intending to use contraception: Other marriage related reasons Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to other marriage related reasons
901 FP_RNIU_W_INS Reason for not intending to use contraception: Infrequent sex Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to infrequent sex
902 FP_RNIU_W_MEN Reason for not intending to use contraception: Menopausal, hysterectomized Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to being menopausal, hysterectomized
903 FP_RNIU_W_SBF Reason for not intending to use contraception: Subfecund, infecund Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to being subfecund, infecund
904 FP_RNIU_W_PPA Reason for not intending to use contraception: Postpartum amenorrheic/breastfeeding Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to being postpartum amenorrheic/breastfeeding
905 FP_RNIU_W_WMC Reason for not intending to use contraception: Wants more children Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to wanting more children
906 FP_RNIU_W_OFT Reason for not intending to use contraception: Other fertility related reasons Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to other fertility related reasons
907 FP_RNIU_W_ROP Reason for not intending to use contraception: Respondent opposed Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to respondent being opposed
908 FP_RNIU_W_SOP Reason for not intending to use contraception: Spouse opposed Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to spouse being opposed
909 FP_RNIU_W_OOP Reason for not intending to use contraception: Others opposed Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to others being opposed
910 FP_RNIU_W_REL Reason for not intending to use contraception: Religious prohibition Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to religious prohibition
911 FP_RNIU_W_OPP Reason for not intending to use contraception: Other opposition to use Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to other opposition to use
912 FP_RNIU_W_LKN Reason for not intending to use contraception: Lack of knowledge Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to lack of knowledge
913 FP_RNIU_W_KNM Reason for not intending to use contraception: Knows no method Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to knowing no method
914 FP_RNIU_W_KNS Reason for not intending to use contraception: Knows no source Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to knowing no source
915 FP_RNIU_W_OKN Reason for not intending to use contraception: Other knowledge related Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to other knowledge related
916 FP_RNIU_W_HCN Reason for not intending to use contraception: Health concerns Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to health concerns
917 FP_RNIU_W_SID Reason for not intending to use contraception: Fear of side effects Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to fear of side effects
918 FP_RNIU_W_ACC Reason for not intending to use contraception: Lack of access Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to lack of access
919 FP_RNIU_W_CST Reason for not intending to use contraception: Cost too much Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to method costing too much
920 FP_RNIU_W_INC Reason for not intending to use contraception: Inconvenient to use Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to being inconvenient to use
921 FP_RNIU_W_BOD Reason for not intending to use contraception: Interfere with body Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to method interfering with body
922 FP_RNIU_W_MTH Reason for not intending to use contraception: Other method related Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to other method related
923 FP_RNIU_W_OTH Reason for not intending to use contraception: Other Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to other reasons
924 FP_RNIU_W_UNK Reason for not intending to use contraception: DK Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to unknown reasons
925 FP_RNIU_W_MIS Reason for not intending to use contraception: Missing Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to: Missing
926 FP_RNIU_W_TOT Reason for not intending to use contraception: Total Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future: Total
927 FP_RNIU_W_NUM Married women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future Number of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future
928 FP_RNIU_W_UNW Married women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future (unweighted)
929 FP_FUTU_W_INT Future use of contraception: Intends to use in the future Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not currently using a contraceptive method who intend to use a method in the future
930 FP_FUTU_W_I12 Future use of contraception: In next 12 months Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not currently using a contraceptive method who intend to use a method in the next 12 months
931 FP_FUTU_W_ILT Future use of contraception: Use later Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not currently using a contraceptive method who intend to use a method later
932 FP_FUTU_W_IUN Future use of contraception: Unsure about timing Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not currently using a contraceptive method who are unsure when they will use a method in the future
933 FP_FUTU_W_UNS Future use of contraception: Unsure about use Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not currently using a contraceptive method who are unsure whether they will use a method in the future
934 FP_FUTU_W_DNI Future use of contraception: Does not intend Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not currently using a contraceptive method who does not intend to use a method in the future
935 FP_FUTU_W_DKM Future use of contraception: don't know or missing information on future intentions Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not currently using a contraceptive method who are 'don't know' or missing on future intentions
936 FP_FUTU_W_TOT Future use of contraception: Total Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not currently using a contraceptive method: Total
937 FP_FUTU_W_NUM Married women not currently using a contraceptive method Number of currently married or in union women who are not currently using a contraceptive method
938 FP_FUTU_W_UNW Married women not currently using a contraceptive method (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women who are not currently using a contraceptive method (unweighted)
939 FP_EFPM_W_SMD Family planning messages on social media Percentage of women by whether they have received a message about family planning on social media in the last few months prior to the interview
940 FP_EFPM_W_PLB Family planning messages on poster/leaflet/brochure Percentage of women by whether they have received a message about family planning on a poster/leaflet/brochure in the last few months prior to the interview
941 FP_EFPM_W_OSB Family planning messages on outdoor sign or billboard Percentage of women by whether they have received a message about family planning on an outdoor sign or billboard in the last few months prior to the interview
942 FP_EFPM_W_COM Family planning messages at community meeting or event Percentage of women by whether they have received a message about family planning at a community meeting or event in the last few months prior to the interview
943 FP_EFPM_W_RDO Family planning messages on the radio [Women] Percentage of women by whether they have received a message about family planning from the radio in the last few months prior to the interview
944 FP_EFPM_W_NO8 Family planning messages in none of these eight media Percentage of women by whether they have report receiving no messages about family planning from the radio, television, newspaper or magazine, mobile phone, social media, poster/leaflet/brochure, outdoor sign or billboard, community meeting or events in the last few months prior to the interview
945 FP_EFPM_W_TLV Family planning messages on television [Women] Percentage of women by whether they have received a message about family planning from television in the last few months prior to the interview
946 FP_EFPM_W_NWS Family planning messages in newspapers or magazines [Women] Percentage of women by whether they have received a message about family planning from a newspaper or magazine in the last few months prior to the interview
947 FP_EFPM_W_NON Family planning messages in none of these three media [Women] Percentage of women by whether they have report receiving no messages about family planning from the radio, television, or a newspaper or magazine in the last few months prior to the interview
948 FP_EFPM_W_MOB Family planning messages on mobile phone Percentage of women by whether they have received a message about family planning on a mobile phone in the last few months prior to the interview
949 FP_EFPM_W_NO4 Family planning messages in none of these four media Percentage of women by whether they have report receiving no messages about family planning from the radio, television, newspaper or magazine, or mobile phone in the last few months prior to the interview
950 FP_EFPM_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
951 FP_EFPM_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
952 FP_EFPM_M_SMD Family planning messages on social media Percentage of men by whether they have received a message about family planning on social media in the last few months prior to the interview
953 FP_EFPM_M_PLB Family planning messages on poster/leaflet/brochure Percentage of men by whether they have received a message about family planning on a poster/leaflet/brochure in the last few months prior to the interview
954 FP_EFPM_M_OSB Family planning messages on outdoor sign or billboard Percentage of men by whether they have received a message about family planning on an outdoor sign or billboard in the last few months prior to the interview
955 FP_EFPM_M_COM Family planning messages at community meeting or event Percentage of men by whether they have received a message about family planning at a community meeting or event in the last few months prior to the interview
956 FP_EFPM_M_NO8 Family planning messages in none of these eight media Percentage of men by whether they have report receiving no messages about family planning from the radio, television, newspaper or magazine, mobile phone, social media, poster/leaflet/brochure, outdoor sign or billboard, community meeting or events in the last few months prior to the interview
957 FP_EFPM_M_RDO Family planning messages on the radio [Men] Percentage of men by whether they have received a message about family planning from the radio in the last few months prior to the interview
958 FP_EFPM_M_TLV Family planning messages on television [Men] Percentage of men by whether they have received a message about family planning from television in the last few months prior to the interview
959 FP_EFPM_M_NWS Family planning messages in newspapers or magazines [Men] Percentage of men by whether they have received a message about family planning from a newspaper or magazine in the last few months prior to the interview
960 FP_EFPM_M_NON Family planning messages in none of these three media [Men] Percentage of men by whether they have report receiving no messages about family planning from the radio, television, or a newspaper or magazine in the last few months prior to the interview
961 FP_EFPM_M_MOB Family planning messages on mobile phone Percentage of men by whether they have received a message about family planning on a mobile phone in the last few months prior to the interview
962 FP_EFPM_M_NO4 Family planning messages in none of these four media Percentage of men by whether they have report receiving no messages about family planning from the radio, television, newspaper or magazine, or mobile phone in the last few months prior to the interview
963 FP_EFPM_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
964 FP_EFPM_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
965 FP_PRGP_W_PPR Ever pressured to become pregnant by husband/partner Percentage of currently married women who were ever pressured by their husbands/partners or any other family member to become pregnant when they did not want to
966 FP_PRGP_W_NUM Number of currently married women Number of currently married women
967 FP_PRGP_W_UNW Number of currently married women (unweighted) Number of currently married women (unweighted)
968 FP_NFPP_W_FPW Nonusers visited by FP worker and told about FP Percentage of women who are not using contraception who were visited by a family planning worker and told about family planning methods during the 12 months preceding the interview
969 FP_NFPP_W_HFP Nonusers who visited a health facility and discussed FP Percentage of women who are not using contraception who visited a health facility and discussed family during the 12 months preceding the interview
970 FP_NFPP_W_HNF Nonusers who visited a health facility but did not discuss FP Percentage of women who are not using contraception who visited a health facility but did not discuss family during the 12 months preceding the interview
971 FP_NFPP_W_NFP Nonusers who did not discuss FP with a fieldworker or at a health facility Percentage of women who are not using contraception who did not discuss family planning either with a fieldworker or at a health facility during the 12 months preceding the interview
972 FP_NFPP_W_NUM Number of nonusers of FP Number of women who are not using contraception
973 FP_NFPP_W_UNW Number of nonusers of FP (unweighted) Number of women who are not using contraception (unweighted)
974 FP_DMKF_W_UWF Family planning use decisionmaking mainly by wife Among currently married women using family planning, the percentage for whom the decision was made mainly by the wife
975 FP_DMKF_W_UJN Family planning use decisionmaking jointly by wife and husband Among currently married women using family planning, the percentage for whom the decision was made jointly by wife and husband
976 FP_DMKF_W_UHS Family planning use decisionmaking mainly by husband Among currently married women using family planning, the percentage for whom the decision was made mainly by the husband
977 FP_DMKF_W_UDK Family planning use decisionmaking mainly by others/don't know/missing Among currently married women using family planning, the percentage for whom the decision was made mainly by others or the response is don't know or missing
978 FP_DMKF_W_UTT Family planning use decisionmaking: total Among currently married women using family planning, the percentage for whom the decision was made: total
979 FP_DMKF_W_UNM Number of currently married women using family planning Number of currently married women using family planning
980 FP_DMKF_W_UUN Number of currently married women using family planning (unweighted) Number of currently married women using family planning (unweighted)
981 FP_DMKF_W_NWF Family planning non-use decisionmaking mainly by wife Among currently married women not currently using family planning, the percentage for whom the decision was made mainly by the wife
982 FP_DMKF_W_NJN Family planning non-use decisionmaking jointly by wife and husband Among currently married women not currently using family planning, the percentage for whom the decision was made jointly by wife and husband
983 FP_DMKF_W_NHS Family planning non-use decisionmaking mainly by husband Among currently married women not currently using family planning, the percentage for whom the decision was made mainly by the husband
984 FP_DMKF_W_NDK Family planning non-use decisionmaking mainly by others/don't know/missing Among currently married women not currently using family planning, the percentage for whom the decision was made mainly by others or the response is don't know or missing
985 FP_DMKF_W_NTT Family planning non-use decisionmaking: total Among currently married women not currently using family planning, the percentage for whom the decision was made: total
986 FP_DMKF_W_NNM Number of currently married women not using family planning Number of currently married women not currently using family planning
987 FP_DMKF_W_NUN Number of currently married women not using family planning (unweighted) Number of currently married women not currently using family planning (unweighted)
988 FP_DMKP_W_MWF Family planning decisionmaking mainly by wife Percentage of currently married women age 15-49 for whom decisionmaking about whether to use or not use or family planning is made mainly by the wife
989 FP_DMKP_W_MJN Family planning decisionmaking jointly by wife and husband Percentage of currently married women age 15-49 for whom decisionmaking about whether to use or not use or family planning is made jointly by the wife and husband
990 FP_DMKP_W_WFM Family planning decisionmaking jointly: Wife's opinion more important Percentage of currently married women age 15-49 for whom decisionmaking about whether to use or not use or family planning is made jointly by the wife and husband, but the wife's opinion is more important
991 FP_DMKP_W_WHE Family planning decisionmaking jointly: Wife's and husband's/partner's opinion equally important Percentage of currently married women age 15-49 for whom decisionmaking about whether to use or not use or family planning is made jointly by the wife and husband, and the wife's and husband's opinion are equally important
992 FP_DMKP_W_WFL Family planning decisionmaking jointly: Wife's opinion less important than husband's/partner's Percentage of currently married women age 15-49 for whom decisionmaking about whether to use or not use or family planning is made jointly by the wife and husband, but the husband/partner's opinion is more important
993 FP_DMKP_W_MHS Family planning decisionmaking mainly by husband Percentage of currently married women age 15-49 for whom decisionmaking about whether to use or not use or family planning is made mainly by the husband
994 FP_DMKP_W_OTH Family planning decisionmaking by someone else/other Percentage of currently married women age 15-49 for whom decisionmaking about whether to use or not use or family planning is made mainly by someone else or another answer is given
995 FP_DMKP_W_TOT Family planning decisionmaking: Total Percentage of currently married women age 15-49 for whom decisionmaking about whether to use or not use or family planning is given: total
996 FP_DMKP_W_PTP Percentage who participated in decision-making about family planning Percentage of currently married women age 15-49 who participated in decisionmaking about whether to use or not use or family planning. This is the sum of those for whom the wife, or the wife and husband/partner together, make the decision
997 FP_DMKP_W_NUM Number of currently married women Number of currently married women
998 FP_DMKP_W_UNW Number of currently married women (unweighted) Number of currently married women (unweighted)
999 MA_MSTA_W_NMA Current marital status [Women]: Never married Percentage of women never married
1000 MA_MSTA_W_MAR Current marital status [Women]: Married Percentage of women married
1001 MA_MSTA_W_LTG Current marital status [Women]: Living together Percentage of women living together
1002 MA_MSTA_W_DIV Current marital status [Women]: Divorced Percentage of women divorced
1003 MA_MSTA_W_SEP Current marital status [Women]: Not living together Percentage of women not living together
1004 MA_MSTA_W_WID Current marital status [Women]: Widowed Percentage of women widowed
1005 MA_MSTA_W_MIS Current marital status [Women]: Missing Percentage of women with missing information on marital status
1006 MA_MSTA_W_TOT Women: Total Percentage of women: Total
1007 MA_MSTA_W_UNI Current marital status [Women]: Married or living in union Percentage of women married or living in union
1008 MA_MSTA_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
1009 MA_MSTA_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
1010 MA_MSTA_M_NMA Current marital status [Men]: Never married Percentage of men never married
1011 MA_MSTA_M_MAR Current marital status [Men]: Married Percentage of men married
1012 MA_MSTA_M_LTG Current marital status [Men]: Living together Percentage of men living together
1013 MA_MSTA_M_DIV Current marital status [Men]: Divorced Percentage of men divorced
1014 MA_MSTA_M_SEP Current marital status [Men]: Not living together Percentage of men not living together
1015 MA_MSTA_M_WID Current marital status [Men]: Widowed Percentage of men widowed
1016 MA_MSTA_M_MIS Current marital status [Men]: Missing Percentage of men with missing information on marital status
1017 MA_MSTA_M_TOT Men: Total Percentage of men: Total
1018 MA_MSTA_M_UNI Current marital status [Men]: Married or living in union Percentage of men married or living in union
1019 MA_MSTA_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
1020 MA_MSTA_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
1021 MA_MSTY_W_NMA Current marital status [Young women]: Never married Percentage of young women age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 never married
1022 MA_MSTY_W_MAR Current marital status [Young women]: Married Percentage of young women age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 married
1023 MA_MSTY_W_LTG Current marital status [Young women]: Living together Percentage of young women age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 living together
1024 MA_MSTY_W_DIV Current marital status [Young women]: Divorced Percentage of young women age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 divorced
1025 MA_MSTY_W_SEP Current marital status [Young women]: Not living together Percentage of young women age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 not living together
1026 MA_MSTY_W_WID Current marital status [Young women]: Widowed Percentage of young women age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 widowed
1027 MA_MSTY_W_MIS Current marital status [Young women]: Missing Percentage of young women age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 with missing information on marital status
1028 MA_MSTY_W_TOT Young women: Total Percentage of young women age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24: Total
1029 MA_MSTY_W_UNI Current marital status [Young women]: Married or living in union Percentage of young women age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 married or living in union
1030 MA_MSTY_W_NUM Number of young women Percentage of young women age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24
1031 MA_MSTY_W_UNW Number of young women (unweighted) Percentage of young women age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 (unweighted)
1032 MA_MSTY_M_NMA Current marital status [Young men]: Never married Percentage of young men age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 never married
1033 MA_MSTY_M_MAR Current marital status [Young men]: Married Percentage of young men age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 married
1034 MA_MSTY_M_LTG Current marital status [Young men]: Living together Percentage of young men age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 living together
1035 MA_MSTY_M_DIV Current marital status [Young men]: Divorced Percentage of young men age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 divorced
1036 MA_MSTY_M_SEP Current marital status [Young men]: Not living together Percentage of young men age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 not living together
1037 MA_MSTY_M_WID Current marital status [Young men]: Widowed Percentage of young men age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 widowed
1038 MA_MSTY_M_MIS Current marital status [Young men]: Missing Percentage of young men age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 with missing information on marital status
1039 MA_MSTY_M_TOT Young men: Total Percentage of young men age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24: Total
1040 MA_MSTY_M_UNI Current marital status [Young men]: Married or living in union Percentage of young men age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 married or living in union
1041 MA_MSTY_M_NUM Number of young men Percentage of young men age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24
1042 MA_MSTY_M_UNW Number of young men (unweighted) Percentage of young men age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 (unweighted)
1043 MA_MREG_W_RGT Current marriage or union is registered Percentage of women whose current marriage or union is registered
1044 MA_MREG_W_RGD Current marriage or union is registered and who have any documentation recognizing the marriage/union Percentage of women whose current marriage or union is registered and who have any documentation recognizing the marriage/union
1045 MA_MREG_W_RGC Current marriage is registered and who have a marriage certificate Percentage of women whose current marriage is registered and who have a marriage certificate
1046 MA_MREG_W_NUM Number of married women Number of currently married/in union women
1047 MA_MREG_W_UNW Number of married women (unweighted) Number of currently married/in union women (unweighted)
1048 MA_CWIV_W_0WV Number of co-wives: No other wives Percentage of currently married or in union women whose husband has no other wives
1049 MA_CWIV_W_1WV Number of co-wives: One other wife Percentage of currently married or in union women whose husband has one other wife
1050 MA_CWIV_W_2PW Number of co-wives: Two or more wives Percentage of currently married or in union women whose husband has two or more wives
1051 MA_CWIV_W_DKM Number of co-wives: don't know or missing Percentage of currently married or in union women with 'don't know' or missing information on number of co-wives
1052 MA_CWIV_W_TOT Married women: Total Percentage of currently married or in union women: Total
1053 MA_CWIV_W_CWV Number of co-wives: One or more wives Percentage of currently married or in union women whose husband has one or more wives
1054 MA_CWIV_W_NUM Number of married women Number of currently married or in union women
1055 MA_CWIV_W_UNW Number of married women (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women (unweighted)
1056 MA_WIVE_M_1WV Number of wives: One wife Percentage of currently married or in union men who have one wife
1057 MA_WIVE_M_2PW Number of wives: Two or more wives Percentage of currently married or in union men who have two or more wives
1058 MA_WIVE_M_DKM Number of wives [Men]: don't know or missing Percentage of currently married or in union men with 'don't know' or missing information on number of wives
1059 MA_WIVE_M_TOT Number of wives: Total Percentage of currently married or in union men: Total
1060 MA_WIVE_M_NUM Number of married men Number of currently married or in union men
1061 MA_WIVE_M_UNW Number of married men (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union men (unweighted)
1062 MA_MBAG_W_B15 Women first married by exact age 15 Percentage of women who were first married by exact age 15
1063 MA_MBAG_W_B18 Women first married by exact age 18 Percentage of women who were first married by exact age 18
1064 MA_MBAG_W_B20 Women first married by exact age 20 Percentage of women who were first married by exact age 20
1065 MA_MBAG_W_B22 Women first married by exact age 22 Percentage of women who were first married by exact age 22
1066 MA_MBAG_W_B25 Women first married by exact age 25 Percentage of women who were first married by exact age 25
1067 MA_MBAG_W_NMA Women never married Percentage of women who were never married
1068 MA_MBAG_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
1069 MA_MBAG_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
1070 MA_MBAG_M_B15 Men first married by exact age 15 Percentage of men who were first married by exact age 15
1071 MA_MBAG_M_B18 Men first married by exact age 18 Percentage of men who were first married by exact age 18
1072 MA_MBAG_M_B20 Men first married by exact age 20 Percentage of men who were first married by exact age 20
1073 MA_MBAG_M_B22 Men first married by exact age 22 Percentage of men who were first married by exact age 22
1074 MA_MBAG_M_B25 Men first married by exact age 25 Percentage of men who were first married by exact age 25
1075 MA_MBAG_M_B28 Men first married by exact age 28 Percentage of men who were first married by exact age 28
1076 MA_MBAG_M_B30 Men first married by exact age 30 Percentage of men who were first married by exact age 30
1077 MA_MBAG_M_NMA Men never married Percentage of men who were never married
1078 MA_MBAG_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
1079 MA_MBAG_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
1080 MA_MBAY_W_B15 Young women age 20-24 first married by exact age 15 Percentage of young women age 20-24 who were first married by exact age 15
1081 MA_MBAY_W_B18 Young women age 20-24 first married by exact age 18 Percentage of young women age 20-24 who were first married by exact age 18
1082 MA_MBAY_W_B20 Young women age 20-24 first married by exact age 20 Percentage of young women age 20-24 who were first married by exact age 20
1083 MA_MBAY_W_NMA Young women age 20-24 never married Percentage of young women age 20-24 who were never married
1084 MA_MBAY_W_NUM Number of young women age 20-24 Number of young women age 20-24
1085 MA_MBAY_W_UNW Number of young women age 20-24 (unweighted) Number of young women age 20-24 (unweighted)
1086 MA_MBAY_W_MDA Median age at first marriage [Young women age 20-24] Median age at first marriage or union in years defined as the age at which the respondent began living with her first spouse or partner
1087 MA_MBAY_M_B15 Young men age 20-24 first married by exact age 15 Percentage of young men age 20-24 who were first married by exact age 15
1088 MA_MBAY_M_B18 Young men age 20-24 first married by exact age 18 Percentage of young men age 20-24 who were first married by exact age 18
1089 MA_MBAY_M_B20 Young men age 20-24 first married by exact age 20 Percentage of young men age 20-24 who were first married by exact age 20
1090 MA_MBAY_M_NMA Young men age 20-24 never married Percentage of young men age 20-24 who were never married
1091 MA_MBAY_M_NUM Number of young men age 20-24 Number of young men age 20-24
1092 MA_MBAY_M_UNW Number of young men age 20-24 (unweighted) Number of young men age 20-24 (unweighted)
1093 MA_MBAY_M_MDA Median age at first marriage [Young men age 20-24] Median age at first marriage or union in years defined as the age at which the respondent began living with his first spouse or partner
1094 MA_AAFM_W_M20 Median age at first marriage [Women]: 20-24 Median age at first marriage or union in years among women age 20-24
1095 MA_AAFM_W_M25 Median age at first marriage [Women]: 25-29 Median age at first marriage or union in years among women age 25-29
1096 MA_AAFM_W_M30 Median age at first marriage [Women]: 30-34 Median age at first marriage or union in years among women age 30-34
1097 MA_AAFM_W_M35 Median age at first marriage [Women]: 35-39 Median age at first marriage or union in years among women age 35-39
1098 MA_AAFM_W_M40 Median age at first marriage [Women]: 40-44 Median age at first marriage or union in years among women age 40-44
1099 MA_AAFM_W_M45 Median age at first marriage [Women]: 45-49 Median age at first marriage or union in years among women age 45-49
1100 MA_AAFM_W_M2A Median age at first marriage [Women]: 20-49 Median age at first marriage or union in years among women age 20-49
1101 MA_AAFM_W_M2B Median age at first marriage [Women]: 25-49 Median age at first marriage or union in years among women age 25-49
1102 MA_AAFM_M_M20 Median age at first marriage [Men]: 20-24 Median age at first marriage or union in years among men age 20-24
1103 MA_AAFM_M_M25 Median age at first marriage [Men]: 25-29 Median age at first marriage or union in years among men age 25-29
1104 MA_AAFM_M_M30 Median age at first marriage [Men]: 30-34 Median age at first marriage or union in years among men age 30-34
1105 MA_AAFM_M_M35 Median age at first marriage [Men]: 35-39 Median age at first marriage or union in years among men age 35-39
1106 MA_AAFM_M_M40 Median age at first marriage [Men]: 40-44 Median age at first marriage or union in years among men age 40-44
1107 MA_AAFM_M_M45 Median age at first marriage [Men]: 45-49 Median age at first marriage or union in years among men age 45-49
1108 MA_AAFM_M_M50 Median age at first marriage [Men]: 50-54 Median age at first marriage or union in years among men age 50-54
1109 MA_AAFM_M_M55 Median age at first marriage [Men]: 55-59 Median age at first marriage or union in years among men age 55-59
1110 MA_AAFM_M_M60 Median age at first marriage [Men]: 60-64 Median age at first marriage or union in years among men age 60-64
1111 MA_AAFM_M_M2A Median age at first marriage [Men]: 20-49(54,59) Median age at first marriage or union in years among men age 20-49(54,59)
1112 MA_AAFM_M_M2B Median age at first marriage [Men]: 25-49(54,59) Median age at first marriage or union in years among men age 25-49(54,59)
1113 MA_ADIF_W_O10 Age difference between man and woman is 10+ years Percentage of currently married women age 15-24 for whom the age difference with her partner is 10+ years
1114 MA_ADIF_W_O05 Age difference between man and woman is 5-9 years Percentage of currently married women age 15-24 for whom the age difference with her partner is 5-9 years
1115 MA_ADIF_W_O01 Age difference between man and woman is <5 years Percentage of currently married women age 15-24 for whom the age difference with her partner is <5 years
1116 MA_ADIF_W_SAM Man and woman are the same age Percentage of currently married women age 15-24 for whom the woman and her partner have the same age
1117 MA_ADIF_W_YNG Man is younger than woman Percentage of currently married women age 15-24 for whom the man is younger than the woman
1118 MA_ADIF_W_MIS Age of man missing Percentage of currently married women age 15-24 for whom the age of her partner is missing
1119 MA_ADIF_W_TOT Age difference: Total Percentage of currently married women age 15-24: Total
1120 MA_ADIF_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
1121 MA_ADIF_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
1122 SX_SBAG_W_B15 First sexual intercourse by exact age 15 [Women] Percentage of women who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 15
1123 SX_SBAG_W_B18 First sexual intercourse by exact age 18 [Women] Percentage of women who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 18
1124 SX_SBAG_W_B20 First sexual intercourse by exact age 20 [Women] Percentage of women who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 20
1125 SX_SBAG_W_B22 First sexual intercourse by exact age 22 [Women] Percentage of women who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 22
1126 SX_SBAG_W_B25 First sexual intercourse by exact age 25 [Women] Percentage of women who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 25
1127 SX_SBAG_W_NSX Never had sexual intercourse [Women] Percentage of women who never had intercourse
1128 SX_SBAG_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
1129 SX_SBAG_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
1130 SX_SBAG_M_B15 First sexual intercourse by exact age 15 [Men] Percentage of men who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 15
1131 SX_SBAG_M_B18 First sexual intercourse by exact age 18 [Men] Percentage of men who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 18
1132 SX_SBAG_M_B20 First sexual intercourse by exact age 20 [Men] Percentage of men who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 20
1133 SX_SBAG_M_B22 First sexual intercourse by exact age 22 [Men] Percentage of men who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 22
1134 SX_SBAG_M_B25 First sexual intercourse by exact age 25 [Men] Percentage of men who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 25
1135 SX_SBAG_M_NSX Never had sexual intercourse [Men] Percentage of men who never had intercourse
1136 SX_SBAG_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
1137 SX_SBAG_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
1138 SX_SBAY_W_B15 First sexual intercourse by exact age 15 [Young women] Percentage of young women age 20-24 who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 15
1139 SX_SBAY_W_B18 First sexual intercourse by exact age 18 [Young women] Percentage of young women age 20-24 who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 18
1140 SX_SBAY_W_B20 First sexual intercourse by exact age 20 [Young women] Percentage of young women age 20-24 who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 20
1141 SX_SBAY_W_NSX Never had sexual intercourse [Young women] Percentage of young women age 20-24 who never had intercourse
1142 SX_SBAY_W_NUM Number of young women age 20-24 Number of young women age 20-24
1143 SX_SBAY_W_UNW Number of young women age 20-24 (unweighted) Number of young women age 20-24 (unweighted)
1144 SX_SBAY_W_MSX Median age at first sexual intercourse [Young women] Median age at first sexual intercourse among young women age 20-24
1145 SX_SBAY_M_B15 First sexual intercourse by exact age 15 [Young men] Percentage of young men age 20-24 who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 15
1146 SX_SBAY_M_B18 First sexual intercourse by exact age 18 [Young men] Percentage of young men age 20-24 who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 18
1147 SX_SBAY_M_B20 First sexual intercourse by exact age 20 [Young men] Percentage of young men age 20-24 who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 20
1148 SX_SBAY_M_NSX Never had sexual intercourse [Young men] Percentage of young men age 20-24 who never had intercourse
1149 SX_SBAY_M_NUM Number of young men age 20-24 Number of young men age 20-24
1150 SX_SBAY_M_UNW Number of young men age 20-24 (unweighted) Number of young men age 20-24 (unweighted)
1151 SX_SBAY_M_MSX Median age at first sexual intercourse [Young men] Median age at first sexual intercourse among young men age 20-24
1152 SX_AAFS_W_M20 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Women]: 20-24 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among women age 20-24
1153 SX_AAFS_W_M25 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Women]: 25-29 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among women age 25-29
1154 SX_AAFS_W_M30 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Women]: 30-34 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among women age 30-34
1155 SX_AAFS_W_M35 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Women]: 35-39 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among women age 35-39
1156 SX_AAFS_W_M40 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Women]: 40-44 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among women age 40-44
1157 SX_AAFS_W_M45 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Women]: 45-49 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among women age 45-49
1158 SX_AAFS_W_M2A Median age at first sexual intercourse [Women]: 20-49 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among women age 20-49
1159 SX_AAFS_W_M2B Median age at first sexual intercourse [Women]: 25-49 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among women age 25-49
1160 SX_AAFS_M_M20 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Men]: 20-24 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among men age 20-24
1161 SX_AAFS_M_M25 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Men]: 25-29 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among men age 25-29
1162 SX_AAFS_M_M30 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Men]: 30-34 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among men age 30-34
1163 SX_AAFS_M_M35 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Men]: 35-39 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among men age 35-39
1164 SX_AAFS_M_M40 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Men]: 40-44 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among men age 40-44
1165 SX_AAFS_M_M45 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Men]: 45-49 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among men age 45-49
1166 SX_AAFS_M_M50 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Men]: 50-54 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among men age 50-54
1167 SX_AAFS_M_M55 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Men]: 55-59 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among men age 55-59
1168 SX_AAFS_M_M60 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Men]: 60-64 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among men age 60-64
1169 SX_AAFS_M_M2A Median age at first sexual intercourse [Men]: 20-49(54,59) Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among men age 20-49(54,59)
1170 SX_AAFS_M_M2B Median age at first sexual intercourse [Men]: 25-49(54,59) Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among men age 25-49(54,59)
1171 SX_LSEX_W_4WK Recent sexual activity: Active in last 4 weeks Percentage of women who were sexually activity in the four weeks preceding the survey
1172 SX_LSEX_W_1YR Recent sexual activity [Women]: Within the last year Percentage of women who were sexually activity in the last year preceding the survey, excluding women who were sexually active in the last 4 weeks
1173 SX_LSEX_W_1PY Recent sexual activity [Women]: One or more years ago Percentage of women who were sexually activity one or more years preceding the survey
1174 SX_LSEX_W_MIS Recent sexual activity [Women]: Missing Percentage of women who were sexually active, and had missing information on timing of last sex
1175 SX_LSEX_W_NSX Recent sexual activity: Never had sex Percentage of women who had never had sexual intercourse
1176 SX_LSEX_W_TOT Women: Total Percentage of women: Total
1177 SX_LSEX_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
1178 SX_LSEX_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
1179 SX_LSEX_M_4WK Recent sexual activity [Men]: Active 4 Weeks Percentage of men who were sexually active in the four weeks preceding the survey
1180 SX_LSEX_M_1YR Recent sexual activity [Men]: Within the last year Percentage of men who were sexually activity in the last year preceding the survey, excluding men who were sexually active in the last 4 weeks
1181 SX_LSEX_M_1PY Recent sexual activity [Men]: One or more years ago Percentage of men who were sexually activity one or more years preceding the survey
1182 SX_LSEX_M_MIS Recent sexual activity [Men]: Missing Percentage of men who were sexually active, and had missing information on timing of last sex
1183 SX_LSEX_M_NSX Recent sexual activity [Men]: Never had sex Percentage of men who never had sexual intercourse
1184 SX_LSEX_M_TOT Men: Total Percentage of men: Total
1185 SX_LSEX_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
1186 SX_LSEX_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
1187 SX_SACY_W_ESX Young women age 15-19 who ever had sexual intercourse Percentage of young women age 15-19 who ever had sexual intercourse
1188 SX_SACY_W_SAC Young women age 15-19 who are sexually active Percentage of young women age 15-19 who are sexually active, that is had sexual intercourse in the last 4 weeks (0-28 days inclusive)
1189 SX_SACY_W_NUM Number of young women age 15-19 Number of young women age 15-19
1190 SX_SACY_W_UNW Number of young women age 15-19 (unweighted) Number of young women age 15-19 (unweighted)
1191 SX_SACY_M_ESX Young men age 15-19 who ever had sexual intercourse Percentage of young men age 15-19 who ever had sexual intercourse
1192 SX_SACY_M_SAC Young men age 15-19 who are sexually active Percentage of young men age 15-19 who are sexually active, that is had sexual intercourse in the last 4 weeks (0-28 days inclusive)
1193 SX_SACY_M_NUM Number of young men age 15-19 Number of young men age 15-19
1194 SX_SACY_M_UNW Number of young men age 15-19 (unweighted) Number of young men age 15-19 (unweighted)
1195 CM_ECMT_C_NNR Neonatal mortality rate (5 year periods) Probability of dying in the first month of life (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1196 CM_ECMT_C_NNE Neonatal mortality rate (5 year periods) - standard error Standard error of the probability of dying in the first month of life (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1197 CM_ECMT_C_NNX Neonatal mortality rate (5 year periods) - relative error Relative error of the probability of dying in the first month of life (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1198 CM_ECMT_C_NNL Neonatal mortality rate (5 year periods) - CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying in the first month of life (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births calculated as the neonatal mortality rate minus 2 standard errors
1199 CM_ECMT_C_NNU Neonatal mortality rate (5 year periods) - CI upper bound (+2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying in the first month of life (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births calculated as the neonatal mortality rate plus 2 standard errors
1200 CM_ECMT_C_PNR Postneonatal mortality (5 year periods) Probability of dying after the first month of life and before the first birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving the first month of life, computed as the difference between the infant and neonatal mortality rates
1201 CM_ECMT_C_PNE Postneonatal mortality (5 year periods) - standard error Standard error of the probability of dying after the first month of life and before the first birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving the first month of life, computed as the difference between the infant and neonatal mortality rates
1202 CM_ECMT_C_PNX Postneonatal mortality (5 year periods) - relative error Relative error of the probability of dying after the first month of life and before the first birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving the first month of life, computed as the difference between the infant and neonatal mortality rates
1203 CM_ECMT_C_PNL Postneonatal mortality (5 year periods) - CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying after the first month of life and before the first birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving the first month of life, computed as the difference between the infant and neonatal mortality rates calculated as the postneonatal mortality rate minus 2 standard errors
1204 CM_ECMT_C_PNU Postneonatal mortality (5 year periods) - CI upper bound (+2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying after the first month of life and before the first birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving the first month of life, computed as the difference between the infant and neonatal mortality rates calculated as the postneonatal mortality rate plus 2 standard errors
1205 CM_ECMT_C_IMR Infant mortality rate (5 year periods) Probability of dying before the first birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1206 CM_ECMT_C_IME Infant mortality rate (5 year periods) - standard error Standard error of the probability of dying before the first birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1207 CM_ECMT_C_IMX Infant mortality rate (5 year periods) - relative error Relative error of the probability of dying before the first birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1208 CM_ECMT_C_IML Infant mortality rate (5 year periods) - CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying before the first birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births calculated as the infant mortality rate minus 2 standard errors
1209 CM_ECMT_C_IMU Infant mortality rate (5 year periods) - CI upper bound (+2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying before the first birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births calculated as the infant mortality rate plus 2 standard errors
1210 CM_ECMT_C_CMR Child mortality (5 year periods) Probability of dying between the first birthday and the fifth birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving to their first birthday
1211 CM_ECMT_C_CME Child mortality (5 year periods) - standard error Standard error of the probability of dying between the first birthday and the fifth birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving to their first birthday
1212 CM_ECMT_C_CMX Child mortality (5 year periods) - relative error Relative error of the probability of dying between the first birthday and the fifth birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving to their first birthday
1213 CM_ECMT_C_CML Child mortality (5 year periods) - CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying between the first birthday and the fifth birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving to their first birthday calculated as the child mortality rate minus 2 standard errors
1214 CM_ECMT_C_CMU Child mortality (5 year periods) - CI upper bound (+2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying between the first birthday and the fifth birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving to their first birthday calculated as the child mortality rate plus 2 standard errors
1215 CM_ECMT_C_U5M Under-five mortality rate (5 year periods) Probability of dying before the fifth birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1216 CM_ECMT_C_U5E Under-five mortality rate (5 year periods) - standard error Standard error of the probability of dying before the fifth birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1217 CM_ECMT_C_U5X Under-five mortality rate (5 year periods) - relative error Relative error of the probability of dying before the fifth birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1218 CM_ECMT_C_U5L Under-five mortality rate (5 year periods) - CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying before the fifth birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births calculated as the under-five mortality rate minus 2 standard errors
1219 CM_ECMT_C_U5U Under-five mortality rate (5 year periods) - CI upper bound (+2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying before the fifth birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births calculated as the under-five mortality rate plus 2 standard errors
1220 CM_ECMR_C_NNR Neonatal mortality rate Probability of dying in the first month of life in the five or ten years preceding the survey, per 1,000 live births. Estimates are given for ten year periods for all characteristics, but for five year periods only for the national total, by residence, and by sex.
1221 CM_ECMR_C_NNE Neonatal mortality rate - standard error Standard error of the probability of dying in the first month of life (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1222 CM_ECMR_C_NNX Neonatal mortality rate - relative error Relative error of the probability of dying in the first month of life (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1223 CM_ECMR_C_NNL Neonatal mortality rate - CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying in the first month of life (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births calculated as the neonatal mortality rate minus 2 standard errors
1224 CM_ECMR_C_NNU Neonatal mortality rate - CI upper bound (+2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying in the first month of life (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births calculated as the neonatal mortality rate plus 2 standard errors
1225 CM_ECMR_C_PNR Postneonatal mortality rate Probability of dying after the first month of life and before the first birthday in the five or ten years preceding the survey, per 1,000 children surviving the first month of life, computed as the difference between the infant and neonatal mortality rates. Estimates are given for ten year periods for all characteristics, but for five year periods only for the national total, by residence, and by sex.
1226 CM_ECMR_C_PNE Postneonatal mortality - standard error Standard error of the probability of dying after the first month of life and before the first birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving the first month of life, computed as the difference between the infant and neonatal mortality rates
1227 CM_ECMR_C_PNX Postneonatal mortality - relative error Relative error of the probability of dying after the first month of life and before the first birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving the first month of life, computed as the difference between the infant and neonatal mortality rates
1228 CM_ECMR_C_PNL Postneonatal mortality - CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying after the first month of life and before the first birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving the first month of life, computed as the difference between the infant and neonatal mortality rates calculated as the postneonatal mortality rate minus 2 standard errors
1229 CM_ECMR_C_PNU Postneonatal mortality - CI upper bound (+2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying after the first month of life and before the first birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving the first month of life, computed as the difference between the infant and neonatal mortality rates calculated as the postneonatal mortality rate plus 2 standard errors
1230 CM_ECMR_C_IMR Infant mortality rate Probability of dying before the first birthday in the five or ten years preceding the survey, per 1,000 live births. Estimates are given for ten year periods for all characteristics, but for five year periods only for the national total, by residence, and by sex.
1231 CM_ECMR_C_IME Infant mortality rate - standard error Standard error of the probability of dying before the first birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1232 CM_ECMR_C_IMX Infant mortality rate - relative error Relative error of the probability of dying before the first birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1233 CM_ECMR_C_IML Infant mortality rate - CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying before the first birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births calculated as the infant mortality rate minus 2 standard errors
1234 CM_ECMR_C_IMU Infant mortality rate - CI upper bound (+2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying before the first birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births calculated as the infant mortality rate plus 2 standard errors
1235 CM_ECMR_C_CMR Child mortality rate Probability of dying between the first birthday and the fifth birthday in the five or ten years preceding the survey), per 1,000 children surviving to their first birthday. Estimates are given for ten year periods for all characteristics, but for five year periods only for the national total, by residence, and by sex.
1236 CM_ECMR_C_CME Child mortality - standard error Standard error of the probability of dying between the first birthday and the fifth birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving to their first birthday
1237 CM_ECMR_C_CMX Child mortality - relative error Relative error of the probability of dying between the first birthday and the fifth birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving to their first birthday
1238 CM_ECMR_C_CML Child mortality - CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying between the first birthday and the fifth birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving to their first birthday calculated as the child mortality rate minus 2 standard errors
1239 CM_ECMR_C_CMU Child mortality - CI upper bound (+2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying between the first birthday and the fifth birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving to their first birthday calculated as the child mortality rate plus 2 standard errors
1240 CM_ECMR_C_U5M Under-five mortality rate Probability of dying before the fifth birthday in the five or ten years preceding the survey, per 1,000 live births. Estimates are given for ten year periods for all characteristics, but for five year periods only for the national total, by residence, and by sex.
1241 CM_ECMR_C_U5E Under-five mortality rate - standard error Standard error of the probability of dying before the fifth birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1242 CM_ECMR_C_U5X Under-five mortality rate - relative error Relative error of the probability of dying before the fifth birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1243 CM_ECMR_C_U5L Under-five mortality rate - CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying before the fifth birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births calculated as the under-five mortality rate minus 2 standard errors
1244 CM_ECMR_C_U5U Under-five mortality rate - CI upper bound (+2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying before the fifth birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births calculated as the under-five mortality rate plus 2 standard errors
1245 CM_PNMR_C_NSB Stillbirths Number of stillbirths for the five-year period preceding the survey. Stillbirths are fetal deaths in pregnancies of 7 months or more.
1246 CM_PNMR_C_SBR Stillbirth rate Stillbirth rate for the five-year period preceding the survey per 1,000 pregnancies of 7+ months duration. Stillbirths are fetal deaths in pregnancies of 7 months or more.
1247 CM_PNMR_C_NEN Early neonatal deaths Number of early neonatal deaths for the five-year period preceding the survey. Early neonatal deaths are deaths at age 0-6 days among live-born children.
1248 CM_PNMR_C_ENR Early neonatal mortality rate Early neonatal mortality rate for the five-year period preceding the survey per 1,000 live births.
1249 CM_PNMR_C_PMR Perinatal mortality rate (5 years) Perinatal mortality rate for the five-year period preceding the survey, defined as the sum of the stillbirths and early neonatal deaths divided by the number of pregnancies of 7 or months' duration, expressed per 1,000 pregnancies.
1250 CM_PNMR_C_NUM Number of pregnancies of 7+ months duration Number of pregnancies of 7+ months duration in the five-year period preceding the survey
1251 CM_PNMR_C_UNW Number of pregnancies of 7+ months duration (unweighted) Number of pregnancies of 7+ months duration in the five-year period preceding the survey (unweighted)
1252 CM_PNMR_C_UNN Number of live births (unweighted) Number of live births in the five-year period preceding the survey (unweighted)
1253 CM_PNMR_C_RSE Ratio of stillbirths to early neonatal deaths Ratio of the stillbirths to the early neonatal deaths for the five years preceding the survey.
1254 CM_HRFB_C_NON High-risk births: Not in any risk category Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey not in any risk category
1255 CM_HRFB_C_FOB High-risk births: First birth Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey which are first births
1256 CM_HRFB_C_A18 High-risk births: Mother's age < 18 Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age < 18
1257 CM_HRFB_C_A34 High-risk births: Mother's age > 34 Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34
1258 CM_HRFB_C_B24 High-risk births: Birth interval < 24 months Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth interval < 24 months
1259 CM_HRFB_C_BO3 High-risk births: Birth order > 3 Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth order > 3
1260 CM_HRFB_C_SNG High-risk births: Single risk category Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey in a single risk category
1261 CM_HRFB_C_A1B High-risk births: Age < 18 & birth interval < 24 months Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age < 18 and with a birth interval < 24 months
1262 CM_HRFB_C_A2B High-risk births: Age > 34 & birth interval < 24 months Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34 and with a birth interval < 24 months
1263 CM_HRFB_C_ABO High-risk births: Age > 34 & birth order > 3 Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34 and with a birth order > 3
1264 CM_HRFB_C_A3B High-risk births: Age > 34, birth interval < 24 and birth order > 3 Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34 and with a birth interval < 24 and birth order > 3
1265 CM_HRFB_C_BIO High-risk births: Birth interval < 24 & birth order > 3 Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth interval < 24 and a birth order > 3
1266 CM_HRFB_C_MLT High-risk births: Multiple risk categories Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey in multiple risk categories
1267 CM_HRFB_C_ANY High-risk births: In any avoidable risk category Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey in any risk category
1268 CM_HRFB_C_A1S High-risk births: Mother's age < 18 subtotal Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age < 18
1269 CM_HRFB_C_A3S High-risk births: Mother's age > 34 subtotal Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34
1270 CM_HRFB_C_B1S High-risk births: Birth interval < 24 months subtotal Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth interval < 24 months
1271 CM_HRFB_C_B3S High-risk births: Birth order > 3 subtotal Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth order > 3
1272 CM_HRFB_C_TOT High risk births: Total Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey: Total
1273 CM_HRFB_C_NUM Number of children born in the last five years Number of children born in the last five years preceding the survey
1274 CM_HRFB_C_UNW Number of children born in the last five years (unweighted) Number of children born in the last five years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1275 CM_HRFR_C_NON High-risk fertility risk ratio: Not in any risk category Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey not in any high-risk category. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1276 CM_HRFR_C_FOB High-risk fertility risk ratio: First birth Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey which are first births. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1277 CM_HRFR_C_A18 High-risk fertility risk ratio: Mother's age < 18 Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age < 18. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1278 CM_HRFR_C_A34 High-risk fertility risk ratio: Mother's age > 34 Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1279 CM_HRFR_C_B24 High-risk fertility risk ratio: Birth interval < 24 months Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth interval < 24 months. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1280 CM_HRFR_C_BO3 High-risk fertility risk ratio: Birth order > 3 Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth order > 3. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1281 CM_HRFR_C_SNG High-risk fertility risk ratio: Single risk category Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey in a single high-risk category. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1282 CM_HRFR_C_A1B High-risk fertility risk ratio: Age < 18 & birth interval < 24 months Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age < 18 and with a birth interval < 24 months. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1283 CM_HRFR_C_A2B High-risk fertility risk ratio: Age > 34 & birth interval < 24 months Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34 and with a birth interval < 24 months. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1284 CM_HRFR_C_ABO High-risk fertility risk ratio: Age > 34 & birth order > 3 Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34 and with a birth order > 3. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1285 CM_HRFR_C_A3B High-risk fertility risk ratio: Age > 34, birth interval < 24 and birth order > 3 Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34 and with a birth interval < 24 and birth order > 3. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1286 CM_HRFR_C_BIO High-risk fertility risk ratio: Birth interval < 24 & birth order > 3 Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth interval < 24 and a birth order > 3. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1287 CM_HRFR_C_MLT High-risk fertility risk ratio: Multiple risk categories Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey in multiple high-risk categories. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1288 CM_HRFR_C_ANY High-risk fertility risk ratio: In any avoidable risk category Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey in any high-risk category. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1289 CM_HRFR_C_A1S High-risk fertility risk ratio: Mother's age < 18 subtotal Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age < 18. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any risk category.
1290 CM_HRFR_C_A3S High-risk fertility risk ratio: Mother's age > 34 subtotal Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any risk category.
1291 CM_HRFR_C_B1S High-risk fertility risk ratio: Birth interval < 24 months subtotal Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth interval < 24 months. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any risk category.
1292 CM_HRFR_C_B3S High-risk fertility risk ratio: Birth order > 3 subtotal Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth order > 3. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any risk category.
1293 CM_HRFR_U_NON Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Not in any risk category Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey not in any high-risk category
1294 CM_HRFR_U_FOB Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: First birth Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey which are first births
1295 CM_HRFR_U_A18 Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Mother's age < 18 Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age < 18
1296 CM_HRFR_U_A34 Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Mother's age > 34 Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34
1297 CM_HRFR_U_B24 Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Birth interval < 24 months Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth interval < 24 months
1298 CM_HRFR_U_BO3 Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Birth order > 3 Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth order > 3
1299 CM_HRFR_U_SNG Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Single risk category Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey in a single high-risk category
1300 CM_HRFR_U_A1B Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Age < 18 & birth interval < 24 months Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age < 18 and with a birth interval < 24 months
1301 CM_HRFR_U_A2B Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Age > 34 & birth interval < 24 months Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34 and with a birth interval < 24 months
1302 CM_HRFR_U_ABO Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Age > 34 & birth order > 3 Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34 and with a birth order > 3
1303 CM_HRFR_U_A3B Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Age > 34, birth interval < 24 and birth order > 3 Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34 and with a birth interval < 24 and birth order > 3
1304 CM_HRFR_U_BIO Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Birth interval < 24 & birth order > 3 Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth interval < 24 and a birth order > 3
1305 CM_HRFR_U_MLT Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Multiple risk categories Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey in multiple high-risk categories
1306 CM_HRFR_U_ANY High-risk fertility risk ratio: In any avoidable risk category Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey in any avoidable risk category. Avoidable risk categories are any except a first birth between ages 18 & 34
1307 CM_HRFR_U_A1S Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Mother's age < 18 subtotal Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age < 18
1308 CM_HRFR_U_A3S Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Mother's age > 34 subtotal Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34
1309 CM_HRFR_U_B1S Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Birth interval < 24 months subtotal Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth interval < 24 months
1310 CM_HRFR_U_B3S Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Birth order > 3 subtotal Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth order > 3
1311 CM_HRFW_W_NON High-risk fertility behavior: Not in any risk category Percentage of currently married or in union women not in any risk category
1312 CM_HRFW_W_FOB High-risk fertility behavior: First birth Percentage of currently married or in union women which are first births
1313 CM_HRFW_W_A18 High-risk fertility behavior: Mother's age < 18 Percentage of currently married or in union women to mothers age < 18
1314 CM_HRFW_W_A34 High-risk fertility behavior: Mother's age > 34 Percentage of currently married or in union women to mothers age > 34
1315 CM_HRFW_W_B24 High-risk fertility behavior: Birth interval < 24 months Percentage of currently married or in union women with a birth interval < 24 months
1316 CM_HRFW_W_BO3 High-risk fertility behavior: Birth order > 3 Percentage of currently married or in union women with a birth order > 3
1317 CM_HRFW_W_SNG High-risk fertility behavior: Single risk category Percentage of currently married or in union women in a single risk category
1318 CM_HRFW_W_A1B High-risk fertility behavior: Age < 18 & birth interval < 24 months Percentage of currently married or in union women to mothers age < 18 and with a birth interval < 24 months
1319 CM_HRFW_W_A2B High-risk fertility behavior: Age > 34 & birth interval < 24 months Percentage of currently married or in union women to mothers age > 34 and with a birth interval < 24 months
1320 CM_HRFW_W_ABO High-risk fertility behavior: Age > 34 & birth order > 3 Percentage of currently married or in union women to mothers age > 34 and with a birth order > 3
1321 CM_HRFW_W_A3B High-risk fertility behavior: Age > 34, birth interval < 24 and birth order > 3 Percentage of currently married or in union women to mothers age > 34 and with a birth interval < 24 and birth order > 3
1322 CM_HRFW_W_BIO High-risk fertility behavior: Birth interval < 24 & birth order > 3 Percentage of currently married or in union women with a birth interval < 24 and a birth order > 3
1323 CM_HRFW_W_MLT High-risk fertility behavior: Multiple risk categories Percentage of currently married or in union women in multiple risk categories
1324 CM_HRFW_W_ANY High-risk fertility behavior: In any avoidable risk category Percentage of currently married or in union women in any avoidable risk category. Avoidable risk categories are any except a first birth between ages 18 & 34
1325 CM_HRFW_W_A1S High-risk births: Mother's age < 18 subtotal Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age < 18
1326 CM_HRFW_W_A3S High-risk births: Mother's age > 34 subtotal Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34
1327 CM_HRFW_W_B1S High-risk births: Birth interval < 24 months subtotal Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth interval < 24 months
1328 CM_HRFW_W_B3S High-risk births: Birth order > 3 subtotal Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth order > 3
1329 CM_HRFW_W_TOT High risk fertility behavior: Total Percentage of currently married or in union women: Total
1330 CM_HRFW_W_NUM Number of married women Number of currently married or in union women
1331 CM_HRFW_W_UNW Number of married women (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women (unweighted)
1332 MM_AMRT_W_DTH Deaths of adult women Number of deaths to adult women in the seven years preceding the survey
1333 MM_AMRT_W_EXP Years of exposure to the risk of mortality for women Number of years of exposure to the risk of mortality for women in the seven years preceding the survey
1334 MM_AMRT_W_EXU Years of exposure to the risk of mortality for women (unweighted) Number of years of exposure to the risk of mortality for women in the seven years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1335 MM_AMRT_W_AMR Adult female mortality rate Adult female mortality rate for the seven years preceding the survey expressed per 1,000 women-years of exposure
1336 MM_AMRT_M_DTH Deaths of adult men Number of deaths to adult wmen in the seven years preceding the survey
1337 MM_AMRT_M_EXP Years of exposure to the risk of mortality for men Number of years of exposure to the risk of mortality for men in the seven years preceding the survey
1338 MM_AMRT_M_EXU Years of exposure to the risk of mortality for men (unweighted) Number of years of exposure to the risk of mortality for men in the seven years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1339 MM_AMRT_M_AMR Adult male mortality rate Adult male mortality rate for the seven years preceding the survey expressed per 1,000 men-years of exposure
1340 MM_AMPB_W_AMP Probability of dying between exact age 15 and 50 (35q15) for women Probability of dying between exact age 15 and 50 (35q15) for women
1341 MM_AMPB_M_AMP Probability of dying between exact age 15 and 50 (35q15) for men Probability of dying between exact age 15 and 50 (35q15) for men
1342 MM_MMRT_W_FDP Female deaths that are pregnancy-related Percentage of all female adult deaths during pregnancy, delivery and the two months following delivery that are pregnancy related deaths, including deaths due to accidents or violence
1343 MM_MMRT_W_FDM Female deaths that are maternal Percentage of all female adult deaths that are maternal deaths. Maternal deaths are deaths to adult females during pregnancy, delivery or in the 42 days following delivery, excluding those due to accidents or violence.
1344 MM_MMRT_W_PDT Number of pregnancy-related deaths Number of female adult deaths that are pregnancy related deaths. Prengnacy-related deaths are deaths during pregnancy, delivery or the two months following delivery, including those due to accidents or violence
1345 MM_MMRT_W_MDT Number of maternal deaths Number of female adult deaths that are maternal deaths, during the pregnancy, delivery or in the 42 days following delivery, excluding those due to accidents or violence
1346 MM_MMRT_W_EXP Years of exposure to the risk of mortality for women Number of years of exposure to the risk of mortality for women in the seven years preceding the survey
1347 MM_MMRT_W_EXU Years of exposure to the risk of mortality for women (unweighted) Number of years of exposure to the risk of mortality for women in the seven years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1348 MM_MMRT_W_PRT Pregnancy-related mortality rate Pregnancy-related mortality rate for the seven years preceding the survey expressed per 1,000 women-years of exposure. Pregnancy-related deaths are deaths during pregnancy, delivery and in the two months following delivery, including deaths due to accidents or violence
1349 MM_MMRT_W_MRT Maternal mortality rate Maternal mortality rate for the seven years preceding the survey expressed per 1,000 women-years of exposure. Maternal deaths are deaths to adult females during pregnancy, delivery or in the 42 days following delivery, excluding those due to accidents or violence.
1350 MM_MMRO_W_GFR General fertility rate General fertility rate for the seven years preceding the survey per 1,000 women age 15-49
1351 MM_MMRO_W_PMR Pregnancy-related mortality ratio Pregnancy-related mortality ratio for the seven years preceding the survey expressed per 100,000 live births, calculated as the age-adjusted pregnancy-related mortality rate times 100 divided by the age-adjusted general fertility rate. Pregnancy-related deaths are deaths during pregnancy, delivery and in the two months following delivery, including deaths due to accidents or violence
1352 MM_MMRO_W_PIL Pregnancy-related mortality ratio CI lower bound (PRMR-2SE) Lower bound for the confidence interval of the pregnancy-related mortality ratio calculated as the pregnancy-related mortality ratio minus 2 standard errors
1353 MM_MMRO_W_PIH Pregnancy-related mortality ratio CI upper bound (PRMR+2SE) Upper bound for the confidence interval of the pregnancy-related mortality ratio calculated as the pregnancy-related mortality ratio plus 2 standard errors
1354 MM_MMRO_W_LTP Lifetime risk of pregnancy-related death Lifetime risk of pregnancy-related death calculated as 1-(1-PRMR)^TFR where TFR is the total fertility rate for the seven years preceding the survey. Pregnancy-related deaths are deaths during pregnancy, delivery and in the two months following delivery, including deaths due to accidents or violence
1355 MM_MMRO_W_MMR Maternal mortality ratio Maternal mortality ratio for the seven years preceding the survey expressed per 100,000 live births, calculated as the age-adjusted maternal mortality rate times 100 divided by the age-adjusted general fertility rate. Maternal deaths are deaths to adult females during pregnancy, delivery or in the 42 days following delivery, excluding those due to accidents or violence.
1356 MM_MMRO_W_CIL Maternal mortality ratio CI lower bound (MMR-2SE) Lower bound for the confidence interval of the maternal mortality ratio calculated as the maternal mortality ratio minus 2 standard errors
1357 MM_MMRO_W_CIH Maternal mortality ratio CI upper bound (MMR+2SE) Upper bound for the confidence interval of the maternal mortality ratio calculated as the maternal mortality ratio plus 2 standard errors
1358 MM_MMRO_W_LTR Lifetime risk of maternal death Lifetime risk of maternal death calculated as 1-(1-MMR)^TFR where TFR is the total fertility rate for the seven years preceding the survey. Maternal deaths are deaths to adult females during pregnancy, delivery or in the 42 days following delivery, excluding those due to accidents or violence.
1359 RH_ANCP_W_DOC Antenatal care provider: Doctor Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose source of antenatal care during the pregnancy for the most recent live birth was a doctor
1360 RH_ANCP_W_NRS Antenatal care provider: Nurse/midwife Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose source of antenatal care during the pregnancy for the most recent live birth was a nurse or midwife
1361 RH_ANCP_W_AUX Antenatal care provider: Auxiliary nurse/midwife Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose source of antenatal care during the pregnancy for the most recent live birth was an auxiliary nurse
1362 RH_ANCP_W_CHW Antenatal care provider: Community health worker Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose source of antenatal care during the pregnancy for the most recent live birth was a community health worker
1363 RH_ANCP_W_OHW Antenatal care provider: Other health worker Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose source of antenatal care during the pregnancy for the most recent live birth was another type of health worker
1364 RH_ANCP_W_TBA Antenatal care provider: Traditional birth attendant Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose source of antenatal care during the pregnancy for the most recent live birth was a traditional birth attendant
1365 RH_ANCP_W_OTH Antenatal care provider: Other Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose source of antenatal care during the pregnancy for the most recent live birth was other
1366 RH_ANCP_W_MIS Antenatal care provider: Missing Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey with missing information on antenatal care during the pregnancy for the most recent live birth
1367 RH_ANCP_W_NON No antenatal care Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received no antenatal care during the pregnancy for the most recent live birth
1368 RH_ANCP_W_TOT Antenatal care: Total Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey: Total
1369 RH_ANCP_W_SKP Antenatal care from a skilled provider Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care during the pregnancy for the most recent live birth from a skilled provider
1370 RH_ANCP_W_NUM Number of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the last two (or three/five) years Number of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey
1371 RH_ANCP_W_UNW Number of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the last two (or three/five) years (unweighted) Number of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1372 RH_ANCN_W_NON Antenatal visits for pregnancy: None Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who had no antenatal care visits
1373 RH_ANCN_W_N01 Antenatal visits for pregnancy: 1 Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who had 1 antenatal care visit
1374 RH_ANCN_W_N23 Antenatal visits for pregnancy: 2-3 visits Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who had 2-3 antenatal care visits
1375 RH_ANCN_W_N4P Antenatal visits for pregnancy: 4+ visits Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who had 4+ antenatal care visits
1376 RH_ANCN_W_N47 Antenatal visits for pregnancy: 4-7 visits Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who had 4-7 antenatal care visits
1377 RH_ANCN_W_N8P Antenatal visits for pregnancy: 8+ visits Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who had 8+ antenatal care visits
1378 RH_ANCN_W_DKM Antenatal visits for pregnancy: don't know or missing Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey with 'don't know' or missing information on number of antenatal care visits
1379 RH_ANCN_W_TOT Number of women with a birth in the last two (or three/five) years Number of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth)s in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey
1380 RH_ANCT_W_NON Timing of first antenatal check: No antenatal care Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey receiving no antenatal care
1381 RH_ANCT_W_TL4 Timing of first antenatal check: Less than 4 months Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose first antenatal care visit was at less than 4 months
1382 RH_ANCT_W_T45 Timing of first antenatal check: 4-5 months Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose first antenatal care visit was at 4-5 months
1383 RH_ANCT_W_T67 Timing of first antenatal check: 6-7 months Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose first antenatal care visit was at 6-7 months
1384 RH_ANCT_W_T8P Timing of first antenatal check: 8+ months Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose first antenatal care visit was at 8+ months
1385 RH_ANCT_W_DKM Timing of first antenatal check: don't know or missing information on timing Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey with 'don't know' or missing information on timing of first antenatal care visit
1386 RH_ANCT_W_TOT Timing of first antenatal check: Total Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth)s in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey: Total
1387 RH_ANCT_W_NUM Number of women with a birth in the last two (or three/five) years Number of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth)s in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey
1388 RH_ANCT_W_UNW Number of women with a birth in the last two (or three/five) years (unweighted) Number of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth)s in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1389 RH_ANCT_W_MED Median months of pregnancy at first antenatal care visit Median number of months of pregnancy at time of the first visit antenatal care visit of those withh at least one antenatal care visit for Live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey
1390 RH_ANCT_W_NMA Number of women with a birth in the last two (or three/five) years receiving antenatal care (ANC) Number of women with a birth in the last two (or three/five) years receiving antenatal care (ANC)
1391 RH_ANCT_W_UNA Number of women with a birth in the last two (or three/five) years receiving antenatal care (ANC) (unweighted) Number of women with a birth in the last two (or three/five) years receiving antenatal care (ANC) (unweighted)
1392 RH_ANCC_W_IRN Antenatal care content: Received iron tablets or syrup Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received iron tablets or syrup during antenatal care
1393 RH_ANCC_W_PAR Antenatal care content: Took intestinal parasite drugs Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who took intestinal parasite drugs during antenatal care
1394 RH_ANCC_W_NUM Number of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the last two (or three/five) years who received antenatal care Number of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care for the most recent birth
1395 RH_ANCC_W_UNW Number of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the last two (or three/five) years who received antenatal care (unweighted) Number of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care for the most recent birth (unweighted)
1396 RH_ANCS_W_SGN Antenatal care content (of ANC): Informed of signs of pregnancy complications Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care for the most recent birth informed of signs of pregnancy complications
1397 RH_ANCS_W_WGT Antenatal care content (of ANC): Weight measured Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care for the most recent birth with weight measured
1398 RH_ANCS_W_HGT Antenatal care content (of ANC): Height measured Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care for the most recent birth with height measured
1399 RH_ANCS_W_BLP Antenatal care content (of ANC): Blood pressure measured Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care for the most recent birth with blood pressure measured
1400 RH_ANCS_W_URN Antenatal care content (of ANC): Urine sample taken Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care for the most recent birth with urine sample taken
1401 RH_ANCS_W_BLS Antenatal care content (of ANC): Blood sample taken Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care for the most recent birth with blood sample taken
1402 RH_ANCS_W_NUM Number of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the last two (or three/five) years who received antenatal care Number of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care for the most recent birth
1403 RH_ANCS_W_UNW Number of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the last two (or three/five) years who received antenatal care (unweighted) Number of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care for the most recent birth (unweighted)
1404 RH_TTIJ_W_TT0 Tetanus injections before birth: None Percentage of mothers with a last live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received no tetanus toxoid injections during pregnancy
1405 RH_TTIJ_W_TT1 Tetanus injections before birth: One dose Percentage of mothers with a last live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received one dose of tetanus toxoid injections during pregnancy
1406 RH_TTIJ_W_TT2 Tetanus injections before birth: Two doses or more Percentage of mothers with a last live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received two doses or more of tetanus toxoid injections during pregnancy
1407 RH_TTIJ_W_DKM Tetanus injections before birth: don't know or missing Percentage of mothers with a last live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey with 'don't know' or missing information on the number of tetanus toxoid injections received during pregnancy
1408 RH_TTIJ_W_TOT Tetanus injections before birth: Total Percentage of mothers with a last live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey: Total
1409 RH_TTIJ_W_PRT Tetanus protection at birth Percentage of mothers with a last live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received sufficient tetanus toxoid injections to provide protection at birth. Includes mothers with two injections during the pregnancy of her last birth, or two or more injections (the last within 3 years of the last live birth), or three or more injections (the last within 5 years of the last birth), or four or more injections (the last within 10 years of the last live birth), or five or more...
1410 RH_TTIJ_W_NUM Number of mothers with a last live births in the last two (or three/five) years Number of mothers with a last live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey
1411 RH_TTIJ_W_UNW Number of mothers with a last live births in the last two (or three/five) years (unweighted) Number of mothers with a last live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1412 RH_DELP_C_PUB Place of delivery: Public sector Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey delivered in a public sector facility
1413 RH_DELP_C_PRV Place of delivery: Private sector Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey delivered in a private sector facility
1414 RH_DELP_C_HOM Place of delivery: At home Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey delivered at home
1415 RH_DELP_C_OTH Place of delivery: Other Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey delivered at an other location
1416 RH_DELP_C_DKM Place of delivery: don't know or missing Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey with 'don't know' or missing information on the location of delivery
1417 RH_DELP_C_TOT Place of delivery: Total Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey: Total
1418 RH_DELP_C_DHF Place of delivery: Health facility Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey delivered at a health facility
1419 RH_DELP_C_NUM Number of live births (or stillbirths) in the last two (or three/five) years Number of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey
1420 RH_DELP_C_UNW Number of live births (or stillbirths) in the last two (or three/five) years (unweighted) Number of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1421 RH_DELA_C_DOC Assistance during delivery: Doctor Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey assisted by a doctor
1422 RH_DELA_C_NRS Assistance during delivery: Nurse/midwife Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey assisted by a nurse or midwife
1423 RH_DELA_C_AUX Assistance during delivery: Auxiliary nurse/midwife Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey assisted by an auxiliary nurse
1424 RH_DELA_C_OHW Assistance during delivery: Other health worker Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey assisted by another type of health worker
1425 RH_DELA_C_OHP Assistance during delivery: Health professional other than a doctor Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey assisted by a health professional other than a doctor
1426 RH_DELA_C_TBA Assistance during delivery: Traditional birth attendant Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey assisted by a traditional birth attendant
1427 RH_DELA_C_REL Assistance during delivery: Relative or other Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey assisted by a relative or other
1428 RH_DELA_C_NON Assistance during delivery: No one Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey assisted by no one
1429 RH_DELA_C_DKM Assistance during delivery: don't know or missing Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey with 'don't know' or missing information on assistance during delivery
1430 RH_DELA_C_TOT Assistance during delivery: Total Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey: Total
1431 RH_DELA_C_SKP Assistance during delivery from a skilled provider Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey assisted by a skilled provider. Skilled provider includes doctor, nurse, midwife and auxiliary nurse or midwife.
1432 RH_DELA_C_CSC Delivery by cesarean section Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey delivered by cesarean section
1433 RH_DELA_C_CSP Delivery by caesarean section planned before onset of labor pains Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey with a caesarean section planned before onset of labor pains
1434 RH_DELA_C_CSA Delivery by caesarean section decided after onset of labor pains Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey with a caesarean section decided after the onset of labor pains
1435 RH_DELA_C_CSM Delivery by caesarean section - planning status missing Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey with a caesarean section but the planning status was unknown or missing
1436 RH_DELA_C_SKN Skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey with skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth
1437 RH_DELA_C_NUM Number of live births (or stillbirths) in the last two (or three/five) years Number of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey
1438 RH_DELA_C_UNW Number of live births (or stillbirths) in the last two (or three/five) years (unweighted) Number of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1439 RH_DURH_W_H05 Duration of stay in health facility < 6 hours Percentage of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility and stayed < 6 hours in the health facility after delivery
1440 RH_DURH_W_H06 Duration of stay in health facility 6-11 hours Percentage of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility and stayed 6-11 hours in the health facility after delivery
1441 RH_DURH_W_H12 Duration of stay in health facility 12-23 hours Percentage of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility and stayed 12-23 hours in the health facility after delivery
1442 RH_DURH_W_D12 Duration of stay in health facility 1-2 days Percentage of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility and stayed 1-2 days in the health facility after delivery
1443 RH_DURH_W_D3P Duration of stay in health facility 3+ days Percentage of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility and stayed 3+ days in the health facility after delivery
1444 RH_DURH_W_DKM Duration of stay in health facility unknown or missing Percentage of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility whose duration of stay in the health facility after delivery is unknown or missing
1445 RH_DURH_W_TOT Duration of stay in health facility: Total Percentage of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility: Total
1446 RH_DURH_W_NUM Number of women Number of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility
1447 RH_DURH_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility (unweighted)
1448 RH_PCMT_W_L4H Mother's first postnatal checkup: Less than 4 hours Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey who had their first postnatal checkup less than 4 hours after birth
1449 RH_PCMT_W_23H Mother's first postnatal checkup: 4-23 hours Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey who had their first postnatal checkup 4-23 hours after birth
1450 RH_PCMT_W_D12 Mother's first postnatal checkup: 1-2 days Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey who had their first postnatal checkup 1-2 days after birth
1451 RH_PCMT_W_D36 Mother's first postnatal checkup: 3-6 days Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey who had their first postnatal checkup 3-6 days after birth
1452 RH_PCMT_W_D7P Mother's first postnatal checkup: 7-41 days Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey who had their first postnatal checkup 7-41 days after birth
1453 RH_PCMT_W_DKM Mother's first postnatal checkup: don't know or missing Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey with missing information on their first postnatal checkup after birth
1454 RH_PCMT_W_NON No postnatal checkup for mother Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey with no postnatal checkup in the first 42 days after birth
1455 RH_PCMT_W_TOT Mother's first postnatal checkup: Total Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey: Total
1456 RH_PCMT_W_DY2 Mother's first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey who had their first postnatal checkup within the first two days after birth
1457 RH_PCMT_W_NUM Number of mothers Number of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey
1458 RH_PCMT_W_UNW Number of mothers (unweighted) Number of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1459 RH_PCMP_W_DOC Provider of mothers' first postnatal checkup: Doctor/nurse/midwife Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey who received their first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth from a doctor, nurse or midwife
1460 RH_PCMP_W_NRS Provider of mothers' first postnatal checkup: Auxiliary nurse/midwife Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey who received their first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth from an auxiliary nurse
1461 RH_PCMP_W_CHW Provider of mothers' first postnatal checkup: Community health worker Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey who received their first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth from a community health worker
1462 RH_PCMP_W_OHW Provider of mothers' first postnatal checkup: Other health worker Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey who received their first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth from another type of health worker
1463 RH_PCMP_W_TBA Provider of mothers' first postnatal checkup: Traditional birth attendant Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey who received their first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth from a traditional birth attendant
1464 RH_PCMP_W_DKM Provider of mothers' first postnatal checkup: don't know or missing Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey who have missing information on the provider from whom they received their first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth
1465 RH_PCMP_W_NON No postnatal checkup for mother within first two days of birth Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey who received no postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth
1466 RH_PCMP_W_TOT Provider of mothers' first postnatal checkup: Total Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey: Total
1467 RH_PCMP_W_NUM Number of mothers Number of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey
1468 RH_PCMP_W_UNW Number of mothers (unweighted) Number of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1469 RH_PCCT_C_L1H Newborn's first postnatal checkup: Less than 1 hour Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey who had their first postnatal checkup less than 1 hour after birth
1470 RH_PCCT_C_H13 Newborn's first postnatal checkup: 1-3 hours Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey who had their first postnatal checkup 1-3 hours after birth
1471 RH_PCCT_C_H4P Newborn's first postnatal checkup: 4-23 hours Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey who had their first postnatal checkup 4-23 hours after birth
1472 RH_PCCT_C_D12 Newborn's first postnatal checkup: 1-2 days Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey who had their first postnatal checkup 1-2 days after birth
1473 RH_PCCT_C_D36 Newborn's first postnatal checkup: 3-6 days Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey who had their first postnatal checkup 3-6 days after birth
1474 RH_PCCT_C_DKM Newborn's first postnatal checkup: don't know or missing Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey with missing information on their first postnatal checkup after birth
1475 RH_PCCT_C_NON No postnatal checkup for newborn Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey with no postnatal checkup in the first 7 days after birth
1476 RH_PCCT_C_TOT Newborn's first postnatal checkup: Total Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey: Total
1477 RH_PCCT_C_DY2 Newborn's first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey who had their first postnatal checkup within the first two days after birth
1478 RH_PCCT_C_NUM Number of newborns Number of last births in the two years preceding the survey
1479 RH_PCCT_C_UNW Number of newborns (unweighted) Number of last births in the two years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1480 RH_PCCP_C_DOC Provider of newborns' first postnatal checkup: Doctor/nurse/midwife Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey who received their first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth from a doctor, nurse or midwife
1481 RH_PCCP_C_NRS Provider of newborns' first postnatal checkup: Auxiliary nurse/midwife Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey who received their first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth from an auxiliary nurse
1482 RH_PCCP_C_CHW Provider of newborns' first postnatal checkup: Community health worker Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey who received their first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth from a community health worker
1483 RH_PCCP_C_OHW Provider of newborns' first postnatal checkup: Other health worker Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey who received their first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth from another type of health worker
1484 RH_PCCP_C_TBA Provider of newborns' first postnatal checkup: Traditional birth attendant Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey who received their first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth from a traditional birth attendant
1485 RH_PCCP_C_DKM Provider of newborns' first postnatal checkup: don't know or missing Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey who have missing information on the provider from whom they received their first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth
1486 RH_PCCP_C_NON No postnatal checkup for newborn within first two days of birth Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey who received no postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth
1487 RH_PCCP_C_TOT Provider of newborns' first postnatal checkup: Total Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey: Total
1488 RH_PCCP_C_NUM Number of newborns Number of last births in the two years preceding the survey
1489 RH_PCCP_C_UNW Number of newborns (unweighted) Number of last births in the two years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1490 RH_CPCN_C_CRD Cord examined Among most recent live births in the 2 years preceding the survey, the percentage for whom the cord was examined during the first 2 days after birth
1491 RH_CPCN_C_TMP Temperature measured Among most recent live births in the 2 years preceding the survey, the percentage for whom the temperature was measured during the first 2 days after birth
1492 RH_CPCN_C_DNG Counseling on danger signs Among most recent live births in the 2 years preceding the survey, the percentage for whom counseling on danger signs was provided during the first 2 days after birth
1493 RH_CPCN_C_BRF Counseling on breastfeeding Among most recent live births in the 2 years preceding the survey, the percentage for whom counseling on breastfeeding was provided during the first 2 days after birth
1494 RH_CPCN_C_OBB Observation of breastfeeding Among most recent live births in the 2 years preceding the survey, the percentage for whom breastfeeding was observed during the first 2 days after birth
1495 RH_CPCN_C_WGH Weighed Among most recent live births in the 2 years preceding the survey, the percentage for whom the child was weighed during the first 2 days after birth
1496 RH_CPCN_C_S2P At least 2 signal functions performed during the first 2 days after birth Among most recent live births in the 2 years preceding the survey, the percentage for whom at least 2 signal functions were performed during the first 2 days after birth
1497 RH_CPCN_C_NUM Number of births Number of last live births in the 2 years preceding the survey
1498 RH_CPCN_C_UNW Number of births (unweighted) Number of last live births in the 2 years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1499 RH_PAHC_W_KNW Problems in accessing health care: Knowing where to go for treatment Percentage of women who reported they have big problems in knowing where to go for treatment for themselves when they are sick
1500 RH_PAHC_W_PRM Problems in accessing health care: Getting permission to go for treatment Percentage of women who reported they have big problems in getting permission to go for treatment for themselves when they are sick
1501 RH_PAHC_W_MON Problems in accessing health care: Getting money for treatment Percentage of women who reported they have big problems in getting money for treatment for themselves when they are sick
1502 RH_PAHC_W_DIS Problems in accessing health care: Distance to health facility Percentage of women who reported they have big problems in the distance to health facility for treatment for themselves when they are sick
1503 RH_PAHC_W_TRN Problems in accessing health care: Having to take transport Percentage of women who reported they have big problems in having to take transport for treatment for themselves when they are sick
1504 RH_PAHC_W_ALN Problems in accessing health care: Not wanting to go alone Percentage of women who reported they have big problems in not wanting to go alone for treatment for themselves when they are sick
1505 RH_PAHC_W_FEM Problems in accessing health care: Concern there may not be a female provider Percentage of women who reported they have big problems in concern there may not be a female provider for treatment for themselves when they are sick
1506 RH_PAHC_W_PR1 Problems in accessing health care: Any of the specified problems Percentage of women who reported they have big problems in any of the specified problems for treatment for themselves when they are sick
1507 RH_PAHC_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
1508 RH_PAHC_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
1509 CH_SZWT_C_REW Birth weight of child reported by: written record Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with a birth weight reported by: written record
1510 CH_SZWT_C_REM Birth weight of child reported by: mother's recall Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with a birth weight reported by: mother's recall
1511 CH_SZWT_C_VSM Size of child at birth: Very small Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey where the size of the child at birth was very small
1512 CH_SZWT_C_SML Size of child at birth: Smaller than average Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey where the size of the child at birth was smaller than average
1513 CH_SZWT_C_AVG Size of child at birth: Average or larger Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey where the size of the child at birth was average or larger
1514 CH_SZWT_C_DKM Size of child at birth: don't know or missing Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with 'don't know' or missing information on size of child at birth
1515 CH_SZWT_C_TOT Size of child at birth: Total Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey: Total
1516 CH_SZWT_C_REP Birth weight of child reported Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with a birth weight reported numerically
1517 CH_SZWT_C_NUM Number of live births in the last five (or three) years Number of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey
1518 CH_SZWT_C_UNW Number of live births in the last five (or three) years (unweighted) Number of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1519 CH_SZWT_C_L25 Birth weight: Less than 2.5 kg Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey whose birth weight was less than 2.5 kg
1520 CH_SZWT_C_NM1 Number of live births in the last five (or three) years with a numerical birth weight reported Number of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with a numerical birth weight reported
1521 CH_SZWT_C_UN1 Number of live births in the last five (or three) years with a numerical birth weight reported (unweighted) Number of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with a numerical birth weight reported (unweighted)
1522 CH_VACS_C_BCG BCG vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received BCG vaccination
1523 CH_VACS_C_PT1 Pentavalent 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Pentavalent 1 vaccination
1524 CH_VACS_C_PT2 Pentavalent 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Pentavalent 2 vaccination
1525 CH_VACS_C_PT3 Pentavalent 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Pentavalent 3 vaccination
1526 CH_VACS_C_DP1 DPT 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received DPT 1 vaccination
1527 CH_VACS_C_DP2 DPT 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received DPT 2 vaccination
1528 CH_VACS_C_DP3 DPT 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received DPT 3 vaccination
1529 CH_VACS_C_OP0 Polio 0 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Polio 0 vaccination
1530 CH_VACS_C_OP1 Polio 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Polio 1 vaccination
1531 CH_VACS_C_OP2 Polio 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Polio 2 vaccination
1532 CH_VACS_C_OP3 Polio 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Polio 3 vaccination
1533 CH_VACS_C_IP1 IPV 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received an IPV 1 vaccination
1534 CH_VACS_C_IP2 IPV 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received an IPV 2 vaccination
1535 CH_VACS_C_IP3 IPV 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received an IPV 3 vaccination
1536 CH_VACS_C_MSL Measles vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Measles vaccination
1537 CH_VACS_C_MS2 Measles 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Measles 2 vaccination
1538 CH_VACS_C_HP0 Hepatitis 0 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Hepatitis 0 vaccination
1539 CH_VACS_C_HPD Hepatitis 0 vaccination received within 1 day Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Hepatitis 0 vaccination within one day
1540 CH_VACS_C_HPA Hepatitis 0 vaccination received after 1 day Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Hepatitis 0 vaccination after one day
1541 CH_VACS_C_HP1 Hepatitis 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Hepatitis 1 vaccination
1542 CH_VACS_C_HP2 Hepatitis 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Hepatitis 2 vaccination
1543 CH_VACS_C_HP3 Hepatitis 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Hepatitis 3 vaccination
1544 CH_VACS_C_HB1 Haemophilus influenza type b 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Haemophilus influenza type b 1 vaccination
1545 CH_VACS_C_HB2 Haemophilus influenza type b 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Haemophilus influenza type b 2 vaccination
1546 CH_VACS_C_HB3 Haemophilus influenza type b 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Haemophilus influenza type b 3 vaccination
1547 CH_VACS_C_PN1 Pneumococcal 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Pneumococcal 1 vaccination
1548 CH_VACS_C_PN2 Pneumococcal 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Pneumococcal 2 vaccination
1549 CH_VACS_C_PN3 Pneumococcal 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Pneumococcal 3 vaccination
1550 CH_VACS_C_RT1 Rotavirus 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Rotavirus 1 vaccination
1551 CH_VACS_C_RT2 Rotavirus 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Rotavirus 2 vaccination
1552 CH_VACS_C_RT3 Rotavirus 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Rotavirus 3 vaccination
1553 CH_VACS_C_BAS Fully vaccinated (8 basic antigens) Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who were fully vaccinated with 8 basic antigens (BCG, Polio 1-3, DPT 1-3, Measles)
1554 CH_VACS_C_APP Fully vaccinated (according to national schedule) Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who were fully vaccinated according to the national schedule
1555 CH_VACS_C_NON Received no vaccinations Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received no vaccinations
1556 CH_VACS_C_NUM Number of children 12-23 months Number of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months
1557 CH_VACS_C_UNW Number of children 12-23 months (unweighted) Number of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months (unweighted)
1558 CH_VACC_C_BCG BCG vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received BCG vaccination
1559 CH_VACC_C_PT1 Pentavalent 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received Pentavalent 1 vaccination
1560 CH_VACC_C_PT2 Pentavalent 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received Pentavalent 2 vaccination
1561 CH_VACC_C_PT3 Pentavalent 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received Pentavalent 3 vaccination
1562 CH_VACC_C_DP1 DPT 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received DPT 1 vaccination
1563 CH_VACC_C_DP2 DPT 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received DPT 2 vaccination
1564 CH_VACC_C_DP3 DPT 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received DPT 3 vaccination
1565 CH_VACC_C_OP0 Polio 0 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received Polio 0 vaccination
1566 CH_VACC_C_OP1 Polio 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received Polio 1 vaccination
1567 CH_VACC_C_OP2 Polio 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received Polio 2 vaccination
1568 CH_VACC_C_OP3 Polio 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received Polio 3 vaccination
1569 CH_VACC_C_IP1 IPV vaccination 1 received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received an IPV 1 vaccination
1570 CH_VACC_C_IP2 IPV 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received an IPV 2 vaccination
1571 CH_VACC_C_IP3 IPV 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received an IPV 3 vaccination
1572 CH_VACC_C_MSL Measles vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received Measles vaccination
1573 CH_VACC_C_MS2 Measles 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received Measles 2 vaccination
1574 CH_VACC_C_HP0 Hepatitis 0 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received Hepatitis 0 vaccination
1575 CH_VACC_C_HPD Hepatitis 0 vaccination received within 1 day Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received Hepatitis 0 vaccination within one day
1576 CH_VACC_C_HPA Hepatitis 0 vaccination received after 1 day Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received Hepatitis 0 vaccination after one day
1577 CH_VACC_C_HP1 Hepatitis 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received Hepatitis 1 vaccination
1578 CH_VACC_C_HP2 Hepatitis 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received Hepatitis 2 vaccination
1579 CH_VACC_C_HP3 Hepatitis 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received Hepatitis 3 vaccination
1580 CH_VACC_C_HB1 Haemophilus influenza type b 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received Haemophilus influenza type b 1 vaccination
1581 CH_VACC_C_HB2 Haemophilus influenza type b 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received Haemophilus influenza type b 2 vaccination
1582 CH_VACC_C_HB3 Haemophilus influenza type b 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received Haemophilus influenza type b 3 vaccination
1583 CH_VACC_C_PN1 Pneumococcal 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received Pneumococcal 1 vaccination
1584 CH_VACC_C_PN2 Pneumococcal 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received Pneumococcal 2 vaccination
1585 CH_VACC_C_PN3 Pneumococcal 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received Pneumococcal 3 vaccination
1586 CH_VACC_C_RT1 Rotavirus 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received Rotavirus 1 vaccination
1587 CH_VACC_C_RT2 Rotavirus 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received Rotavirus 2 vaccination
1588 CH_VACC_C_RT3 Rotavirus 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received Rotavirus 3 vaccination
1589 CH_VACC_C_BAS Fully vaccinated (8 basic antigens) Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who were fully vaccinated with 8 basic antigens (BCG, Polio 1-3, DPT 1-3, Measles)
1590 CH_VACC_C_APP Fully vaccinated (according to national schedule) Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who were fully vaccinated according to the national schedule
1591 CH_VACC_C_NON Received no vaccinations Percentage of children 12-23 months who had received no vaccinations
1592 CH_VACC_C_NUM Number of children 12-23 months Number of children 12-23 months
1593 CH_VACC_C_UNW Number of children 12-23 months (unweighted) Number of children 12-23 months (unweighted)
1594 CH_VACC_C_M21 Measles 1 vaccination received [24-35] Percentage of children 24-35 months who had received Measles 1 vaccination
1595 CH_VACC_C_M22 Measles 2 vaccination received [24-35] Percentage of children 24-35 months who had received Measles 2 vaccination
1596 CH_VACC_C_AP2 Received all age appropriate vaccinations [24-35] Percentage of children 24-35 months who had received all age appropriate vaccinations
1597 CH_VACC_C_NM2 Number of children 24-35 months Number of children 24-35 months
1598 CH_VACC_C_UN2 Number of children 24-35 months (unweighted) Number of children 24-35 months (unweighted)
1599 CH_VAC1_C_BCG BCG vaccination received in first year Percentage of children one to four years of age who had received BCG vaccination within the first year of life
1600 CH_VAC1_C_DP1 DPT 1 vaccination received in first year Percentage of children one to four years of age who had received DPT 1 vaccination within the first year of life
1601 CH_VAC1_C_DP2 DPT 2 vaccination received in first year Percentage of children one to four years of age who had received DPT 2 vaccination within the first year of life
1602 CH_VAC1_C_DP3 DPT 3 vaccination received in first year Percentage of children one to four years of age who had received DPT 3 vaccination within the first year of life
1603 CH_VAC1_C_OP0 Polio 0 vaccination received in first year Percentage of children one to four years of age who had received Polio 0 vaccination within the first year of life
1604 CH_VAC1_C_OP1 Polio 1 vaccination received in first year Percentage of children one to four years of age who had received Polio 1 vaccination within the first year of life
1605 CH_VAC1_C_OP2 Polio 2 vaccination received in first year Percentage of children one to four years of age who had received Polio 2 vaccination within the first year of life
1606 CH_VAC1_C_OP3 Polio 3 vaccination received in first year Percentage of children one to four years of age who had received Polio 3 vaccination within the first year of life
1607 CH_VAC1_C_MSL Measles vaccination received in first year Percentage of children one to four years of age who had received Measles vaccination within the first year of life
1608 CH_VAC1_C_MS2 Measles 2 vaccination received in first year Percentage of children one to four years of age who had received Measles 2 vaccination within the first year of life
1609 CH_VAC1_C_HP0 Hepatitis 0 vaccination received in first year Percentage of children one to four years of age who had received Hepatitis 0 vaccination within the first year of life
1610 CH_VAC1_C_HP1 Hepatitis 1 vaccination received in first year Percentage of children one to four years of age who had received Hepatitis 1 vaccination within the first year of life
1611 CH_VAC1_C_HP2 Hepatitis 2 vaccination received in first year Percentage of children one to four years of age who had received Hepatitis 2 vaccination within the first year of life
1612 CH_VAC1_C_HP3 Hepatitis 3 vaccination received in first year Percentage of children one to four years of age who had received Hepatitis 3 vaccination within the first year of life
1613 CH_VAC1_C_HB1 Haemophilus influenza type b 1 vaccination received in first year Percentage of children one to four years of age who had received Haemophilus influenza type b 1 vaccination within the first year of life
1614 CH_VAC1_C_HB2 Haemophilus influenza type b 2 vaccination received in first year Percentage of children one to four years of age who had received Haemophilus influenza type b 2 vaccination within the first year of life
1615 CH_VAC1_C_HB3 Haemophilus influenza type b 3 vaccination received in first year Percentage of children one to four years of age who had received Haemophilus influenza type b 3 vaccination within the first year of life
1616 CH_VAC1_C_PN1 Pneumococcal 1 vaccination received in first year Percentage of children one to four years of age who had received Pneumococcal 1 vaccination within the first year of life
1617 CH_VAC1_C_PN2 Pneumococcal 2 vaccination received in first year Percentage of children one to four years of age who had received Pneumococcal 2 vaccination within the first year of life
1618 CH_VAC1_C_PN3 Pneumococcal 3 vaccination received in first year Percentage of children one to four years of age who had received Pneumococcal 3 vaccination within the first year of life
1619 CH_VAC1_C_RT1 Rotavirus 1 vaccination received in first year Percentage of children one to four years of age who had received Rotavirus 1 vaccination within the first year of life
1620 CH_VAC1_C_RT2 Rotavirus 2 vaccination received in first year Percentage of children one to four years of age who had received Rotavirus 2 vaccination within the first year of life
1621 CH_VAC1_C_RT3 Rotavirus 3 vaccination received in first year Percentage of children one to four years of age who had received Rotavirus 3 vaccination within the first year of life
1622 CH_VAC1_C_BAS Fully vaccinated (8 basic antigens) Percentage of children one to four years of age who were fully vaccinated with 8 basic antigens (BCG, Polio 1-3, DPT 1-3, Measles)
1623 CH_VAC1_C_APP Fully vaccinated (according to national schedule) Percentage of children one to four years of age who were fully vaccinated according to the national schedule
1624 CH_VAC1_C_NON Received no vaccinations in first year Percentage of children one to four years of age who had no vaccinations within the first year of life
1625 CH_VAC1_C_VCD Percentage showing a vaccination card Percentage of children one to four years of age for whom a vaccination card was shown
1626 CH_VAC1_C_NUM Number of children one to four years of age Number of children one to four years of age
1627 CH_VAC1_C_UNW Number of children one to four years of age (unweighted) Number of children one to four years of age (unweighted)
1628 CH_VACP_C_EV1 Ever had vaccination card (12-23) Percentage of children age 12-23 months who ever had a vaccination card
1629 CH_VACP_C_SN1 Vaccination card seen (12-23) Percentage of children age 12-23 months with a vaccination card seen
1630 CH_VACP_C_NM1 Number of children age 12-23 months Number of children age 12-23 months
1631 CH_VACP_C_UN1 Number of children age 12-23 months (unweighted) Number of children age 12-23 months (unweighted)
1632 CH_VACP_C_EV2 Ever had vaccination card (24-35) Percentage of children age 24-35 months who ever had a vaccination card
1633 CH_VACP_C_SN2 Vaccination card seen (24-35) Percentage of children age 24-35 months with a vaccination card seen
1634 CH_VACP_C_NM2 Number of children age 24-35 months Number of children age 24-35 months
1635 CH_VACP_C_UN2 Number of children age 24-35 months (unweighted) Number of children age 24-35 months (unweighted)
1636 CH_ARIS_C_AT1 Children with ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought the same day or for the next day Percentage of children born in the three/five years preceding the survey with acute respiratory infection taken to a health facility
1637 CH_ARIS_C_ARI Children with symptoms of ARI Percentage of children born in the three/five years preceding the survey who had symptoms of ARI which include short, rapid breathing which was chest-related and/or difficult breathing which was chest-related during the two weeks preceding the survey
1638 CH_ARIS_C_NUM Number of children born in the last five (or three) years Number of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey
1639 CH_ARIS_C_UNW Number of children born in the last five (or three) years (unweighted) Number of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1640 CH_ARIS_C_ADV Children with ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought Percentage of children born in the three/five years preceding the survey with symptoms of acute respiratory infection in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought
1641 CH_ARIS_C_ABI Children with symptoms of ARI who received antibiotics Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with symptoms of acute respiratory infection who received antibiotics
1642 CH_ARIS_C_NM2 Number of children with symptoms of ARI born in the last five (or three) years Number of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with symptoms of acute respiratory infection
1643 CH_ARIS_C_UN2 Number of children with symptoms of ARI born in the last five (or three) years (unweighted) Number of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with symptoms of acute respiratory infection (unweighted)
1644 CH_ARSS_C_PUB Of children with symptoms of ARI, advice or treatment sought from a public sector facility Percentage of children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a public sector facility
1645 CH_ARSS_C_GHS Of children with symptoms of ARI, advice or treatment sought from a government hospital Percentage of children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a government hospital
1646 CH_ARSS_C_GHC Of children with symptoms of ARI, advice or treatment sought from a government health center Percentage of children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a government health center
1647 CH_ARSS_C_GHP Of children with symptoms of ARI, advice or treatment sought from a government health post Percentage of children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a government health post
1648 CH_ARSS_C_GMB Of children with symptoms of ARI, advice or treatment sought from a public mobile clinic Percentage of children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a public mobile clinic
1649 CH_ARSS_C_GFW Of children with symptoms of ARI, advice or treatment sought from a public fieldworker Percentage of children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a public fieldworker
1650 CH_ARSS_C_GOT Of children with symptoms of ARI, advice or treatment sought from another public sector facility Percentage of children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from another public sector facility
1651 CH_ARSS_C_PRV Of children with symptoms of ARI, advice or treatment sought from a private medical sector facility Percentage of children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private medical sector facility
1652 CH_ARSS_C_PHS Of children with symptoms of ARI, advice or treatment sought from a private hospital/clinic Percentage of children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private hospital/clinic
1653 CH_ARSS_C_PPH Of children with symptoms of ARI, advice or treatment sought from a private pharmacy Percentage of children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private pharmacy
1654 CH_ARSS_C_PDR Of children with symptoms of ARI, advice or treatment sought from a private doctor Percentage of children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private doctor
1655 CH_ARSS_C_PMB Of children with symptoms of ARI, advice or treatment sought from a private mobile clinic Percentage of children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private mobile clinic
1656 CH_ARSS_C_PFW Of children with symptoms of ARI, advice or treatment sought from a private fieldworker Percentage of children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private fieldworker
1657 CH_ARSS_C_POT Of children with symptoms of ARI, advice or treatment sought from another private sector facility Percentage of children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from another private sector facility
1658 CH_ARSS_C_NGO Among children with symptoms of ARI, advice or treatment sought from a private medical sector (ngo) facility Percentage of children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private medical sector (ngo) facility
1659 CH_ARSS_C_NGH Among children with symptoms of ARI, advice or treatment sought from a ngo hospital/clinic facility Percentage of children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a ngo hospital/clinic facility
1660 CH_ARSS_C_NGO Among children with symptoms of ARI, advice or treatment sought from a other ngo medical sector facility Percentage of children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a other ngo medical sector facility
1661 CH_ARSS_C_OSR Of children with symptoms of ARI, advice or treatment sought from a non-medical source Percentage of children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a non-medical source
1662 CH_ARSS_C_SHP Of children with symptoms of ARI, advice or treatment sought from a shop Percentage of children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a shop
1663 CH_ARSS_C_TRP Of children with symptoms of ARI, advice or treatment sought from a traditional practitioner Percentage of children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a traditional practitioner
1664 CH_ARSS_C_MKT Of children with symptoms of ARI, advice or treatment sought from a market Percentage of children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a market
1665 CH_ARSS_C_IDS Of children with symptoms of ARI, advice or treatment sought from an itinerant drug seller Percentage of children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from an itinerant drug seller
1666 CH_ARSS_C_OTH Of children with symptoms of ARI, advice or treatment sought from any other source Percentage of children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from any other source
1667 CH_ARSS_C_NUM Number of children with symptoms of ARI Number of children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey
1668 CH_ARSS_C_UNW Number of children with symptoms of ARI (unweighted) Number of children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey (unweighted)
1669 CH_ARSA_C_PUB Of children with symptoms of ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a public sector facility Among children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a public sector facility
1670 CH_ARSA_C_GHS Of children with symptoms of ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a government hospital Among children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a government hospital
1671 CH_ARSA_C_GHC Of children with symptoms of ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a government health center Among children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a government health center
1672 CH_ARSA_C_GFP Of children with symptoms of ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a government health post Among children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a government health post
1673 CH_ARSA_C_GMB Of children with symptoms of ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a public mobile clinic Among children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a public mobile clinic
1674 CH_ARSA_C_GFW Of children with symptoms of ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a public fieldworker Among children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a public fieldworker
1675 CH_ARSA_C_GOT Of children with symptoms of ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from another public sector facility Among children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from another public sector facility
1676 CH_ARSA_C_PRV Of children with symptoms of ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a private medical sector facility Among children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private medical sector facility
1677 CH_ARSA_C_PHS Of children with symptoms of ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a private hospital/clinic Among children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private hospital/clinic
1678 CH_ARSA_C_PPH Of children with symptoms of ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a private pharmacy Among children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private pharmacy
1679 CH_ARSA_C_PDR Of children with symptoms of ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a private doctor Among children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private doctor
1680 CH_ARSA_C_PMB Of children with symptoms of ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a private mobile clinic Among children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private mobile clinic
1681 CH_ARSA_C_PFW Of children with symptoms of ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a private fieldworker Among children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private fieldworker
1682 CH_ARSA_C_POT Of children with symptoms of ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from another private sector facility Among children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from another private sector facility
1683 CH_ARSA_C_NGO Among children with symptoms of ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a private medical sector (NGO ) facility Among children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private medical sector (NGO) facility
1684 CH_ARSA_C_NGH Among children with symptoms of ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a NGO hospital/clinic facility Among children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a NGO hospital/clinic facility
1685 CH_ARSA_C_ONG Among children with symptoms of ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a other NGO medical sector facility Among children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a other NGO medical sector facility
1686 CH_ARSA_C_NG1 Among children with symptoms of ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a NGO specific 1 facility Among children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a NGO specific 1 facility
1687 CH_ARSA_C_NG2 Among children with symptoms of ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a NGO specific 2 facility Among children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a NGO specific 2 facility
1688 CH_ARSA_C_OSR Of children with symptoms of ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a non-medical source Among children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a non-medical source
1689 CH_ARSA_C_SHP Of children with symptoms of ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a shop Among children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a shop
1690 CH_ARSA_C_TRP Of children with symptoms of ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a traditional practitioner Among children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a traditional practitioner
1691 CH_ARSA_C_MKT Of children with symptoms of ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a market Among children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a market
1692 CH_ARSA_C_IDS Of children with symptoms of ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from an itinerant drug seller Among children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from an itinerant drug seller
1693 CH_ARSA_C_OTH Of children with symptoms of ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from any other source Among children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from any other source
1694 CH_ARSA_C_NUM Number of children with symptoms of ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought Number of children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought
1695 CH_ARSA_C_UNW Number of children with symptoms of ARI for whom advice or treatment was sought (unweighted) Number of children under age 5 with symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought (unweighted)
1696 CH_FEVR_C_FEV Children with fever in the last two weeks Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey who were ill with fever during the two weeks preceding the survey
1697 CH_FEVR_C_NUM Number of children born in the last five (or three) years Number of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey
1698 CH_FEVR_C_UNW Number of children born in the last five (or three) years (unweighted) Number of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1699 CH_FEVT_C_AT1 Advice or treatment for fever sought the same day or the next day Percentage of children with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a health facility or provider the same day or the next day
1700 CH_FEVT_C_ADV Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought Percentage of children born in the three/five years preceding the survey with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought
1701 CH_FEVT_C_AML Child took antimalarial drugs for fever Percentage of children with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey who took antimalarial drugs
1702 CH_FEVT_C_ABI Child took antibiotic drugs for fever Percentage of children with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey who took antibiotic drugs
1703 CH_FEVT_C_NUM Number of children with fever in the last two weeks Number of children with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey
1704 CH_FEVT_C_UNW Number of children with fever in the last two weeks (unweighted) Number of children with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey (unweighted)
1705 CH_DIAR_C_DIA Children with diarrhea Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey who had diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey
1706 CH_DIAR_C_DIB Children with diarrhea with blood in the stools Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey who had diarrhea with blood in the stools in the two weeks preceding the survey
1707 CH_DIAR_C_NUM Number of children born in the last five (or three) years Number of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey
1708 CH_DIAR_C_ATS Advice or treatment for diarrhea sought from a health facility or provider Percentage of children born in the three/five years preceding the survey with diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a health facility or provider
1709 CH_DIAR_C_UNW Number of children born in the last five (or three) years (unweighted) Number of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1710 CH_DIAR_C_NM1 Number of children with diarrhea in the last two weeks Number of children born in the three/five years preceding the survey with diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey
1711 CH_DIAR_C_UN1 Number of children with diarrhea in the last two weeks (unweighted) Number of children born in the three/five years preceding the survey with diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey (unweighted)
1712 CH_DIAT_C_ADV Treatment of diarrhea: Advice or treatment was sought Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought
1713 CH_DIAT_C_ORS Treatment of diarrhea: Oral rehydration solution (ORS) Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received oral rehydration solution (ORS), that is either fluid from an ORS packet or a pre-packaged ORS fluid
1714 CH_DIAT_C_RHF Treatment of diarrhea: Recommended home fluids (RHF) at home Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received recommended home fluids (RHF) at home
1715 CH_DIAT_C_ORT Treatment of diarrhea: Either ORS or RHF Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received either oral rehydration solution (ORS) or recommended home fluids (RHF)
1716 CH_DIAT_C_ZNC Treatment of diarrhea: Zinc supplements Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received zinc supplements
1717 CH_DIAT_C_ORZ Treatment of diarrhea: ORS and Zinc Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received ORS and zinc
1718 CH_DIAT_C_OZC Treatment of diarrhea: ORS, Zinc, and continued feeding Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received ORS, zinc, and continued fedeing
1719 CH_DIAT_C_INC Treatment of diarrhea: Increased fluids Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received increased fluids
1720 CH_DIAT_C_OSI Treatment of diarrhea: ORS or increased fluids Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received ORS or increased fluids. ORS includes fluid prepared from oral rehydration salts (ORS) packets, or pre-packaged ORS.
1721 CH_DIAT_C_ORI Treatment of diarrhea: ORT or increased fluids Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received ORT or increased fluids. ORT includes fluid prepared from oral rehydration salts (ORS) packets, pre-packaged ORS fluids, and recommended home fluids (RHF)
1722 CH_DIAT_C_CFO Treatment of diarrhea: Continued feeding and ORT Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received continued feeding and ORT or increased fluids. ORT includes fluid prepared from oral rehydration salts (ORS) packets, pre-packaged ORS fluids, and recommended home fluids (RHF).
1723 CH_DIAT_C_NON Treatment of diarrhea: No ORS, RHF or increased fluids Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received no oral rehydration solution (ORS), recommended home fluids (RHF), or increased fluids
1724 CH_DIAT_C_ABI Treatment of diarrhea: Antibiotics Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received antibiotics
1725 CH_DIAT_C_AMO Treatment of diarrhea: Antimotility drugs Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received antimotility drugs
1726 CH_DIAT_C_IVS Treatment of diarrhea: Intravenous solution Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received an intravenous solution
1727 CH_DIAT_C_INJ Treatment of diarrhea: Injection Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received injection
1728 CH_DIAT_C_HOM Treatment of diarrhea: Home remedy - other Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received home remedy - other
1729 CH_DIAT_C_NOT Treatment of diarrhea: No treatment Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received no treatment
1730 CH_DIAT_C_DKM Treatment of diarrhea: don't know or missing Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey with 'don't know' or missing information on treatment
1731 CH_DIAT_C_NUM Number of children born in the last five (or three) years Number of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey
1732 CH_DIAT_C_UNW Number of children born in the last five (or three) years (unweighted) Number of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey (unweighted)
1733 CH_DISS_C_PUB Among children with diarrhea, advice or treatment sought from a public sector facility Percentage of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a public sector facility
1734 CH_DISS_C_GHS Among children with diarrhea, advice or treatment sought from a government hospital Percentage of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a government hospital
1735 CH_DISS_C_GHC Among children with diarrhea, advice or treatment sought from a government health center Percentage of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a government health center
1736 CH_DISS_C_GHP Among children with diarrhea, advice or treatment sought from a government health post Percentage of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a government health post
1737 CH_DISS_C_GMB Among children with diarrhea, advice or treatment sought from a public mobile clinic Percentage of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a public mobile clinic
1738 CH_DISS_C_GFW Among children with diarrhea, advice or treatment sought from a public fieldworker Percentage of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a public fieldworker
1739 CH_DISS_C_GOT Among children with diarrhea, advice or treatment sought from another public sector facility Percentage of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from another public sector facility
1740 CH_DISS_C_PRV Among children with diarrhea, advice or treatment sought from a private medical sector facility Percentage of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private medical sector facility
1741 CH_DISS_C_PHS Among children with diarrhea, advice or treatment sought from a private hospital/clinic Percentage of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private hospital/clinic
1742 CH_DISS_C_PPH Among children with diarrhea, advice or treatment sought from a private pharmacy Percentage of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private pharmacy
1743 CH_DISS_C_PDR Among children with diarrhea, advice or treatment sought from a private doctor Percentage of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private doctor
1744 CH_DISS_C_PMB Among children with diarrhea, advice or treatment sought from a private mobile clinic Percentage of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private mobile clinic
1745 CH_DISS_C_PFW Among children with diarrhea, advice or treatment sought from a private fieldworker Percentage of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private fieldworker
1746 CH_DISS_C_POT Among children with diarrhea, advice or treatment sought from another private sector facility Percentage of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from another private sector facility
1747 CH_DISS_C_NGO Among children with diarrhea, advice or treatment sought from a private medical sector (NGO) facility Percentage of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private medical sector (NGO) facility
1748 CH_DISS_C_NGH Among children with diarrhea, advice or treatment sought from a NGO hospital/clinic facility Percentage of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a NGO hospital/clinic facility
1749 CH_DISS_C_ONG Among children with diarrhea, advice or treatment sought from a other NGO medical sector facility Percentage of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a other NGO medical sector facility
1750 CH_DISS_C_OSR Among children with diarrhea, advice or treatment sought from a non-medical source Percentage of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a non-medical source
1751 CH_DISS_C_SHP Among children with diarrhea, advice or treatment sought from a shop Percentage of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a shop
1752 CH_DISS_C_TRP Among children with diarrhea, advice or treatment sought from a traditional practitioner Percentage of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a traditional practitioner
1753 CH_DISS_C_MKT Among children with diarrhea, advice or treatment sought from a market Percentage of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a market
1754 CH_DISS_C_IDS Among children with diarrhea, advice or treatment sought from an itinerant drug seller Percentage of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from an itinerant drug seller
1755 CH_DISS_C_OTH Among children with diarrhea, advice or treatment sought from any other source Percentage of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from any other source
1756 CH_DISS_C_NUM Number of children with diarrhea Number of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey
1757 CH_DISS_C_UNW Number of children with diarrhea (unweighted) Number of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey (unweighted)
1758 CH_DISA_C_PUB Among children with diarrhea for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a public sector facility Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a public sector facility
1759 CH_DISA_C_GHS Among children with diarrhea for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a government hospital Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a government hospital
1760 CH_DISA_C_GHC Among children with diarrhea for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a government health center Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a government health center
1761 CH_DISA_C_GFP Among children with diarrhea for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a government health post Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a government health post
1762 CH_DISA_C_GMB Among children with diarrhea for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a public mobile clinic Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a public mobile clinic
1763 CH_DISA_C_GFW Among children with diarrhea for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a public fieldworker Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a public fieldworker
1764 CH_DISA_C_GOT Among children with diarrhea for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from another public sector facility Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from another public sector facility
1765 CH_DISA_C_PRV Among children with diarrhea for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a private medical sector facility Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private medical sector facility
1766 CH_DISA_C_PHS Among children with diarrhea for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a private hospital/clinic Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private hospital/clinic
1767 CH_DISA_C_PPH Among children with diarrhea for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a private pharmacy Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private pharmacy
1768 CH_DISA_C_PDR Among children with diarrhea for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a private doctor Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private doctor
1769 CH_DISA_C_PMB Among children with diarrhea for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a private mobile clinic Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private mobile clinic
1770 CH_DISA_C_PFW Among children with diarrhea for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a private fieldworker Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private fieldworker
1771 CH_DISA_C_POT Among children with diarrhea for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from another private sector facility Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from another private sector facility
1772 CH_DISA_C_NGO Among children with diarrhea for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a private medical sector (NGO) facility Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private medical sector (NGO) facility
1773 CH_DISA_C_NGH Among children with diarrhea for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a NGO hospital/clinic facility Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a NGO hospital/clinic facility
1774 CH_DISA_C_ONG Among children with diarrhea for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a other NGO medical sector facility Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a other NGO medical sector facility
1775 CH_DISA_C_OSR Among children with diarrhea for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a non-medical source Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a non-medical source
1776 CH_DISA_C_SHP Among children with diarrhea for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a shop Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a shop
1777 CH_DISA_C_TRP Among children with diarrhea for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a traditional practitioner Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a traditional practitioner
1778 CH_DISA_C_MKT Among children with diarrhea for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from a market Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a market
1779 CH_DISA_C_IDS Among children with diarrhea for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from an itinerant drug seller Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from an itinerant drug seller
1780 CH_DISA_C_OTH Among children with diarrhea for whom advice or treatment was sought, children receiving from any other source Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from any other source
1781 CH_DISA_C_NUM Number of children with diarrhea for whom advice or treatment was sought Number of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought
1782 CH_DISA_C_UNW Number of children with diarrhea for whom advice or treatment was sought (unweighted) Number of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought (unweighted)
1783 CH_DISO_C_PUB Among children with diarrhea who received ORS, advice or treatment from a public sector facility Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey who received ORS, percentage who received ORS from a public sector facility
1784 CH_DISO_C_GHS Among children with diarrhea who received ORS, advice or treatment from a government hospital Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey who received ORS, percentage who received ORS from a government hospital
1785 CH_DISO_C_GHC Among children with diarrhea who received ORS, advice or treatment from a government health center Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey who received ORS, percentage who received ORS from a government health center
1786 CH_DISO_C_GFP Among children with diarrhea who received ORS, advice or treatment from a government health post Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey who received ORS, percentage who received ORS from a government health post
1787 CH_DISO_C_GMB Among children with diarrhea who received ORS, advice or treatment from a public mobile clinic Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey who received ORS, percentage who received ORS from a public mobile clinic
1788 CH_DISO_C_GFW Among children with diarrhea who received ORS, advice or treatment from a public fieldworker Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey who received ORS, percentage who received ORS from a public fieldworker
1789 CH_DISO_C_GOT Among children with diarrhea who received ORS, advice or treatment from another public sector facility Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey who received ORS, percentage who received ORS from another public sector facility
1790 CH_DISO_C_PRV Among children with diarrhea who received ORS, advice or treatment from a private medical sector facility Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey who received ORS, percentage who received ORS from a private medical sector facility
1791 CH_DISO_C_PHS Among children with diarrhea who received ORS, advice or treatment from a private hospital/clinic Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey who received ORS, percentage who received ORS from a private hospital/clinic
1792 CH_DISO_C_PPH Among children with diarrhea who received ORS, advice or treatment from a private pharmacy Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey who received ORS, percentage who received ORS from a private pharmacy
1793 CH_DISO_C_PDR Among children with diarrhea who received ORS, advice or treatment from a private doctor Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey who received ORS, percentage who received ORS from a private doctor
1794 CH_DISO_C_PMB Among children with diarrhea who received ORS, advice or treatment from a private mobile clinic Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey who received ORS, percentage who received ORS from a private mobile clinic
1795 CH_DISO_C_PFW Among children with diarrhea who received ORS, advice or treatment from a private fieldworker Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey who received ORS, percentage who received ORS from a private fieldworker
1796 CH_DISO_C_POT Among children with diarrhea who received ORS, advice or treatment from another private sector facility Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey who received ORS, percentage who received ORS from another private sector facility
1797 CH_DISO_C_NGO Among children with diarrhea who received ORS, advice or treatment from a private medical sector (NGO) facility Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private medical sector (NGO) facility
1798 CH_DISO_C_NGH Among children with diarrhea who received ORS, advice or treatment from a NGO hospital/clinic facility Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a NGO hospital/clinic facility
1799 CH_DISO_C_ONG Among children with diarrhea who received ORS, advice or treatment from a other NGO medical sector facility Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought from a other NGO medical sector facility
1800 CH_DISO_C_OSR Among children with diarrhea who received ORS, advice or treatment from a non-medical source Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey who received ORS, percentage who received ORS from a non-medical source
1801 CH_DISO_C_SHP Among children with diarrhea who received ORS, advice or treatment from a shop Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey who received ORS, percentage who received ORS from a shop
1802 CH_DISO_C_TRP Among children with diarrhea who received ORS, advice or treatment from a traditional practitioner Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey who received ORS, percentage who received ORS from a traditional practitioner
1803 CH_DISO_C_MKT Among children with diarrhea who received ORS, advice or treatment from a market Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey who received ORS, percentage who received ORS from a market
1804 CH_DISO_C_IDS Among children with diarrhea who received ORS, advice or treatment from an itinerant drug seller Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey who received ORS, percentage who received ORS from an itinerant drug seller
1805 CH_DISO_C_OTH Among children with diarrhea who received ORS, advice or treatment from any other source Among children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey who received ORS, percentage who received ORS from any other source
1806 CH_DISO_C_NUM Number of children with diarrhea who received ORS Number of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey who received ORS
1807 CH_DISO_C_UNW Number of children with diarrhea who received ORS (unweighted) Number of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the 2 weeks preceding the survey who received ORS (unweighted)
1808 CH_DIFP_C_LMR Feeding practices during diarrhea: Increased amount of fluids Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey who had diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received an increased amount of fluids
1809 CH_DIFP_C_FAL Feeding practices during diarrhea: ORT and continued feeding Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey who had diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received ORT and continued feeding. Continued feeding includes children given more food, the same as usual, or somewhat less food during the diarrhea episode.
1810 CH_DIFP_C_LSM Feeding practices during diarrhea: Same amount of fluids Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey who had diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received the same amount of fluids
1811 CH_DIFP_C_LLS Feeding practices during diarrhea: Somewhat less fluids Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey who had diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received somewhat less fluids
1812 CH_DIFP_C_LML Feeding practices during diarrhea: Much less fluids Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey who had diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received much less fluids
1813 CH_DIFP_C_LDC Feeding practices during diarrhea: Decreased amount of fluids Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey who had diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received a decreased amount of fluids
1814 CH_DIFP_C_LNO Feeding practices during diarrhea: Stopped fluids completely Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey who had diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who stopped receiving fluids completely
1815 CH_DIFP_C_LDK Feeding practices during diarrhea: don't know or missing on fluids given Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey who had diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey with 'don't know' or missing information on fluids given
1816 CH_DIFP_C_LTO Feeding practices during diarrhea: Total Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey who had diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey: Total
1817 CH_DIFP_C_FMR Feeding practices during diarrhea: Increased amount of food Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey who had diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received an increased amount of food
1818 CH_DIFP_C_FSM Feeding practices during diarrhea: Same amount of food Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey who had diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received the same amount of food
1819 CH_DIFP_C_FLS Feeding practices during diarrhea: Somewhat less food Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey who had diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received somewhat less food
1820 CH_DIFP_C_FML Feeding practices during diarrhea: Much less food Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey who had diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received much less food
1821 CH_DIFP_C_FDC Feeding practices during diarrhea: Decreased amount of food Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey who had diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received a decreased amount of food
1822 CH_DIFP_C_FNO Feeding practices during diarrhea: Stopped food completely Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey who had diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who stopped receiving food completely
1823 CH_DIFP_C_FNV Feeding practices during diarrhea: Never gave food Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey who had diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who never received food
1824 CH_DIFP_C_FDK Feeding practices during diarrhea: don't know or missing on food given Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey who had diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey with 'don't know' or missing information on foods given
1825 CH_DIFP_C_FTO Feeding practices during diarrhea: Total Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey who had diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey: Total
1826 CH_DIFP_C_FCF Feeding practices during diarrhea: Given increased fluids and continued feeding Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey who had diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received increased fluids and continued feeding. Continued feeding includes children given more food, the same as usual, or somewhat less food during the diarrhea episode.
1827 CH_DIFP_C_FAL Feeding practices during diarrhea: Continued feeding, and ORT and/or increased fluids Percentage of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey who had diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received continued feeding, and ORT and/or increased fluids.
1828 CH_DIFP_C_NUM Number of children born in the last five (or three) years who had diarrhea in the last two weeks Number of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey who had diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey
1829 CH_DIFP_C_UNW Number of children born in the last five (or three) years who had diarrhea in the last two weeks (unweighted) Number of children born in the five (or three) years preceding the survey who had diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey (unweighted)
1830 CH_KORS_W_ORS Knowledge of ORS Percentage of women with a live birth in the five (or three) years preceding the survey who know about ORS packets or ORS pre-packaged liquids
1831 CH_KORS_W_NUM Number of women with a live birth in the last five years Number of women with a live birth in the five (or three) years preceding the survey
1832 CH_KORS_W_UNW Number of women with a live birth in the last five years (unweighted) Number of women with a live birth in the five (or three) years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1833 CH_DSTL_C_TLT Disposal of stools: Child uses toilet Percentage of mothers whose youngest child under five (or three) years is living with her and the child uses the toilet
1834 CH_DSTL_C_RTL Disposal of stools: Throw in toilet/latrine Percentage of mothers whose youngest child under five (or three) years is living with her and the child's stools are thrown in toilet/latrine
1835 CH_DSTL_C_BUR Disposal of stools: Bury in the yard Percentage of mothers whose youngest child under five (or three) years is living with her and the child's stools are buried in the yard
1836 CH_DSTL_C_RDR Disposal of stools: Rinse away Percentage of mothers whose youngest child under five (or three) years is living with her and the child's stools are rinsed away
1837 CH_DSTL_C_ODW Disposal of stools: Throw outside the dwelling Percentage of mothers whose youngest child under five (or three) years is living with her and the child's stools are thrown outside the dwelling
1838 CH_DSTL_C_OYD Disposal of stools: Throw outside the yard Percentage of mothers whose youngest child under five (or three) years is living with her and the child's stools are thrown outside the yard
1839 CH_DSTL_C_GBG Disposal of stools:Thrown into garbage Percentage of mothers whose youngest child under five (or three) (or three) years is living with her and the child's stools are thrown into the garbage
1840 CH_DSTL_C_OPN Disposal of stools:Left in the open Percentage of mothers whose youngest child under five (or three) (or three) years is living with her and the child's stools are left in the open
1841 CH_DSTL_C_NON Disposal of stools: Not disposed of Percentage of mothers whose youngest child under five (or three) years is living with her and the child's stools are not disposed of
1842 CH_DSTL_C_DDP Disposal of stools: Use disposable diapers Percentage of mothers whose youngest child under five (or three) years is living with her and the child uses disposable diapers
1843 CH_DSTL_C_WDP Disposal of stools: Use washable diapers Percentage of mothers whose youngest child under five (or three) years is living with her and the child uses washable diapers
1844 CH_DSTL_C_OTH Disposal of stools: Other Percentage of mothers whose youngest child under five (or three) years is living with her and the child's stools are disposed of in another way
1845 CH_DSTL_C_DKM Disposal of stools: don't know or missing Percentage of mothers whose youngest child under five (or three) years is living with her with 'don't know' or missing information on how the child's stools are disposed of
1846 CH_DSTL_C_TOT Disposal of stools: Total Percentage of mothers whose youngest child under five (or three) years is living with her: Total
1847 CH_DSTL_C_SAF Safe disposal of stools Percentage of mothers whose youngest child under five (or three) (or three) years is living with her and the child's stools are safely disposed of. Children's stools are considered to be disposed of safely if the child used a toilet or latrine, if the fecal matter was put or rinsed into a toilet or latrine, of if it was buried.
1848 CH_DSTL_C_NUM Number of mothers whose youngest child under five years is living with her Number of mothers whose youngest child under five (or three) years is living with her
1849 CH_DSTL_C_UNW Number of mothers whose youngest child under five years is living with her (unweighted) Number of mothers whose youngest child under five (or three) years is living with her (unweighted)
1850 CN_NUTS_C_HA3 Children severely stunted Percentage of children severely stunted (below -3 SD of height for age according to the WHO standard)
1851 CN_NUTS_C_HA2 Children stunted Percentage of children stunted (below -2 SD of height for age according to the WHO standard)
1852 CN_NUTS_C_HAM Mean height for age of children Mean height for age z-score for children according to the WHO standard
1853 CN_NUTS_C_HAN Number of children under age five for height-for-age Number of children under age five with valid data for height-for-age
1854 CN_NUTS_C_HAU Number of children under age five for height-for-age (unweighted) Number of children under age five with valid data for height-for-age (unweighted)
1855 CN_NUTS_C_WH3 Children severely wasted Percentage of children severely wasted (below -3 SD of weight for height according to the WHO standard)
1856 CN_NUTS_C_WH2 Children wasted Percentage of children wasted (below -2 SD of weight for height according to the WHO standard)
1857 CN_NUTS_C_WHP Children overweight Percentage of children overweight (above +2 SD of weight for height according to the WHO standard)
1858 CN_NUTS_C_WHM Mean weight for height of children Mean weight for height z-score for children according to the WHO standard
1859 CN_NUTS_C_WHN Number of children under age five for weight-for-height Number of children under age five with valid data for weight-for-height
1860 CN_NUTS_C_WHU Number of children under age five for weight-for-height (unweighted) Number of children under age five with valid data for weight-for-height (unweighted)
1861 CN_NUTS_C_WA3 Children severely underweight Percentage of children severely underweight (below -3 SD of weight for age according to the WHO standard)
1862 CN_NUTS_C_WA2 Children underweight Percentage of children underweight (below -2 SD of weight for age according to the WHO standard)
1863 CN_NUTS_C_WAP Children overweight for their age Percentage of children overweight for their age (above +2 SD of weight for age according to the WHO standard)
1864 CN_NUTS_C_WAM Mean weight for age of children Mean weight for age z-score for children according to the WHO standard
1865 CN_NUTS_C_WAN Number of children under age five for weight-for-age Number of children under age five with valid data for weight-for-age
1866 CN_NUTS_C_WAU Number of children under age five for weight-for-age (unweighted) Number of children under age five with valid data for weight-for-age (unweighted)
1867 CN_IYCB_C_EXB Children exclusively breastfed under age 6 months Percentage of youngest children under six months of age living with the mother who are exclusively breastfed
1868 CN_IYCB_C_EXN Number of children under age 6 months Number of children under age 6 months
1869 CN_IYCB_C_EXU Number of children under age 6 months (unweighted) Number of children under age 6 months (unweighted)
1870 CN_IYCB_C_E45 Children exclusively breastfed at age 4-5 months Percentage of youngest children age four to five months living with the mother who are exclusively breastfed
1871 CN_IYCB_C_E4N Number of children age 4-5 months Number of children age 4-5 months
1872 CN_IYCB_C_E4U Number of children age 4-5 months (unweighted) Number of children age 4-5 months (unweighted)
1873 CN_IYCB_C_BR1 Children currently breastfeeding at 1 year Percentage of children age 12-15 months who are currently breastfeeding
1874 CN_IYCB_C_B1N Number of children age 12-15 months Number of children age 12-15 months
1875 CN_IYCB_C_B1U Number of children age 12-15 months (unweighted) Number of children age 12-15 months (unweighted)
1876 CN_IYCB_C_CMP Introduction of solid, semi-solid or soft foods (6-8 months) Percentage of children age 6-8 months who received any solid, semi-solid or soft foods during the previous day
1877 CN_IYCB_C_CMN Number of children age 6-8 months Number of children age 6-8 months
1878 CN_IYCB_C_CMU Number of children age 6-8 months (unweighted) Number of children age 6-8 months (unweighted)
1879 CN_IYCB_C_BR2 Children currently breastfeeding at 2 years Percentage of children age 20-23 months who are currently breastfeeding
1880 CN_IYCB_C_B2N Number of children age 20-23 months Number of children age 20-23 months
1881 CN_IYCB_C_B2U Number of children age 20-23 months (unweighted) Number of children age 20-23 months (unweighted)
1882 CN_IYCB_C_AGA Age-appropriate breastfeeding 0-23 months Percentage of children age 0-23 months with age-appropriate breastfeeding. For children age 0-5 months: exclusively breastfed, for children age 6-23 months: receive breastmilk and complementary foods
1883 CN_IYCB_C_AGN Number of children age 0-23 months Number of children age 0-23 months
1884 CN_IYCB_C_AGU Number of children age 0-23 months (unweighted) Number of children age 0-23 months (unweighted)
1885 CN_IYCB_C_PBF Predominant breastfeeding 0-5 months Percentage of children age 0-5 months with predominant breastfeeding, either exclusively breastfed or received breast milk and plain water, and/or non-milk liquids only
1886 CN_IYCB_C_PBN Number of children age 0-5 months Number of children age 0-5 months
1887 CN_IYCB_C_PBU Number of children age 0-5 months (unweighted) Number of children age 0-5 months (unweighted)
1888 CN_IYCB_C_MBF Children receiving mixed breast and non-breast milk feeding age 0-5 months Percentage of children age 0-5 months receiving mixed breast and non-breast milk feeding
1889 CN_IYCB_C_MBN Number of children age 0-5 months Number of children age 0-5 months
1890 CN_IYCB_C_MBU Number of children age 0-5 months (unweighted) Number of children age 0-5 months (unweighted)
1891 CN_IYCB_C_BNP Children using a bottle with a nipple 0-23 months Percentage of children age 0-23 months using a bottle with a nipple
1892 CN_IYCB_C_BNN Number of children age 0-23 months Number of children age 0-23 months
1893 CN_IYCB_C_BNU Number of children age 0-23 months (unweighted) Number of children age 0-23 months (unweighted)
1894 CN_BRFI_C_EVR Children ever breastfed Among last-born children born in the two years preceding the survey the percentage who were ever breastfed
1895 CN_BRFI_C_1HR Children who started breastfeeding within 1 hour of birth Among last-born children born in the two years preceding the survey the percentage who started breasteeding within 1 hour of birth
1896 CN_BRFI_C_1DY Children who started breastfeeding within 1 day of birth Among last-born children born in the two years preceding the survey the percentage who started breasteeding within 1 day of birth, inclunding those that started within 1 hour of birth, including children who started breastfeeding within 1 hours of birth
1897 CN_BRFI_C_E2D Children who were exclusively breastfed for the first 2 days after birth Among last-born children born in the two years preceding the survey the percentage exclusively breastfed for the first 2 days after birth
1898 CN_BRFI_C_NUM Number of last-born children born in the last two years Number of last-born children born in the two years preceding the survey
1899 CN_BRFI_C_UNW Number of last-born children born in the last two years (unweighted) Number of last-born children born in the two years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1900 CN_BRFI_C_PLF Children who received a prelacteal feed Percentage of children who received a prelacteal feed of those children born in the two years preceding the survey who were ever breastfed. A prelacteal feed is defined as giving something other than breast milk during the first three days of life.
1901 CN_BRFI_C_NME Number of last-born children ever breastfed Number of last-born children born in the two years preceding the survey who were ever breastfed
1902 CN_BRFI_C_UNE Number of last-born children ever breastfed (unweighted) Number of last-born children born in the two years preceding the survey who were ever breastfed (unweighted)
1903 CN_GWMT_C_WGT Children whose weight was taken by a healthcare provider in the past three months Percentage of children whose weight was taken by a healthcare provider in the past three months
1904 CN_GWMT_C_HGT Children whose height was taken by a healthcare provider in the past three months Percentage of children whose height was taken by a healthcare provider in the past three months
1905 CN_GWMT_C_MUA Children whose mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) was taken by a healthcare provider in the past three months Percentage of children whose mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) was taken by a healthcare provider in the past three months
1906 CN_GWMT_C_WAH Children whose weight and height was taken by a healthcare provider in the past three months Percentage of children whose weight and height was taken by a healthcare provider in the past three months
1907 CN_GWMT_C_WHM Children whose weight, height, and mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) was taken by a healthcare provider in the past three months Percentage of children whose weight, height, and mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) was taken by a healthcare provider in the past three months
1908 CN_GWMT_C_NUM Number of children under age five Number of children under age five
1909 CN_GWMT_C_UNW Number of children under age five (unweighted) Number of children under age five (unweighted)
1910 CN_BFSS_C_EBF Children exclusively breastfeeding Percentage of children 0-5 months exclusively breastfeeding
1911 CN_BFSS_C_MMF Children receiving mixed milk feeding Percentage of children 0-5 months receiving mixed milk feeding
1912 CN_BFSS_C_CBF Children currently breastfeeding Percentage of children 12-23 months currently breastfeeding
1913 CN_BFSS_C_BOT Children using a bottle with a nipple Percentage of children under two years of age using a bottle with a nipple
1914 CN_BFSS_C_BIN Number of children 0-5 months Number of children 0-5 months
1915 CN_BFSS_C_BTN Number of children 12-23 months Number of children 12-23 months
1916 CN_BFSS_C_BCN Number of all children under two years Number of all children under two years
1917 CN_BFSS_C_BIU Number of children 0-5 months (unweighted) Number of children 0-5 months (unweighted)
1918 CN_BFSS_C_BTU Number of children 12-23 months (unweighted) Number of children 12-23 months (unweighted)
1919 CN_BFSS_C_BCU Number of all children under two years (unweighted) Number of all children under two years (unweighted)
1920 CN_BRFS_C_NOT Children not breastfeeding Percentage of youngest children under two years of age living with the mother who are not breastfeeding
1921 CN_BRFS_C_EXB Children exclusively breastfed Percentage of youngest children under two years of age living with the mother who are exclusively breastfed
1922 CN_BRFS_C_WAT Children breastfeeding and consuming plain water only Percentage of youngest children under two years of age living with the mother who are breastfeeding and consuming plain water only
1923 CN_BRFS_C_LIQ Children breastfeeding and consuming non-milk liquids Percentage of youngest children under two years of age living with the mother who are breastfeeding and consuming non-milk liquids. Non-milk liquids include juice, juice drinks, clear broth or other liquids.
1924 CN_BRFS_C_MLK Children breastfeeding and consuming other milk Percentage of youngest children under two years of age living with the mother who are breastfeeding and consuming other milk
1925 CN_BRFS_C_CMP Children breastfeeding and consuming complementary foods Percentage of youngest children under two years of age living with the mother who are breastfeeding and consuming complementary foods
1926 CN_BRFS_C_DKM Children breastfeeding and unknown or missing whether consuming foods Percentage of youngest children under two years of age living with the mother who are breastfeeding and with don't know or missing response for whether consuming foods
1927 CN_BRFS_C_TOT Children: Total Percentage of youngest children under two years of age living with the mother: Total
1928 CN_BRFS_C_BRF Children currently breastfeeding Percentage of youngest children under two years of age living with the mother who are currently breastfeeding
1929 CN_BRFS_C_NUM Number of youngest children under two years living with the mother Number of youngest children under two years living with the mother
1930 CN_BRFS_C_UNW Number of youngest children under two years living with the mother (unweighted) Number of youngest children under two years living with the mother (unweighted)
1931 CN_BRFS_C_BNP Children using a bottle with a nipple Percentage of youngest children under two years of age who are using a bottle with a nipple
1932 CN_BRFS_C_NM2 Number of children under two years of age Number of children under two years of age
1933 CN_BRFS_C_UN2 Number of children under two years of age (unweighted) Number of children under two years of age (unweighted)
1934 CN_BFDR_C_MDA Median duration of any breastfeeding Median duration of any breastfeeding (months)
1935 CN_BFDR_C_MDE Median duration of exclusive breastfeeding Median duration of exclusive breastfeeding (months)
1936 CN_BFDR_C_MDP Median duration of predominant breastfeeding Median duration of predominant breastfeeding (months). Predominant breastfeeding includes children exclusively breastfed or receiving breastmilk and plain water, and/or non-milk liquids only.
1937 CN_BFDR_C_MNA Mean duration of any breastfeeding Mean duration of any breastfeeding (months)
1938 CN_BFDR_C_MNE Mean duration of exclusive breastfeeding Mean duration of exclusive breastfeeding (months)
1939 CN_BFDR_C_MNP Mean duration of predominant breastfeeding Mean duration of predominant breastfeeding (months). Predominant breastfeeding includes children exclusively breastfed or receiving breastmilk and plain water, and/or non-milk liquids only.
1940 CN_BFDR_C_NUM Number of children Number of children born in the three years preceding the survey
1941 CN_BFDR_C_UNW Number of children (unweighted) Number of children born in the three years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1942 CN_FDBF_C_INF Breastfeeding children receiving infant formula Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received infant formula
1943 CN_FDBF_C_MLK Breastfeeding children receiving other milk Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received other milk. Other milk includes fresh, tinned and powdered animal milk.
1944 CN_FDBF_C_LIQ Breastfeeding children receiving other liquids Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received other liquids. Other liquids does not include plain water, but does include juice, juice drinks, clear broth, or other non-milk liquids.
1945 CN_FDBF_C_BBY Breastfeeding children receiving fortified baby food Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received fortified baby food. Includes fortified baby food.
1946 CN_FDBF_C_GRN Breastfeeding children receiving foods made from grains Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received foods made from grains
1947 CN_FDBF_C_VTA Breastfeeding children receiving fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin a Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin a. Includes fruits and vegetables such as pupmkin, red or yellow yams or squash, carrots, red sweet potatoes, dark green leafy vegatables, mangoes, papayas, and other locally grown fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin A.
1948 CN_FDBF_C_FVG Breastfeeding children receiving other fruits and vegetables Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received other fruits and vegetables
1949 CN_FDBF_C_RTS Breastfeeding children receiving food made from roots and tubers Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received food made from roots and tubers
1950 CN_FDBF_C_LEG Breastfeeding children receiving food made from legumes and nuts Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received food made from legumes and nuts
1951 CN_FDBF_C_MTF Breastfeeding children receiving meat, fish, poultry Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received meat, fish, poultry
1952 CN_FDBF_C_EGG Breastfeeding children receiving eggs Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received eggs
1953 CN_FDBF_C_MFE Breastfeeding children receiving meat, fish, eggs Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received meat, fish, eggs
1954 CN_FDBF_C_CHS Breastfeeding children receiving cheese, yogurt, other milk product Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received cheese, yogurt, other milk product
1955 CN_FDBF_C_OTH Breastfeeding children receiving other foods Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received other foods
1956 CN_FDBF_C_SLD Breastfeeding children receiving any solid or semi-solid food Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received any solid or semi-solid food
1957 CN_FDBF_C_NUM Number of children being breastfed Number of youngest children under two years of age being breastfed
1958 CN_FDBF_C_UNW Number of children being breastfed (unweighted) Number of youngest children under two years of age being breastfed (unweighted)
1959 CN_LQBF_C_WAT Breastfeeding children drinking plain water Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking plain water
1960 CN_LQBF_C_INF Breastfeeding children drinking infant formula Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking infant formula
1961 CN_LQBF_C_MLK Breastfeeding children drinking any animal milk Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking any animal milk
1962 CN_LQBF_C_SML Breastfeeding children drinking sweet/ flavored animal milk Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking sweet/ flavored animal milk
1963 CN_LQBF_C_YOG Breastfeeding children drinking any yogurt drinks Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking any yogurt drinks
1964 CN_LQBF_C_SYO Breastfeeding children drinking sweet/ flavored yogurt drinks Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking sweet/ flavored yogurt drinks
1965 CN_LQBF_C_SOY Breastfeeding children drinking any soy and nut milks Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking any soy and nut milks
1966 CN_LQBF_C_SSO Breastfeeding children drinking sweet/ flavored soy and nut milks Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking sweet/ flavored soy and nut milks
1967 CN_LQBF_C_FRU Breastfeeding children drinking fruit juice and fruit-flavored drinks Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking fruit juice and fruit-flavored drinks
1968 CN_LQBF_C_SOD Breastfeeding children drinking sodas, malt drinks, sports drinks, and energy drinks Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking sodas, malt drinks, sports drinks, and energy drinks
1969 CN_LQBF_C_TEA Breastfeeding children drinking any tea, coffee, and herbal drinks Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking any tea, coffee, and herbal drinks
1970 CN_LQBF_C_STE Breastfeeding children drinking sweet/ flavored tea, coffee, and herbal drinks Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking sweet/ flavored tea, coffee, and herbal drinks
1971 CN_LQBF_C_CLR Breastfeeding children drinking clear broth and clear soup Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking clear broth and clear soup
1972 CN_LQBF_C_OTH Breastfeeding children drinking any other liquids Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking any other liquids
1973 CN_LQBF_C_SOT Breastfeeding children drinking other sweet/ flavored liquids Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking other sweet/ flavored liquids
1974 CN_LQBF_C_NUM Number of children being breastfed Number of youngest children under two years of age being breastfed
1975 CN_LQBF_C_UNW Number of children being breastfed (unweighted) Number of youngest children under two years of age being breastfed (unweighted)
1976 CN_LQNB_C_WAT Non-breastfeeding children drinking plain water Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking plain water
1977 CN_LQNB_C_INF Non-breastfeeding children drinking infant formula Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking infant formula
1978 CN_LQNB_C_MLK Non-breastfeeding children drinking any animal milk Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking any animal milk
1979 CN_LQNB_C_SML Non-breastfeeding children drinking sweet/ flavored animal milk Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking sweet/ flavored animal milk
1980 CN_LQNB_C_YOG Non-breastfeeding children drinking any yogurt drinks Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking any yogurt drinks
1981 CN_LQNB_C_SYO Non-breastfeeding children drinking sweet/ flavored yogurt drinks Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking sweet/ flavored yogurt drinks
1982 CN_LQNB_C_SOY Non-breastfeeding children drinking any soy and nut milks Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking any soy and nut milks
1983 CN_LQNB_C_SSO Non-breastfeeding children drinking sweet/ flavored soy and nut milks Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking sweet/ flavored soy and nut milks
1984 CN_LQNB_C_FRU Non-breastfeeding children drinking fruit juice and fruit-flavored drinks Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking fruit juice and fruit-flavored drinks
1985 CN_LQNB_C_SOD Non-breastfeeding children drinking sodas, malt drinks, sports drinks, and energy drinks Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking sodas, malt drinks, sports drinks, and energy drinks
1986 CN_LQNB_C_TEA Non-breastfeeding children drinking any tea, coffee, and herbal drinks Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking any tea, coffee, and herbal drinks
1987 CN_LQNB_C_STE Non-breastfeeding children drinking sweet/ flavored tea, coffee, and herbal drinks Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking sweet/ flavored tea, coffee, and herbal drinks
1988 CN_LQNB_C_CLR Non-breastfeeding children drinking clear broth and clear soup Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking clear broth and clear soup
1989 CN_LQNB_C_OTH Non-breastfeeding children drinking any other liquids Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking any other liquids
1990 CN_LQNB_C_SOT Non-breastfeeding children drinking other sweet/ flavored liquids Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother drinking other sweet/ flavored liquids
1991 CN_LQNB_C_NUM Number of children not being breastfed Number of youngest children under two years of age not being breastfed
1992 CN_LQNB_C_UNW Number of children not being breastfed (unweighted) Number of youngest children under two years of age not being breastfed (unweighted)
1993 CN_FDNB_C_INF Non-breastfeeding children receiving infant formula Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received infant formula
1994 CN_FDNB_C_MLK Non-breastfeeding children receiving other milk Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received other milk. Other milk includes fresh, tinned and powdered animal milk.
1995 CN_FDNB_C_LIQ Non-breastfeeding children receiving other liquids Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received other liquids. Other liquids does not include plain water, but does include juice, juice drinks, clear broth, or other non-milk liquids.
1996 CN_FDNB_C_BBY Non-breastfeeding children receiving fortified baby food Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received fortified baby food. Includes fortified baby food.
1997 CN_FDNB_C_GRN Non-breastfeeding children receiving foods made from grains Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received foods made from grains
1998 CN_FDNB_C_VTA Non-breastfeeding children receiving fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin a Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin a. Includes fruits and vegetables such as pupmkin, red or yellow yams or squash, carrots, red sweet potatoes, dark green leafy vegatables, mangoes, papayas, and other locally grown fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin A.
1999 CN_FDNB_C_FVG Non-breastfeeding children receiving other fruits and vegetables Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received other fruits and vegetables
2000 CN_FDNB_C_RTS Non-breastfeeding children receiving food made from roots and tubers Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received food made from roots and tubers
2001 CN_FDNB_C_LEG Non-breastfeeding children receiving food made from legumes and nuts Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received food made from legumes and nuts
2002 CN_FDNB_C_MTF Non-breastfeeding children receiving meat, fish, poultry Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received meat, fish, poultry
2003 CN_FDNB_C_EGG Non-breastfeeding children receiving eggs Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received eggs
2004 CN_FDNB_C_MFE Non-breastfeeding children receiving meat, fish, eggs Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received meat, fish, eggs
2005 CN_FDNB_C_CHS Non-breastfeeding children receiving cheese, yogurt, other milk product Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received cheese, yogurt, other milk product
2006 CN_FDNB_C_OTH Non-breastfeeding children receiving other foods Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received other foods
2007 CN_FDNB_C_SLD Non-breastfeeding children receiving any solid or semi-solid food Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother who received any solid or semi-solid food
2008 CN_FDNB_C_NUM Number of children not being breastfed Number of youngest children under two years of age not being breastfed
2009 CN_FDNB_C_UNW Number of children not being breastfed (unweighted) Number of youngest children under two years of age not being breastfed (unweighted)
2010 CN_FDBF_C_GRA Breastfed children eating grains Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother eating grains
2011 CN_FDBF_C_VTA Breastfed children eating vitamin a-rich fruits and vegetables Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother eating vitamin a-rich fruits and vegetables
2012 CN_FDBF_C_FRU Breastfed children eating other fruits and vegetables Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother eating other fruits and vegetables
2013 CN_FDBF_C_ROT Breastfed children eating roots, tubers, and plantains Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother eating roots, tubers, and plantains
2014 CN_FDBF_C_PUL Breastfed children eating pulses (beans, peas, lentils), nuts, and seeds Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother eating pulses (beans, peas, lentils), nuts, and seeds
2015 CN_FDBF_C_FLE Breastfed children eating flesh foods (meat, fish, poultry, organ meats) Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother eating flesh foods (meat, fish, poultry, organ meats)
2016 CN_FDBF_C_EGG Breastfed children eating eggs Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother eating eggs
2017 CN_FDBF_C_DAI Breastfed children eating dairy products (milk, infant formula, yogurt, cheese) Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother eating dairy products (milk, infant formula, yogurt, cheese)
2018 CN_FDBF_C_INS Breastfed children eating insects and other small protein foods Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother eating insects and other small protein foods
2019 CN_FDBF_C_OIL Breastfed children eating red palm oil Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother eating red palm oil
2020 CN_FDBF_C_SWT Breastfed children eating sweet foods Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother eating sweet foods
2021 CN_FDBF_C_FRI Breastfed children eating fried and salty foods Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother eating fried and salty foods
2022 CN_FDBF_C_OTH Breastfed children eating other solid, semi-solid, and soft food Percentage of breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother eating other solid, semi-solid, and soft food
2023 CN_FDBF_C_NUM Number of children being breastfed Number of youngest children under two years of age being breastfed
2024 CN_FDBF_C_UNW Number of children being breastfed (unweighted) Number of youngest children under two years of age being breastfed (unweighted)
2025 CN_FDNB_C_GRA Non-breastfed children eating grains Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother eating grains
2026 CN_FDNB_C_VTA Non-breastfed children eating vitamin a-rich fruits and vegetables Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother eating vitamin a-rich fruits and vegetables
2027 CN_FDNB_C_FRU Non-breastfed children eating other fruits and vegetables Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother eating other fruits and vegetables
2028 CN_FDNB_C_ROT Non-breastfed children eating roots, tubers, and plantains Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother eating roots, tubers, and plantains
2029 CN_FDNB_C_PUL Non-breastfed children eating pulses (beans, peas, lentils), nuts, and seeds Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother eating pulses (beans, peas, lentils), nuts, and seeds
2030 CN_FDNB_C_FLE Non-breastfed children eating flesh foods (meat, fish, poultry, organ meats) Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother eating flesh foods (meat, fish, poultry, organ meats)
2031 CN_FDNB_C_EGG Non-breastfed children eating eggs Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother eating eggs
2032 CN_FDNB_C_DAI Non-breastfed children eating dairy products (milk, infant formula, yogurt, cheese) Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother eating dairy products (milk, infant formula, yogurt, cheese)
2033 CN_FDNB_C_INS Non-breastfed children eating insects and other small protein foods Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother eating insects and other small protein foods
2034 CN_FDNB_C_OIL Non-breastfed children eating red palm oil Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother eating red palm oil
2035 CN_FDNB_C_SWT Non-breastfed children eating sweet foods Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother eating sweet foods
2036 CN_FDNB_C_FRI Non-breastfed children eating fried and salty foods Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother eating fried and salty foods
2037 CN_FDNB_C_OTH Non-breastfed children eating other solid, semi-solid, and soft food Percentage of non-breastfeeding children under two years of age who are living with the mother eating other solid, semi-solid, and soft food
2038 CN_FDNB_C_NUM Number of children not being breastfed Number of youngest children under two years of age not being breastfed
2039 CN_FDNB_C_UNW Number of children not being breastfed (unweighted) Number of youngest children under two years of age not being breastfed (unweighted)
2040 CN_IYCF_C_4FB Breastfed children 6-23 months fed 5+ food groups Percentage of breastfed children age 6-23 months fed five or more food groups. The food groups are a. breastmilk b. infant formula, milk other than breast milk, cheese or yogurt or other milk products; c. foods made from grains, roots, and tubers, including porridge and fortified baby food from grains; d. vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables (and red palm oil); e. other fruits and vegetables; f. eggs; g. meat, poultry, fish, and shellfish (and organ meats); h. legumes and nuts.
2041 CN_IYCF_C_MNB Breastfed children 6-23 months fed the minimum meal frequency Percentage of breastfed children age 6-23 months fed the minimum meal frequency defined as receiving solid or semi-solid food at least twice a day for infants 6-8 months and at least three times a day for children 9-23 months
2042 CN_IYCF_C_BTB Breastfed children 6-23 months fed both 4+ food groups and the minimum meal frequency Percentage of breastfed children age 6-23 months fed four or more food groups and the minimum meal frequency
2043 CN_IYCF_C_NMB Number of breastfed children 6-23 months Number of children age 6-23 months who are currently breastfeeding
2044 CN_IYCF_C_UNB Number of breastfed children 6-23 months (unweighted) Number of children age 6-23 months who are currently breastfeeding (unweighted)
2045 CN_IYCF_C_MKN Non-breastfed children 6-23 months fed milk or milk products Percentage of non-breastfed children age 6-23 months fed milk or milk products
2046 CN_IYCF_C_4FN Non-breastfed children 6-23 months fed 5+ food groups Percentage of non-breastfed children age 6-23 months fed five or more food groups. The food groups are a. breastmilk b. infant formula, milk other than breast milk, cheese or yogurt or other milk products; c. foods made from grains, roots, and tubers, including porridge and fortified baby food from grains; d. vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables (and red palm oil); e. other fruits and vegetables; f. eggs; g. meat, poultry, fish, and shellfish (and organ meats); h. legumes and nuts.
2047 CN_IYCF_C_MNN Non-breastfed children 6-23 months fed the minimum meal frequency Percentage of non-breastfed children age 6-23 months fed the minimum meal frequency defined as receiving solid or semi-solid food at least twice a day for infants 6-8 months and at least three times a day for children 9-23 months
2048 CN_IYCF_C_3PN Non-breastfed children 6-23 months with 3 IYCF practices Percentage of non-breastfed children age 6-23 months fed according to the 3 infant and young child feeding practices
2049 CN_IYCF_C_NMN Number of nonbreastfed children 6-23 months Number of children age 6-23 months who are not currently breastfeeding
2050 CN_IYCF_C_UNN Number of nonbreastfed children 6-23 months (unweighted) Number of children age 6-23 months who are not currently breastfeeding (unweighted)
2051 CN_IYCF_C_MKA Children 6-23 months fed breastmilk, milk, or milk-products Percentage of children age 6-23 months fed milk or milk products
2052 CN_IYCF_C_4FA Children 6-23 months fed 5+ food groups Percentage of children age 6-23 months fed five or more food groups. The food groups are a. breastmilk b. infant formula, milk other than breast milk, cheese or yogurt or other milk products; c. foods made from grains, roots, and tubers, including porridge and fortified baby food from grains; d. vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables (and red palm oil); e. other fruits and vegetables; f. eggs; g. meat, poultry, fish, and shellfish (and organ meats); h. legumes and nuts.
2053 CN_IYCF_C_MNA Children 6-23 months fed the minimum meal frequency Percentage of children age 6-23 months fed the minimum meal frequency defined as receiving solid or semi-solid food at least twice a day for infants 6-8 months and at least three times a day for children 9-23 months
2054 CN_IYCF_C_3PA Children 6-23 months with 3 IYCF practices Percentage of children age 6-23 months fed according to the 3 infant and young child feeding practices
2055 CN_IYCF_C_NMA Number of all children 6-23 months Number of all children 6-23 months
2056 CN_IYCF_C_UNA Number of all children 6-23 months (unweighted) Number of all children 6-23 months (unweighted)
2057 CN_IFPS_C_EBF Breast milk only (exclusively breastfed) Percentage of children fed: breast milk only (exclusively breastfed)
2058 CN_EFUF_C_EGF Children who ate egg and/or flesh food Percentage of youngest children 6-23 months living with their mother who ate egg and/or flesh food
2059 CN_IFPS_C_BMW Breast milk and plain water only Percentage of children fed: breast milk and plain water only
2060 CN_EFUF_C_SWE Children who ate sweet beverage Percentage of youngest children 6-23 months living with their mother who ate sweet beverage
2061 CN_IFPS_C_BML Breast milk and non-milk liquids Percentage of children fed: breast milk and non-milk liquids
2062 CN_EFUF_C_UNH Children who ate unhealthy food Percentage of youngest children 6-23 months living with their mother who ate unhealthy food
2063 CN_IFPS_C_BMF Breast milk and formula and/or animal milk Percentage of children fed: breast milk and formula and/or animal milk
2064 CN_EFUF_C_NVG Children who ate zero vegetable or fruit Percentage of youngest children 6-23 months living with their mother who ate zero vegetable or fruit
2065 CN_IFPS_C_BMS Breast milk and solid, semi-solid, or soft foods Percentage of children fed: breast milk and solid, semi-solid, or soft foods
2066 CN_IFPS_C_NBM Not breastfed Percentage of children fed: not breastfed
2067 CN_IFPS_C_UNK Unknown Percentage of children fed: unknown
2068 CN_IFPS_C_TOT Total Percentage of children fed: total
2069 CN_IFPS_C_NUM Number of youngest children 0-5 months living with their mother Number of youngest children 0-5 months living with their mother
2070 CN_EFUF_C_NUM Number of children 6-23 months Number of youngest children 6-23 months living with their mother
2071 CN_IFPS_C_UNW Number of youngest children 0-5 months living with their mother (unweighted) Number of youngest children 0-5 months living with their mother (unweighted)
2072 CN_EFUF_C_UNW Number of children 6-23 months (unweighted) Number of youngest children 6-23 months living with their mother (unweighted)
2073 CN_ANMC_C_ANY Children with any anemia Percentage of children under age 5 classified as having any anemia
2074 CN_ANMC_C_MLD Children with mild anemia Percentage of children under age 5 classified as having mild (10.0-10.9 g/dl) anemia
2075 CN_ANMC_C_MOD Children with moderate anemia Percentage of children under age 5 classified as having moderate (7.0-9.9 g/dl) anemia
2076 CN_ANMC_C_SEV Children with severe anemia Percentage of children under age 5 classified as having severe (below 7.0 g/dl) anemia
2077 CN_ANMC_C_NUM Number of children under age 5 Number of children under age 5 who stayed in the household the previous night and were tested for anemia
2078 CN_ANMC_C_UNW Number of children under age 5 (unweighted) Number of children under age 5 who stayed in the household the previous night and were tested for anemia (unweighted)
2079 CN_MIAC_C_VAF Children 6-23 months that consumed foods rich in vitamin A in the last 24 hours Percentage of youngest children age 6-23 months living with the mother who consumed foods rich in vitamin A in the 24 hours preceding the survey. Food rich in vitamin A include meat (and organ meat), fish, poultry, eggs, pumpkin, red or yellow yams or squash, carrots, red sweet potatoes, dark green leafy vegetables, mango, papaya, and other locally grown fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin A.
2080 CN_MIAC_C_IRF Children 6-23 months that consumed foods rich in iron in the last 24 hours Percentage of youngest children age 6-23 months living with the mother who consumed foods rich in iron in the 24 hours preceding the survey. Food rich in iron include meat (and organ meat), fish, poultry, eggs.
2081 CN_MIAC_C_NM1 Number of youngest children age 6-23 months living with mother Number of youngest children age 6-23 months living with the mother
2082 CN_MIAC_C_UN1 Number of youngest children age 6-23 months living with mother (unweighted) Number of youngest children age 6-23 months living with the mother (unweighted)
2083 CN_MIAC_C_MMN Children 6-23 months given multiple micronutrient powder in the last 7 days Percentage of children age 6-23 months given multiple micronutrient powder in the last 7 days
2084 CN_MIAC_C_NM4 Number of children age 6-23 months Number of children age 6-23 months
2085 CN_MIAC_C_UN4 Number of children age 6-23 months (unweighted) Number of children age 6-23 months (unweighted)
2086 CN_MIAC_C_VAS Children consuming vitamin A supplements Percentage of children age 6-59 months who received vitamin A supplements in the six months preceding the survey
2087 CN_MIAC_C_IRS Children given iron supplements in past 7 days Percentage of children age 6-59 months who were given iron supplements in the seven days preceding the survey
2088 CN_MIAC_C_DWM Children given deworming medication in past 6 months Percentage of children age 6-59 months who were given deworming medication in the six months preceding the survey
2089 CN_MIAC_C_NM2 Number of children age 6-59 months Number of children age 6-59 months
2090 CN_MIAC_C_UN2 Number of children age 6-59 months (unweighted) Number of children age 6-59 months (unweighted)
2091 CN_MIAC_C_IOD Children under five living in households using adequately iodized salt Percentage of children under five living in households using adequately iodized salt
2092 CN_MIAC_C_NM3 Number of children under five Number of children under five
2093 CN_MIAC_C_UN3 Number of children under five (unweighted) Number of children under five (unweighted)
2094 CN_IYCC_W_COU Women counseled in last 6 months about how or what to feed their child Percentage of women whose youngest child age 6-23 months is living with them who were counseled in last 6 months about how or what to feed their child
2095 CN_IYCC_W_NMA Number of women Number of women whose youngest child age 6-23 months is living with them
2096 CN_IYCC_W_UNA Number of women (unweighted) Number of women whose youngest child age 6-23 months is living with them (unweighted)
2097 CN_IODZ_H_SLT Households with salt tested for iodine content Percentage of households with salt tested for iodine content
2098 CN_IODZ_H_SLN Households with salt, but not tested Percentage of households with salt, but the salt was not tested for iodine content
2099 CN_IODZ_H_NSL Households with no salt Percentage of households with no salt
2100 CN_IODZ_H_NM1 Number of households Number of households
2101 CN_IODZ_H_UN1 Number of households (unweighted) Number of households (unweighted)
2102 CN_IODZ_H_IOD Households with iodized salt Percentage of households with iodized salt
2103 CN_IODZ_H_NM2 Number of households with salt tested Number of households with salt tested
2104 CN_IODZ_H_UN2 Number of households with salt tested (unweighted) Number of households with salt tested (unweighted)
2105 CN_THSF_C_PLN Children who received PLUMPY' NUT in the past 7 days Percentage of children age 6-35 months who received PLUMPY' NUT in the past 7 days
2106 CN_THSF_C_PLD Children who received PLUMPY' DOZ in the past 7 days Percentage of children age 6-35 months who received PLUMPY' DOZ in the past 7 days
2107 CN_THSF_C_NUM Number of children 6-35 months Number of children 6-35 months
2108 CN_THSF_C_UNW Number of children 6-35 months (unweighted) Number of children 6-35 months (unweighted)
2109 AN_NUTS_W_SHT Women with height below 145 cm Percentage of women age 15-49 with height below 145 cm
2110 AN_NUTS_W_NM1 Number of women Number of women
2111 AN_NUTS_W_UN1 Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
2112 AN_NUTS_W_BMI Mean Body Mass Index (BMI) for women Mean Body Mass Index (BMI) for women excluding pregnant women and women with a birth in the 2 months preceding the survey
2113 AN_NUTS_W_NRM Women with normal BMI (18.5-24.9) Percentage of women with normal BMI (18.5-24.9)
2114 AN_NUTS_W_THN Women who are thin according to BMI (<18.5) Percentage of women who are thin according to BMI (<18.5)
2115 AN_NUTS_W_TH1 Women who are mildly thin according to BMI (17.0-18.4) Percentage of women who are mildly thin according to BMI (17.0-18.4)
2116 AN_NUTS_W_TH2 Women who are moderately thin according to BMI (<17.0) Percentage of women who are moderately thin according to BMI (<17.0)
2117 AN_NUTS_W_OWT Women who are overweight or obese according to BMI (>=25.0) Percentage of women who are overweight or obese according to BMI (>=25.0)
2118 AN_NUTS_W_OVW Women who are overweight according to BMI (25.0-29.9) Percentage of women who are overweight according to BMI (25.0-29.9)
2119 AN_NUTS_W_OBS Women who are obese according to BMI (>=30.0) Percentage of women who are obese according to BMI (>=30.0)
2120 AN_NUTS_W_NUM Number of women Number of women (excluding pregnant women and women with a birth in the 2 months preceding the survey)
2121 AN_NUTS_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (excluding pregnant women and women with a birth in the 2 months preceding the survey) (unweighted)
2122 AN_NUTS_M_SHT Men with height below 145 cm Percentage of men age 15-49 with height below 145 cm
2123 AN_NUTS_M_NM1 Number of men Number of men
2124 AN_NUTS_M_UN1 Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
2125 AN_NUTS_M_BMI Mean Body Mass Index (BMI) for men Mean Body Mass Index (BMI) for men
2126 AN_NUTS_M_NRM Men with normal BMI (18.5-24.9) Percentage of men with normal BMI (18.5-24.9)
2127 AN_NUTS_M_THN Men who are thin according to BMI (<18.5) Percentage of men who are thin according to BMI (<18.5)
2128 AN_NUTS_M_TH1 Men who are mildly thin according to BMI (17.0-18.4) Percentage of men who are mildly thin according to BMI (17.0-18.4)
2129 AN_NUTS_M_TH2 Men who are moderately thin according to BMI (<17.0) Percentage of men who are moderately thin according to BMI (<17.0)
2130 AN_NUTS_M_OWT Men who are overweight or obese according to BMI (>=25.0) Percentage of men who are overweight or obese according to BMI (>=25.0)
2131 AN_NUTS_M_OVW Men who are overweight according to BMI (25.0-29.9) Percentage of men who are overweight according to BMI (25.0-29.9)
2132 AN_NUTS_M_OBS Men who are obese according to BMI (>=30.0) Percentage of men who are obese according to BMI (>=30.0)
2133 AN_NUTS_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
2134 AN_NUTS_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
2135 AN_ANEM_W_ANY Women with any anemia Percentage of women classified as having any anemia (<12.0 g/dl for non-pregnant women and <11.0 g/dl for pregnant women)
2136 AN_ANEM_W_MLD Women with mild anemia Percentage of women classified as having mild anemia (11.0-11.9 g/dl for non-pregnant women and 10.0-10.9 g/dl for pregnant women)
2137 AN_ANEM_W_MOD Women with moderate anemia Percentage of women classified as having moderate anemia (8.0-10.9 g/dl for non-pregnant women and 7.0-9.9 g/dl for pregnant women)
2138 AN_ANEM_W_SEV Women with severe anemia Percentage of women classified as having severe anemia (<8.0 g/dl for non-pregnant women and <7.0 g/dl for pregnant women)
2139 AN_ANEM_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
2140 AN_ANEM_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
2141 AN_ANEM_M_ANY Men with any anemia Percentage of men classified as having any anemia
2142 AN_ANEM_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
2143 AN_ANEM_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
2144 AN_MIAM_W_VAP Women with a birth in the past five years who received a vitamin A dose in the first two months after delivery Percentage of women with a birth in the five years preceding the survey who received a vitamin A dose in the first two months after delivery
2145 AN_MIAM_W_NON Women with a birth in the past five years who took no iron tablets or syrup Percentage of women with a birth in the five years preceding the survey who took no iron tablets or syrup
2146 AN_MIAM_W_L60 Women with a birth in the past five years who took iron tablets or syrup for <60 days Percentage of women with a birth in the five years preceding the survey who took iron tablets or syrup for <60 days
2147 AN_MIAM_W_L89 Women with a birth in the past five years who took iron tablets or syrup for 60-89 days Percentage of women with a birth in the five years preceding the survey who took iron tablets or syrup for 60-89 days
2148 AN_MIAM_W_90P Women with a birth in the past five years who took iron tablets or syrup for 90+ days Percentage of women with a birth in the five years preceding the survey who took iron tablets or syrup for 90+ days
2149 AN_MIAM_W_DKM Women with a birth in the past five years with 'Don't know' or missing information on iron tablets or syrup Percentage of women with a birth in the five years preceding the survey with 'don't know' or missing information on iron tablets or syrup
2150 AN_MIAM_W_TOT Women with a birth in the past five years: Total Percentage of women with a birth in the five years preceding the survey: Total
2151 AN_MIAM_W_DWM Women with a birth in the past five years who took deworming medication during pregnancy of last birth Percentage of women with a birth in the five years preceding the survey who took deworming medication during the pregnancy of the last birth
2152 AN_MIAM_W_NBR Women with a birth in the past five years suffering from night blindness during pregnancy (adjusted) Percentage of women with a birth in the five years preceding the survey who suffered from night blindness during pregnancy (adjusted)
2153 AN_MIAM_W_NBA Women with a birth in the past five years suffering from night blindness during pregnancy (reported) Percentage of women with a birth in the five years preceding the survey who suffered from night blindness during pregnancy (reported)
2154 AN_MIAM_W_NUM Number of women with a birth in the past five years Number of women with a birth in the five years preceding the survey
2155 AN_MIAM_W_UNW Number of women with a birth in the past five years (unweighted) Number of women with a birth in the five years preceding the survey (unweighted)
2156 AN_MIAM_W_IOD Women living in households using adequately iodized salt Percentage of women with a birth in the past five years living in households using adequately iodized salt
2157 AN_MIAM_W_NM1 Number of women with a birth in the past five years living in households tested for iodized salt Number of women with a birth in the past five years living in households tested for iodized salt
2158 AN_MIAM_W_UN1 Number of women with a birth in the past five years living in households tested for iodized salt (unweighted) Number of women with a birth in the past five years living in households tested for iodized salt (unweighted)
2159 ML_NETP_H_MOS Households with at least one mosquito net Percentage of households with at least one mosquito net (treated or untreated)
2160 ML_NETP_H_ITN Households with at least one insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) Percentage of households with at least one insecticide treated mosquito net (ITN)
2161 ML_NETP_H_LLN Households with at least one long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) Percentage of households with at least one long-lasting insecticide treated mosquito net (LLIN)
2162 ML_NETP_H_MNM Mean number of mosquito nets per household Mean number of mosquito nets per household
2163 ML_NETP_H_MNI Mean number of insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs) per household Mean number of insecticide tested mosquito nets (ITNs) per household
2164 ML_NETP_H_MNL Mean number of long-lasting insecticide-treated mosquito nets (LLINs) per household Mean number of long-lasting insecticide tested mosquito nets (LLINs) per household
2165 ML_NETP_H_NUM Number of households Number of households
2166 ML_NETP_H_UNW Number of households (unweighted) Number of households (unweighted)
2167 ML_NETP_H_MS2 Households with at least one mosquito net for every two persons who stayed in the household the previous night Percentage of households with at least one mosquito net for every two persons who stayed in the household the previous night
2168 ML_NETP_H_IT2 Households with at least one insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) for every two persons who stayed in the household the previous night Percentage of households with at least one insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) for every two persons who stayed in the household the previous night
2169 ML_NETP_H_LL2 Households with at least one long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) for every two persons who stayed in the household the previous night Percentage of households with at least one long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) for every two persons who stayed in the household the previous night
2170 ML_NETP_H_NM2 Number of households with a least one person who stayed in the household last night Number of households with a least one person who stayed in the household last night
2171 ML_NETP_H_UN2 Number of households with a least one person who stayed in the household last night (unweighted) Number of households with a least one person who stayed in the household last night (unweighted)
2172 ML_NSRC_N_MDC Net source: Mass distribution campaign Percentage of mosquito nets received from mass distribution campaign
2173 ML_NSRC_N_ANC Net source: ANC visit Percentage of mosquito nets received from ANC visit
2174 ML_NSRC_N_IMM Net source: Immunization visit Percentage of mosquito nets received from immunization visit
2175 ML_NSRC_N_GHF Net source: Government health facility Percentage of mosquito nets received from government health facility
2176 ML_NSRC_N_PHF Net source: Private health facility Percentage of mosquito nets received from private health facility
2177 ML_NSRC_N_PHM Net source: Pharmacy Percentage of mosquito nets received from pharmacy
2178 ML_NSRC_N_SHP Net source: Shop/market Percentage of mosquito nets received from shop/market
2179 ML_NSRC_N_CHW Net source: Community health worker Percentage of mosquito nets received from community health worker
2180 ML_NSRC_N_REL Net source: Religious institution Percentage of mosquito nets received from religious institution
2181 ML_NSRC_N_SCL Net source: School Percentage of mosquito nets received from school
2182 ML_NSRC_N_OTH Net source: Other Percentage of mosquito nets received from other
2183 ML_NSRC_N_DKM Net source: Don’t know Percentage of mosquito nets received from: don’t know
2184 ML_NSRC_N_TOT Net source: Total Percentage of mosquito nets received: Total
2185 ML_NSRC_N_NUM Number of mosquito nets Number of mosquito nets
2186 ML_NSRC_N_UNW Number of mosquito nets (unweighted) Number of mosquito nets (unweighted)
2187 ML_IRSM_H_IRS Households with indoor residual spraying (IRS) in last 12 months Percentage of households with indoor residual spraying (IRS) in the 12 months preceding the survey
2188 ML_IRSM_H_IIR Households with at least one insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) and/or indoor residual spraying (IRS) in the past 12 months Households with at least one insecticide treated net (ITN) and/or indoor residual spraying (IRS) in the 12 months preceding the survey
2189 ML_IRSM_H_I2I Households with at least one insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) for every two persons and/or indoor residual spraying (IRS) in the past 12 months Households with at least one ITN for every two persons and/or IRS in the past 12 months
2190 ML_IRSM_H_NUM Number of households Number of households
2191 ML_IRSM_H_UNW Number of households (unweighted) Number of households (unweighted)
2192 ML_ITNA_P_NUM Number of persons Number of persons
2193 ML_ITNA_P_UNW Number of persons (unweighted) Number of persons (unweighted)
2194 ML_ITNA_P_ACC Persons with access to an insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) Percentage of the de facto household population who could sleep under an ITN if each ITN in the household were used by up to two people
2195 ML_NETU_P_ANY Population who slept under any net last night Percentage of the de facto household population who slept under any net the night before the survey
2196 ML_NETU_P_ITN Population who slept under an insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) last night Percentage of the de facto household population who slept under an insecticide treated net the night before the survey
2197 ML_NETU_P_LLN Population who slept under an LLIN last night Percentage of the de facto household population who slept under a long -lasting insecticide treated net the night before the survey
2198 ML_NETU_P_ITI Population who slept under an insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) last night or in a dwelling sprayed with indoor residual spraying (IRS) in the past 12 months Percentage of the de facto household population who slept under an insecticide treated net the night before the survey or in a dwelling sprayed with indoor residual spraying in the 12 months preceding the survey
2199 ML_NETU_P_NUM Number of persons Number of persons
2200 ML_NETU_P_UNW Number of persons (unweighted) Number of persons (unweighted)
2201 ML_NETU_P_IT1 Population who slept under an insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) last night of those living in a household with at least one insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) Percentage of the de facto household population living in a household with at least one insecticide treated net (ITN) who slept under an ITN the night before the survey
2202 ML_NETU_P_NM1 Number of persons living in a household with at least one insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) Number of persons living in a household with at least one insecticide treated net
2203 ML_NETU_P_UN1 Number of persons living in a household with at least one insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) (unweighted) Number of persons living in a household with at least one insecticide treated net (unweighted)
2204 ML_ITNU_N_ITN Existing insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs) used last night Percentage of existing insecticide treated nets used the night before the survey
2205 ML_ITNU_N_NUM Number of insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs) Number of insecticide treated nets
2206 ML_ITNU_N_UNW Number of insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs) (unweighted) Number of insecticide treated nets (unweighted)
2207 ML_NETC_C_ANY Children under 5 who slept under any net Percentage of children under age five who slept under any net the night before the survey
2208 ML_NETC_C_ITN Children under 5 who slept under an insecticide-treated net (ITN) Percentage of children under age five who slept under an insecticide treated net (ITN) the night before the survey
2209 ML_NETC_C_LLN Children under 5 who slept under a long-lasting insecticide-treated net (LLIN) Percentage of children under age five who slept under a long-lasting insecticide treated net (LLIN) the night before the survey
2210 ML_NETC_C_ITI Children under 5 who slept under an insecticide-treated net (ITN) or in a dwelling sprayed with indoor residual spraying (IRS) in the past 12 months Percentage of children under age five who slept under an insecticide treated net (ITN) the night before the survey or in a dwelling sprayed with indoor residual spraying in the 12 months preceding the survey
2211 ML_NETC_C_NUM Number of children under 5 Number of children under age five
2212 ML_NETC_C_UNW Number of children under 5 (unweighted) Number of children under age five (unweighted)
2213 ML_NETC_C_IT1 Children under 5 who slept under an insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) last night of those living in a household with at least one ITN Percentage of children under age five living in a household with at least one insecticide treated net (ITN) who slept under an ITN the night before the survey
2214 ML_NETC_C_NM1 Number of children under 5 in households with at least one insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) Number of children under age five in households with at least one ITN
2215 ML_NETC_C_UN1 Number of children under 5 in households with at least one insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) (unweighted) Number of children under age five in households with at least one ITN (unweighted)
2216 ML_NETW_W_ANY Pregnant women who slept under any net Percentage of pregnant women who slept under any net the night before the survey
2217 ML_NETW_W_ITN Pregnant women who slept under an insecticide-treated net (ITN) Percentage of pregnant women who slept under an insecticide treated net (ITN) the night before the survey
2218 ML_NETW_W_LLN Pregnant women who slept under a long-lasting insecticide-treated net (LLIN) Percentage of pregnant women who slept under a long-lasting insecticide treated net (LLIN) the night before the survey
2219 ML_NETW_W_ITI Pregnant women who slept under an insecticide-treated net (ITN) or in a dwelling sprayed with indoor residual spraying (IRS) in the past 12 months Percentage of pregnant women who slept under an insecticide treated net (ITN) the night before the survey or in a dwelling sprayed with indoor residual spraying in the 12 months preceding the survey
2220 ML_NETW_W_NUM Number of pregnant women Number of pregnant women
2221 ML_NETW_W_UNW Number of pregnant women (unweighted) Number of pregnant women (unweighted)
2222 ML_NETW_W_IT1 Pregnant women who slept under insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) last night of those living in a household with at least one ITN Percentage of pregnant women living in a household with at least one insecticide treated net (ITN) who slept under an ITN the night before the survey
2223 ML_NETW_W_NM1 Number of pregnant women in households with at least one insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) Number of pregnant women in households with at least one ITN
2224 ML_NETW_W_UN1 Number of pregnant women in households with at least one insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) (unweighted) Number of pregnant women in households with at least one ITN (unweighted)
2225 ML_IPTP_W_SPF SP/Fansidar use during pregnancy Percentage of women age 15-49 with a live birth in the two years preceding the survey who during the pregnancy took at least one dose of SP/Fansidar
2226 ML_IPTP_W_2SP SP/Fansidar 2+ doses during pregnancy Percentage of women age 15-49 with a live birth in the two years preceding the survey who during the pregnancy took two or more doses of SP/Fansidar
2227 ML_IPTP_W_3SP SP/Fansidar 3+ doses during pregnancy Percentage of women age 15-49 with a live birth in the two years preceding the survey who during the pregnancy took three or more doses of SP/Fansidar
2228 ML_IPTP_W_SPA SP/Fansidar use during antenatal visit Percentage of women age 15-49 with a live birth in the two years preceding the survey who during the pregnancy took at least one dose of SP/Fansidar, with at least one dose during an antenatal care visit
2229 ML_IPTP_W_2SA SP/Fansidar 2+ doses, at least one during ANC visit Percentage of women age 15-49 with a live birth in the two years preceding the survey who during the pregnancy took two or more doses of SP/Fansidar, with at least one dose during an antenatal care visit
2230 ML_IPTP_W_3SA SP/Fansidar 3+ doses, at least one during ANC visit Percentage of women age 15-49 with a live birth in the two years preceding the survey who during the pregnancy took three or more doses of SP/Fansidar, with at least one dose during an antenatal care visit
2231 ML_IPTP_W_NUM Number of women age 15-49 with a live birth in the last two years Number of women age 15-49 with a live birth in the two years preceding the survey
2232 ML_IPTP_W_UNW Number of women age 15-49 with a live birth in the last two years (unweighted) Number of women age 15-49 with a live birth in the two years preceding the survey (unweighted)
2233 ML_FEVR_C_FEV Children under 5 with fever in the last two weeks Percentage of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey
2234 ML_FEVR_C_NUM Number of children under 5 Number of children under age five
2235 ML_FEVR_C_UNW Number of children under 5 (unweighted) Number of children under age five (unweighted)
2236 ML_FEVT_C_ADV Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought Among children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey, the percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought
2237 ML_FEVT_C_ADS Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought the same or the next day Among children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey, the percentage for whom advice or treatment was sought the same or the next day
2238 ML_FEVT_C_BLD Children with fever who had blood taken from a finger or heel for testing Among children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey, the percentage who had blood taken from a finger or heel for testing
2239 ML_FEVT_C_ACT Children with fever who took a combination with artemisinin Among children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey, the percentage who took a combination with artemisinin
2240 ML_FEVT_C_ACS Children with fever who took a combination with artemisinin the same day Among children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey, the percentage who took a combination with artemisinin the same day
2241 ML_FEVT_C_AML Children with fever who took antimalarial drugs Among children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey the percentage who took antimalarial drugs
2242 ML_FEVT_C_AMS Children with fever who took antimalarial drugs the same day or next day Among children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey the percentage who took antimalarial drugs the same or next day following the onset of fever
2243 ML_FEVT_C_NUM Number of children under age five with fever in the last two weeks Number of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey
2244 ML_FEVT_C_UNW Number of children under age five with fever in the last two weeks (unweighted) Number of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey (unweighted)
2245 ML_FEVS_C_PUB Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from a public sector facility Percentage of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a public sector facility
2246 ML_FEVS_C_GHS Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from a government hospital Percentage of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a government hospital
2247 ML_FEVS_C_GHC Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from a government health center Percentage of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a government health center
2248 ML_FEVS_C_GHP Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from a government health post Percentage of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a government health post
2249 ML_FEVS_C_GMC Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from a mobile clinic Percentage of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a mobile clinic
2250 ML_FEVS_C_GFW Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from a fieldworker Percentage of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a fieldworker
2251 ML_FEVS_C_GOT Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from another type of public sector facility Percentage of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from another type of public sector facility
2252 ML_FEVS_C_PRV Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private sector facility Percentage of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private sector facility
2253 ML_FEVS_C_PHS Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private hospital/clinic Percentage of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private hospital/clinic
2254 ML_FEVS_C_PPH Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from a pharmacy Percentage of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a pharmacy
2255 ML_FEVS_C_PDR Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private doctor Percentage of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a private doctor
2256 ML_FEVS_C_PMC Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from a mobile clinic Percentage of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a mobile clinic
2257 ML_FEVS_C_PFW Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from a fieldworker Percentage of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a fieldworker
2258 ML_FEVS_C_POT Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from another private medical sector facility Percentage of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from another private medical sector facility
2259 ML_FEVS_C_OSR Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from another source Percentage of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from another source
2260 ML_FEVS_C_SHP Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from a shop Percentage of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a shop
2261 ML_FEVS_C_TRD Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from a traditional practitioner Percentage of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a traditional practitioner
2262 ML_FEVS_C_MKT Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from a market Percentage of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from a market
2263 ML_FEVS_C_OTH Children under 5 with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from others Percentage of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought from others
2264 ML_FEVS_C_NUM Number of children under 5 with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey Number of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey
2265 ML_FEVS_C_UNW Number of children under 5 with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey (unweighted) Number of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey (unweighted)
2266 ML_FEVA_C_PUB Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was a public sector facility Among children with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, the percentage for whom the source was a public sector facility
2267 ML_FEVA_C_GHS Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was a government hospital Among children with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, the percentage for whom the source was a government hospital
2268 ML_FEVA_C_GHC Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was a government health center Among children with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, the percentage for whom the source was a government health center
2269 ML_FEVA_C_GHP Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was a government health post Among children with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, the percentage for whom the source was a government health post
2270 ML_FEVA_C_GMC Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was a mobile clinic Among children with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, the percentage for whom the source was a mobile clinic
2271 ML_FEVA_C_GFW Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was a fieldworker Among children with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, the percentage for whom the source was a fieldworker
2272 ML_FEVA_C_GOT Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was another type of public sector facility Among children with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, the percentage for whom the source was another type of public sector facility
2273 ML_FEVA_C_PRV Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was a private sector facility Among children with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, the percentage for whom the source was a private sector facility
2274 ML_FEVA_C_PHS Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was a private hospital/clinic Among children with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, the percentage for whom the source was a private hospital/clinic
2275 ML_FEVA_C_PPH Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was a pharmacy Among children with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, the percentage for whom the source was a pharmacy
2276 ML_FEVA_C_PDR Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was a private doctor Among children with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, the percentage for whom the source was a private doctor
2277 ML_FEVA_C_PMC Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was a mobile clinic Among children with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, the percentage for whom the source was a mobile clinic
2278 ML_FEVA_C_PFW Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was a fieldworker Among children with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, the percentage for whom the source was a fieldworker
2279 ML_FEVA_C_POT Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was another private medical sector facility Among children with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, the percentage for whom the source was another private medical sector facility
2280 ML_FEVA_C_OSR Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was another source Among children with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, the percentage for whom the source was another source
2281 ML_FEVA_C_SHP Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was a shop Among children with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, the percentage for whom the source was a shop
2282 ML_FEVA_C_TRD Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was a traditional practitioner Among children with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, the percentage for whom the source was a traditional practitioner
2283 ML_FEVA_C_MKT Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought, the source was a market Among children with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, the percentage for whom the source was a market
2284 ML_FEVA_C_OTH Children with fever for whom advice or treatment was sought from others Among children with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice or treatment was sought, the percentage for whom the source was from others
2285 ML_FEVA_C_NUM Number of children under 5 with fever for whom advice of treatment was sought Number of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice of treatment was sought
2286 ML_FEVA_C_UNW Number of children under 5 with fever for whom advice of treatment was sought (unweighted) Number of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey for whom advice of treatment was sought (unweighted)
2287 ML_AMLD_C_ACT Children who took any ACT Percentage of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey that received any anti-malarial drugs who took any artemisinin-based combination therapy. Note: In some countries, ACT is colloquially referred to as amodiaquine by survey respondents, making it difficult to distinguish the single drug (amodiaquine) from the combination therapy (ACTs). This confusion can impact the interpretation of the indicator, making it difficult to analyze trends over time. This indicator...
2288 ML_AMLD_C_QNN Children who took Quinine Percentage of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey that received any anti-malarial drugs who took Quinine
2289 ML_AMLD_C_SPF Children who took SP/Fansidar Percentage of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey that received any anti-malarial drugs who took SP/Fansidar
2290 ML_AMLD_C_CHL Children who took Chloroquine Percentage of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey that received any anti-malarial drugs who took Chloroquine
2291 ML_AMLD_C_AMQ Children who took Amodiaquine Percentage of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey that received any anti-malarial drugs who took Amodiaquine. Note: In some countries, ACT is colloquially referred to as amodiaquine by survey respondents, making it difficult to distinguish the single drug (amodiaquine) from the combination therapy (ACTs). This confusion can impact the interpretation of the indicator, making it difficult to analyze trends over time. This indicator should be interpreted with ca...
2292 ML_AMLD_C_ART Children who took Artesunate mono therapy Percentage of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey that received any anti-malarial drugs who took Artesunate mono therapy
2293 ML_AMLD_C_NUM Number of children under age five with fever that received any anti-malarial drugs Number of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey that received any anti-malarial drugs
2294 ML_AMLD_C_OAM Children who took another antimalarial Percentage of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey and received any anti-malarial drugs who took another antimalarial
2295 ML_AMLD_C_UNW Number of children under age five with fever that received any anti-malarial drugs (unweighted) Number of children under age five with fever in the two weeks preceding the survey that received any anti-malarial drugs (unweighted)
2296 ML_CMLT_C_ANM Children tested for anemia Percentage of children age 6-59 months tested for anemia
2297 ML_CMLT_C_RDT Children tested for malaria with RDT Percentage of children age 6-59 months tested for malaria with RDT
2298 ML_CMLT_C_MSY Children tested for malaria by microscopy Percentage of children age 6-59 months tested for malaria by microscopy
2299 ML_CMLT_C_NUM Number of children age 6-59 months Number of children age 6-59 months
2300 ML_CMLT_C_UNW Number of children age 6-59 months (unweighted) Number of children age 6-59 months (unweighted)
2301 ML_HEMO_C_HL8 Children with hemoglobin lower than 8.0 g/dl Percentage of children age 6-59 months with hemoglobin lower than 8.0 g/dl
2302 ML_HEMO_C_NUM Number of children age 6-59 months Number of children age 6-59 months
2303 ML_HEMO_C_UNW Number of children age 6-59 months (unweighted) Number of children age 6-59 months (unweighted)
2304 ML_PMAL_C_RDT Malaria prevalence according to RDT Percentage of children age 6-59 months tested using a rapid diagnostic test (RDT) who are positive for malaria. The confidence intervals (CIs) presented may differ from CIs in DHS and MIS final reports as the CIs in STATcompiler were calculated using the Jackknife Estimation Method rather the Taylor Series Linearization Method used in DHS and MIS final reports.
2305 ML_PMAL_C_RDE Malaria prevalence according to RDT - standard error Standard error of percentage of children age 6-59 months tested using a rapid diagnostic test (rdt) who are positive for malaria. The confidence intervals (CIs) presented may differ from CIs in DHS and MIS final reports as the CIs in STATcompiler were calculated using the Jackknife Estimation Method rather the Taylor Series Linearization Method used in DHS and MIS final reports.
2306 ML_PMAL_C_RDR Malaria prevalence according to RDT - relative error Relative error of percentage of children age 6-59 months tested using a rapid diagnostic test (rdt) who are positive for malaria. The confidence intervals (CIs) presented may differ from CIs in DHS and MIS final reports as the CIs in STATcompiler were calculated using the Jackknife Estimation Method rather the Taylor Series Linearization Method used in DHS and MIS final reports.
2307 ML_PMAL_C_RDL Malaria prevalence according to RDT CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound for the confidence interval of the percentage of children age 6-59 months tested using a rapid diagnostic test (rdt) who are positive for malaria. The confidence intervals (CIs) presented may differ from CIs in DHS and MIS final reports as the CIs in STATcompiler were calculated using the Jackknife Estimation Method rather the Taylor Series Linearization Method used in DHS and MIS final reports.
2308 ML_PMAL_C_RDU Malaria prevalence according to RDT CI upper bound (+2SE) Upper bound for the confidence interval of the percentage of children age 6-59 months tested using a rapid diagnostic test (rdt) who are positive for malaria. The confidence intervals (CIs) presented may differ from CIs in DHS and MIS final reports as the CIs in STATcompiler were calculated using the Jackknife Estimation Method rather the Taylor Series Linearization Method used in DHS and MIS final reports.
2309 ML_PMAL_C_NMR Number of children 6-59 months tested using RDT Number of children age 6-59 months tested for malaria using a rapid diagnostic test (RDT)
2310 ML_PMAL_C_UNR Number of children 6-59 months tested using RDT (unweighted) Number of children age 6-59 months tested for malaria using a rapid diagnostic test (RDT) (unweighted)
2311 ML_PMAL_C_UER Number of children 6-59 months eligible to be tested for malaria using RDT (unweighted) Number of children age 6-59 months eligible to be tested for malaria using a rapid diagnostic test (RDT) (unweighted)
2312 ML_PMAL_C_MSY Malaria prevalence according to microscopy Percentage of children age 6-59 months tested using microscopy who are positive for malaria. The confidence intervals (CIs) presented may differ from CIs in DHS and MIS final reports as the CIs in STATcompiler were calculated using the Jackknife Estimation Method rather the Taylor Series Linearization Method used in DHS and MIS final reports.
2313 ML_PMAL_C_MSE Malaria prevalence according to microscopy - standard error Standard error of percentage of children age 6-59 months tested using a rapid diagnostic test (rdt) who are positive for malaria. The confidence intervals (CIs) presented may differ from CIs in DHS and MIS final reports as the CIs in STATcompiler were calculated using the Jackknife Estimation Method rather the Taylor Series Linearization Method used in DHS and MIS final reports.
2314 ML_PMAL_C_MSR Malaria prevalence according to microscopy - relative error Relative error of percentage of children age 6-59 months tested using a rapid diagnostic test (rdt) who are positive for malaria. The confidence intervals (CIs) presented may differ from CIs in DHS and MIS final reports as the CIs in STATcompiler were calculated using the Jackknife Estimation Method rather the Taylor Series Linearization Method used in DHS and MIS final reports.
2315 ML_PMAL_C_MSL Malaria prevalence according to microscopy CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound for the confidence interval of the percentage of children age 6-59 months tested using a rapid diagnostic test (rdt) who are positive for malaria. The confidence intervals (CIs) presented may differ from CIs in DHS and MIS final reports as the CIs in STATcompiler were calculated using the Jackknife Estimation Method rather the Taylor Series Linearization Method used in DHS and MIS final reports.
2316 ML_PMAL_C_MSU Malaria prevalence according to microscopy CI upper bound (+2SE) Upper bound for the confidence interval of the percentage of children age 6-59 months tested using a rapid diagnostic test (rdt) who are positive for malaria. The confidence intervals (CIs) presented may differ from CIs in DHS and MIS final reports as the CIs in STATcompiler were calculated using the Jackknife Estimation Method rather the Taylor Series Linearization Method used in DHS and MIS final reports.
2317 ML_PMAL_C_NMM Number of children 6-59 months tested using microscopy Number of children age 6-59 months tested for malaria using microscopy
2318 ML_PMAL_C_UNM Number of children 6-59 months tested using microscopy (unweighted) Number of children age 6-59 months tested for malaria using microscopy (unweighted)
2319 ML_PMAL_C_UEM Number of children 6-59 months eligible to be tested for malaria using microsopy (unweighted) Number of children age 6-59 months eligible to be tested for malaria using microscopy (unweighted)
2320 HA_KAID_W_HRD Women who have heard of HIV or AIDS Percentage of women who have heard of HIV or AIDS
2321 HA_KAID_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
2322 HA_KAID_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
2323 HA_KAID_M_HRD Men who have heard of HIV or AIDS Percentage of men who have heard of HIV or AIDS
2324 HA_KAID_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
2325 HA_KAID_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
2326 HA_KHVP_W_CND Knowledge of HIV prevention methods - Use of condoms (prompted) [Women] Percentage of women who, in response to a prompted question, say that people can protect themselves from contracting HIV by using condoms.
2327 HA_KHVP_W_SX1 Knowledge of HIV prevention methods - Only one partner (prompted) [Women] Percentage of women who, in response to a prompted question, say that people can protect themselves from contracting HIV by having sex only with one faithful, uninfected partner.
2328 HA_KHVP_W_CS1 Knowledge of HIV prevention methods - Composite of 2 components (prompted) [Women] Percentage of women who, in response to a prompted question, say that people can protect themselves from contracting HIV by using condoms or having sex only with one faithful, uninfected partner.
2329 HA_KHVP_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
2330 HA_KHVP_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
2331 HA_KHVP_M_CND Knowledge of HIV prevention methods - Use of condoms (prompted) [Men] Percentage of men who, in response to a prompted question, say that people can protect themselves from contracting HIV by using condoms.
2332 HA_KHVP_M_SX1 Knowledge of HIV prevention methods - Only one partner (prompted) [Men] Percentage of men who, in response to a prompted question, say that people can protect themselves from contracting HIV by having sex only with one faithful, uninfected partner.
2333 HA_KHVP_M_CS1 Knowledge of HIV prevention methods - Composite of 2 components (prompted) [Men] Percentage of men who, in response to a prompted question, say that people can protect themselves from contracting HIV by using condoms or having sex only with one faithful, uninfected partner.
2334 HA_KHVP_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
2335 HA_KHVP_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
2336 HA_CKNA_W_HLT No incorrect beliefs about AIDS - Healthy-looking person can have the AIDS virus [Women] Percentage of women who say that a healthy-looking person can have the AIDS virus.
2337 HA_CKNA_W_MOS No incorrect beliefs about AIDS - AIDS cannot be transmitted by mosquito bites [Women] Percentage of women who reject the misconception that HIV/AIDS can be transmitted by mosquito bites.
2338 HA_CKNA_W_SUP No incorrect beliefs about AIDS - AIDS cannot be transmitted by supernatural means [Women] Percentage of women who reject the misconception that HIV/AIDS can be transmitted by supernatural means.
2339 HA_CKNA_W_SHR No incorrect beliefs about AIDS - Cannot become infected by sharing food with someone who has AIDS [Women] Percentage of women who reject the misconception that a person can become infected by sharing food with a person who has AIDS.
2340 HA_CKNA_W_KIS No incorrect beliefs about AIDS - Cannot become infected by kissing someone who has AIDS [Women] Percentage of women who reject the misconception that a person can become infected by sharing food with a person who has AIDS.
2341 HA_CKNA_W_REJ No incorrect beliefs about AIDS - Composite of 3 components [Women] Percentage of women who, in response to a prompted question, correctly reject the two most common local misconceptions about AIDS transmission or prevention, and who know that a healthy-looking person can have the AIDS virus.
2342 HA_CKNA_W_CKA Comprehensive correct knowledge about AIDS [Women] Percentage of women who correctly identify the two major ways of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV (using condoms and limiting sex to one faithful, uninfected partner), who reject the two most common local misconceptions about HIV transmission, and who know that a healthy-looking person can have HIV.
2343 HA_CKNA_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
2344 HA_CKNA_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
2345 HA_CKNA_M_HLT No incorrect beliefs about AIDS - Healthy-looking person can have the AIDS virus [Men] Percentage of men who say that a healthy-looking person can have the AIDS virus.
2346 HA_CKNA_M_MOS No incorrect beliefs about AIDS - AIDS cannot be transmitted by mosquito bites [Men] Percentage of men who reject the misconception that HIV/AIDS can be transmitted by mosquito bites.
2347 HA_CKNA_M_SUP No incorrect beliefs about AIDS - AIDS cannot be transmitted by supernatural means [Men] Percentage of men who reject the misconception that HIV/AIDS can be transmitted by supernatural means.
2348 HA_CKNA_M_SHR No incorrect beliefs about AIDS - Cannot become infected by sharing food with someone who has AIDS [Men] Percentage of men who reject the misconception that a person can become infected by sharing food with a person who has AIDS.
2349 HA_CKNA_M_KIS No incorrect beliefs about AIDS - Cannot become infected by kissing someone who has AIDS [Men] Percentage of men who reject the misconception that a person can become infected by sharing food with a person who has AIDS.
2350 HA_CKNA_M_REJ No incorrect beliefs about AIDS - Composite of 3 components [Men] Percentage of men who, in response to a prompted question, correctly reject the two most common local misconceptions about AIDS transmission or prevention, and who know that a healthy-looking person can have the AIDS virus.
2351 HA_CKNA_M_CKA Comprehensive correct knowledge about AIDS [Men] Percentage of men who correctly identify the two major ways of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV (using condoms and limiting sex to one faithful, uninfected partner), who reject the two most common local misconceptions about HIV transmission, and who know that a healthy-looking person can have HIV.
2352 HA_CKNA_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
2353 HA_CKNA_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
2354 HA_KMTC_W_PRG Knowledge of MTCT - During pregnancy [Women] Percentage of women who report that HIV can be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy.
2355 HA_KMTC_W_DLV Knowledge of MTCT - During delivery [Women] Percentage of women who report that HIV can be transmitted from mother to child during delivery.
2356 HA_KMTC_W_BRF Knowledge of MTCT - Through breastfeeding [Women] Percentage of women who report that HIV can be transmitted from mother to child in breastfeeding.
2357 HA_KMTC_W_PDB Knowledge of MTCT - Through all 3 means [Women] Percentage of women who report that HIV can be transmitted from mother to child by all 3 means.
2358 HA_KMTC_W_DRG Knowledge of prevention of MTCT - Can be prevented by mother taking special drugs during pregnancy [Women] Knowledge of prevention of MTCT - Can be prevented by mother taking ART during pregnancy [Women]
2359 HA_KMTC_W_BFD Knowledge of prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV [Women] Percentage of women who report that maternal to child transmission of HIV can be prevented through anti-retroviral therapy during pregnancy and avoiding breastfeeding.
2360 HA_KMTC_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
2361 HA_KMTC_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
2362 HA_KMTC_M_PRG Knowledge of MTCT - During pregnancy [Men] Percentage of men who report that HIV can be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy.
2363 HA_KMTC_M_DLV Knowledge of MTCT - During delivery [Men] Percentage of men who report that HIV can be transmitted from mother to child during delivery.
2364 HA_KMTC_M_BRF Knowledge of MTCT - Through breastfeeding [Men] Percentage of men who report that HIV can be transmitted from mother to child in breastfeeding.
2365 HA_KMTC_M_PDB Knowledge of MTCT - Through all 3 means [Men] Percentage of men who report that HIV can be transmitted from mother to child by all 3 means.
2366 HA_KMTC_M_DRG Knowledge of prevention of MTCT - Can be prevented by mother taking special drugs during pregnancy [Men] Knowledge of prevention of MTCT - Can be prevented by mother taking ART during pregnancy [Men]
2367 HA_KMTC_M_BFD Knowledge of prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV [Men] Percentage of men who report that maternal to child transmission of HIV can be prevented through anti-retroviral therapy during pregnancy and avoiding breastfeeding.
2368 HA_KMTC_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
2369 HA_KMTC_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
2370 HA_AATT_W_CRE Accepting attitudes - Willing to care for family member sick with AIDS (1) [Women] Percentage of women saying that they would be willing to care for a family member who became sick with the AIDS virus.
2371 HA_AATT_W_VEG Accepting attitudes - Would buy fresh vegetables from a shopkeeper with AIDS (2) [Women] Percentage of women who say they would buy fresh vegetables from a vendor whom they knew was HIV+
2372 HA_AATT_W_FTC Accepting attitudes - Female teacher who is HIV+ but not sick should be allowed to continue teaching in school (3) [Women] Percentage of women who say that a female teacher who is HIV+ but not sick should be allowed to continue teaching in school
2373 HA_AATT_W_SEC Accepting attitudes - Not secretive about family member's HIV status (4) [Women] Percentage of women who say that they would not want to keep the HIV+ status of a family member a secret.
2374 HA_AATT_W_AAT Accepting attitudes towards those living with HIV - Composite of 4 components [Women] Percentage of women expressing accepting attitudes towards people with HIV.
2375 HA_AATT_W_NUM Number of women who have heard of AIDS Number of women who have heard of AIDS
2376 HA_AATT_W_UNW Number of women who have heard of AIDS (unweighted) Number of women who have heard of AIDS (unweighted)
2377 HA_AATT_M_CRE Accepting attitudes - Willing to care for family member sick with AIDS (1) [Men] Percentage of men saying that they would be willing to care for a family member who became sick with the AIDS virus.
2378 HA_AATT_M_VEG Accepting attitudes - Would buy fresh vegetables from a shopkeeper with AIDS (2) [Men] Percentage of men who say they would buy fresh vegetables from a vendor whom they knew was HIV+
2379 HA_AATT_M_FTC Accepting attitudes - Female teacher who is HIV+ but not sick should be allowed to continue teaching in school (3) [Men] Percentage of men who say that a female teacher who is HIV+ but not sick should be allowed to continue teaching in school
2380 HA_AATT_M_SEC Accepting attitudes - Not secretive about family member's HIV status (4) [Men] Percentage of men who say that they would not want to keep the HIV+ status of a family member a secret.
2381 HA_AATT_M_AAT Accepting attitudes towards those living with HIV - Composite of 4 components [Men] Percentage of men expressing accepting attitudes towards people with HIV.
2382 HA_AATT_M_NUM Number of men who have heard of AIDS Number of men who have heard of AIDS
2383 HA_AATT_M_UNW Number of men who have heard of AIDS (unweighted) Number of men who have heard of AIDS (unweighted)
2384 HA_DATT_W_CSC Discriminatory attitudes - Do not think that children with HIV should be able to attend school Percentage of women who say that children with HIV should not be able to attend school
2385 HA_DATT_W_NVG Discriminatory attitudes - Would not buy fresh vegetables from a shopkeeper who has HIV Percentage of women who say they would not buy fresh vegetables from a vendor whom they knew was HIV+
2386 HA_DATT_W_DIS Discriminatory attitudes towards people living with HIV Percentage of women expressing discriminatory attitudes towards people living with HIV.
2387 HA_DATT_M_CSC Discriminatory attitudes - Do not think that children with HIV should be able to attend school Percentage of men who say that children with HIV should not be able to attend school
2388 HA_DATT_M_NVG Discriminatory attitudes - Would not buy fresh vegetables from a shopkeeper who has HIV Percentage of men who say they would not buy fresh vegetables from a vendor whom they knew was HIV+
2389 HA_DATT_M_DIS Discriminatory attitudes towards people living with HIV Percentage of men expressing discriminatory attitudes towards people living with HIV.
2390 HA_ANSS_W_RSX Woman is justified in refusing to have sexual intercourse with her husband if she knows he has sex with other women [Women] Percentage of women who believe that, a woman is justified in refusing to have sexual intercourse with her husband if she knows he has sex with other women
2391 HA_ANSS_W_CND Woman is justified in asking that they use a condom if she knows that her husband has an sti [Women] Percentage of women who believe that, a woman is justified in asking that they use a condom if she knows that her husband has an sti
2392 HA_ANSS_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
2393 HA_ANSS_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
2394 HA_ANSS_M_RSX Woman is justified in refusing to have sexual intercourse with her husband if she knows he has sex with other women [Men] Percentage of men who believe that, a woman is justified in refusing to have sexual intercourse with her husband if she knows he has sex with other women [men]
2395 HA_ANSS_M_CND Woman is justified in asking that they use a condom if she knows that her husband has an sti [Men] Percentage of men who believe that, a woman is justified in asking that they use a condom if she knows that her husband has an sti [men]
2396 HA_ANSS_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
2397 HA_ANSS_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
2398 HA_ASEC_W_AGR Adult support of education on condom use for prevention of HIV/AIDS among young women Percentage of women (18+ years old) who are in favor of young people being educated about using a condom to prevent HIV/AIDS.
2399 HA_ASEC_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
2400 HA_ASEC_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
2401 HA_ASEC_M_AGR Adult support of education on condom use for prevention of HIV/AIDS among young men Percentage of men (18+ years old) who are in favor of young people being educated about using a condom to prevent HIV/AIDS.
2402 HA_ASEC_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
2403 HA_ASEC_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
2404 HA_HRSX_W_HRS Higher risk sex in the last year [Women] Percentage of women who have had sex with a non-marital, non-cohabiting partner in the last 12 months of all women reporting sexual activity in the last 12 months
2405 HA_HRSX_W_NM1 Number of women reporting sexual activity in the last 12 months Number of women reporting sexual activity in the last 12 months
2406 HA_HRSX_W_UN1 Number of women reporting sexual activity in the last 12 months (unweighted) Number of women reporting sexual activity in the last 12 months (unweighted)
2407 HA_HRSX_W_CND Condom use at last higher risk sex (with a non-marital, non-cohabiting partner) [Women] Percentage of women who say they used a condom the last time they had sex with a non-marital, non-cohabiting partner, of those who have had sex with such a partner in the last 12 months.
2408 HA_HRSX_W_NM2 Number of women who had sex with a non-marital, non-cohabiting partner in the last 12 months Number of women who had sex with a non-marital, non-cohabiting partner in the last 12 months
2409 HA_HRSX_W_UN2 Number of women who had sex with a non-marital, non-cohabiting partner in the last 12 months (unweighted) Number of women who had sex with a non-marital, non-cohabiting partner in the last 12 months (unweighted)
2410 HA_HRSX_M_HRS Higher risk sex in the last year [Men] Percentage of men who have had sex with a non-marital, non-cohabiting partner in the last 12 months of all men reporting sexual activity in the last 12 months
2411 HA_HRSX_M_NM1 Number of men reporting sexual activity in the last 12 months Number of men reporting sexual activity in the last 12 months
2412 HA_HRSX_M_UN1 Number of men reporting sexual activity in the last 12 months (unweighted) Number of men reporting sexual activity in the last 12 months (unweighted)
2413 HA_HRSX_M_CND Condom use at last higher risk sex (with a non-marital, non-cohabiting partner) [Men] Percentage of men who say they used a condom the last time they had sex with a non-marital, non-cohabiting partner, of those who have had sex with such a partner in the last 12 months.
2414 HA_HRSX_M_NM2 Number of men who had sex with a non-marital, non-cohabiting partner in the last 12 months Number of men who had sex with a non-marital, non-cohabiting partner in the last 12 months
2415 HA_HRSX_M_UN2 Number of men who had sex with a non-marital, non-cohabiting partner in the last 12 months (unweighted) Number of men who had sex with a non-marital, non-cohabiting partner in the last 12 months (unweighted)
2416 HA_MSXP_W_2PP Higher-risk Sex (with multiple partners among all respondents) [Women] Percentage of women aged 15-49 who have had sexual intercourse with more than one partner in the last 12 months.
2417 HA_MSXP_W_NCP Women who had sexual intercourse with non-marital, non-cohabiting partner Percentage of women aged 15-49 who have had sexual intercourse in the last 12 months with a partner who was neither their husband nor lived with them.
2418 HA_MSXP_W_NM1 Number of women Number of women
2419 HA_MSXP_W_UN1 Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
2420 HA_MSXP_W_CND Condom use during higher-risk sex (with multiple partners) [Women] Percentage of women aged 15-49 who had more than one partner in the past 12 months reporting the use of a condom during their last sexual intercourse.
2421 HA_MSXP_W_NM2 Number of women Number of women
2422 HA_MSXP_W_UN2 Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
2423 HA_MSXP_W_MNP Mean number of sexual partners in lifetime [Women] Mean number of sexual partners in her lifetime among women who ever had sexual intercourse
2424 HA_MSXP_W_NM3 Number of women who ever had sexual intercourse Number of women who ever had sexual intercourse
2425 HA_MSXP_W_UN3 Number of women who ever had sexual intercourse (unweighted) Number of women who ever had sexual intercourse (unweighted)
2426 HA_MSXP_M_2PP Higher-risk Sex (with multiple partners among all respondents) [Men] Percentage of men aged 15-49 who have had sexual intercourse with more than one partner in the last 12 months.
2427 HA_MSXP_M_NCP Men who had sexual intercourse with non-marital, non-cohabiting partner Percentage of men aged 15-49 who have had sexual intercourse in the last 12 months with a partner who was neither their wife nor lived with them.
2428 HA_MSXP_M_NM1 Number of men Number of men
2429 HA_MSXP_M_UN1 Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
2430 HA_MSXP_M_CND Condom use during higher-risk sex (with multiple partners) [Men] Percentage of men aged 15-49 who had more than one partner in the past 12 months reporting the use of a condom during their last sexual intercourse.
2431 HA_MSXP_M_NM2 Number of men Number of men
2432 HA_MSXP_M_UN2 Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
2433 HA_MSXP_M_MNP Mean number of sexual partners in lifetime [Men] Mean number of sexual partners in his lifetime among men who ever had sexual intercourse
2434 HA_MSXP_M_NM3 Number of men who ever had sexual intercourse Number of men who ever had sexual intercourse
2435 HA_MSXP_M_UN3 Number of men who ever had sexual intercourse (unweighted) Number of men who ever had sexual intercourse (unweighted)
2436 HA_CONC_W_PPV Point prevalence of concurrent sexual partners [Women] The percentage of women who had two (or more) sexual partners that were concurrent at the point in time six months preceding the survey
2437 HA_CONC_W_CPV Cumulative prevalence of concurrent sexual partners [Women] The percentage of women who had two (or more) sexual partners that were concurrent anytime during the 12 months preceding the survey
2438 HA_CONC_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
2439 HA_CONC_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
2440 HA_CONC_W_CNC Had concurrent sexual partners [Women] Percentage of women with multiple partners in the 12 months preceding the survey who had concurrent sexual partners at any time during the 12 months preceding the survey
2441 HA_CONC_W_NM1 Number of women with multiple partners in the 12 months preceding the survey Number of women with multiple partners in the 12 months preceding the survey
2442 HA_CONC_W_UN1 Number of women with multiple partners in the 12 months preceding the survey (unweighted) Number of women with multiple partners in the 12 months preceding the survey (unweighted)
2443 HA_CONC_M_PPV Point prevalence of concurrent sexual partners [Men] The percentage of men who had two (or more) sexual partners that were concurrent at the point in time six months preceding the survey
2444 HA_CONC_M_CPV Cumulative prevalence of concurrent sexual partners [Men] The percentage of men who had two (or more) sexual partners that were concurrent anytime during the 12 months preceding the survey
2445 HA_CONC_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
2446 HA_CONC_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
2447 HA_CONC_M_CNC Had concurrent sexual partners [Men] Percentage of men with multiple partners in the 12 months preceding the survey who had concurrent sexual partners at any time during the 12 months preceding the survey
2448 HA_CONC_M_NM1 Number of men with multiple partners in the 12 months preceding the survey Number of men with multiple partners in the 12 months preceding the survey
2449 HA_CONC_M_UN1 Number of men with multiple partners in the 12 months preceding the survey (unweighted) Number of men with multiple partners in the 12 months preceding the survey (unweighted)
2450 HA_PYSX_M_EPD Ever paid for sexual intercourse Percentage of men who ever paid for sexual intercourse
2451 HA_PYSX_M_PD1 Paid for sexual intercourse in the past 12 months Percentage of men who paid for sexual intercourse in the 12 months preceding the survey
2452 HA_PYSX_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
2453 HA_PYSX_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
2454 HA_PYSX_M_CLS Condom use at last paid sexual intercourse Percentage of men reporting condom use the last time they had paid sex, of those who report having had paid for sex in the 12 months preceding the survey.
2455 HA_PYSX_M_NM1 Number of men who paid for sex in the last 12 months Number of men who report having had paid for sex in the 12 months preceding the survey
2456 HA_PYSX_M_UN1 Number of men who paid for sex in the last 12 months (unweighted) Number of men who report having had paid for sex in the 12 months preceding the survey (unweighted)
2457 HA_CPHT_W_KNW Women who know where to get an HIV test Percentage of women who know where to get an HIV test
2458 HA_CPHT_W_ETR Women ever tested for HIV and received test results Percentage of women who have ever had an HIV test and received their results
2459 HA_CPHT_W_ETN Women ever tested for HIV and did not receive test results Percentage of women who have ever had an HIV test but did not receive their results
2460 HA_CPHT_W_NEV Women never tested for HIV Percentage of women who were never tested for HIV
2461 HA_CPHT_W_TOT Women's HIV testing: Total Percentage of women: Total
2462 HA_CPHT_W_EVT Women ever receiving an HIV test Percentage of women who have ever received an HIV test.
2463 HA_CPHT_W_T1R Women receiving an HIV test and receiving test results in the last 12 months Percentage of women who received an HIV test in the 12 months preceding the interview and received the test results
2464 HA_CPHT_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
2465 HA_CPHT_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
2466 HA_CPHT_M_KNW Men who know where to get an HIV test Percentage of men who know where to get an HIV test
2467 HA_CPHT_M_ETR Men ever tested for HIV and received test results Percentage of men who have ever had an HIV test and received their results
2468 HA_CPHT_M_ETN Men ever tested for HIV and did not receive test results Percentage of men who have ever had an HIV test but did not receive their results
2469 HA_CPHT_M_NEV Men never tested for HIV Percentage of men who were never tested for HIV
2470 HA_CPHT_M_TOT Men's HIV testing: Total Percentage of men: Total
2471 HA_CPHT_M_EVT Men ever receiving an HIV test Percentage of men who have ever received an HIV test.
2472 HA_CPHT_M_T1R Men receiving an HIV test and receiving test results in the last 12 months Percentage of men who received an HIV test in the 12 months preceding the interview and received the test results
2473 HA_CPHT_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
2474 HA_CPHT_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
2475 HA_CATH_W_CSL Pregnant women counselled for HIV during ANC visit Percentage of women who were counselled for HIV during antenatal visit for the most recent birth, of all women who gave birth in the two years preceding the survey
2476 HA_CATH_W_TRR Pregnant women tested for HIV during ANC and received results Percentage of women who were tested for HIV during antenatal visit for the most recent birth and received the result, of all women who gave birth in the two years preceding the survey
2477 HA_CATH_W_TRC Pregnant women tested for HIV during ANC, receiving results and post-test counselling Percentage of women who were tested for HIV, received the result and received post-test counselling during antenatal visit for the most recent birth, of all women who gave birth in the two years preceding the survey
2478 HA_CATH_W_TNC Pregnant women tested for HIV during ANC, receiving results but not post-test counselling Percentage of women who were tested for HIV, received the result, but did not receive post-test counselling during antenatal visit for the most recent birth, of all women who gave birth in the two years preceding the survey
2479 HA_CATH_W_NRS Pregnant women tested for HIV during ANC not receiving results Percentage of women who were tested for HIV, but did not receive the result during antenatal visit for the most recent birth, of all women who gave birth in the two years preceding the survey
2480 HA_CATH_W_CTR Pregnant women counselled for HIV and tested for HIV during ANC and who received the results Percentage of women who received counselling for HIV and an HIV test and received the results during antenatal care for the most recent birth, of all women who gave birth in the two years preceding the survey
2481 HA_CATH_W_ATR Pregnant women tested for HIV during ANC or labor and receiving the results Percentage of women tested for HIV during ANC or labor for the most recent birth and receiving the results, of all women who gave birth in the two years preceding the survey
2482 HA_CATH_W_ATN Pregnant women tested for HIV during ANC or labor, but did not receive the results Percentage of women tested for HIV during ANC or labor for the most recent birth but did not receive the results, of all women who gave birth in the two years preceding the survey
2483 HA_CATH_W_NUM Number of women who gave birth in past two years Number of women who gave birth in the two years preceding the survey
2484 HA_CATH_W_UNW Number of women who gave birth in past two years (unweighted) Number of women who gave birth in the two years preceding the survey (unweighted)
2485 HA_MCRC_M_HWP Circumcision provider: Health worker/professional Percentage of men who report being circumcised by a health worker/professional
2486 HA_MCRC_M_TRP Circumcision provider: Traditional practitioner/family/friend Percentage of men who report being circumcised by a traditional practitioner/family/friend
2487 HA_MCRC_M_OTH Circumcision provider: Other/don't know/missing provider Percentage of men who report being circumcised by a other/don't know/missing provider
2488 HA_MCRC_M_NCC Not circumcised Percentage of men who report not being circumcised
2489 HA_MCRC_M_DKM Don't know/missing if circumcised Percentage of men respond don't know/missing about whether circumcised
2490 HA_MCRC_M_TOT Total Percentage of men who report being circumcised: Total
2491 HA_MCRC_M_MCC Men circumcised Percentage of men who report being circumcised
2492 HA_MCRC_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
2493 HA_MCRC_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
2494 HA_STIS_W_STI Women reporting an STI Percentage of women reporting a sexually transmitted infection in the 12 months preceding the survey among women who ever had sexual intercourse
2495 HA_STIS_W_DIS Women reporting a bad smelling or abnormal genital discharge Percentage of women reporting a bad smelling or abnormal genital discharge in the 12 months preceding the survey among women who ever had sexual intercourse
2496 HA_STIS_W_SOR Women reporting a genital sore or ulcer Percentage of women reporting a genital sore or ulcer in the 12 months preceding the survey among women who ever had sexual intercourse
2497 HA_STIS_W_AST Women reporting an STI, genital dicharge, or a sore or ulcer Percentage of women reporting a sexually transmitted infection, genital dicharge, or a genital sore or ulcer in the 12 months preceding the survey among women who ever had sexual intercourse
2498 HA_STIS_W_NUM Number of women who ever had sexual intercourse Number of women who ever had sexual intercourse
2499 HA_STIS_W_UNW Number of women who ever had sexual intercourse (unweighted) Number of women who ever had sexual intercourse (unweighted)
2500 HA_STIS_M_STI Men reporting an STI Percentage of men reporting a sexually transmitted infection in the 12 months preceding the survey among Men who ever had sexual intercourse
2501 HA_STIS_M_DIS Men reporting a bad smelling or abnormal genital discharge Percentage of men reporting a bad smelling or abnormal genital discharge in the 12 months preceding the survey among Men who ever had sexual intercourse
2502 HA_STIS_M_SOR Men reporting a genital sore or ulcer Percentage of men reporting a genital sore or ulcer in the 12 months preceding the survey among Men who ever had sexual intercourse
2503 HA_STIS_M_AST Men reporting an STI, genital dicharge, or a sore or ulcer Percentage of men reporting a sexually transmitted infection, genital dicharge, or a genital sore or ulcer in the 12 months preceding the survey among Men who ever had sexual intercourse
2504 HA_STIS_M_NUM Number of men who ever had sexual intercourse Number of men who ever had sexual intercourse
2505 HA_STIS_M_UNW Number of men who ever had sexual intercourse (unweighted) Number of men who ever had sexual intercourse (unweighted)
2506 HA_STSC_W_MED Source of advice or treatment for STIs from a clinic, hospital, doctor, or health professional Percentage of women age 15-49 reporting an STI or symptoms of an STI in the past 12 months who sought advice or treatment from a clinic, hospital, doctor, health professional
2507 HA_STSC_W_SHP Source of advice or treatment for STIs from a shop or pharmacy Percentage of women age 15-49 reporting an STI or symptoms of an STI in the past 12 months who sought advice or treatment from a shop, pharmacy
2508 HA_STSC_W_OTH Source of advice or treatment for STIs from another source Percentage of women age 15-49 reporting an STI or symptoms of an STI in the past 12 months who sought advice or treatment from a other source
2509 HA_STSC_W_NON No advice or treamtent sought for STI Percentage of women age 15-49 reporting an STI or symptoms of an STI in the past 12 months who sought no advice or treatment
2510 HA_STSC_W_NUM Number of women with STI or symptoms of an STI Number of women with STI or symptoms of an STI
2511 HA_STSC_W_DEN Number of women with STI or symptoms of an STI (unweighted) Number of women with STI or symptoms of an STI (unweighted)
2512 HA_STSC_M_MED Source of advice or treatment for STIs from a clinic, hospital, doctor, or health professional Percentage of men age 15-49 reporting an STI or symptoms of an STI in the past 12 months who sought advice or treatment from a clinic, hospital, doctor, health professional
2513 HA_STSC_M_SHP Source of advice or treatment for STIs from a shop or pharmacy Percentage of men age 15-49 reporting an STI or symptoms of an STI in the past 12 months who sought advice or treatment from a shop, pharmacy
2514 HA_STSC_M_OTH Source of advice or treatment for STIs from another source Percentage of men age 15-49 reporting an STI or symptoms of an STI in the past 12 months who sought advice or treatment from a other source
2515 HA_STSC_M_NON No advice or treamtent sought for STI Percentage of men age 15-49 reporting an STI or symptoms of an STI in the past 12 months who sought no advice or treatment
2516 HA_STSC_M_NUM Number of men with STI or symptoms of an STI Number of men with STI or symptoms of an STI
2517 HA_STSC_M_DEN Number of men with STI or symptoms of an STI (unweighted) Number of men with STI or symptoms of an STI (unweighted)
2518 HA_MINJ_W_INJ Women receiving a medical injection in the last 12 months Percentage of women who received a medical injection in the 12 months preceding the survey
2519 HA_MINJ_W_MNI Average number of medical injections per woman in the last 12 months Average number of medical injections per woman in the 12 months preceding the survey
2520 HA_MINJ_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
2521 HA_MINJ_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
2522 HA_MINJ_W_NEW Proportion of women reporting that the last health care injection was given with a syringe and needle set from a new, unopened package Percentage of women reporting that the last health care injection was given with a syringe and needle set from a new, unopened package
2523 HA_MINJ_W_NM1 Number of women receiving medical injections in the past 12 months Number of women receiving medical injections in the 12 months preceding the survey
2524 HA_MINJ_W_UN1 Number of women receiving medical injections in the past 12 months (unweighted) Number of women receiving medical injections in the 12 months preceding the survey (unweighted)
2525 HA_MINJ_M_INJ Men receiving a medical injection in the last 12 months Percentage of men who received a medical injection in the 12 months preceding the survey
2526 HA_MINJ_M_MNI Average number of medical injections per man in the last 12 months Average number of medical injections per man in the 12 months preceding the survey
2527 HA_MINJ_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
2528 HA_MINJ_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
2529 HA_MINJ_M_NEW Proportion of men reporting that the last health care injection was given with a syringe and needle set from a new, unopened package Percentage of men reporting that the last health care injection was given with a syringe and needle set from a new, unopened package
2530 HA_MINJ_M_NM1 Number of men receiving medical injections in the past 12 months Number of men receiving medical injections in the 12 months preceding the survey
2531 HA_MINJ_M_UN1 Number of men receiving medical injections in the past 12 months (unweighted) Number of men receiving medical injections in the 12 months preceding the survey (unweighted)
2532 HA_CKNY_W_CKA Comprehensive correct knowledge about AIDS among young women age 15-24 Percentage of women age 15-24 years old who correctly identify the two major ways of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV (using condoms and limiting sex to one faithful, uninfected partner), who reject the two most common local misconceptions about HIV transmission, and who know that a healthy-looking person can have HIV.
2533 HA_CKNY_W_KCN Knowledge of a formal source of condoms among young women. Percentage of young women age 15-24 who know of at least one formal source of condoms.
2534 HA_CKNY_W_NUM Number of young women Number of young women age 15-24
2535 HA_CKNY_W_UNW Number of young women (unweighted) Number of young women age 15-24 (unweighted)
2536 HA_CKNY_M_CKA Comprehensive correct knowledge about AIDS among young men age 15-24 Percentage of men age 15-24 years old who correctly identify the two major ways of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV (using condoms and limiting sex to one faithful, uninfected partner), who reject the two most common local misconceptions about HIV transmission, and who know that a healthy-looking person can have HIV.
2537 HA_CKNY_M_KCN Knowledge of a formal source of condoms among young men. Percentage of young men age 15-24 who know of at least one formal source of condoms.
2538 HA_CKNY_M_NUM Number of young men Number of young men age 15-24
2539 HA_CKNY_M_UNW Number of young men (unweighted) Number of young men age 15-24 (unweighted)
2540 HA_AFSY_W_A15 Sex before the age of 15 [Women] Percentage of young women age 15-24 who have had sex before the age of 15.
2541 HA_AFSY_W_NM1 Number of young women Number of young women age 15-24
2542 HA_AFSY_W_UN1 Number of young women (unweighted) Number of young women age 15-24 (unweighted)
2543 HA_AFSY_W_A18 Sex before the age of 18 [Women] Percentage of young women 18-24 who have had sex before the age of 18.
2544 HA_AFSY_W_NM2 Number of young women age 18-24 Number of young women age 18-24
2545 HA_AFSY_W_UN2 Number of young women age 18-24 (unweighted) Number of young women age 18-24 (unweighted)
2546 HA_AFSY_M_A15 Sex before the age of 15 [Men] Percentage of young men age 15-24 who have had sex before the age of 15.
2547 HA_AFSY_M_NM1 Number of young men Number of young men age 15-24
2548 HA_AFSY_M_UN1 Number of young men (unweighted) Number of young men age 15-24 (unweighted)
2549 HA_AFSY_M_A18 Sex before the age of 18 [Men] Percentage of young men 18-24 who have had sex before the age of 18.
2550 HA_AFSY_M_NM2 Number of young men age 18-24 Number of young men age 18-24
2551 HA_AFSY_M_UN2 Number of young men age 18-24 (unweighted) Number of young men age 18-24 (unweighted)
2552 HA_PSXY_W_NSX Young women never having sexual intercourse Percentage of young never married women age 15-24 who have never had sexual intercourse
2553 HA_PSXY_W_SX1 Young women having premarital sex in last year Percentage of young never married women age 15-24 who have had sex in the last 12 months of all young single women surveyed.
2554 HA_PSXY_W_NUM Number of never-married young women Number of never-married young women age 15-24
2555 HA_PSXY_W_UNW Number of never-married young women (unweighted) Number of never-married young women age 15-24 (unweighted)
2556 HA_PSXY_W_CND Young women using a condom during premarital sex Percentage of young never married women age 15-24 who used a condom at last sex, of all young single sexually active women surveyed.
2557 HA_PSXY_W_NM1 Number of never-married young women who had sex in the past year Number of never-married young women age 15-24 who had sex in the past year
2558 HA_PSXY_W_UN1 Number of never-married young women who had sex in the past year (unweighted) Number of never-married young women age 15-24 who had sex in the past year (unweighted)
2559 HA_PSXY_M_NSX Young men never having sexual intercourse Percentage of young never married men age 15-24 who have never had sexual intercourse
2560 HA_PSXY_M_SX1 Young men having premarital sex in last year Percentage of young never married men age 15-24 who have had sex in the last 12 months of all young single men surveyed.
2561 HA_PSXY_M_NUM Number of never-married men Number of never-married men age 15-24
2562 HA_PSXY_M_UNW Number of never-married men (unweighted) Number of never-married men age 15-24 (unweighted)
2563 HA_PSXY_M_CND Young men using a condom during premarital sex Percentage of young never married women age 15-24 who used a condom at last sex, of all young single sexually active women surveyed.
2564 HA_PSXY_M_NM1 Number of men Number of never-married young men age 15-24 who had sex in the past year
2565 HA_PSXY_M_UN1 Number of men (unweighted) Number of never-married young men age 15-24 who had sex in the past year (unweighted)
2566 HA_MSPY_W_2PP Young women having multiple partners in last year Percentage of young women age 15-24 who have had sex with more than one partner in the 12 months preceding the survey
2567 HA_MSPY_W_NCP Young women who had sexual intercourse with non-marital, non-cohabiting partner in last year Percentage of young women aged 15-24 who have had sexual intercourse in the last 12 months with a partner who was neither their husband nor lived with them.
2568 HA_MSPY_W_NM1 Number of young women Number of young women age 15-24
2569 HA_MSPY_W_UN1 Number of young women (unweighted) Number of young women age 15-24 (unweighted)
2570 HA_MSPY_W_2PS Sexually active young women having multiple partners in last year Percentage of young women age 15-24 who have had sex with more than one partner in the 12 months preceding the survey among women who had sexual intercourse in the 12 months preceding the survey
2571 HA_MSPY_W_NM2 Number of sexually active young women Number of sexually active young women age 15-24 who had sexual intercourse in the 12 months preceding the survey
2572 HA_MSPY_W_UN2 Number of sexually active young women (unweighted) Number of sexually active young women age 15-24 who had sexual intercourse in the 12 months preceding the survey (unweighted)
2573 HA_MSPY_W_CND Young women using a condom at last sexual intercourse Percentage of young women age 15-24 who reported using a condom at last sexual intercourse, of all young women who had sex with more than one partner in the 12 months preceding the survey
2574 HA_MSPY_W_NM3 Number of young women Number of young women age 15-24
2575 HA_MSPY_W_UN3 Number of young women (unweighted) Number of young women age 15-24 (unweighted)
2576 HA_MSPY_M_2PP Young men having multiple partners in last year Percentage of young men age 15-24 who have had sex with more than one partner in the 12 months preceding the survey
2577 HA_MSPY_M_NCP Young men who had sexual intercourse with non-marital, non-cohabiting partner in last year Percentage of young men aged 15-24 who have had sexual intercourse in the last 12 months with a partner who was neither their wife nor lived with them.
2578 HA_MSPY_M_NUM Number of young men Number of young men age 15-24
2579 HA_MSPY_M_UNW Number of young men (unweighted) Number of young men age 15-24 (unweighted)
2580 HA_MSPY_M_2PS Sexually active young men having multiple partners in last year Percentage of young men age 15-24 who have had sex with more than one partner in the 12 months preceding the survey among men who had sexual intercourse in the 12 months preceding the survey
2581 HA_MSPY_M_NM2 Number of sexually active young men Number of sexually active young men age 15-24 who had sexual intercourse in the 12 months preceding the survey
2582 HA_MSPY_M_UN2 Number of sexually active young men (unweighted) Number of sexually active young men age 15-24 who had sexual intercourse in the 12 months preceding the survey (unweighted)
2583 HA_MSPY_M_CND Young men using a condom at last sexual intercourse Percentage of young men age 15-24 who reported using a condom at last sexual intercourse, of all young men who had sex with more than one partner in the 12 months preceding the survey
2584 HA_MSPY_M_NM1 Number of young men Number of young men age 15-24
2585 HA_MSPY_M_UN1 Number of young men (unweighted) Number of young men age 15-24 (unweighted)
2586 HA_AMXY_W_M10 Age-mixing in sexual partnerships (young women age 15-19, any partner in the last 12 months) Percentage of young women 15-19 who have had sex in the preceding 12 months with a partner who is 10 or more years older than themselves
2587 HA_AMXY_W_NUM Number of young women Number of young women age 15-19
2588 HA_AMXY_W_UNW Number of young women (unweighted) Number of young women age 15-19 (unweighted)
2589 HA_AMXY_M_M10 Age-mixing in sexual partnerships (young men age 15-24, any partner in the last 12 months) Percentage of young men 15-19 who have had sex in the preceding 12 months with a partner who is 10 or more years older than themselves
2590 HA_AMXY_M_NUM Number of young men Number of young men age 15-19
2591 HA_AMXY_M_UNW Number of young men (unweighted) Number of young men age 15-19 (unweighted)
2592 HA_HVTY_W_TRR HIV testing behaviour among young women, sexually active in the last 12 months Percentage of sexually active young women age 15-24 who had sexual intercourse in the 12 months preceding the survey who had an HIV test in the 12 months preceding the survey and know the results
2593 HA_HVTY_W_NUM Number of sexually active young women Number of sexually active young women age 15-24 who had sexual intercourse in the 12 months preceding the survey
2594 HA_HVTY_W_UNW Number of sexually active young women (unweighted) Number of sexually active young women age 15-24 who had sexual intercourse in the 12 months preceding the survey (unweighted)
2595 HA_HVTY_M_TRR HIV testing behaviour among young men, sexually active in the last 12 months Percentage of sexually active young men age 15-24 who had sexual intercourse in the 12 months preceding the survey who had an HIV test in the 12 months preceding the survey and know the results
2596 HA_HVTY_M_NUM Number of sexually active young men Number of sexually active young men age 15-24 who had sexual intercourse in the 12 months preceding the survey
2597 HA_HVTY_M_UNW Number of sexually active young men (unweighted) Number of sexually active young men age 15-24 who had sexual intercourse in the 12 months preceding the survey (unweighted)
2598 HA_HVST_W_HRD Ever heard of HIV self test kits Percentage of women age 15-49 who have ever heard of HIV self test kits
2599 HA_HVST_W_USD Ever used an HIV self test kit Percentage of women age 15-49 who have ever used an HIV self test kit
2600 HA_HVST_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
2601 HA_HVST_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
2602 HA_HVST_M_HRD Ever heard of HIV self test kits Percentage of men age 15-49 who have ever heard of HIV self test kits
2603 HA_HVST_M_USD Ever used an HIV self test kit Percentage of men age 15-49 who have ever used an HIV self test kit
2604 HA_HVST_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
2605 HA_HVST_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
2606 HA_CHVT_W_DBI HIV test for women: DBS tested: Interviewed Percentage of women who were tested for HIV and interviewed
2607 HA_CHVT_W_DBN HIV test for women: DBS tested: Not interviewed Percentage of women who were tested for HIV but not interviewed
2608 HA_CHVT_W_RFI HIV test for women: Refused to provide blood: Interviewed Percentage of women who refused to provide blood for the HIV test but were interviewed
2609 HA_CHVT_W_RFN HIV test for women: Refused to provide blood: Not interviewed Percentage of women who refused to provide blood for the HIV test and were not interviewed
2610 HA_CHVT_W_ABI HIV test for women: Absent at the time of blood collection : Interviewed Percentage of women who were absent at the time of blood collection for the HIV test but were interviewed
2611 HA_CHVT_W_ABN HIV test for women: Absent at the time of blood collection : Not interviewed Percentage of women who were absent at the time of blood collection for the HIV test and were not interviewed
2612 HA_CHVT_W_OTI HIV test for women: Other or missing: Interviewed Percentage of women for whom HIV testing was not done for other reasons but were interviewed
2613 HA_CHVT_W_OTN HIV test for women: Other or missing: Not interviewed Percentage of women for whom HIV testing was not done for other reasons and were not interviewed
2614 HA_CHVT_W_TOT HIV test for women: Total Percentage of women eligible for HIV testing: Total
2615 HA_CHVT_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
2616 HA_CHVT_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
2617 HA_CHVT_M_DBI HIV test for men: DBS tested: Interviewed Percentage of men who were tested for HIV and interviewed
2618 HA_CHVT_M_DBN HIV test for men: DBS tested: Not interviewed Percentage of men who were tested for HIV but not interviewed
2619 HA_CHVT_M_RFI HIV test for men: Refused to provide blood: Interviewed Percentage of men who refused to provide blood for the HIV test but were interviewed
2620 HA_CHVT_M_RFN HIV test for men: Refused to provide blood: Not interviewed Percentage of men who refused to provide blood for the HIV test and were not interviewed
2621 HA_CHVT_M_ABI HIV test for men: Absent at the time of blood collection : Interviewed Percentage of men who were absent at the time of blood collection for the HIV test but were interviewed
2622 HA_CHVT_M_ABN HIV test for men: Absent at the time of blood collection : Not interviewed Percentage of men who were absent at the time of blood collection for the HIV test and were not interviewed
2623 HA_CHVT_M_OTI HIV test for men: Other or missing: Interviewed Percentage of men for whom HIV testing was not done for other reasons but were interviewed
2624 HA_CHVT_M_OTN HIV test for men: Other or missing: Not interviewed Percentage of men for whom HIV testing was not done for other reasons and were not interviewed
2625 HA_CHVT_M_TOT HIV test for men: Total Percentage of men eligible for HIV testing: Total
2626 HA_CHVT_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
2627 HA_CHVT_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
2628 HA_CHVT_B_DBI HIV test for both sexes: DBS tested: Interviewed Percentage of persons who were tested for HIV and interviewed
2629 HA_CHVT_B_DBN HIV test for both sexes: DBS tested: Not interviewed Percentage of persons who were tested for HIV but not interviewed
2630 HA_CHVT_B_RFI HIV test for both sexes: Refused to provide blood: Interviewed Percentage of persons who refused to provide blood for the HIV test but were interviewed
2631 HA_CHVT_B_RFN HIV test for both sexes: Refused to provide blood: Not interviewed Percentage of persons who refused to provide blood for the HIV test and were not interviewed
2632 HA_CHVT_B_ABI HIV test for both sexes: Absent at the time of blood collection : Interviewed Percentage of persons who were absent at the time of blood collection for the HIV test but were interviewed
2633 HA_CHVT_B_ABN HIV test for both sexes: Absent at the time of blood collection : Not interviewed Percentage of persons who were absent at the time of blood collection for the HIV test and were not interviewed
2634 HA_CHVT_B_OTI HIV test for both sexes: Other or missing: Interviewed Percentage of persons for whom HIV testing was not done for other reasons but were interviewed
2635 HA_CHVT_B_OTN HIV test for both sexes: Other or missing: Not interviewed Percentage of persons for whom HIV testing was not done for other reasons and were not interviewed
2636 HA_CHVT_B_TOT HIV test for both sexes: Total Percentage of persons eligible for HIV testing: Total
2637 HA_CHVT_B_NUM Number of persons Number of persons
2638 HA_CHVT_B_UNW Number of persons (unweighted) Number of persons (unweighted)
2639 HA_HIVP_W_HIV HIV prevalence among women Percentage HIV positive among adult women who were tested. Data are shown with lower and upper bounds of the confidence intervals showing the range of the estimate with 95% probability. Starting around 2015 The DHS Program changed the HIV testing algorithm to add a confirmatory test for all EIA positive specimens. This change may affect trends in HIV prevalence estimates in some countries.
2640 HA_HIVP_W_HVE HIV prevalence among women - standard error Standard error of HIV positive among adult women who were tested
2641 HA_HIVP_W_HVR HIV prevalence among women - relative error Relative error of HIV positive among adult women who were tested
2642 HA_HIVP_W_HVL HIV prevalence among women CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound for the confidence interval of the HIV prevalence among women calculated as the HIV prevalence minus 2 standard errors
2643 HA_HIVP_W_HVU HIV prevalence among women CI upper bound (+2SE) Upper bound for the confidence interval of the HIV prevalence among women calculated as the HIV prevalence plus 2 standard errors
2644 HA_HIVP_W_NUM Number of women interviewed and tested Number of women interviewed and tested
2645 HA_HIVP_W_UNW Number of women interviewed and tested (unweighted) Number of women interviewed and tested (unweighted)
2646 HA_HIVP_M_HIV HIV prevalence among men Percentage HIV positive among adult men who were tested. Data are shown with lower and upper bounds of the confidence intervals showing the range of the estimate with 95% probability. Starting around 2015 The DHS Program changed the HIV testing algorithm to add a confirmatory test for all EIA positive specimens. This change may affect trends in HIV prevalence estimates in some countries.
2647 HA_HIVP_M_HVE HIV prevalence among men - standard error Standard error of HIV positive among adult men who were tested
2648 HA_HIVP_M_HVR HIV prevalence among men - relative error Relative error of HIV positive among adult men who were tested
2649 HA_HIVP_M_HVL HIV prevalence among men CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound for the confidence interval of the HIV prevalence among men calculated as the HIV prevalence minus 2 standard errors
2650 HA_HIVP_M_HVU HIV prevalence among men CI upper bound (+2SE) Upper bound for the confidence interval of the HIV prevalence among men calculated as the HIV prevalence plus 2 standard errors
2651 HA_HIVP_M_NUM Number of men interviewed and tested Number of men interviewed and tested
2652 HA_HIVP_M_UNW Number of men interviewed and tested (unweighted) Number of men interviewed and tested (unweighted)
2653 HA_HIVP_B_HIV HIV prevalence among general population Percentage HIV positive among adult respondents who were tested. Data are shown with lower and upper bounds of the confidence intervals showing the range of the estimate with 95% probability. Starting around 2015 The DHS Program changed the HIV testing algorithm to add a confirmatory test for all EIA positive specimens. This change may affect trends in HIV prevalence estimates in some countries.
2654 HA_HIVP_B_HVE HIV prevalence among general population - standard error Standard error of HIV positive among general population who were tested
2655 HA_HIVP_B_HVR HIV prevalence among general population - relative error Relative error of HIV positive among general population who were tested
2656 HA_HIVP_B_HVL HIV prevalence among adult population CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound for the confidence interval of the HIV prevalence among adult respondents calculated as the HIV prevalence minus 2 standard errors
2657 HA_HIVP_B_HVU HIV prevalence among adult population CI upper bound (+2SE) Upper bound for the confidence interval of the HIV prevalence among adult respondents calculated as the HIV prevalence plus 2 standard errors
2658 HA_HIVP_B_NUM Number of persons interviewed and tested Number of persons interviewed and tested
2659 HA_HIVP_B_UNW Number of persons interviewed and tested (unweighted) Number of persons interviewed and tested (unweighted)
2660 HA_HIVY_W_HIV HIV prevalence among young women aged 15-24 Percentage of young women aged 15-24 who are HIV infected.. Data are shown with lower and upper bounds of the confidence intervals showing the range of the estimate with 95% probability. Starting around 2015 The DHS Program changed the HIV testing algorithm to add a confirmatory test for all EIA positive specimens. This change may affect trends in HIV prevalence estimates in some countries.
2661 HA_HIVY_W_HVE Standard error of HIV prevalence among young women aged 15-24 Standard error of percentage of young women aged 15-24 who are HIV infected.
2662 HA_HIVY_W_HVR Relative error of HIV prevalence among young women aged 15-24 Relative error of percentage of young women aged 15-24 who are HIV infected.
2663 HA_HIVY_W_HVL HIV prevalence among young women CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound for the confidence interval of the HIV prevalence among young women calculated as the HIV prevalence minus 2 standard errors
2664 HA_HIVY_W_HVU HIV prevalence among young women CI upper bound (+2SE) Upper bound for the confidence interval of the HIV prevalence among young women calculated as the HIV prevalence plus 2 standard errors
2665 HA_HIVY_W_NUM Number of young women interviewed and tested Number of young women age 15-24 interviewed and tested
2666 HA_HIVY_W_UNW Number of young women interviewed and tested (unweighted) Number of young women age 15-24 interviewed and tested (unweighted)
2667 HA_HIVY_M_HIV HIV prevalence among young men aged 15-24 Percentage of young men aged 15-24 who are HIV infected.. Data are shown with lower and upper bounds of the confidence intervals showing the range of the estimate with 95% probability. Starting around 2015 The DHS Program changed the HIV testing algorithm to add a confirmatory test for all EIA positive specimens. This change may affect trends in HIV prevalence estimates in some countries.
2668 HA_HIVY_M_HVE Standard error of HIV prevalence among young men aged 15-24 Standard error of percentage of young men aged 15-24 who are HIV infected.
2669 HA_HIVY_M_HVR Relative error of HIV prevalence among young men aged 15-24 Relative error of percentage of young men aged 15-24 who are HIV infected.
2670 HA_HIVY_M_HVL HIV prevalence among young men CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound for the confidence interval of the HIV prevalence among young men calculated as the HIV prevalence minus 2 standard errors
2671 HA_HIVY_M_HVU HIV prevalence among young men CI upper bound (+2SE) Upper bound for the confidence interval of the HIV prevalence among young men calculated as the HIV prevalence plus 2 standard errors
2672 HA_HIVY_M_NUM Number of young men interviewed and tested Number of young men age 15-24 interviewed and tested
2673 HA_HIVY_M_UNW Number of young men interviewed and tested (unweighted) Number of young men age 15-24 interviewed and tested (unweighted)
2674 HA_HIVY_B_HIV HIV prevalence among young people aged 15-24 Percentage of young people aged 15-24 who are HIV infected.. Data are shown with lower and upper bounds of the confidence intervals showing the range of the estimate with 95% probability. Starting around 2015 The DHS Program changed the HIV testing algorithm to add a confirmatory test for all EIA positive specimens. This change may affect trends in HIV prevalence estimates in some countries.
2675 HA_HIVY_B_HVE Standard error of HIV prevalence among young people aged 15-24 Standard error of percentage of young people aged 15-24 who are HIV infected.
2676 HA_HIVY_B_HVR Relative error of HIV prevalence among young people aged 15-24 Relative error of percentage of young people aged 15-24 who are HIV infected.
2677 HA_HIVY_B_HVL HIV prevalence among young people aged 15-24 CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound for the confidence interval of the HIV prevalence among young people aged 15-24 calculated as the HIV prevalence minus 2 standard errors
2678 HA_HIVY_B_HVU HIV prevalence among young people aged 15-24 CI upper bound (+2SE) Upper bound for the confidence interval of the HIV prevalence among young people aged 15-24 calculated as the HIV prevalence plus 2 standard errors
2679 HA_HIVY_B_NUM Number of young persons interviewed and tested Number of young persons age 15-24 interviewed and tested
2680 HA_HIVY_B_UNW Number of young persons interviewed and tested (unweighted) Number of young persons age 15-24 interviewed and tested (unweighted)
2681 HA_PHVT_W_PTD Women previously tested for HIV by current HIV status Percentage of HIV positive or negative women age 15-49 who were previously tested for HIV
2682 HA_PHVT_W_PTR Women previously tested for HIV and received last test results by current HIV status Percentage of HIV positive or negative women age 15-49 who were previously tested for HIV and received test results
2683 HA_PHVT_W_PTN Women previously tested for HIV but did not receive last test results by current HIV status Percentage of HIV positive or negative women age 15-49 who were previously tested for HIV but did not receive test results
2684 HA_PHVT_W_NPT Women not previously tested for HIV by current HIV status Percentage of HIV positive or negative women age 15-49 who were not previously tested for HIV
2685 HA_PHVT_W_DKM Women with don't know or missing information on whether previously tested for HIV by current HIV status Percentage of HIV positive or negative women age 15-49 with don't know or missing information on whether previously tested for HIV
2686 HA_PHVT_W_TO1 Women by prior HIV testing status: Total Percentage of HIV positive or negative women age 15-49 by prior HIV testing status: Total
2687 HA_PHVT_W_NU1 Number of women interviewed and tested for HIV Number of HIV positive or negative women age 15-49 interviewed and tested for HIV
2688 HA_PHVT_W_UN1 Number of women interviewed and tested for HIV (unweighted) Number of HIV positive or negative women age 15-49 interviewed and tested for HIV (unweighted)
2689 HA_PHVT_M_PTD Men previously tested for HIV by current HIV status Percentage of HIV positive or negative men age 15-49 who were previously tested for HIV
2690 HA_PHVT_M_PTR Men previously tested for HIV and received last test results by current HIV status Percentage of HIV positive or negative men age 15-49 who were previously tested for HIV and received test results
2691 HA_PHVT_M_PTN Men previously tested for HIV but did not receive last test results by current HIV status Percentage of HIV positive or negative men age 15-49 who were previously tested for HIV but did not receive test results
2692 HA_PHVT_M_NPT Men not previously tested for HIV by current HIV status Percentage of HIV positive or negative men age 15-49 who were not previously tested for HIV
2693 HA_PHVT_M_DKM Men with don't know or missing information on whether previously tested for HIV by current HIV status Percentage of HIV positive or negative men age 15-49 with don't know or missing information on whether previously tested for HIV
2694 HA_PHVT_M_TO1 Men by prior HIV testing status: Total Percentage of HIV positive or negative men age 15-49 by prior HIV testing status: Total
2695 HA_PHVT_M_NU1 Number of men interviewed and tested for HIV Number of HIV positive or negative men age 15-49 interviewed and tested for HIV
2696 HA_PHVT_M_UN1 Number of men interviewed and tested for HIV (unweighted) Number of HIV positive or negative men age 15-49 interviewed and tested for HIV (unweighted)
2697 HA_PHVT_B_PTD Persons previously tested for HIV by current HIV status Percentage of HIV positive or negative persons age 15-49 who were previously tested for HIV
2698 HA_PHVT_B_PTR Persons previously tested for HIV and received last test results by current HIV status Percentage of HIV positive or negative persons age 15-49 who were previously tested for HIV and received test results
2699 HA_PHVT_B_PTN Persons previously tested for HIV but did not receive last test results by current HIV status Percentage of HIV positive or negative persons age 15-49 who were previously tested for HIV but did not receive test results
2700 HA_PHVT_B_NPT Persons not previously tested for HIV by current HIV status Percentage of HIV positive or negative persons age 15-49 who were not previously tested for HIV
2701 HA_PHVT_B_DKM Persons with don't know or missing information on whether previously tested for HIV by current HIV status Percentage of HIV positive or negative persons age 15-49 with don't know or missing information on whether previously tested for HIV
2702 HA_PHVT_B_TOT Persons by prior HIV testing status: Total Percentage of HIV positive or negative persons age 15-49 by prior HIV testing status: Total
2703 HA_PHVT_B_NUM Number of persons interviewed and tested for HIV Number of HIV positive or negative persons age 15-49 interviewed and tested for HIV
2704 HA_PHVT_B_UNW Number of persons interviewed and tested for HIV (unweighted) Number of HIV positive or negative persons age 15-49 interviewed and tested for HIV (unweighted)
2705 HA_HPMC_M_HVC Circumcised men HIV positive Percentage of circumcised men who tested HIV positive
2706 HA_HPMC_M_NM1 Number of circumcised men Number of circumcised men
2707 HA_HPMC_M_UN1 Number of circumcised men (unweighted) Number of circumcised men (unweighted)
2708 HA_HPMC_M_HVU Uncircumcised men HIV positive Percentage of uncircumcised men who tested HIV positive
2709 HA_HPMC_M_NM2 Number of uncircumcised men Number of uncircumcised men
2710 HA_HPMC_M_UN2 Number of uncircumcised men (unweighted) Number of uncircumcised men (unweighted)
2711 HA_HPAC_B_CPP Couple both HIV positive Percentage of couples living in the same household, both of whom were tested for HIV, where both the woman and the man are HIV positive
2712 HA_HPAC_B_CPN Man HIV positive, woman HIV negative Percentage of couples living in the same household, both of whom were tested for HIV, where the man is HIV positive and the woman is HIV negative
2713 HA_HPAC_B_CNP Woman HIV positive, man HIV negative Percentage of couples living in the same household, both of whom were tested for HIV, where the woman is HIV positive and the man is HIV negative
2714 HA_HPAC_B_CNN Couple both HIV negative Percentage of couples living in the same household, both of whom were tested for HIV, where both the woman and the man are HIV negative
2715 HA_HPAC_B_TOT HIV prevalence among couples: Total Percentage of couples: Total
2716 HA_HPAC_B_NUM Number of couples Number of couples living in the same household where both the woman and the man were tested for HIV
2717 HA_HPAC_B_UNW Number of couples (unweighted) Number of couples living in the same household where both the woman and the man were tested for HIV (unweighted)
2718 AH_HINS_W_ANY Any health insurance Percentage of women with any health insurance
2719 AH_HINS_W_SOS Social security health insurance [Women] Percentage of women with social security health insurance
2720 AH_HINS_W_EBI Other employer-base health insurance [Women] Percentage of women with other employer-base health insurance
2721 AH_HINS_W_MUT Mutual health organzation or community-base health insurance [Women] Percentage of women with mutual health organzation or community-base health insurance
2722 AH_HINS_W_PRV Privately purchased commercial insurance [Women] Percentage of women with privately purchased commercial insurance
2723 AH_HINS_W_OTH Other health insurance [Women] Percentage of women with other health insurance
2724 AH_HINS_W_NON No health insurance [Women] Percentage of women with no health insurance
2725 AH_HINS_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
2726 AH_HINS_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
2727 AH_HINS_M_ANY Any health insurance Percentage of men with any health insurance
2728 AH_HINS_M_SOS Social security health insurance [Men] Percentage of men with social security health insurance
2729 AH_HINS_M_EBI Other employer-base health insurance [Men] Percentage of men with other employer-base health insurance
2730 AH_HINS_M_MUT Mutual health organzation or community-base health insurance [Men] Percentage of men with mutual health organzation or community-base health insurance
2731 AH_HINS_M_PRV Privately purchased commercial insurance [Men] Percentage of men with privately purchased commercial insurance
2732 AH_HINS_M_OTH Other health insurance [Men] Percentage of men with other health insurance
2733 AH_HINS_M_NON No health insurance [Men] Percentage of men with no health insurance
2734 AH_HINS_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
2735 AH_HINS_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
2736 AH_TOBC_W_ANY Women who smoke any type of tobacco Percentage of women who smoke any type of tobacco
2737 AH_TOBC_W_CIG Women who smoke cigarettes Percentage of women who smoke cigarettes
2738 AH_TOBC_W_PIP Women who smoke pipe Percentage of women who smoke pipe
2739 AH_TOBC_W_OTH Women who smoke other tobacco Percentage of women who smoke other tobacco
2740 AH_TOBC_W_DLY Women who smoke daily Percentage of women who smoke daily
2741 AH_TOBC_W_OCC Women who smoke occasionally Percentage of women who smoke occasionally
2742 AH_TOBC_W_NON Women who do not smoke Percentage of women who do not smoke
2743 AH_TOBC_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
2744 AH_TOBC_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
2745 AH_TOBC_M_ANY Men who smoke any type of tobacco Percentage of men who smoke any type of tobacco
2746 AH_TOBC_M_CIG Men who smoke cigarettes Percentage of men who smoke cigarettes
2747 AH_TOBC_M_PIP Men who smoke pipe Percentage of men who smoke pipe
2748 AH_TOBC_M_OTH Men who smoke other tobacco Percentage of men who smoke other tobacco
2749 AH_TOBC_M_DLY Men who smoke daily Percentage of men who smoke daily
2750 AH_TOBC_M_OCC Men who smoke occasionally Percentage of men who smoke occasionally
2751 AH_TOBC_M_NON Men who do not smoke Percentage of men who do not smoke
2752 AH_TOBC_M_DKM Men's smoking: DK/missing Percentage of men with DK/missing information on smoking
2753 AH_TOBC_M_TOT Men's smoking: Total Percentage of men: Total
2754 AH_TOBC_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
2755 AH_TOBC_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
2756 AH_CIGA_W_04C Cigarettes smoked: <5 Percentage of women who smoked less than 5 cigarettes in preceding 24 hours
2757 AH_CIGA_W_59C Cigarettes smoked: 5-9 Percentage of women who smoked 5-9 cigarettes in preceding 24 hours
2758 AH_CIGA_W_14C Cigarettes smoked: 10-14 Percentage of women who smoked 10-14 cigarettes in preceding 24 hours
2759 AH_CIGA_W_24C Cigarettes smoked: 15-24 Percentage of women who smoked 15-24 cigarettes in preceding 24 hours
2760 AH_CIGA_W_25C Cigarettes smoked: 25+ Percentage of women who smoked 25 or more cigarettes in preceding 24 hours
2761 AH_CIGA_W_DKM Cigarettes smoked: don't know or missing Percentage of women with 'don't know' or missing information on number of cigarettes smoked in preceding 24 hours
2762 AH_CIGA_W_TOT Cigarettes smoked: Total Percentage of women: Total
2763 AH_CIGA_W_NUM Number of women cigarette smokers Number of women who smoke cigarettes
2764 AH_CIGA_W_UNW Number of women cigarette smokers (unweighted) Number of women who smoke cigarettes (unweighted)
2765 AH_CIGA_W_MNC Cigarettes smoked: Mean Mean number of cigarettes smoked per day by women
2766 AH_CIGA_W_NM1 Number of women cigarette smokers Number of women who smoke cigarettes and provided numeric responses
2767 AH_CIGA_M_04C Cigarettes smoked: <5 Percentage of men who smoked less than 5 cigarettes in preceding 24 hours
2768 AH_CIGA_M_59C Cigarettes smoked: 5-9 Percentage of men who smoked 5-9 cigarettes in preceding 24 hours
2769 AH_CIGA_M_14C Cigarettes smoked: 10-14 Percentage of men who smoked 10-14 cigarettes in preceding 24 hours
2770 AH_CIGA_M_24C Cigarettes smoked: 15-24 Percentage of men who smoked 15-24 cigarettes in preceding 24 hours
2771 AH_CIGA_M_25C Cigarettes smoked: 25+ Percentage of men who smoked 25 or more cigarettes in preceding 24 hours
2772 AH_CIGA_M_DKM Cigarettes smoked: don't know or missing Percentage of men with 'don't know' or missing information on number of cigarettes smoked in preceding 24 hours
2773 AH_CIGA_M_TOT Cigarettes smoked: Total Percentage of men: Total
2774 AH_CIGA_M_NUM Number of men cigarette smokers Number of men who smoke cigarettes
2775 AH_CIGA_M_UNW Number of men cigarette smokers (unweighted) Number of men who smoke cigarettes (unweighted)
2776 AH_CIGA_M_MNC Cigarettes smoked: Mean Mean number of cigarettes smoked per day by men
2777 AH_CIGA_M_NM1 Number of men cigarette smokers Number of men who smoke cigarettes and provided numeric responses
2778 AH_TOBU_W_SNM Women using snuff by mouth Percentage of women using snuff by mouth
2779 AH_TOBU_W_SNN Women using snuff by nose Percentage of women using snuff by nose
2780 AH_TOBU_W_CHW Women using chewing tobacco Percentage of women using chewing tobacco
2781 AH_TOBU_W_BTQ Women using betel quid with tobacco Percentage of women using betel quid with tobacco
2782 AH_TOBU_W_OSM Women using other type of smokeless tobacco Percentage of women using other type of smokeless tobacco
2783 AH_TOBU_W_ASM Women using any type of smokeless tobacco Percentage of women using any type of smokeless tobacco
2784 AH_TOBU_W_ATB Women using any type of tobacco Percentage of women using any type of tobacco
2785 AH_TOBU_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
2786 AH_TOBU_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
2787 AH_TOBU_M_SNM Men using snuff by mouth Percentage of men using snuff by mouth
2788 AH_TOBU_M_SNN Men using snuff by nose Percentage of men using snuff by nose
2789 AH_TOBU_M_CHW Men using chewing tobacco Percentage of men using chewing tobacco
2790 AH_TOBU_M_BTQ Men using betel quid with tobacco Percentage of men using betel quid with tobacco
2791 AH_TOBU_M_OSM Men using other type of smokeless tobacco Percentage of men using other type of smokeless tobacco
2792 AH_TOBU_M_ASM Men using any type of smokeless tobacco Percentage of men using any type of smokeless tobacco
2793 AH_TOBU_M_ATB Men using any type of tobacco Percentage of men using any type of tobacco
2794 AH_TOBU_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
2795 AH_TOBU_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
2796 AH_TOBA_W_ANY Women using any type of tobacco Percentage of women using any type of tobacco
2797 AH_TOBA_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
2798 AH_TOBA_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
2799 AH_TOBA_M_ANY Men using any type of tobacco Percentage of men using any type of tobacco
2800 AH_TOBA_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
2801 AH_TOBA_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
2802 AH_ALCO_W_DK1 Alcohol consumed: 1 drink [Women] Percentage of women who drank 1 drink in the last 1 month
2803 AH_ALCO_W_DK2 Alcohol consumed: 2 drinks [Women] Percentage of women who drank 2 drinks in the last 1 month
2804 AH_ALCO_W_DK3 Alcohol consumed: 3 drinks [Women] Percentage of women who drank 3 drinks in the last 1 month
2805 AH_ALCO_W_DK4 Alcohol consumed: 4 drinks [Women] Percentage of women who drank 4 drinks in the last 1 month
2806 AH_ALCO_W_DK5 Alcohol consumed: 5 drinks [Women] Percentage of women who drank 5 drinks in the last 1 month
2807 AH_ALCO_W_DK6 Alcohol consumed: 6 or more drinks [Women] Percentage of women who drank 6 or more drinks in the last 1 month
2808 AH_ALCO_W_TOT Alcohol consumed: Total [Women] Percentage of women: Total
2809 AH_ALCO_W_NUM Number of women who consumed any alcohol in the last 1 month Number of women who consumed any alcohol in the last 1 month
2810 AH_ALCO_W_UNW Number of women who consumed any alcohol in the last 1 month (unweighted) Number of women who consumed any alcohol in the last 1 month (unweighted)
2811 AH_ALCO_M_DK1 Alcohol consumed: 1 drink [Men] Percentage of men who drank 1 drink in the last 1 month
2812 AH_ALCO_M_DK2 Alcohol consumed: 2 drinks [Men] Percentage of men who drank 2 drinks in the last 1 month
2813 AH_ALCO_M_DK3 Alcohol consumed: 3 drinks [Men] Percentage of men who drank 3 drinks in the last 1 month
2814 AH_ALCO_M_DK4 Alcohol consumed: 4 drinks [Men] Percentage of men who drank 4 drinks in the last 1 month
2815 AH_ALCO_M_DK5 Alcohol consumed: 5 drinks [Men] Percentage of men who drank 5 drinks in the last 1 month
2816 AH_ALCO_M_DK6 Alcohol consumed: 6 or more drinks [Men] Percentage of men who drank 6 or more drinks in the last 1 month
2817 AH_ALCO_M_TOT Alcohol consumed: Total [Men] Percentage of men: Total
2818 AH_ALCO_M_NUM Number of men who consumed any alcohol in the last 1 month Number of men who consumed any alcohol in the last 1 month
2819 AH_ALCO_M_UNW Number of men who consumed any alcohol in the last 1 month (unweighted) Number of men who consumed any alcohol in the last 1 month (unweighted)
2820 AH_BTHP_W_ALW Always lived in current place of residence [Women] Percentage of women who have always lived in current place of residence
2821 AH_BTHP_W_IMG Born in the country but outside of current place of residence [Women] Percentage of women who were born in the country but outside of current place of residence
2822 AH_BTHP_W_EMG Born outside of the country [Women] Percentage of women who were born outside of the country
2823 AH_BTHP_W_TOT Total [Women] Percentage of women: Total
2824 AH_BTHP_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
2825 AH_BTHP_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
2826 AH_BTHP_M_ALW Always lived in current place of residence [Men] Percentage of men who have always lived in current place of residence
2827 AH_BTHP_M_IMG Born in the country but outside of current place of residence [Men] Percentage of men who were born in the country but outside of current place of residence
2828 AH_BTHP_M_EMG Born outside of the country [Men] Percentage of men who were born outside of the country
2829 AH_BTHP_M_TOT Total [Men] Percentage of men: Total
2830 AH_BTHP_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
2831 AH_BTHP_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
2832 AH_RMIG_W_MIG Moved to current place of residence in the last 5 years [Women] Percentage of women who moved to current place of residence in the last 5 years
2833 AH_RMIG_W_NUM Number of women who were born outside of current place of residence excluding household visitors Number of women who were born outside of current place of residence excluding household visitors
2834 AH_RMIG_W_UNW Number of women who were born outside of current place of residence excluding household visitors (unweighted) Number of women who were born outside of current place of residence excluding household visitors (unweighted)
2835 AH_RMIG_M_MIG Moved to current place of residence in the last 5 years [Men] Percentage of men who moved to current place of residence in the last 5 years
2836 AH_RMIG_M_NUM Number of men who were born outside of current place of residence excluding household visitors Number of men who were born outside of current place of residence excluding household visitors
2837 AH_RMIG_M_UNW Number of men who were born outside of current place of residence excluding household visitors (unweighted) Number of men who were born outside of current place of residence excluding household visitors (unweighted)
2838 AH_MIGR_W_EMP Migration reason: employment [Women] Percentage who moved because of employment
2839 AH_MIGT_W_UTU Type of migration: Urban to urban [Women] Percentage of women who moved from urban to urban
2840 AH_MIGR_W_EDU Migration reason: education/ training [Women] Percentage who moved because of education/ training
2841 AH_MIGT_W_UTR Type of migration: Urban to rural [Women] Percentage of women who moved from urban to rural
2842 AH_MIGR_W_MAR Migration reason: marriage formation [Women] Percentage who moved because of marriage formation
2843 AH_MIGT_W_RTU Type of migration: Rural to urban [Women] Percentage of women who moved from rural to urban
2844 AH_MIGR_W_FAM Migration reason: family reunification/ other family-related reason [Women] Percentage who moved because of family reunification/ other family-related reason
2845 AH_MIGT_W_RTR Type of migration: Rural to rural [Women] Percentage of women who moved from rural to rural
2846 AH_MIGR_W_DIS Migration reason: forced displacement [Women] Percentage who moved because of forced displacement
2847 AH_MIGR_W_OTH Migration reason: other [Women] Percentage who moved because of other reasons
2848 AH_MIGR_W_TOT Migration reason: total [Women] Percentage of women: Total
2849 AH_MIGT_W_TOT Type of migration: Total [Women] Percentage of women who moved: total
2850 AH_MIGR_W_NUM Number of women who were born outside of current place of residence excluding household visitors Number of women who were born outside of current place of residence excluding household visitors
2851 AH_MIGT_W_NUM Number of women Number of women who moved to their current place of residence in the last five years
2852 AH_MIGR_W_UNW Number of women who were born outside of current place of residence excluding household visitors (unweighted) Number of women who were born outside of current place of residence excluding household visitors (unweighted)
2853 AH_MIGT_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women who moved to their current place of residence in the last five years (unweighted)
2854 AH_MIGR_M_EMP Migration reason: employment [Men] Percentage who moved because of employment
2855 AH_MIGT_M_UTU Type of migration: Urban to urban [Men] Percentage of men who moved from urban to urban
2856 AH_MIGR_M_EDU Migration reason: education/ training [Men] Percentage who moved because of education/ training
2857 AH_MIGT_M_UTR Type of migration: Urban to rural [Men] Percentage of men who moved from urban to rural
2858 AH_MIGR_M_MAR Migration reason: marriage formation [Men] Percentage who moved because of marriage formation
2859 AH_MIGT_M_RTU Type of migration: Rural to urban [Men] Percentage of men who moved from rural to urban
2860 AH_MIGR_M_FAM Migration reason: family reunification/ other family-related reason [Men] Percentage who moved because of family reunification/ other family-related reason
2861 AH_MIGT_M_RTR Type of migration: Rural to rural [Men] Percentage of men who moved from rural to rural
2862 AH_MIGR_M_DIS Migration reason: forced displacement [Men] Percentage who moved because of forced displacement
2863 AH_MIGR_M_OTH Migration reason: other [Men] Percentage who moved because of other reasons
2864 AH_MIGR_M_TOT Migration reason: total [Men] Percentage of men: Total
2865 AH_MIGT_M_TOT Type of migration: Total [Men] Percentage of men who moved: total
2866 AH_MIGR_M_NUM Number of men who were born outside of current place of residence excluding household visitors Number of men who were born outside of current place of residence excluding household visitors
2867 AH_MIGT_M_NUM Number of men Number of men who moved to their current place of residence in the last five years
2868 AH_MIGR_M_UNW Number of men who were born outside of current place of residence excluding household visitors (unweighted) Number of men who were born outside of current place of residence excluding household visitors (unweighted)
2869 AH_MIGT_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men who moved to their current place of residence in the last five years (unweighted)
2870 WE_OWNA_W_HAL Own a house alone [Women] Percentage of women who own a house alone
2871 WE_OWNA_W_HJN Own a house jointly [Women] Percentage of women who own a house jointly
2872 WE_OWNA_W_HAJ Own a house alone and jointly [Women] Percentage of women who own a house alone and jointly
2873 WE_OWNA_W_HNO Do not own a house [Women] Percentage of women who do not own a house
2874 WE_OWNA_W_HDK Women with don't know or missing information on ownership of a house Percentage of women who have don't know or missing information on ownership of a house
2875 WE_OWNA_W_HTO House ownership [Women]: Total Percentage of women for house ownership: Total
2876 WE_OWNA_W_HNM Number of women Number of women
2877 WE_OWNA_W_HUN Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
2878 WE_OWNA_W_LAL Own land alone [Women] Percentage of women who own land alone
2879 WE_OWNA_W_LJN Own land jointly [Women] Percentage of women who own land jointly
2880 WE_OWNA_W_LAJ Own land alone and jointly [Women] Percentage of women who own land alone and jointly
2881 WE_OWNA_W_LNO Do not own land [Women] Percentage of women who do not own land
2882 WE_OWNA_W_LDK Women with don't know or missing information on ownership of land Percentage of women who have don't know or missing information on ownership of land
2883 WE_OWNA_W_LTO Land ownership [Women]: Total Percentage of women for land ownership: Total
2884 WE_OWNA_W_LNM Number of women Number of women
2885 WE_OWNA_W_LUN Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
2886 WE_OWNA_M_HAL Own a house alone [Men] Percentage of men who own a house alone
2887 WE_OWNA_M_HJN Own a house Jointly [Men] Percentage of men who own a house jointly
2888 WE_OWNA_M_HAJ Own a house alone and jointly [Men] Percentage of men who own a house alone and jointly
2889 WE_OWNA_M_HNO Do not own a house [Men] Percentage of men who do not own a house
2890 WE_OWNA_M_HDK Men with don't know or missing information on ownership of a house Percentage of men who have don't know or missing information on ownership of a house
2891 WE_OWNA_M_HTO House ownership [Men]: Total Percentage of men for house ownership: Total
2892 WE_OWNA_M_HNM Number of men Number of men
2893 WE_OWNA_M_HUN Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
2894 WE_OWNA_M_LAL Own land alone [Men] Percentage of men who own land alone
2895 WE_OWNA_M_LJN Own land jointly [Men] Percentage of men who own land jointly
2896 WE_OWNA_M_LAJ Own land alone and jointly [Men] Percentage of men who own land alone and jointly
2897 WE_OWNA_M_LNO Do not own land [Men] Percentage of men who do not own land
2898 WE_OWNA_M_LDK Men with don't know or missing information on ownership of land Percentage of men who have don't know or missing information on ownership of land
2899 WE_OWNA_M_LTO Land ownership [Men]: Total Percentage of men for land ownership: Total
2900 WE_OWNA_M_LNM Number of men Number of men
2901 WE_OWNA_M_LUN Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
2902 WE_DMKH_W_WIF Decision maker about Own health care: Mainly wife [Women] Percentage of women for whom the decision maker for their own health care is mainly the respondent
2903 WE_DMKH_W_JNT Decision maker about Own health care: Wife and husband jointly [Women] Percentage of women for whom the decision maker for their own health care is mainly the respondent and her husband
2904 WE_DMKH_W_HUS Decision maker about Own health care: Mainly husband [Women] Percentage of women for whom the decision maker for their own health care is mainly the husband
2905 WE_DMKH_W_ELS Decision maker about Own health care: Someone else [Women] Percentage of women for whom the decision maker for their own health care is mainly someone else
2906 WE_DMKH_W_OTH Decision maker about Own health care: Other [Women] Percentage of women for whom the decision maker for their own health care is recorded as 'other'
2907 WE_DMKH_W_DKM Decision maker about Own health care: don't know or missing [Women] Percentage of women for whom there is don't know or missing information about the decision maker for their own health care
2908 WE_DMKH_W_TOT Decision maker about Own health care: Total [Women] Percentage of women for whom the decision maker for their own health care is: Total
2909 WE_DMKH_W_NUM Number of currently married women Number of currently married or in union women
2910 WE_DMKH_M_WIF Decision maker about Own health care: Mainly wife [Men] Percentage of men for whom the decision maker for their own health care is mainly the respondent
2911 WE_DMKH_M_JNT Decision maker about Own health care: Wife and husband jointly [Men] Percentage of men for whom the decision maker for their own health care is mainly the respondent and her husband
2912 WE_DMKH_M_HUS Decision maker about Own health care: Mainly husband [Men] Percentage of men for whom the decision maker for their own health care is mainly the husband
2913 WE_DMKH_M_ELS Decision maker about Own health care: Someone else [Men] Percentage of men for whom the decision maker for their own health care is mainly someone else
2914 WE_DMKH_M_OTH Decision maker about Own health care: Other [Men] Percentage of men for whom the decision maker for their own health care is recorded as 'other'
2915 WE_DMKH_M_DKM Decision maker about Own health care: don't know or missing [Men] Percentage of men for whom there is don't know or missing information about the decision maker for their own health care
2916 WE_DMKH_M_TOT Decision maker about Own health care: Total [Men] Percentage of men for whom the decision maker for their own health care is: Total
2917 WE_DMKH_M_NUM Number of currently married men Number of currently married or in union men
2918 WE_DMKP_W_WIF Decision maker about Major household purchases: Mainly wife [Women] Percentage of women for whom the decision maker for major household purchases is mainly the respondent
2919 WE_DMKP_W_JNT Decision maker about Major household purchases: Wife and husband jointly [Women] Percentage of women for whom the decision maker for major household purchases is mainly the respondent and her husband
2920 WE_DMKP_W_HUS Decision maker about Major household purchases: Mainly husband [Women] Percentage of women for whom the decision maker for major household purchases is mainly the husband
2921 WE_DMKP_W_ELS Decision maker about Major household purchases: Someone else [Women] Percentage of women for whom the decision maker for major household purchases is mainly someone else
2922 WE_DMKP_W_OTH Decision maker about Major household purchases: Other [Women] Percentage of women for whom the decision maker for major household purchases is recorded as 'other'
2923 WE_DMKP_W_DKM Decision maker about Major household purchases: don't know or missing [Women] Percentage of women for whom there is don't know or missing information about the decision maker for major household purchases
2924 WE_DMKP_W_TOT Decision maker about Major household purchases: Total [Women] Percentage of women for whom the decision maker for major household purchases is: Total
2925 WE_DMKP_W_NUM Number of currently married women Number of currently married or in union women
2926 WE_DMKP_M_WIF Decision maker about Major household purchases: Mainly wife [Men] Percentage of men for whom the decision maker for major household purchases is mainly the respondent
2927 WE_DMKP_M_JNT Decision maker about Major household purchases: Wife and husband jointly [Men] Percentage of men for whom the decision maker for major household purchases is mainly the respondent and her husband
2928 WE_DMKP_M_HUS Decision maker about Major household purchases: Mainly husband [Men] Percentage of men for whom the decision maker for major household purchases is mainly the husband
2929 WE_DMKP_M_ELS Decision maker about Major household purchases: Someone else [Men] Percentage of men for whom the decision maker for major household purchases is mainly someone else
2930 WE_DMKP_M_OTH Decision maker about Major household purchases: Other [Men] Percentage of men for whom the decision maker for major household purchases is recorded as 'other'
2931 WE_DMKP_M_DKM Decision maker about Major household purchases: don't know or missing [Men] Percentage of men for whom there is don't know or missing information about the decision maker for major household purchases
2932 WE_DMKP_M_TOT Decision maker about Major household purchases: Total [Men] Percentage of men for whom the decision maker for major household purchases is: Total
2933 WE_DMKP_M_NUM Number of currently married men Number of currently married or in union men
2934 WE_DMKP_M_UNW Number of currently married men (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union men (unweighted)
2935 WE_DMKV_W_WIF Decision maker about Visits to her family or relatives: Mainly wife [Women] Percentage of women for whom the decision maker for visits to her family or relatives is mainly the respondent
2936 WE_DMKV_W_JNT Decision maker about Visits to her family or relatives: Wife and husband jointly [Women] Percentage of women for whom the decision maker for visits to her family or relatives is mainly the respondent and her husband
2937 WE_DMKV_W_HUS Decision maker about Visits to her family or relatives: Mainly husband [Women] Percentage of women for whom the decision maker for visits to her family or relatives is mainly the husband
2938 WE_DMKV_W_ELS Decision maker about Visits to her family or relatives: Someone else [Women] Percentage of women for whom the decision maker for visits to her family or relatives is mainly someone else
2939 WE_DMKV_W_OTH Decision maker about Visits to her family or relatives: Other [Women] Percentage of women for whom the decision maker for visits to her family or relatives is recorded as 'other'
2940 WE_DMKV_W_DKM Decision maker about Visits to her family or relatives: don't know or missing [Women] Percentage of women for whom there is don't know or missing information about the decision maker for visits to her family
2941 WE_DMKV_W_TOT Decision maker about Visits to her family or relatives: Total [Women] Percentage of women for whom the decision maker for visits to her family or relatives is: Total
2942 WE_DMKV_W_NUM Number of currently married women Number of currently married or in union women
2943 WE_DMKV_W_UNW Number of currently married women (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women (unweighted)
2944 WE_DMAK_W_OHC Final say in own health care [Women] Percentage of women who say that they alone or jointly have the final say in own health care
2945 WE_DMAK_W_MPC Final say in making large purchases [Women] Percentage of women who say that they alone or jointly have the final say in making large purchases
2946 WE_DMAK_W_FAM Final say in visits to family, relatives, friends [Women] Percentage of women who say that they alone or jointly have the final say in visits to family, relatives, friends
2947 WE_DMAK_W_3DC Final say in all of the decisions [Women] Percentage of women who say that they alone or jointly have the final say in all of the three main decisions (own health care, making large purchases, visits to family, relatives, friends)
2948 WE_DMAK_W_NON Final say in none of the decisions [Women] Percentage of women who say that they alone or jointly have the final say in none of the three main decisions (own health care, making large purchases, visits to family, relatives, friends)
2949 WE_DMAK_W_DPC Final say in making daily purchases [Women] Percentage of women who say that they alone or jointly have the final say in making daily purchases
2950 WE_DMAK_W_CKD Final say in what food to cook daily [Women] Percentage of women who say that they alone or jointly have the final say in what food to cook daily
2951 WE_DMAK_W_NUM Number of currently married women Number of currently married or in union women
2952 WE_DMAK_W_UNW Number of currently married women (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women (unweighted)
2953 WE_DMAK_M_OHC Final say in own health care [Men] Percentage of men who say that they alone or jointly have the final say in own health care
2954 WE_DMAK_M_MPC Final say in making large purchases [Men] Percentage of men who say that they alone or jointly have the final say in making large purchases
2955 WE_DMAK_M_2DC Final say in both of the decisions [Men] Percentage of men who say that they alone or jointly have the final say in both of the decisions
2956 WE_DMAK_M_NON Final say in none of the decisions [Men] Percentage of men who say that they alone or jointly have the final say in none of the decisions
2957 WE_DMAK_M_NUM Number of currently married men Number of currently married or in union men
2958 WE_DMAK_M_UNW Number of currently married men (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union men (unweighted)
2959 WE_AWBT_W_BFD Wife beating justified if she burns the food [Women] Percentage of women who agree that a husband is justified in hitting or beating his wife if she burns the food
2960 WE_AWBT_W_ARG Wife beating justified if she argues with him [Women] Percentage of women who agree that a husband is justified in hitting or beating his wife if she argues with him
2961 WE_AWBT_W_OUT Wife beating justified if she goes out without telling him [Women] Percentage of women who agree that a husband is justified in hitting or beating his wife if she goes out without telling him
2962 WE_AWBT_W_NEG Wife beating justified if she neglects the children [Women] Percentage of women who agree that a husband is justified in hitting or beating his wife if she neglects the children
2963 WE_AWBT_W_REF Wife beating justified if she refuses to have sex with him [Women] Percentage of women who agree that a husband is justified in hitting or beating his wife if she refuses to have sex with him
2964 WE_AWBT_W_AGR Wife beating justified for at least one specific reason [Women] Percentage of women who agree that a husband is justified in hitting or beating his wife for at least one specific reason
2965 WE_AWBT_W_NUM Number of currently married women Number of currently married or in union women
2966 WE_AWBT_W_UNW Number of currently married women (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women (unweighted)
2967 WE_AWBT_M_BFD Wife beating justified if she burns the food [Men] Percentage of men who agree that a husband is justified in hitting or beating his wife if she burns the food
2968 WE_AWBT_M_ARG Wife beating justified if she argues with him [Men] Percentage of men who agree that a husband is justified in hitting or beating his wife if she argues with him
2969 WE_AWBT_M_OUT Wife beating justified if she goes out without telling him [Men] Percentage of men who agree that a husband is justified in hitting or beating his wife if she goes out without telling him
2970 WE_AWBT_M_NEG Wife beating justified if she neglects the children [Men] Percentage of men who agree that a husband is justified in hitting or beating his wife if she neglects the children
2971 WE_AWBT_M_REF Wife beating justified if she refuses to have sex with him [Men] Percentage of men who agree that a husband is justified in hitting or beating his wife if she refuses to have sex with him
2972 WE_AWBT_M_AGR Wife beating justified for at least one specific reason [Men] Percentage of men who agree that a husband is justified in hitting or beating his wife for at least one specific reason
2973 WE_AWBT_M_NUM Number of currently married men Number of currently married or in union men
2974 WE_AWBT_M_UNW Number of currently married men (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union men (unweighted)
2975 WE_JRSX_W_STI Justified in refusing sex if she knows husband has sexually transmitted disease Percentage of women who believe that a wife is justified in refusing to have sex with her husband if she knows husband has sexually transmitted disease
2976 WE_JRSX_W_SEX Justified in refusing sex if she knows husband has sex with other women Percentage of women who believe that a wife is justified in refusing to have sex with her husband if she knows husband has sex with other women
2977 WE_JRSX_W_BTH Justified in refusing sex if she has recently given birth Percentage of women who believe that a wife is justified in refusing to have sex with her husband if she has recently given birth
2978 WE_JRSX_W_TRD Justified in refusing sex if she is tired or not in the mood Percentage of women who believe that a wife is justified in refusing to have sex with her husband if she is tired or not in the mood
2979 WE_JRSX_W_ALL Justified in refusing sex for all of the reasons Percentage of women who believe that a wife is justified in refusing to have sex with her husband for all of the reasons
2980 WE_JRSX_W_NON Justified in refusing sex for none of the reasons Percentage of women who believe that a wife is justified in refusing to have sex with her husband for none of the reasons
2981 WE_JRSX_W_NUM Number of currently married women Number of currently married or in union women
2982 WE_JRSX_W_UNW Number of currently married women (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women (unweighted)
2983 WE_WEMP_W_DMK Married women participating in all three decisions Percentage of currently married or in union women participating in decision making for their own health care, for major household purchases, and for visits to her family or relatives
2984 WE_WEMP_W_NM1 Number of currently married women Number of currently married or in union women
2985 WE_WEMP_W_UN1 Number of currently married women (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women (unweighted)
2986 WE_WEMP_W_DWB Married women who disagree with all the reasons justifying wife beating Percentage of currently married or in union women who disagree with all the reasons justifying wife beating
2987 WE_WEMP_W_NM2 Number of currently married women Number of currently married or in union women
2988 WE_WEMP_W_UN2 Number of currently married women (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women (unweighted)
2989 WE_IDMH_W_RSX Own decision making about sexual relations Percentage of currently married women who are not pregnant who make their own decisions regarding sexual relations
2990 WE_IDMH_W_CUS Own decision making about contraceptive use Percentage of currently married women who are not pregnant who make their own decisions regarding contraceptive use
2991 WE_IDMH_W_HLC Own decision making about health care Percentage of currently married women who are not pregnant who make their own decisions regarding health care
2992 WE_IDMH_W_RCH Own decision making about all three decisions Percentage of currently married women who are not pregnant who make their own decisions regarding all three decisions (sexual relations, contraceptive use, and health care)
2993 WE_IDMH_W_NUM Number of women Number of currently married women who are not pregnant
2994 WE_IDMH_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of currently married women who are not pregnant (unweighted)
2995 CO_INUS_W_EVU Women who ever used the internet Percentage of women who ever used the internet
2996 CO_INUS_W_U12 Women who used the internet in the past 12 months Percentage of women who used the internet in the last 12 months
2997 CO_INUS_W_NUM Number of women Number of women aged 15-49
2998 CO_INUS_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women aged 15-49 (unweighted)
2999 CO_INUS_W_DAY Women who used the internet almost every day Percentage of women who used the internet almost every day of those who used the internet in the last 12 months
3000 CO_INUS_W_WEK Women who used the internet at least once a week Percentage of women who used the internet at least once a week of those who used the internet in the last 12 months
3001 CO_INUS_W_LES Women who used the internet less than once a week Percentage of women who used the internet less than once a week of those who used the internet in the last 12 months
3002 CO_INUS_W_NON Women who did not use the internet at all Percentage of women who did not use the internet at all of those who used the internet in the last 12 months
3003 CO_INUS_W_DKM Women with "don't know" or missing information for frequency of use of the internet Percentage of women with "don't know" or missing information for frequency of use of the internet
3004 CO_INUS_W_TOT Total Percentage of women who used the internet in the last 12 months: total
3005 CO_INUS_W_NM1 Number of women who used the internet Number of women who used the internet in the last 12 months
3006 CO_INUS_W_UN1 Number of women who used the internet (unweighted) Number of women who used the internet in the last 12 months (unweighted)
3007 CO_INUS_M_EVU Men who ever used the internet Percentage of men who ever used the internet
3008 CO_INUS_M_U12 Men who used the internet in the past 12 months Percentage of men who used the internet in the last 12 months
3009 CO_INUS_M_NUM Number of men Number of men aged 15-49
3010 CO_INUS_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men aged 15-49 (unweighted)
3011 CO_INUS_M_DAY Men who used the internet almost every day Percentage of men who used the internet almost every day of those who used the internet in the last 12 months
3012 CO_INUS_M_WEK Men who used the internet at least once a week Percentage of men who used the internet at least once a week of those who used the internet in the last 12 months
3013 CO_INUS_M_LES Men who used the internet less than once a week Percentage of men who used the internet less than once a week of those who used the internet in the last 12 months
3014 CO_INUS_M_NON Men who did not use the internet at all Percentage of men who did not use the internet at all of those who used the internet in the last 12 months
3015 CO_INUS_M_DKM Men with "don't know" or missing information for frequency of use of the internet Percentage of men with "don't know" or missing information for frequency of use of the internet
3016 CO_INUS_M_TOT Total Percentage of men who used the internet in the last 12 months: total
3017 CO_INUS_M_NM1 Number of men who used the internet Number of men who used the internet in the last 12 months
3018 CO_INUS_M_UN1 Number of men who used the internet (unweighted) Number of men who used the internet in the last 12 months (unweighted)
3019 CO_MOBB_W_BNK Women who have a bank account Percentage of women who have and use a bank account
3020 CO_MOBB_W_MOB Women who own a mobile phone Percentage of women who own a mobile phone
3021 CO_MOBB_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
3022 CO_MOBB_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
3023 CO_MOBB_W_MBF Women who use a mobile phone for financial transactions Percentage of women who use a mobile phone for financial transactions
3024 CO_MOBB_W_NM1 Number of women who own a mobile phone Number of women who own and use a mobile phone
3025 CO_MOBB_W_UN1 Number of women who own a mobile phone (unweighted) Number of women who own and use a mobile phone (unweighted)
3026 CO_MOBB_M_BNK Men who have a bank account Percentage of men who have and use a bank account
3027 CO_MOBB_M_MOB Men who own a mobile phone Percentage of men who own a mobile phone
3028 CO_MOBB_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
3029 CO_MOBB_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
3030 CO_MOBB_M_MBF Men who use a mobile phone for financial transactions Percentage of men who use a mobile phone for financial transactions
3031 CO_MOBB_M_NM1 Number of men who own a mobile phone Number of men who own and use a mobile phone
3032 CO_MOBB_M_UN1 Number of men who own a mobile phone (unweighted) Number of men who own and use a mobile phone (unweighted)
3033 DV_EXPV_W_EVR Ever experienced physical violence since age 15 Percentage of women who have ever experienced physical violence since age 15
3034 DV_EXPV_W_12O Physical violence in the past 12 months often Percentage of women who have experienced physical violence in the past 12 months often
3035 DV_EXPV_W_12S Physical violence in the past 12 months sometimes Percentage of women who have experienced physical violence in the past 12 months sometimes
3036 DV_EXPV_W_12M Physical violence in the past 12 months often or sometimes Percentage of women who have experienced physical violence in the past 12 months often or sometimes
3037 DV_EXPV_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
3038 DV_EXPV_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
3039 DV_PCPV_W_CHP Physical violence committed by current husband/partner Percentage of women for whom physical violence was committed by current husband or partner
3040 DV_PCPV_W_FHP Physical violence committed by former husband/partner Percentage of women for whom physical violence was committed by former husband or partner
3041 DV_PCPV_W_CBF Physical violence committed by current boyfriend Percentage of women for whom physical violence was committed by current boyfriend
3042 DV_PCPV_W_FBF Physical violence committed by former boyfriend Percentage of women for whom physical violence was committed by former boyfriend
3043 DV_PCPV_W_FTH Physical violence committed by father/step-father Percentage of women for whom physical violence was committed by father/step-father
3044 DV_PCPV_W_MTH Physical violence committed by mother/step-mother Percentage of women for whom physical violence was committed by mother/step-mother
3045 DV_PCPV_W_SIB Physical violence committed by sister/brother Percentage of women for whom physical violence was committed by sister/brother
3046 DV_PCPV_W_CHD Physical violence committed by daughter/son Percentage of women for whom physical violence was committed by daughter/son
3047 DV_PCPV_W_REL Physical violence committed by other relative Percentage of women for whom physical violence was committed by other relative
3048 DV_PCPV_W_MLW Physical violence committed by mother-in-law Percentage of women for whom physical violence was committed by mother-in-law
3049 DV_PCPV_W_FLW Physical violence committed by father-in-law Percentage of women for whom physical violence was committed by father-in-law
3050 DV_PCPV_W_OLW Physical violence committed by other in-law Percentage of women for whom physical violence was committed by other in-law
3051 DV_PCPV_W_TCH Physical violence committed by teacher Percentage of women for whom physical violence was committed by teacher
3052 DV_PCPV_W_EMP Physical violence committed by employer/someone at work Percentage of women for whom physical violence was committed by employer/someone at work
3053 DV_PCPV_W_POL Physical violence committed by police/soldier Percentage of women for whom physical violence was committed by police/soldier
3054 DV_PCPV_W_SCH Physical violence committed by schoolmate/classmate Percentage of women for whom physical violence was committed by schoolmate/classmate
3055 DV_PCPV_W_OTH Physical violence committed by other Percentage of women for whom physical violence was committed by other
3056 DV_PCPV_W_NUM Number of women who have experienced physical violence since age 15 Number of women who have experienced physical violence since age 15
3057 DV_PCPV_W_UNW Number of women who have experienced physical violence since age 15 (unweighted) Number of women who have experienced physical violence since age 15 (unweighted)
3058 DV_EXSV_W_EVR Women who ever experienced sexual violence Percentage of women who ever experienced sexual violence
3059 DV_EXSV_W_12M Women who experienced sexual violence in past 12 months Percentage of women who experienced sexual violence in past 12 months
3060 DV_EXSV_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
3061 DV_EXSV_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
3062 DV_ESVO_W_EVR Women who ever experienced sexual violence by someone other than a husband/intimate partner Percentage of women who ever experienced sexual violence by someone other than a husband/intimate partner
3063 DV_ESVO_W_12M Women who experienced sexual violence by someone other than a husband/intimate partner in past 12 months Percentage of women who experienced sexual violence in past 12 months by someone other than a husband/intimate partner
3064 DV_ESVO_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
3065 DV_ESVO_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
3066 DV_PCSV_W_CHP Sexual violence committed by current husband/partner Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by current husband or partner
3067 DV_PCSV_W_FHP Sexual violence committed by former husband/partner Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by former husband or partner
3068 DV_PCSV_W_BFR Sexual violence committed by current/former boyfriend Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by current/former boyfriend
3069 DV_PCSV_W_FTH Sexual violence committed by father/step-father Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by father/step-father
3070 DV_PCSV_W_BRH Sexual violence committed by brother/step-brother Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by brother/step-brother
3071 DV_PCSV_W_REL Sexual violence committed by other relative Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by other relative
3072 DV_PCSV_W_ILW Sexual violence committed by in-law Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by in-law
3073 DV_PCSV_W_OFR Sexual violence committed by own friend/acquaintance Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by own friend/acquaintance
3074 DV_PCSV_W_FFR Sexual violence committed by family friend Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by family friend
3075 DV_PCSV_W_TCH Sexual violence committed by teacher Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by teacher
3076 DV_PCSV_W_EMP Sexual violence committed by employer/someone at work Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by employer/someone at work
3077 DV_PCSV_W_POL Sexual violence committed by police/soldier Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by police/soldier
3078 DV_PCSV_W_RLG Sexual violence committed by priest/religious leader Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by priest/religious leader
3079 DV_PCSV_W_STR Sexual violence committed by stranger Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by stranger
3080 DV_PCSV_W_SCH Sexual violence committed by schoolmate/classmate Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by schoolmate/classmate
3081 DV_PCSV_W_OTH Sexual violence committed by other Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by other
3082 DV_PCSV_W_DKM Unknown or missing information for person committing sexual violence Percentage of women for whom unknown or missing information for person committing sexual violence
3083 DV_PCSV_W_NUM Number of women who have experienced sexual violence Number of women who have experienced sexual violence
3084 DV_PCSV_W_UNW Number of women who have experienced sexual violence (unweighted) Number of women who have experienced sexual violence (unweighted)
3085 DV_PPSV_W_CHP Sexual violence committed by current husband/partner Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by current husband/partner
3086 DV_PPSV_W_DKM Unknown or missing information for person committing sexual violence Percentage of women for whom unknown or missing information for person committing sexual violence
3087 DV_PPSV_W_FHP Sexual violence committed by former husband/partner Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by former husband/partner
3088 DV_PPSV_W_BFR Sexual violence committed by current/former boyfriend Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by current/former boyfriend
3089 DV_PPSV_W_FTH Sexual violence committed by father/step-father Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by father/step-father
3090 DV_PPSV_W_BRH Sexual violence committed by brother/step-brother Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by brother/step-brother
3091 DV_PPSV_W_REL Sexual violence committed by other relative Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by other relative
3092 DV_PPSV_W_ILW Sexual violence committed by in-law Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by in-law
3093 DV_PPSV_W_OFR Sexual violence committed by own friend/acquaintance Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by own friend/acquaintance
3094 DV_PPSV_W_FFR Sexual violence committed by family friend Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by family friend
3095 DV_PPSV_W_TCH Sexual violence committed by teacher Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by teacher
3096 DV_PPSV_W_NUM Number of women who have experienced sexual violence Number of women who have experienced sexual violence
3097 DV_PPSV_W_UNW Number of women who have experienced sexual violence (unweighted) Number of women who have experienced sexual violence (unweighted)
3098 DV_PPSV_W_EMP Sexual violence committed by employer/someone at work Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by employer/someone at work
3099 DV_PPSV_W_POL Sexual violence committed by police/soldier Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by police/soldier
3100 DV_PPSV_W_RLG Sexual violence committed by priest/religious leader Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by priest/religious leader
3101 DV_PPSV_W_STR Sexual violence committed by stranger Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by stranger
3102 DV_PPSV_W_SCH Sexual violence committed by schoolmate/classmate Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by schoolmate/classmate
3103 DV_PPSV_W_OTH Sexual violence committed by other Percentage of women for whom sexual violence was committed by other
3104 DV_AFSV_W_A10 Sexual violence before exact age 10 Percentage of women who experienced sexual violence before exact age 10
3105 DV_AFSV_W_A12 Sexual violence before exact age 12 Percentage of women who experienced sexual violence before exact age 12
3106 DV_AFSV_W_A15 Sexual violence before exact age 15 Percentage of women who experienced sexual violence before exact age 15
3107 DV_AFSV_W_A18 Sexual violence before exact age 18 Percentage of women who experienced sexual violence before exact age 18
3108 DV_AFSV_W_A22 Sexual violence before exact age 22 Percentage of women who experienced sexual violence before exact age 22
3109 DV_AFSV_W_NON Never experienced sexual violence Percentage of women who never experienced sexual violence
3110 DV_AFSV_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
3111 DV_AFSV_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
3112 DV_FMVL_W_PHS Women who experienced physical violence only Percentage of women who experienced physical violence only
3113 DV_FMVL_W_SEX Women who experienced sexual violence only Percentage of women who experienced sexual violence only
3114 DV_FMVL_W_PAS Women who experienced physical and sexual violence Percentage of women who experienced physical and sexual violence
3115 DV_FMVL_W_POS Women who experienced physical or sexual violence Percentage of women who experienced physical or sexual violence
3116 DV_FMVL_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
3117 DV_FMVL_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
3118 DV_VPRG_W_VPG Women who experienced violence during pregnancy Percentage of women who experienced violence during pregnancy
3119 DV_VPRG_W_NUM Number of women who have ever been pregnant Number of women who have ever been pregnant
3120 DV_VPRG_W_UNW Number of women who have ever been pregnant (unweighted) Number of women who have ever been pregnant (unweighted)
3121 DV_MCTL_W_JLS Women whose husband/partner is jealous or angry if she talks to other men Percentage of ever married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner whose husband/partner is jealous or angry if she talks to other men
3122 DV_MCTL_W_ACC Women whose husband/partner wrongly accuses her of being unfaithful Percentage of ever married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner whose husband/partner wrongly accuses her of being unfaithful
3123 DV_MCTL_W_FFR Women whose husband/partner does not permit her to meet her female friends Percentage of ever married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner whose husband/partner does not permit her to meet her female friends
3124 DV_MCTL_W_FAM Women whose husband/partner tries to limit her contact with her family Percentage of ever married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner whose husband/partner tries to limit her contact with her family
3125 DV_MCTL_W_WHR Women whose husband/partner insists on knowing where she is at all times Percentage of ever married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner whose husband/partner insists on knowing where she is at all times
3126 DV_MCTL_W_MON Women whose husband/partner does not trust her with any money Percentage of ever married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner whose husband/partner does not trust her with any money
3127 DV_MCTL_W_3BH Women whose husband/partner displays 3 or more of the specific behaviors Percentage of ever married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner whose husband/partner displays 3 or more of the specific behaviors
3128 DV_MCTL_W_NON Women whose husband/partner displays none of the specific behaviors Percentage of ever married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner whose husband/partner displays none of the specific behaviors
3129 DV_MCTL_W_NUM Number of ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner Ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner
3130 DV_MCTL_W_UNW Number of ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner (unweighted) Ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner (unweighted)
3131 DV_FSVL_W_JLS Women whose husband/partner is jealous or angry if she talks to other men Percentage of ever married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner whose husband/partner is jealous or angry if she talks to other men
3132 DV_FSVL_W_ACC Women whose husband/partner wrongly accuses her of being unfaithful Percentage of ever married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner whose husband/partner wrongly accuses her of being unfaithful
3133 DV_FSVL_W_FFR Women whose husband/partner does not permit her to meet her female friends Percentage of ever married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner whose husband/partner does not permit her to meet her female friends
3134 DV_FSVL_W_FAM Women whose husband/partner tries to limit her contact with her family Percentage of ever married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner whose husband/partner tries to limit her contact with her family
3135 DV_FSVL_W_WHR Women whose husband/partner insists on knowing where she is at all times Percentage of ever married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner whose husband/partner insists on knowing where she is at all times
3136 DV_FSVL_W_MON Women whose husband/partner does not trust her with any money Percentage of ever married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner whose husband/partner does not trust her with any money
3137 DV_FSVL_W_PHS Intimate partner violence: Any physical violence Percentage of ever married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner whose current or most recent husband/partner committed any physical violence
3138 DV_FSVL_W_PSH Intimate partner violence: Pushed her, shook her, or threw something at her Percentage of ever married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner whose current or most recent husband/partner pushed her, shook her, or threw something at her
3139 DV_FSVL_W_SLP Intimate partner violence: Slapped her Percentage of ever married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner whose current or most recent husband/partner slapped her
3140 DV_FSVL_W_TWS Intimate partner violence: Twisted her arm or pulled her hair Percentage of ever married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner whose current or most recent husband/partner twisted her arm or pulled her hair
3141 DV_FSVL_W_PCH Intimate partner violence: Punched her with his fist or with something that could hurt her Percentage of ever married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner whose current or most recent husband/partner punched her with his fist or with something that could hurt her
3142 DV_FSVL_W_KIK Intimate partner violence: Kicked her, dragged her, or beat her up Percentage of ever married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner whose current or most recent husband/partner kicked her, dragged her, or beat her up
3143 DV_FSVL_W_CHK Intimate partner violence: Tried to choke her or burn her on purpose Percentage of ever married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner whose current or most recent husband/partner tried to choke her or burn her on purpose
3144 DV_FSVL_W_KNF Intimate partner violence: Threatened or attacked her with a knife, gun, or other weapon Percentage of ever married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner whose current or most recent husband/partner threatened or attacked her with a knife, gun, or other weapon
3145 DV_FSVL_W_SEX Intimate partner violence: Any sexual violence Percentage of ever married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner whose current or most recent husband/partner committed any sexual violence
3146 DV_FSVL_W_FRC Intimate partner violence: Physically forced her to have sexual intercourse with him when she did not want to Percentage of ever married women or never married women whose current or most recent husband/partner physically forced her to have sexual intercourse with him when she did not want to
3147 DV_FSVL_W_ACT Intimate partner violence: Physically forced her to perform any other sexual acts she did not want to Percentage of ever married women or never married women whose current or most recent husband/partner physically forced her to perform any other sexual acts she did not want to
3148 DV_FSVL_W_SXO Intimate partner violence: Forced her with threats or in any other way to perform sexual acts she did not want to Percentage of ever married women or never married women whose current or most recent husband/partner forced her with threats or in any other way to perform sexual acts she did not want to
3149 DV_FSVL_W_EMT Intimate partner violence: Any emotional violence Percentage of ever married women or never married women whose current or most recent husband/partner committed any emotional violence
3150 DV_FSVL_W_HUM Intimate partner violence: Said or did something to humiliate her in front of others Percentage of ever married women or never married women whose current or most recent husband/partner said or did something to humiliate her in front of others
3151 DV_FSVL_W_HRT Intimate partner violence: Threatened to hurt or harm her or someone she cared about Percentage of ever married women or never married women whose current or most recent husband/partner threatened to hurt or harm her or someone she cared about
3152 DV_FSVL_W_BAD Intimate partner violence: Insulted her or made her feel bad about herself Percentage of ever married women or never married women whose current or most recent husband/partner insulted her or made her feel bad about herself
3153 DV_FSVL_W_CTR Intimate partner violence: At least three forms of controlling behaviors Percentage of ever married women or never married women whose current or most recent husband/partner committed at least three forms of controlling behaviors
3154 DV_FSVL_W_POS Intimate partner violence: Any form of physical and/or sexual violence Percentage of ever married women or never married women whose current or most recent husband/partner committed any form of physical and/or sexual violence
3155 DV_FSVL_W_ANY Intimate partner violence: Any form of emotional and/or physical and/or sexual violence Percentage of ever married women or never married women whose current or most recent husband/partner committed any form of emotional and/or physical and/or sexual violence
3156 DV_FSVL_W_EMO Intimate partner violence: Emotional violence Percentage of ever married women or never married women for whom any husband/partner committed any emotional violence
3157 DV_FSVL_W_PPH Intimate partner violence: Physical violence committed by any husband/partner Percentage of ever married women or never married women for whom any husband/partner committed any physical violence
3158 DV_FSVL_W_PSX Intimate partner violence: Sexual violence committed by any husband/partner Percentage of ever married women or never married women for whom any husband/partner committed any sexual violence
3159 DV_FSVL_W_PPS Intimate partner violence: Physical and/or sexual violence committed by any husband/partner Percentage of ever married women or never married women for whom any husband/partner committed any physical and/or sexual violence
3160 DV_FSVL_W_EPS Intimate partner violence: Emotional or physical or sexual violence Percentage of ever married women or never married women for whom any husband/partner committed any emotional or physical or sexual violence
3161 DV_FSVL_W_NUM Number of ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner Ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner
3162 DV_FSVL_W_UNW Number of ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner (unweighted) Ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner (unweighted)
3163 DV_SPVL_W_EMT Emotional violence committed by husband/partner Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have ever experienced emotional violence committed by their husband/partner
3164 DV_SPVL_W_PHS Physical violence committed by husband/partner Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have ever experienced physical violence committed by their husband/partner
3165 DV_SPVL_W_SEX Sexual violence committed by husband/partner Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have ever experienced sexual violence committed by their husband/partner
3166 DV_SPVL_W_PAS Physical and sexual violence committed by husband/partner Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have ever experienced physical and sexual violence committed by their husband/partner
3167 DV_SPVL_W_ALL Physical and sexual and emotional violence committed by husband/partner Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have ever experienced physical and sexual and emotional violence committed by their husband/partner
3168 DV_SPVL_W_POS Physical or sexual violence committed by husband/partner Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have ever experienced physical or sexual violence committed by their husband/partner
3169 DV_SPVL_W_ANY Physical or sexual or emotional violence committed by husband/partner Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have ever experienced physical or sexual or emotional violence committed by their husband/partner
3170 DV_SPVL_W_NUM Number of ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner Ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner
3171 DV_SPVL_W_UNW Number of ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner (unweighted) Ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner (unweighted)
3172 DV_SPV1_W_EMT Emotional violence committed by husband/partner in last 12 months Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have experienced emotional violence committed by their husband/partner in the 12 months preceding the survey
3173 DV_SPV1_W_PHS Physical violence committed by husband/partner in last 12 months Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have experienced physical violence committed by their husband/partner in the 12 months preceding the survey
3174 DV_SPV1_W_SEX Sexual violence committed by husband/partner in last 12 months Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have experienced sexual violence committed by their husband/partner in the 12 months preceding the survey
3175 DV_SPV1_W_PAS Physical and sexual violence committed by husband/partner in last 12 months Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have experienced physical and sexual violence committed by their husband/partner in the 12 months preceding the survey
3176 DV_SPV1_W_ALL Physical and sexual and emotional violence committed by husband/partner in last 12 months Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have experienced physical and sexual and emotional violence committed by their husband/partner in the 12 months preceding the survey
3177 DV_SPV1_W_POS Physical or sexual violence committed by husband/partner in last 12 months Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have experienced physical or sexual violence committed by their husband/partner in the 12 months preceding the survey
3178 DV_SPV1_W_ANY Physical or sexual or emotional violence committed by husband/partner in last 12 months Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have experienced physical or sexual or emotional violence committed by their husband/partner in the 12 months preceding the survey
3179 DV_SPV1_W_NUM Number of ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner Ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner
3180 DV_SPV1_W_UNW Number of ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner (unweighted) Ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner (unweighted)
3181 DV_SPVM_W_BEF Spousal violence before marriage Percentage of currently married women age 15-49 who have been married only once whose first experience of spousal physical or sexual violence was before marriage
3182 DV_SPVM_W_M2Y Spousal violence within 2 years of marriage Percentage of currently married women age 15-49 who have been married only once whose first experience of spousal physical or sexual violence was within two years of marriage
3183 DV_SPVM_W_M5Y Spousal violence within 5 years of marriage Percentage of currently married women age 15-49 who have been married only once whose first experience of spousal physical or sexual violence was within five years of marriage
3184 DV_SPVM_W_M10 Spousal violence within 10 years of marriage Percentage of currently married women age 15-49 who have been married only once whose first experience of spousal physical or sexual violence was within ten years of marriage
3185 DV_SPVM_W_NON Spousal violence not experienced Percentage of currently married women age 15-49 who have been married only once and have not experienced spousal physical or sexual violence
3186 DV_SPVM_W_NUM Number of currently married women age 15-49 who have been married only once Number of currently married women age 15-49 who have been married only once
3187 DV_SPVM_W_UNW Number of currently married women age 15-49 who have been married only once (unweighted) Number of currently married women age 15-49 who have been married only once (unweighted)
3188 DV_INJR_W_CUT Cuts, bruises or aches resulting from spousal violence Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have experienced cuts, bruises or aches resulting from spousal violence
3189 DV_INJR_W_INJ Eye injuries, sprains, dislocations, or burns resulting from spousal violence Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have experienced eye injuries, sprains, dislocations, or burns resulting from spousal violence
3190 DV_INJR_W_WND Deep wounds, broken bones, broken teeth, or any other serious injury resulting from spousal violence Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have experienced deep wounds, broken bones, broken teeth, or any other serious injury resulting from spousal violence
3191 DV_INJR_W_ANY Any of these injuries resulting from spousal violence Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have experienced any of these injuries resulting from spousal violence
3192 DV_INJR_W_NUM Number of ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner who have ever experienced any physical or sexual violence Number of ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner who have ever experienced any physical or sexual violence
3193 DV_INJR_W_UNW Number of ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner who have ever experienced any physical or sexual violence (weighted) Number of ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner who have ever experienced any physical or sexual violence (weighted)
3194 DV_VIOW_W_EVR Committed physical violence against their husband/partner ever Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have committed physical violence against their husband/partner ever
3195 DV_VIOW_W_12M Committed physical violence against their husband/partner in past 12 months Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have committed physical violence against their husband/partner in past 12 months
3196 DV_VIOW_W_NUM Number of ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner Ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner
3197 DV_VIOW_W_UNW Number of ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner (unweighted) Ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner (unweighted)
3198 DV_STPV_W_HLP Sought help to stop violence Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have ever experienced any physical or sexual violence who sought help to stop violence
3199 DV_STPV_W_TLD Never sought help to stop violence, but told someone Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have ever experienced any physical or sexual violence who never sought help to stop violence, but told someone
3200 DV_STPV_W_NTL Never sought help to stop violence, and never told anyone Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have ever experienced any physical or sexual violence who never sought help to stop violence, and never told anyone
3201 DV_STPV_W_DKM Missing/don't know of ever seking help to stop violence Percentage of ever-married women who have ever experienced any physical or sexual violence with missing/don't know information on whether they ever sought help to stop violence
3202 DV_STPV_W_TOT Help seeking to stop violence: Total Percentage of ever-married women who have ever experienced any physical or sexual violence: total
3203 DV_STPV_W_NUM Number of ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner who have ever experienced any physical or sexual violence Number of ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner who have ever experienced any physical or sexual violence
3204 DV_STPV_W_UNW Number of ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner who have ever experienced any physical or sexual violence (unweighted) Number of ever-married women or never married who ever had an intimate partner who have ever experienced any physical or sexual violence (unweighted)
3205 DV_STPS_W_FAM Sought help to stop violence from own family Percentage of women who have experienced physical or sexual violence who sought help to stop violence from own family
3206 DV_STPS_W_HFM Sought help to stop violence from husband/partner's family Percentage of women who have experienced physical or sexual violence who sought help to stop violence from husband/partner's family
3207 DV_STPS_W_HSB Sought help to stop violence from current/former husband/intimate partner Percentage of women who have experienced physical or sexual violence who sought help to stop violence from current/former husband/intimate partner
3208 DV_STPS_W_BFR Sought help to stop violence from current/former boyfriend Percentage of women who have experienced physical or sexual violence who sought help to stop violence from current/former boyfriend
3209 DV_STPS_W_FRD Sought help to stop violence from friend Percentage of women who have experienced physical or sexual violence who sought help to stop violence from friend
3210 DV_STPS_W_NEI Sought help to stop violence from neighbor Percentage of women who have experienced physical or sexual violence who sought help to stop violence from neighbor
3211 DV_STPS_W_RLG Sought help to stop violence from religious leader Percentage of women who have experienced physical or sexual violence who sought help to stop violence from religious leader
3212 DV_STPS_W_DRM Sought help to stop violence from doctor/medical personnel Percentage of women who have experienced physical or sexual violence who sought help to stop violence from doctor/medical personnel
3213 DV_STPS_W_POL Sought help to stop violence from police Percentage of women who have experienced physical or sexual violence who sought help to stop violence from police
3214 DV_STPS_W_LWY Sought help to stop violence from lawyer Percentage of women who have experienced physical or sexual violence who sought help to stop violence from lawyer
3215 DV_STPS_W_SWO Sought help to stop violence from social work organization Percentage of women who have experienced physical or sexual violence who sought help to stop violence from social work organization
3216 DV_STPS_W_OTH Sought help to stop violence from other Percentage of women who have experienced physical or sexual violence who sought help to stop violence from other
3217 DV_STPS_W_NUM Number of women who have experienced violence and sought help Number of women who have experienced violence and sought help
3218 DV_STPS_W_UNW Number of women who have experienced violence and sought help (unweighted) Number of women who have experienced violence and sought help (unweighted)
3219 FG_KFCC_W_HFC Ever heard of female circumcision (women) Percentage of women who have ever heard of female circumcision
3220 FG_KFCC_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
3221 FG_KFCC_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
3222 FG_KFCC_M_HFC Ever heard of female circumcision (men) Percentage of men who have ever heard of female circumcision
3223 FG_KFCC_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
3224 FG_KFCC_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
3225 FG_PFCC_W_WCC Women circumcised (FGC) Percentage of women circumcised (women who experienced female genital cutting (FGM))
3226 FG_PFCC_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
3227 FG_PFCC_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
3228 FG_PFCT_W_CNF Circumcised women who were cut but no flesh was removed Percentage of circumcised women who were cut but no flesh was removed
3229 FG_PFCT_W_CFR Circumcised women who were cut and had flesh removed Percentage of circumcised women who were cut and had flesh removed
3230 FG_PFCT_W_SWN Circumcised women who were sewn closed Percentage of circumcised women who were sewn closed
3231 FG_PFCT_W_DKM Circumcised women with unknown or missing information on type of circumcision Percentage of circumcised women with unknown or missing information on type of circumcision
3232 FG_PFCT_W_TOT Circumcised women: total Percentage of circumcised women: total
3233 FG_PFCT_W_NUM Number of circumcised women Number of circumcised women
3234 FG_PFCT_W_UNW Number of circumcised women (unweighted) Number of circumcised women (unweighted)
3235 FG_AFCC_W_A00 Women circumcised before age 5 Percentage of women circumcised before age 5
3236 FG_AFCC_W_A05 Women circumcised at age 5-9 Percentage of women circumcised at age 5-9
3237 FG_AFCC_W_A10 Women circumcised at age 10-14 Percentage of women circumcised at age 10-14
3238 FG_AFCC_W_A15 Women circumcised at age 15+ Percentage of women circumcised at age 15+
3239 FG_AFCC_W_DKM Circumcised women with age at circumcision unknown or missing Percentage of circumcised women with age at circumcision unknown or missing
3240 FG_AFCC_W_TOT Circumcised women: total Percentage of circumcised women: total
3241 FG_AFCC_W_NUM Number of circumcised women Number of circumcised women
3242 FG_AFCC_W_UNW Number of circumcised women (unweighted) Number of circumcised women (unweighted)
3243 FG_ACCG_C_A00 Girls circumcised before age 1 Percentage of girls circumcised before age 1
3244 FG_ACCG_C_A01 Girls circumcised at age 1-4 Percentage of girls circumcised at age 1-4
3245 FG_ACCG_C_A05 Girls circumcised at age 5-9 Percentage of girls circumcised at age 5-9
3246 FG_ACCG_C_A10 Girls circumcised at age 10-14 Percentage of girls circumcised at age 10-14
3247 FG_ACCG_C_DKM Girls cicumcised, but age unknown/missing Percentage of girls cicumcised, but age at circumcision is unknown or missing
3248 FG_ACCG_C_NON Girls not circumcised Percentage of girls not circumcised
3249 FG_ACCG_C_TOT Girls: total Percentage of girls: total
3250 FG_ACCG_C_NUM Number of girls age 0-14 Number of girls age 0-14
3251 FG_ACCG_C_UNW Number of girls age 0-14 (unweighted) Number of girls age 0-14 (unweighted)
3252 FG_PFCG_C_GC1 Girls age 0-4 circumcised Percentage of girls age 0-4 circumcised
3253 FG_PFCG_C_NM1 Number of girls age 0-4 Number of girls age 0-4
3254 FG_PFCG_C_UN1 Number of girls age 0-4 (unweighted) Number of girls age 0-4 (unweighted)
3255 FG_PFCG_C_GC2 Girls age 5-9 circumcised Percentage of girls age 5-9 circumcised
3256 FG_PFCG_C_NM2 Number of girls age 5-9 Number of girls age 5-9
3257 FG_PFCG_C_UN2 Number of girls age 5-9 (unweighted) Number of girls age 5-9 (unweighted)
3258 FG_PFCG_C_GC3 Girls age 10-14 circumcised Percentage of girls age 10-14 circumcised
3259 FG_PFCG_C_NM3 Number of girls age 10-14 Number of girls age 10-14
3260 FG_PFCG_C_UN3 Number of girls age 10-14 (unweighted) Number of girls age 10-14 (unweighted)
3261 FG_PFCG_C_GC4 Girls age 0-14 circumcised Percentage of girls age 0-14 circumcised
3262 FG_PFCG_C_NM4 Number of girls age 0-14 Number of girls age 0-14
3263 FG_PFCG_C_UN4 Number of girls age 0-14 (unweighted) Number of girls age 0-14 (unweighted)
3264 FG_INFB_C_SWN Circumcised girls age 0-14 infibulated Percentage of circumcised girls age 0-14 infibulated
3265 FG_INFB_C_NSW Circumcised girls age 0-14 not infibulated Percentage of circumcised girls age 0-14 not infibulated
3266 FG_INFB_C_DKM Circumcised girls age 0-14 with unknown or missing information on infibulation Percentage of circumcised girls age 0-14 with unknown or missing information on infibulation
3267 FG_INFB_C_TOT Circumcised girls age 0-14: total Percentage of circumcised girls age 0-14: total
3268 FG_INFB_C_NUM Number of girls age 0-14 Number of girls age 0-14
3269 FG_INFB_C_UNW Number of girls age 0-14 (unweighted) Number of girls age 0-14 (unweighted)
3270 FG_PPCG_C_TRD Girls age 0-14 circumcised by a traditional agent Percentage of girls age 0-14 circumcised by a traditional agent
3271 FG_PPCG_C_NUM Number of girls age 0-14 circumcised Number of girls age 0-14 circumcised
3272 FG_PPCG_C_TCC Girls age 0-14 circumcised by a traditional circumciser Percentage of girls age 0-14 circumcised by a traditional circumciser
3273 FG_PPCG_C_UNW Number of girls age 0-14 circumcised (unweighted) Number of girls age 0-14 circumcised (unweighted)
3274 FG_PPCG_C_TBA Girls age 0-14 circumcised by a traditional birth attendant Percentage of girls age 0-14 circumcised by a traditional birth attendant
3275 FG_PPCG_C_OTR Girls age 0-14 circumcised by other traditional agent Percentage of girls age 0-14 circumcised by other traditional agent
3276 FG_PPCG_C_MED Girls age 0-14 circumcised by a medical professional Percentage of girls age 0-14 circumcised by a medical professional
3277 FG_PPCG_C_DOC Girls age 0-14 circumcised by a doctor Percentage of girls age 0-14 circumcised by a doctor
3278 FG_PPCG_C_NRS Girls age 0-14 circumcised by a nurse/midwife Percentage of girls age 0-14 circumcised by a nurse/midwife
3279 FG_PPCG_C_OHP Girls age 0-14 circumcised by other health professional Percentage of girls age 0-14 circumcised by other health professional
3280 FG_PPCG_C_DKM Girls age 0-14 circumcised with don't know or missing on the person who performed the circumcision Percentage of girls age 0-14 circumcised with Don't know or missing on the person who performed the circumcision
3281 FG_PPCG_C_TOT Girls age 0-14 circumcised: total Percentage of girls age 0-14 circumcised: total
3282 FG_PPCW_W_TRD Women circumcised by a traditional agent Percentage of women circumcised by a traditional agent
3283 FG_PPCW_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
3284 FG_PPCW_W_TCC Women circumcised by a traditional circumciser Percentage of women circumcised by a traditional circumciser
3285 FG_PPCW_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
3286 FG_PPCW_W_TBA Women circumcised by a traditional birth attendant Percentage of women circumcised by a traditional birth attendant
3287 FG_PPCW_W_OTR Women circumcised by other traditional agent Percentage of women circumcised by other traditional agent
3288 FG_PPCW_W_MED Women circumcised by a medical professional Percentage of women circumcised by a medical professional
3289 FG_PPCW_W_DOC Women circumcised by a doctor Percentage of women circumcised by a doctor
3290 FG_PPCW_W_NRS Women circumcised by a nurse/midwife Percentage of women circumcised by a nurse/midwife
3291 FG_PPCW_W_OHP Women circumcised by other health professional Percentage of women circumcised by other health professional
3292 FG_PPCW_W_OTH Women circumcised by other persons Percentage of women circumcised by other persons
3293 FG_PPCW_W_DKM Women circumcised with don't know/ missing on the person who performed the circumcision Percentage of women circumcised with don't know/ missing on the person who performed the circumcision
3294 FG_PPCW_W_TOT Women circumcised: total Percentage of women circumcised: total
3295 FG_OFCR_W_REQ Women's opinion that religion requires female circumcision Percentage of women whose opinion is that religion requires female circumcision
3296 FG_OFCR_W_NRQ Women's opinion that religion does not requires female circumcision Percentage of women whose opinion that religion does not requires female circumcision
3297 FG_OFCR_W_DKM Women that don't know if religion requires female circumcision Percentage of women that don't know if religion requires female circumcision
3298 FG_OFCR_W_TOT Women: Total Percentage of women: total
3299 FG_OFCR_W_NUM Number of women who have heard of female circumcision Number of women who have heard of female circumcision
3300 FG_OFCR_W_UNW Number of women who have heard of female circumcision (unweighted) Number of women who have heard of female circumcision (unweighted)
3301 FG_OFCR_M_REQ Men's opinion that religion requires female circumcision Percentage of men whose opinion is that religion requires female circumcision
3302 FG_OFCR_M_NRQ Men's opinion that religion does not requires female circumcision Percentage of men whose opinion that religion does not requires female circumcision
3303 FG_OFCR_M_DKM Men that don't know if religion requires female circumcision Percentage of men that don't know if religion requires female circumcision
3304 FG_OFCR_M_TOT Men: Total Percentage of men: total
3305 FG_OFCR_M_NUM Number of men who have heard of female circumcision Number of men who have heard of female circumcision
3306 FG_OFCR_M_UNW Number of men who have heard of female circumcision (unweighted) Number of men who have heard of female circumcision (unweighted)
3307 FG_OFCC_W_CNT Women who believe that female circumcision should be continued Percentage of women who believe that female circumcision should be continued
3308 FG_OFCC_W_NCN Women who believe that female circumcision should not be continued Percentage of women who believe that female circumcision should not be continued
3309 FG_OFCC_W_DKM Women who do not know whether female circumcision should be continued Percentage of women who do not know whether female circumcision should be continued
3310 FG_OFCC_W_TOT Women: Total Percentage of women: total
3311 FG_OFCC_W_NUM Number of women who have heard of female circumcision Number of women who have heard of female circumcision
3312 FG_OFCC_W_UNW Number of women who have heard of female circumcision (unweighted) Number of women who have heard of female circumcision (unweighted)
3313 FG_OFCC_M_CNT Men who believe that female circumcision should be continued Percentage of men who believe that female circumcision should be continued
3314 FG_OFCC_M_NCN Men who believe that female circumcision should not be continued Percentage of men who believe that female circumcision should not be continued
3315 FG_OFCC_M_DKM Men who do not know whether female circumcision should be continued Percentage of men who do not know whether female circumcision should be continued
3316 FG_OFCC_M_TOT Men: Total Percentage of men: total
3317 FG_OFCC_M_NUM Number of men who have heard of female circumcision Number of men who have heard of female circumcision
3318 FG_OFCC_M_UNW Number of men who have heard of female circumcision (unweighted) Number of men who have heard of female circumcision (unweighted)
3319 FI_EXFI_W_CEX Women currently experiencing fistula symptoms Percentage of women currently experiencing fistula symptoms
3320 FI_EXFI_W_PEX Women who are not currently, but have in the past, had fistula symptoms Percentage of women who are not currently, but have in the past, had fistula symptoms
3321 FI_EXFI_W_EEX Women who have ever experienced fistula symptoms Percentage of women who have ever experienced fistula symptoms
3322 FI_EXFI_W_HRD Women who have ever heard of fistula symptoms Percentage of women who have ever heard of fistula symptoms
3323 FI_EXFI_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
3324 FI_EXFI_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
3325 FI_RCFI_W_NBA Women who reported the cause of their fistula as a normal labor and delivery, baby born alive Percentage of women who reported the cause of their fistula as a normal labor and delivery, baby born alive
3326 FI_RCFI_W_NSB Women who reported the cause of their fistula as a normal labor and delivery, baby stillborn Percentage of women who reported the cause of their fistula as a normal labor and delivery, baby stillborn
3327 FI_RCFI_W_DBA Women who reported the cause of their fistula as a very difficult labor and delivery, baby born alive Percentage of women who reported the cause of their fistula as a very difficult labor and delivery, baby born alive
3328 FI_RCFI_W_DSB Women who reported the cause of their fistula as a very difficult labor and delivery, baby stillborn Percentage of women who reported the cause of their fistula as a very difficult labor and delivery, baby stillborn
3329 FI_RCFI_W_APS Women who reported the cause of their fistula as after pelvic surgery Percentage of women who reported the cause of their fistula as after pelvic surgery
3330 FI_RCFI_W_ASA Women who reported the cause of their fistula as after sexual assault Percentage of women who reported the cause of their fistula as after sexual assault
3331 FI_RCFI_W_INJ Women who reported the cause of their fistula as an other injury Percentage of women who reported the cause of their fistula as an other injury
3332 FI_RCFI_W_OTH Women who reported the cause of their fistula as something other Percentage of women who reported the cause of their fistula as something other
3333 FI_RCFI_W_DKM Women who don't know the cause of their fistula Percentage of women who don't know the cause of their fistula
3334 FI_RCFI_W_TOT Total Percentage of women total
3335 FI_RCFI_W_NUM Number of women with fistula-like symptoms Number of women with fistula-like symptoms
3336 FI_RCFI_W_UNW Number of women with fistula-like symptoms (unweighted) Number of women with fistula-like symptoms (unweighted)
3337 FI_DAFI_W_D00 Women who reported that fistula symptoms began 0-1 day after the reported cause Percentage of women who reported that fistula symptoms began 0-1 day after the reported cause after the reported cause
3338 FI_DAFI_W_D02 Women who reported that fistula symptoms began 2-4 days after the reported cause Percentage of women who reported that fistula symptoms began 2-4 days after the reported cause after the reported cause
3339 FI_DAFI_W_D05 Women who reported that fistula symptoms began 5-7 days after the reported cause Percentage of women who reported that fistula symptoms began 5-7 days after the reported cause after the reported cause
3340 FI_DAFI_W_D08 Women who reported that fistula symptoms began 8+ days after the reported cause Percentage of women who reported that fistula symptoms began 8+ days after the reported cause after the reported cause
3341 FI_DAFI_W_DKM Women who don't know when fistula symptoms began Percentage of women who don't know when fistula symptoms began
3342 FI_DAFI_W_TOT Total Percentage of women total
3343 FI_DAFI_W_NUM Number of women with fistula-like symptoms Number of women with fistula-like symptoms
3344 FI_DAFI_W_UNW Number of women with fistula-like symptoms (unweighted) Number of women with fistula-like symptoms (unweighted)
3345 FI_CSFI_W_TRT Women who sought treatment for fistula symptoms Percentage of women with fistula-like symptoms who sought treatment
3346 FI_CSFI_W_OPR Women who had an operation for fistula symptoms Percentage of women with fistula-like symptoms who had an operation
3347 FI_CSFI_W_NUM Number of women with fistula-like symptoms Number of women with fistula-like symptoms
3348 FI_CSFI_W_UNW Number of women with fistula-like symptoms (unweighted) Number of women with fistula-like symptoms (unweighted)
3349 FI_PVFT_W_DOC Women with fistula-like symptoms who sought treatment from a doctor Percentage of women with fistula-like symptoms who sought treatment from a doctor
3350 FI_PVFT_W_NUR Women with fistula-like symptoms who sought treatment from a nurse/midwife Percentage of women with fistula-like symptoms who sought treatment from a nurse/midwife
3351 FI_PVFT_W_VHW Women with fistula-like symptoms who sought treatment from a community/village health worker Percentage of women with fistula-like symptoms who sought treatment from a community/village health worker
3352 FI_PVFT_W_OTH Women with fistula-like symptoms who sought treatment from an other source Percentage of women with fistula-like symptoms who sought treatment from an other source
3353 FI_PVFT_W_DKM Women with fistula-like symptoms who don't their treatment source Percentage of women with fistula-like symptoms who don't their treatment source
3354 FI_PVFT_W_TOT Total Percentage of women total
3355 FI_OCFI_W_LSC Women with fistula-like symptoms whose treatment stopped leakage completely Percentage of women with fistula-like symptoms whose treatment stopped leakage completely
3356 FI_OCFI_W_LRS Women with fistula-like symptoms whose treatment reduced but did not stop leakage Percentage of women with fistula-like symptoms whose treatment reduced but did not stop leakage
3357 FI_OCFI_W_LNR Women with fistula-like symptoms whose treatment did not reduce leakage at all Percentage of women with fistula-like symptoms whose treatment did not reduce leakage at all
3358 FI_OCFI_W_DKM Women with fistula-like symptoms whose treatment outcome is missing Percentage of women with fistula-like symptoms whose treatment outcome is missing
3359 FI_OCFI_W_TOT Total Percentage of women total
3360 FI_OCFI_W_NUM Number of women with fistula-like symptoms who sought treatment Number of women with fistula-like symptoms who sought treatment
3361 FI_OCFI_W_UNW Number of women with fistula-like symptoms who sought treatment (unweighted) Number of women with fistula-like symptoms who sought treatment (unweighted)
3362 FI_NCFI_W_DKF Women with fistula-like symptoms who did not seek treatment because they did not know problem can be fixed Percentage of women with fistula-like symptoms who did not seek treatment because they did not know problem can be fixed
3363 FI_NCFI_W_DKW Women with fistula-like symptoms who did not seek treatment because they did not know where to go Percentage of women with fistula-like symptoms who did not seek treatment because they did not know where to go
3364 FI_NCFI_W_EXP Women with fistula-like symptoms who did not seek treatment because it was too expensive Percentage of women with fistula-like symptoms who did not seek treatment because it was too expensive
3365 FI_NCFI_W_FAR Women with fistula-like symptoms who did not seek treatment because it was too far Percentage of women with fistula-like symptoms who did not seek treatment because it was too far
3366 FI_NCFI_W_QOC Women with fistula-like symptoms who did not seek treatment because of poor quality of care Percentage of women with fistula-like symptoms who did not seek treatment because of poor quality of care
3367 FI_NCFI_W_PER Women with fistula-like symptoms who did not seek treatment because they could not get permission Percentage of women with fistula-like symptoms who did not seek treatment because they could not get permission
3368 FI_NCFI_W_EMB Women with fistula-like symptoms who did not seek treatment because of embarrassment Percentage of women with fistula-like symptoms who did not seek treatment because of embarrassment
3369 FI_NCFI_W_DIS Women with fistula-like symptoms who did not seek treatment because the problem disappeared Percentage of women with fistula-like symptoms who did not seek treatment because the problem disappeared
3370 FI_NCFI_W_OTH Women with fistula-like symptoms who did not seek treatment because of another reason Percentage of women with fistula-like symptoms who did not seek treatment because of another reason
3371 FI_NCFI_W_NUM Number of women with fistula-like symptoms who did not seek treatment Number of women with fistula-like symptoms who did not seek treatment
3372 FI_NCFI_W_UNW Number of women with fistula-like symptoms who did not seek treatment (unweighted) Number of women with fistula-like symptoms who did not seek treatment (unweighted)
3373 CP_BREG_C_CRT Children who had a birth certificate Percentage of children aged 0-4 who had a birth certificate
3374 CP_BREG_C_NCT Children who did not have a birth certificate but were registered Percentage of children aged 0-4 who did not have a birth certificate but have been registered with a civil authority
3375 CP_BREG_C_REG Children registered Percentage of children aged 0-4 whose births are reported registered.
3376 CP_BREG_C_NUM Number of children under 5 Number of children aged 0-4
3377 CP_BREG_C_UNW Number of children under 5 (unweighted) Number of children aged 0-4 (unweighted)
3378 CP_CDIS_C_NON Children 2-14 who experienced only non-violent discipline Percentage of children age 2-14 years who experienced only non-violent discipline
3379 CP_CDIS_C_PSY Children 2-14 who experienced psychological aggression Percentage of children age 2-14 years who experienced psychological aggression
3380 CP_CDIS_C_PHY Children 2-14 who experienced any physical punishment Percentage of children age 2-14 years who experienced any physical punishment
3381 CP_CDIS_C_SVP Children 2-14 who experienced severe physical punishment Percentage of children age 2-14 years who experienced severe physical punishment
3382 CP_CDIS_C_ANY Children 2-14 who experienced any violent discipline method Percentage of children age 2-14 years who experienced any violent discipline method
3383 CP_CDIS_C_NUM Number of children age 2-14 years Number of children age 2-14 years
3384 CP_CDIS_C_UNW Number of children age 2-14 years (unweighted) Number of children age 2-14 years (unweighted)
3385 CP_CDIS_C_PUN Respondent believes that the child needs to be physically punished Percentage of respondents that believe that the child needs to be physically punished
3386 CP_CDIS_C_NM1 Number of respondents to the child discipline module Number of respondents to the child discipline module
3387 CP_CDIS_C_UN1 Number of respondents to the child discipline module (unweighted) Number of respondents to the child discipline module (unweighted)
3388 CP_CLBC_C_PWK Children age 5-11 involved in paid work outside household Percentage of children age 5-11 years involved in paid work outside household
3389 CP_CLBC_C_UWK Children age 5-11 involved in unpaid work outside household Percentage of children age 5-11 years involved in unpaid work outside household
3390 CP_CLBC_C_FAM Children age 5-11 involved in working for family business Percentage of children age 5-11 years involved in working for family business
3391 CP_CLBC_C_ECA Children age 5-11 involved in economic activity for at least one hour Percentage of children age 5-11 years involved in economic activity for at least one hour
3392 CP_CLBC_C_CHR Children age 5-11 involved in household chores less than 28 hours Percentage of children age 5-11 years involved in household chores less than 28 hours
3393 CP_CLBC_C_CHM Children age 5-11 involved in household chores for 28 hours or more Percentage of children age 5-11 years involved in household chores for 28 hours or more
3394 CP_CLBC_C_CHL Children age 5-11 involved in child labor Percentage of children age 5-11 years involved in child labor
3395 CP_CLBC_C_NUM Number of children age 5-11 Number of children age 5-11
3396 CP_CLBC_C_UNW Number of children age 5-11 (unweighted) Number of children age 5-11 (unweighted)
3397 CP_CLBY_C_PWK Children age 12-14 involved in paid work outside household Percentage of children age 12-14 years involved in paid work outside household
3398 CP_CLBY_C_UWK Children age 12-14 involved in unpaid work outside household Percentage of children age 12-14 years involved in unpaid work outside household
3399 CP_CLBY_C_FAM Children age 12-14 involved in working for family business Percentage of children age 12-14 years involved in working for family business
3400 CP_CLBY_C_ECL Children age 12-14 involved in economic activity less than 14 hours Percentage of children age 12-14 years involved in economic activity less than 14 hours
3401 CP_CLBY_C_ECM Children age 12-14 involved in economic activity for 14 hours or more Percentage of children age 12-14 years involved in economic activity for 14 hours or more
3402 CP_CLBY_C_CHR Children age 12-14 involved in household chores less than 28 hours Percentage of children age 12-14 years involved in household chores less than 28 hours
3403 CP_CLBY_C_CHM Children age 12-14 involved in household chores for 28 hours or more Percentage of children age 12-14 years involved in household chores for 28 hours or more
3404 CP_CLBY_C_CHL Children age 12-14 involved in child labor Percentage of children age 12-14 years involved in child labor
3405 CP_CLBY_C_NUM Number of children age 12-14 Number of children age 12-14
3406 CP_CLBY_C_UNW Number of children age 12-14 (unweighted) Number of children age 12-14 (unweighted)
3407 CP_CLAB_C_CHL Children age 5-14 involved in child labor Percentage of children age 5-14 year involved in child labor
3408 CP_CLAB_C_NUM Number of children age 5-14 Number of children age 5-14
3409 CP_CLAB_C_UNW Number of children age 5-14 (unweighted) Number of children age 5-14 (unweighted)
3410 CP_CLBS_C_LAB Children age 5-14 involved in child labor Percentage of children age 5-14 years involved in child labor
3411 CP_CLBS_C_SCH Children age 5-14 attending school Percentage of children age 5-14 years attending school
3412 CP_CLBS_C_NM1 Number of children age 5-14 Number of children age 5-14
3413 CP_CLBS_C_UN1 Number of children age 5-14 (unweighted) Number of children age 5-14 (unweighted)
3414 CP_CLBS_C_LBS Child laborers age 5-14 who are attending school Perctange of children age 5-14 involved in child labor who are attending school
3415 CP_CLBS_C_NM2 Number of children age 5-14 involved in child labor Number of children age 5-14 involved in child labor
3416 CP_CLBS_C_UN2 Number of children age 5-14 involved in child labor (unweighted) Number of children age 5-14 involved in child labor (unweighted)
3417 CP_CLBS_C_SLB Children age 5-14 attending school who are involved in child labour Percentage of children age 5-14 attending school who are involved in child labour
3418 CP_CLBS_C_NM3 Number of children age 5-14 attending school Number of children age 5-14 attending school
3419 CP_CLBS_C_UN3 Number of children age 5-14 attending school (unweighted) Number of children age 5-14 attending school (unweighted)
3420 ED_SCHA_C_SCD Current school attendance rate of orphans aged 10-14 Current school attendance rate of orphans aged 10-14
3421 ED_SCHA_C_NMD Number of children with both parents deceased Number of de jure children aged 10-14 with both parents deceased
3422 ED_SCHA_C_UND Number of children with both parents deceased (unweighted) Number of de jure children aged 10-14 with both parents deceased (unweighted)
3423 ED_SCHA_C_SCA Current school attendance rate of children aged 10-14 both of whose parents are alive and who live with at least one parent Current school attendance rate of children aged 10-14 both of whose parents are alive and who live with at least one parent
3424 ED_SCHA_C_NMA Number of children with both parents alive and living with at least one parent Number of de jure children aged 10-14 with both parents alive and living with at least one parent
3425 ED_SCHA_C_UNA Number of children with both parents alive and living with at least one parent (unweighted) Number of de jure children aged 10-14 with both parents alive and living with at least one parent (unweighted)
3426 ED_SCHA_C_SCR Ratio of orphans to non-orphans who are in school - mother, father or both dead Ratio of orphaned children aged 10-14 (who have lost either parent) in a household survey who are currently attending school to non-orphaned children the same age who are attending school.
3427 ED_EDAT_W_NED Female population age 6 and over with no education Percentage of the de facto female household population age 6 and over with no education
3428 ED_EDAT_W_SPR Female population age 6 and over with some primary education Percentage of the de facto female household population age 6 and over with no education education
3429 ED_EDAT_W_CPR Female population age 6 and over with completed primary education Percentage of the de facto female household population age 6 and over with some primary education
3430 ED_EDAT_W_SSC Female population age 6 and over with some secondary education Percentage of the de facto female household population age 6 and over with completed primary education
3431 ED_EDAT_W_CSC Female population age 6 and over with completed secondary education Percentage of the de facto female household population age 6 and over with some secondary education
3432 ED_EDAT_W_HGH Female population age 6 and over who attended higher education Percentage of the de facto female household population age 6 and over who attended higher education
3433 ED_EDAT_W_DKM Female population age 6 and over with don't know or missing information on level of education Percentage of the de facto female household population age 6 and over with 'don't know' or missing information on education
3434 ED_EDAT_W_TOT Female population age 6 and over: Total Percentage of the de facto female household population age 6 and over: Total
3435 ED_EDAT_W_PRI Female population age 6 and over who attended primary education Percentage of the de facto female household population age 6 and over who attended primary education
3436 ED_EDAT_W_SEC Female population age 6 and over who attended secondary education Percentage of the de facto female household population age 6 and over who attended secondary education
3437 ED_EDAT_W_NUM Number of female household members age 6 and over Number of de facto female household members age 6 and over
3438 ED_EDAT_W_UNW Number of female household members age 6 and over (unweighted) Number of de facto female household members age 6 and over (unweighted)
3439 ED_EDAT_W_MYR Median number of years of education: Female Median number of years of education: Female
3440 ED_EDAT_M_NED Male population age 6 and over with no education Percentage of the de facto male household population age 6 and over with no education
3441 ED_EDAT_M_SPR Male population age 6 and over with some primary education Percentage of the de facto male household population age 6 and over with no education education
3442 ED_EDAT_M_CPR Male population age 6 and over with completed primary education Percentage of the de facto male household population age 6 and over with some primary education
3443 ED_EDAT_M_SSC Male population age 6 and over with some secondary education Percentage of the de facto male household population age 6 and over with completed primary education
3444 ED_EDAT_M_CSC Male population age 6 and over with completed secondary education Percentage of the de facto male household population age 6 and over with some secondary education
3445 ED_EDAT_M_HGH Male population age 6 and over who attended higher education Percentage of the de facto male household population age 6 and over who attended higher education
3446 ED_EDAT_M_DKM Male population age 6 and over with don't know or missing information on level of education Percentage of the de facto male household population age 6 and over with 'don't know' or missing information on education
3447 ED_EDAT_M_TOT Male population age 6 and over: Total Percentage of the de facto male household population age 6 and over: Total
3448 ED_EDAT_M_PRI Male population age 6 and over who attended primary education Percentage of the de facto male household population age 6 and over who attended primary education
3449 ED_EDAT_M_SEC Male population age 6 and over who attended secondary education Percentage of the de facto male household population age 6 and over who attended secondary education
3450 ED_EDAT_M_NUM Number of male household members age 6 and over Number of de facto male household members age 6 and over
3451 ED_EDAT_M_UNW Number of male household members age 6 and over (unweighted) Number of de facto male household members age 6 and over (unweighted)
3452 ED_EDAT_M_MYR Median number of years of education: Male Median number of years of education: Male
3453 ED_EDAT_B_NED Population age 6 and over with no education Percentage of the de facto household population age 6 and over with no education
3454 ED_EDAT_B_SPR Population age 6 and over with some primary education Percentage of the de facto household population age 6 and over with no education education
3455 ED_EDAT_B_CPR Population age 6 and over with completed primary education Percentage of the de facto household population age 6 and over with some primary education
3456 ED_EDAT_B_SSC Population age 6 and over with some secondary education Percentage of the de facto household population age 6 and over with completed primary education
3457 ED_EDAT_B_CSC Population age 6 and over with completed secondary education Percentage of the de facto household population age 6 and over with some secondary education
3458 ED_EDAT_B_HGH Population age 6 and over who attended higher education Percentage of the de facto household population age 6 and over who attended higher education
3459 ED_EDAT_B_DKM Population age 6 and over with don't know or missing information on level of education Percentage of the de facto household population age 6 and over with 'don't know' or missing information on education
3460 ED_EDAT_B_TOT Population age 6 and over: Total Percentage of the de facto household population age 6 and over: Total
3461 ED_EDAT_B_PRI Population age 6 and over who attended primary education Percentage of the de facto household population age 6 and over who attended primary education
3462 ED_EDAT_B_SEC Population age 6 and over who attended secondary education Percentage of the de facto household population age 6 and over who attended secondary education
3463 ED_EDAT_B_NUM Number of household members age 6 and over Number of de facto household members age 6 and over
3464 ED_EDAT_B_UNW Number of household members age 6 and over (unweighted) Number of de facto household members age 6 and over (unweighted)
3465 ED_EDAT_B_MYR Median number of years of education: Both sexes Median number of years of education
3466 ED_NARP_W_FEM Net primary school attendance rate: Female Percentage of primary school age girls attending primary school
3467 ED_NARP_M_MAL Net primary school attendance rate: Male Percentage of primary school age boys attending primary school
3468 ED_NARP_B_BTH Net primary school attendance rate: Total Percentage of primary school age children attending primary school
3469 ED_NARP_B_GPI Gender parity index for net primary school attendance The ratio of the net primary school attendance rate for girls to the net primary school attendance rate for boys
3470 ED_GARP_W_FEM Gross primary school attendance rate: Female Percentage of females of primary school age attending primary level
3471 ED_GARP_M_MAL Gross primary school attendance rate: Male Percentage of males of primary school age attending primary level
3472 ED_GARP_B_BTH Gross primary school attendance rate: Total Percentage of children of primary school age attending primary level
3473 ED_GARP_B_GPI Gross parity index for gross primary school attendance The ratio of the gross primary school attendance rate for girls to the gross primary school attendance rate for boys
3474 ED_NARS_W_FEM Net secondary school attendance rate: Female Percentage of secondary school age girls attending secondary school
3475 ED_NARS_M_MAL Net secondary school attendance rate: Male Percentage of secondary school age boys attending secondary school
3476 ED_NARS_B_BTH Net secondary school attendance rate: Total Percentage of secondary school age children attending secondary school
3477 ED_NARS_B_GPI Gender parity index for net secondary school attendance The ratio of the net secondary school attendance rate for girls to the net secondary school attendance rate for boys
3478 ED_GARS_W_FEM Gross secondary school attendance rate: Female Percentage of females of secondary school age attending secondary level
3479 ED_GARS_M_MAL Gross secondary school attendance rate: Male Percentage of males of secondary school age attending secondary level
3480 ED_GARS_B_BTH Gross secondary school attendance rate: Total Percentage of children of secondary school age attending secondary level
3481 ED_GARS_B_GPI Gross parity index for gross secondary school attendance The ratio of the gross secondary school attendance rate for girls to the gross secondary school attendance rate for boys
3482 ED_EEDP_C_ECE Children attending an early childhood education program Percentage of children attending an early childhood education program
3483 ED_EEDP_C_PRM Children attending primary school Percentage of children attending primary school
3484 ED_EEDP_C_NON Children attending neither an early childhood education program nor primary school Percentage of children attending neither an early childhood education program nor primary school
3485 ED_EEDP_C_TOT Total Percentage of children: Total
3486 ED_EEDP_C_NAR Adjusted net attendance ratio for organized learning The adjusted net attendance ratio (NAR) to organized learning is the percentage of children of age one year younger than official primary school entry age (at the beginning of school year) who are attending early childhood education or primary school.
3487 ED_EEDP_C_NUM Number of children age 1 year below the school starting age at the beginning of the school year Number of children age 1 year below the school starting age at the beginning of the school year
3488 ED_EEDP_C_UNW Unweighted number of children age 1 year below the school starting age at the beginning of the school year Number of children age 1 year below the school starting age at the beginning of the school year (unweighted)
3489 ED_EDUC_W_NED Women with no education Percentage of women with no education
3490 ED_EDUC_W_SPR Women with some primary education Percentage of women with some primary education
3491 ED_EDUC_W_CPR Women with completed primary education Percentage of women with completed primary education
3492 ED_EDUC_W_SSC Women with some secondary education Percentage of women with some secondary education
3493 ED_EDUC_W_CSC Women with completed secondary education Percentage of women with completed secondary education
3494 ED_EDUC_W_HGH Women with more than secondary education Percentage of women with more than secondary education
3495 ED_EDUC_W_DKM Women with don't know or missing information on level of education Percentage of women with 'don't know' or missing information on level of education
3496 ED_EDUC_W_TOT Women: Total Percentage of women: Total
3497 ED_EDUC_W_PRI Women with primary education Percentage of women with primary education
3498 ED_EDUC_W_SEH Women with secondary or higher education Percentage of women with secondary or higher education
3499 ED_EDUC_W_MYR Median years of education completed [Women] Median number of years of education completed by women
3500 ED_EDUC_W_NUM Number of women Number of women aged 15-49
3501 ED_EDUC_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women aged 15-49 (unweighted)
3502 ED_EDUC_M_NED Men with no education Percentage of men with no education
3503 ED_EDUC_M_SPR Men with some primary education Percentage of men with some primary education
3504 ED_EDUC_M_CPR Men with completed primary education Percentage of men with completed primary education
3505 ED_EDUC_M_SSC Men with some secondary education Percentage of men with some secondary education
3506 ED_EDUC_M_CSC Men with completed secondary education Percentage of men with completed secondary education
3507 ED_EDUC_M_HGH Men with more than secondary education Percentage of men with more than secondary education
3508 ED_EDUC_M_DKM Men with don't know or missing information on education Percentage of men with 'don't know' or missing information on education
3509 ED_EDUC_M_TOT Men's education: Total Percentage of men: Total
3510 ED_EDUC_M_PRI Men with primary education Percentage of men with primary education
3511 ED_EDUC_M_SEH Men with secondary or higher education Percentage of men with secondary or higher education
3512 ED_EDUC_M_MYR Median years of education completed [Men] Median number of years of education completed by men
3513 ED_EDUC_M_NUM Number of men Number of men aged 15-49(54,59)
3514 ED_EDUC_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men aged 15-49(54,59) (unweighted)
3515 ED_LITR_W_SCH Women with secondary or higher education Percentage of women with secondary or higher education
3516 ED_LITR_W_RDW Women who can read a whole sentence Percentage of women who can read a whole sentence
3517 ED_LITR_W_RDP Women who can read part of a sentence Percentage of women who can read part of a sentence
3518 ED_LITR_W_NRD Women who cannot read at all Percentage of women who cannot read at all
3519 ED_LITR_W_NCD Women for whom no card with required language was available Percentage of women for whom no card with required language was available
3520 ED_LITR_W_BLD Women who are blind/visually impaired Percentage of women who are blind or visually impaired and unable to read
3521 ED_LITR_W_MIS Women with missing information on literacy Women with missing information on literacy
3522 ED_LITR_W_TOT Women's literacy: Total Percentage of women: Total
3523 ED_LITR_W_LIT Women who are literate Percentage of women who are literate
3524 ED_LITR_W_NUM Number of women Number of women aged 15-49
3525 ED_LITR_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women aged 15-49 (unweighted)
3526 ED_LITR_M_SCH Men with secondary or higher education Percentage of men with secondary or higher education
3527 ED_LITR_M_RDW Men who can read a whole sentence Percentage of men who can read a whole sentence
3528 ED_LITR_M_RDP Men who can read part of a sentence Percentage of men who can read part of a sentence
3529 ED_LITR_M_NRD Men who cannot read at all Percentage of men who cannot read at all
3530 ED_LITR_M_NCD Men for whom no card with required language was available Percentage of men for whom no card with required language was available
3531 ED_LITR_M_BLD Men who are blind/visually impaired Percentage of men who are blind or visually impaired and unable to read
3532 ED_LITR_M_MIS Men with missing information on literacy men with missing information on literacy
3533 ED_LITR_M_TOT Men's literacy: Total Percentage of men: Total
3534 ED_LITR_M_LIT Men who are literate Percentage of men who are literate
3535 ED_LITR_M_NUM Number of men Number of men aged 15-49(54,59)
3536 ED_LITR_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men aged 15-49(54,59) (unweighted)
3537 ED_LITY_W_SCH Young women with secondary or higher education Percentage of young women with secondary or higher education
3538 ED_LITY_W_RDW Young women who can read a whole sentence Percentage of young women who can read a whole sentence
3539 ED_LITY_W_RDP Young women who can read part of a sentence Percentage of young women who can read part of a sentence
3540 ED_LITY_W_NRD Young women who cannot read at all Percentage of young women who cannot read at all
3541 ED_LITY_W_NCD Young women for whom no card with required language was available Percentage of young women for whom no card with required language was available
3542 ED_LITY_W_BLD Young women who are blind/visually impaired Percentage of young women who are blind or visually impaired and unable to read
3543 ED_LITY_W_MIS Young women with missing information on literacy Young women with missing information on literacy
3544 ED_LITY_W_TOT Young women's literacy: Total Percentage of young women: Total
3545 ED_LITY_W_LIT Young women who are literate Percentage of young women who are literate
3546 ED_LITY_W_NUM Number of young women Number of young women aged 15-24
3547 ED_LITY_W_UNW Number of young women (unweighted) Number of young women aged 15-24 (unweighted)
3548 ED_LITY_M_SCH Young men with secondary or higher education Percentage of young men with secondary or higher education
3549 ED_LITY_M_RDW Young men who can read a whole sentence Percentage of young men who can read a whole sentence
3550 ED_LITY_M_RDP Young men who can read part of a sentence Percentage of young men who can read part of a sentence
3551 ED_LITY_M_NRD Young men who cannot read at all Percentage of young men who cannot read at all
3552 ED_LITY_M_NCD Young men for whom no card with required language was available Percentage of young men for whom no card with required language was available
3553 ED_LITY_M_BLD Young men who are blind/visually impaired Percentage of young men who are blind or visually impaired and unable to read
3554 ED_LITY_M_MIS Young men with missing information on literacy Young men with missing information on literacy
3555 ED_LITY_M_TOT Young men's literacy: Total Percentage of young men: Total
3556 ED_LITY_M_LIT Young men who are literate Percentage of young men who are literate
3557 ED_LITY_M_NUM Number of young men Number of young men aged 15-24
3558 ED_LITY_M_UNW Number of young men (unweighted) Number of young men aged 15-24 (unweighted)
3559 ED_MDIA_W_NWS Women who read a newspaper at least once a week Percentage of women who read a newspaper at least once a week
3560 ED_MDIA_W_TLV Women who watch television at least once a week Percentage of women who watch television at least once a week
3561 ED_MDIA_W_RDO Women who listen to the radio at least once a week Percentage of women who listen to the radio at least once a week
3562 ED_MDIA_W_3MD Women with access to newspaper, television and radio at least once a week Percentage of women with access to newspaper, television and radio at least once a week
3563 ED_MDIA_W_N3M Women with no access to mass media Percentage of women with no access to mass media
3564 ED_MDIA_W_NUM Number of women Number of women aged 15-49
3565 ED_MDIA_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women aged 15-49 (unweighted)
3566 ED_MDIA_M_NWS Men who read a newspaper at least once a week Percentage of men who read a newspaper at least once a week
3567 ED_MDIA_M_TLV Men who watch television at least once a week Percentage of men who watch television at least once a week
3568 ED_MDIA_M_RDO Men who listen to the radio at least once a week Percentage of men who listen to the radio at least once a week
3569 ED_MDIA_M_3MD Men with access to newspaper, television and radio at least once a week Percentage of men with access to newspaper, television and radio at least once a week
3570 ED_MDIA_M_N3M Men with no access to mass media Percentage of men with no access to mass media
3571 ED_MDIA_M_NUM Number of men Number of men aged 15-49(54,59)
3572 ED_MDIA_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men aged 15-49(54,59) (unweighted)
3573 EM_EMPL_W_EMC Women who worked in the last 12 months and are currently Percentage of women who worked in the 12 months preceding the survey and are working currently
3574 EM_EMPL_W_ENC Women who worked in the last 12 months, but not currently Percentage of women who worked in the 12 months preceding the survey, but are not working currently
3575 EM_EMPL_W_N12 Women who did no work in the last 12 months Percentage of women who did no work in the 12 months preceding the survey
3576 EM_EMPL_W_DKM Women with don't know or missing information on whether they worked in the last 12 months Percentage of women with 'don't know' or missing information on whether they worked in the last 12 months
3577 EM_EMPL_W_TOT Women : Total Percentage of women: Total
3578 EM_EMPL_W_NUM Number of women Number of women aged 15-49
3579 EM_EMPL_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women aged 15-49 (unweighted)
3580 EM_EMPL_M_EMC Men who worked in the last 12 months and are currently Percentage of men who worked in the 12 months preceding the survey and are working currently
3581 EM_EMPL_M_ENC Men who worked in the last 12 months, but not currently Percentage of men who worked in the 12 months preceding the survey, but are not working currently
3582 EM_EMPL_M_N12 Men who did no work in the last 12 months Percentage of men who did no work in the 12 months preceding the survey
3583 EM_EMPL_M_DKM Men with don't know or missing information on whether they worked in the last 12 months Percentage of men with 'don't know' or missing information on whether they worked in the last 12 months
3584 EM_EMPL_M_TOT Men : Total Percentage of men: Total
3585 EM_EMPL_M_NUM Number of men Number of men aged 15-49(54,59)
3586 EM_EMPL_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men aged 15-49(54,59) (unweighted)
3587 EM_OCCP_W_PRO Women's occupation: Professional, technical, managerial Percentage of women employed in the 12 months before the survey whose occupation is professional, technical, managerial
3588 EM_OCCP_W_CLR Women's occupation: Clerical Percentage of women employed in the 12 months before the survey whose occupation is clerical
3589 EM_OCCP_W_SAL Women's occupation: Sales, services Percentage of women employed in the 12 months before the survey whose occupation is sales, services
3590 EM_OCCP_W_MNS Women's occupation: Skilled manual Percentage of women employed in the 12 months before the survey whose occupation is skilled manual
3591 EM_OCCP_W_MNU Women's occupation: Unskilled manual Percentage of women employed in the 12 months before the survey whose occupation is unskilled manual
3592 EM_OCCP_W_DOM Women's occupation: Household & domestic Percentage of women employed in the 12 months before the survey whose occupation is household & domestic
3593 EM_OCCP_W_AGR Women's occupation: Agriculture Percentage of women employed in the 12 months before the survey whose occupation is in agriculture
3594 EM_OCCP_W_OTH Women's occupation: Other Percentage of women employed in the 12 months before the survey whose occupation is other
3595 EM_OCCP_W_DKM Women with don't know or missing information on occupation Percentage of women employed in the 12 months before the survey with 'don't know' or missing information on occupation
3596 EM_OCCP_W_TOT Women's occupation: Total Percentage of women employed in the 12 months before the survey: Total
3597 EM_OCCP_W_NUM Number of women employed in the last 12 months Number of women employed in the 12 months before the survey
3598 EM_OCCP_W_UNW Number of women employed in the last 12 months (unweighted) Number of women employed in the 12 months before the survey (unweighted)
3599 EM_OCCP_M_PRO Men's occupation: Professional, technical, managerial Percentage of men employed in the 12 months before the survey whose occupation is professional, technical, managerial
3600 EM_OCCP_M_CLR Men's occupation: Clerical Percentage of men employed in the 12 months before the survey whose occupation is clerical
3601 EM_OCCP_M_SAL Men's occupation: Sales, services Percentage of men employed in the 12 months before the survey whose occupation is sales, services
3602 EM_OCCP_M_MNS Men's occupation: Skilled manual Percentage of men employed in the 12 months before the survey whose occupation is skilled manual
3603 EM_OCCP_M_MNU Men's occupation: Unskilled manual Percentage of men employed in the 12 months before the survey whose occupation is unskilled manual
3604 EM_OCCP_M_DOM Men's occupation: Household & domestic Percentage of men employed in the 12 months before the survey whose occupation is household & domestic
3605 EM_OCCP_M_AGR Men's occupation: Agriculture Percentage of men employed in the 12 months before the survey whose occupation is in agriculture
3606 EM_OCCP_M_OTH Men's occupation: Other Percentage of men employed in the 12 months before the survey whose occupation is other
3607 EM_OCCP_M_DKM Men with don't know or missing information on occupation Percentage of men employed in the 12 months before the survey with 'don't know' or missing information on occupation
3608 EM_OCCP_M_TOT Men's occupation: Total Percentage of men employed in the 12 months before the survey: Total
3609 EM_OCCP_M_NUM Number of men employed in the last 12 months Number of men employed in the 12 months before the survey
3610 EM_OCCP_M_UNW Number of men employed in the last 12 months (unweighted) Number of men employed in the 12 months before the survey (unweighted)
3611 EM_EMPT_W_CSH Women who worked for cash only Percentage of women employed in the 12 months before the survey who worked for cash only
3612 EM_EMPT_W_CAK Women who worked for cash and in-kind payment Percentage of women employed in the 12 months before the survey who worked for cash and in-kind payment
3613 EM_EMPT_W_KND Women who worked for in-kind payment only Percentage of women employed in the 12 months before the surveywho worked for in-kind payment only
3614 EM_EMPT_W_NPD Women who worked unpaid Percentage of women employed in the 12 months before the surveywho worked unpaid
3615 EM_EMPT_W_CMS Women with missing information on type of earnings Percentage of women employed in the 12 months before the survey with missing information on type of earnings
3616 EM_EMPT_W_FAM Women employed by family member Percentage of women employed in the 12 months preceding the survey employed by family member
3617 EM_EMPT_W_NFM Women employed by non-family member Percentage of women employed in the 12 months preceding the survey employed by non-family member
3618 EM_EMPT_W_SEM Women self-employed Percentage of women employed in the 12 months preceding the survey self-employed
3619 EM_EMPT_W_EMS Women with missing information on type of employer Percentage of women employed in the 12 months preceding the survey with missing information on type of employer
3620 EM_EMPT_W_AYR Women who worked all year Percentage of women who worked all year
3621 EM_EMPT_W_SES Women who worked seasonally Percentage of women who worked seasonally
3622 EM_EMPT_W_OCC Women who worked occasionally Percentage of women who worked occassionally
3623 EM_EMPT_W_TMS Women with don't know or missing information on recent work Percentage of women with 'don't know' or missing information on recent work
3624 EM_EMPT_W_TTO Women: Total Percentage of women: Total
3625 EM_EMPT_W_NUM Number of women employed during the past 12 months Number of women employed during the past 12 months
3626 EM_EMPT_W_UNW Number of women employed in the last 12 months (unweighted) Number of women employed in the 12 months before the survey (unweighted)
3627 EM_EMPM_W_EMP Married women employed in the last 12 months Percentage of currently married or in union women employed in the 12 months preceding the survey
3628 EM_EMPM_W_NUM Number of married women Number of currently married or in union women
3629 EM_EMPM_W_UNW Number of married women (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women (unweighted)
3630 EM_EMPM_M_EMP Married men employed in the last 12 months Percentage of currently married or in union men employed in the 12 months preceding the survey
3631 EM_EMPM_M_NUM Number of married men Number of currently married or in union men
3632 EM_EMPM_M_UNW Number of married men (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union men (unweighted)
3633 EM_ERNM_W_CSH Married women who worked for cash only Percentage of currently married or in union women employed in the 12 months before the survey who worked for cash only
3634 EM_ERNM_W_CAK Married women who worked for cash and in-kind payment Percentage of currently married or in union women employed in the 12 months before the survey who worked for cash and in-kind payment
3635 EM_ERNM_W_KND Married women who worked for in-kind payment only Percentage of currently married or in union women employed in the 12 months before the surveywho worked for in-kind payment only
3636 EM_ERNM_W_NPD Married women who worked unpaid Percentage of currently married or in union women employed in the 12 months before the surveywho worked unpaid
3637 EM_ERNM_W_DKM Married women with missing information on type of earnings Percentage of currently married or in union women employed in the 12 months before the survey with missing information on type of earnings
3638 EM_ERNM_W_TOT Married women: Total Percentage of currently married or in union women employed in the 12 months before the survey: Total
3639 EM_ERNM_W_NM1 Number of married women employed in the last 12 months receiving cash earnings Number of currently married or in union women employed in the 12 months preceding the survey receiving cash earnings
3640 EM_ERNM_W_UN1 Number of married women employed in the last 12 months receiving cash earnings (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women employed in the 12 months preceding the survey receiving cash earnings (unweighted)
3641 EM_ERNM_M_CSH Married men who worked for cash only Percentage of currently married or in union men employed in the 12 months before the survey who worked for cash only
3642 EM_ERNM_M_CAK Married men who worked for cash and in-kind payment Percentage of currently married or in union men employed in the 12 months before the survey who worked for cash and in-kind payment
3643 EM_ERNM_M_KND Married men who worked for in-kind payment only Percentage of currently married or in union men employed in the 12 months before the surveywho worked for in-kind payment only
3644 EM_ERNM_M_NPD Married men who worked unpaid Percentage of currently married or in union men employed in the 12 months before the surveywho worked unpaid
3645 EM_ERNM_M_DKM Married men with missing information on type of earnings Percentage of currently married or in union men employed in the 12 months before the survey with missing information on type of earnings
3646 EM_ERNM_M_TOT Men: Total Percentage of currently married or in union men employed in the 12 months before the survey: Total
3647 EM_ERNM_M_NM1 Number of married men employed in the last 12 months receiving cash earnings Number of currently married or in union men employed in the 12 months preceding the survey receiving cash earnings
3648 EM_ERNM_M_UN1 Number of married men employed in the last 12 months receiving cash earnings (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union men employed in the 12 months preceding the survey receiving cash earnings (unweighted)
3649 EM_WERN_W_WIF Women who decide themselves how their earnings are used Percentage of currently married or in union women employed in the 12 months preceding the survey receiving cash earnings who decides herself how the earnings are used
3650 EM_WERN_W_JNT Women who decide jointly with partner how their earnings are used Percentage of currently married or in union women employed in the 12 months preceding the survey receiving cash earnings who decides jointly with partner how the earnings are used
3651 EM_WERN_W_HUS Women whose partner decides how their earnings are used Percentage of currently married or in union women employed in the 12 months preceding the survey receiving cash earnings whose partner decides how the earnings are used
3652 EM_WERN_W_OTH Women for whom 'other' decides how their earnings are used Percentage of currently married or in union women employed in the 12 months preceding the survey receiving cash earnings for whom 'other' decides how the earnings are used
3653 EM_WERN_W_DKM Women with don't know or missing information on who decides how their earnings are used Percentage of currently married or in union women employed in the 12 months preceding the survey receiving cash earnings with missing or don't know information on who decides how the earnings are used
3654 EM_WERN_W_TOT Married women employed in the last 12 months receiving cash earnings: Total Percentage of currently married or in union women employed in the 12 months preceding the survey receiving cash earnings: Total
3655 EM_WERN_W_NUM Number of married women employed in the last 12 months receiving cash earnings Number of currently married or in union women employed in the 12 months preceding the survey receiving cash earnings
3656 EM_WERN_W_UNW Number of married women employed in the last 12 months receiving cash earnings (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women employed in the 12 months preceding the survey receiving cash earnings (unweighted)
3657 EM_RERN_W_MOR Wife earns more than husband Percentage of currently married or in union women employed in the 12 months preceding the survey whose cash earnings are more than her husband's
3658 EM_RERN_W_LES Wife earns less than husband Percentage of currently married or in union women employed in the 12 months preceding the survey whose cash earnings are less than her husband's
3659 EM_RERN_W_SAM Wife earns about the same as husband Percentage of currently married or in union women employed in the 12 months preceding the survey whose cash earnings are about the same as her husband's
3660 EM_RERN_W_NON Husband has no earnings Percentage of currently married or in union women employed in the 12 months preceding the survey whose husband has no cash earnings
3661 EM_RERN_W_DKM Wife doesn't know relative earnings Percentage of currently married or in union women employed in the 12 months preceding the survey who don't know the relative size of her and her husband's earnings
3662 EM_RERN_W_TOT Wife's earns relative to husbands: Total Percentage of currently married or in union women employed in the 12 months preceding the survey receiving cash earnings: Total
3663 EM_RERN_W_NUM Number of married women employed in the last 12 months receiving cash earnings Number of currently married or in union women employed in the 12 months preceding the survey receiving cash earnings
3664 EM_RERN_W_UNW Number of married women employed in the last 12 months receiving cash earnings (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women employed in the 12 months preceding the survey receiving cash earnings (unweighted)
3665 EM_MERN_W_WIF Women who decide herself how her husband's earnings are used Percentage of currently married or in union women whose husbands earned cash earnings in the 12 months preceding the survey who decides herself how her husband's earnings are used
3666 EM_MERN_W_JNT Women who decide jointly with partner how her husband's earnings are used Percentage of currently married or in union women whose husbands earned cash earnings in the 12 months preceding the survey who decides jointly with partner how her husband's earnings are used
3667 EM_MERN_W_HUS Women whose husband/partner decides how her husband's earnings are used Percentage of currently married or in union women whose husbands earned cash earnings in the 12 months preceding the survey whose husband or partner decides how her husband's earnings are used
3668 EM_MERN_W_OTH Women for whom 'other' decides how her husband's earnings are used Percentage of currently married or in union women whose husbands earned cash earnings in the 12 months preceding the survey for whom 'other' decides how her husband's earnings are used
3669 EM_MERN_W_DKM Women with don't know or missing information on who decides how their earnings are used Percentage of currently married or in union women whose husbands earned cash earnings in the 12 months preceding the survey with missing or don't know information for who decides how her husband's earnings are used
3670 EM_MERN_W_TOT Women whose husbands earned cash earnings: Total Percentage of currently married or in union women whose husbands earned cash earnings in the 12 months preceding the survey: Total
3671 EM_MERN_W_NUM Number of married women whose husbands are emplyed for cash earnings Number of currently married or in union women whose husbands earned cash earnings in the 12 months preceding the survey
3672 EM_MERN_W_UNW Number of married women whose husbands are emplyed for cash earnings (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women whose husbands earned cash earnings in the 12 months preceding the survey (unweighted)
3673 EM_MERN_M_WIF Men whose partner decides how their earnings are used Percentage of currently married or in union men employed in the 12 months preceding the survey receiving cash earnings who decides herself how the earnings are used
3674 EM_MERN_M_JNT Men who decide jointly with partner how their earnings are used Percentage of currently married or in union men employed in the 12 months preceding the survey receiving cash earnings who decides jointly with partner how the earnings are used
3675 EM_MERN_M_HUS Men who decide themselves how their earnings are used Percentage of currently married or in union men employed in the 12 months preceding the survey receiving cash earnings whose partner decides how the earnings are used
3676 EM_MERN_M_OTH Men for whom 'other' decides how their earnings are used Percentage of currently married or in union men employed in the 12 months preceding the survey receiving cash earnings for whom 'other' decides how the earnings are used
3677 EM_MERN_M_DKM Men with don't know or missing information on who decides how their earnings are used Percentage of currently married or in union men employed in the 12 months preceding the survey receiving cash earnings with missing or don't know information on who decides how the earnings are used
3678 EM_MERN_M_TOT Married men employed in the last 12 months receiving cash earnings: Total Percentage of currently married or in union men employed in the 12 months preceding the survey receiving cash earnings: Total
3679 EM_MERN_M_NUM Number of married men employed in the last 12 months receiving cash earnings Number of currently married or in union men employed in the 12 months preceding the survey receiving cash earnings
3680 EM_MERN_M_UNW Number of married men employed in the last 12 months receiving cash earnings (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union men employed in the 12 months preceding the survey receiving cash earnings (unweighted)
3681 WS_SRCE_H_IMP Households using an improved water source Percentage of households whose main source of drinking water is an improved source
3682 WS_SRCE_H_PIP Households using water piped into dwelling Percentage of households whose main source of drinking water is water piped into the dwelling
3683 WS_SRCE_H_PYD Households using water piped into yard/plot Percentage of households whose main source of drinking water is water piped into the yard or plot
3684 WS_SRCE_H_TAP Households using a public tap/standpipe Percentage of households whose main source of drinking water is a public tap/standpipe
3685 WS_SRCE_H_PNB Households using water piped to neighbor Percentage of households whose main source of drinking water is water piped to the neighbor
3686 WS_SRCE_H_POY Households using water piped outside yard/plot Percentage of households whose main source of drinking water is water piped to outside of the yard or plot
3687 WS_SRCE_H_TUB Households using a tubewell/borehole Percentage of households whose main source of drinking water is a tubewell/borehole
3688 WS_SRCE_H_PWL Households using a protected well Percentage of households whose main source of drinking water is a protected well
3689 WS_SRCE_H_PSG Households using a protected spring Percentage of households whose main source of drinking water is a protected spring
3690 WS_SRCE_H_RNW Households using rainwater Percentage of households whose main source of drinking water is rainwater
3691 WS_SRCE_H_TNK Households using tanker truck Percentage of households whose main source of drinking water is tanker truck
3692 WS_SRCE_H_CRT Households using cart with tank Percentage of households whose main source of drinking water is cart with tank
3693 WS_SRCE_H_VND Households using water from a vendor/purchased water Percentage of households whose main source of drinking water is purchased from a vendor of water
3694 WS_SRCE_H_BOT Households using bottled water Percentage of households whose main source of drinking water is bottled water/demi john
3695 WS_SRCE_H_SCH Households using sachet water Percentage of households whose main source of drinking water is water sold in sachets
3696 WS_SRCE_H_FLT Households using water that has been purified or is from a filtration plant Percentage of households whose main source of drinking water is water that has been purified or is from a filtration plant
3697 WS_SRCE_H_NIM Households using an unimproved water source Percentage of households whose main source of drinking water is an unimproved source
3698 WS_SRCE_H_UWU Households using a well (protection unspecified) Percentage of households whose main source of drinking water is an unspecified type of well
3699 WS_SRCE_H_UWL Households using an unprotected well water Percentage of households whose main source of drinking water is an unprotected well
3700 WS_SRCE_H_USU Households using a spring (protection unspecified) Percentage of households whose main source of drinking water is an unspecified type of spring
3701 WS_SRCE_H_USG Households using an unprotected spring Percentage of households whose main source of drinking water is an unprotected spring
3702 WS_SRCE_H_SRF Households using surface water Percentage of households whose main source of drinking water is surface water
3703 WS_SRCE_H_OTH Households using other water source Percentage of households whose main source of drinking water is other
3704 WS_SRCE_H_DKM Households with don't know or missing information on water source Percentage of households with 'don't know' or missing information on main source of drinking water
3705 WS_SRCE_H_TOT Households: Total Percentage of households: Total
3706 WS_SRCE_H_IOP Households with improved water source on the premises Percentage of households with an improved water source on the premises
3707 WS_SRCE_H_BAS Households with basic water service Percentage of households with basic water service, defined as an improved water source with either water on the premises or round-trip collection time is 30 minutes or less.
3708 WS_SRCE_H_LTD Households with limited water service Percentage of households with limited water service, defined as an improved water source with round-trip collection time greater than 30 minutes.
3709 WS_SRCE_P_IMP Population using an improved water source Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main source of drinking water is an improved source
3710 WS_SRCE_P_PIP Population using water piped into dwelling Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main source of drinking water is water piped into dwelling
3711 WS_SRCE_P_PYD Population using water piped into yard/plot Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main source of drinking water is water piped into yard or plot
3712 WS_SRCE_P_TAP Population using a public tap/standpipe Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main source of drinking water is a public tap/standpipe
3713 WS_SRCE_P_PNB Population using water piped to neighbor Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main source of drinking water is water piped to the neighbor
3714 WS_SRCE_P_POY Population using water piped outside yard/plot Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main source of drinking water is water piped to outside of the yard or plot
3715 WS_SRCE_P_TUB Population using a tubewell/borehole Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main source of drinking water is a tubewell/borehole
3716 WS_SRCE_P_PWL Population using a protected well Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main source of drinking water is a protected well
3717 WS_SRCE_P_PSG Population using a protected spring Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main source of drinking water is a protected spring
3718 WS_SRCE_P_RNW Population using rainwater Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main source of drinking water is rainwater
3719 WS_SRCE_P_TNK Population using tanker truck Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main source of drinking water is tanker truck
3720 WS_SRCE_P_CRT Population using cart with tank Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main source of drinking water is cart with tank
3721 WS_SRCE_P_VND Population using water from a vendor/purchased water Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main source of drinking water is purchased from a vendor of water
3722 WS_SRCE_P_BOT Population using bottled water/demi john Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main source of drinking water is bottled water/demi john
3723 WS_SRCE_P_SCH Population using sachet water Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main source of drinking water is water sold in sachets
3724 WS_SRCE_P_FLT Population using water that has been purified or is from a filtration plant Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main source of drinking water is water that has been purified or is from a filtration plant
3725 WS_SRCE_P_NIM Population using an unimproved water source Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main source of drinking water is an unimproved source
3726 WS_SRCE_P_UWU Population using a well (protection unspecified) Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main source of drinking water is an unspecified type of well
3727 WS_SRCE_P_UWL Population using an unprotected well water Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main source of drinking water is an unprotected well
3728 WS_SRCE_P_USU Population using a spring (protection unspecified) Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main source of drinking water is an unspecified type of spring
3729 WS_SRCE_P_USG Population using an unprotected spring Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main source of drinking water is an unprotected spring
3730 WS_SRCE_P_SRF Population using surface water Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main source of drinking water is surface water
3731 WS_SRCE_P_OTH Population using other water source Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main source of drinking water is other
3732 WS_SRCE_P_DKM Population with don't know or missing information on water source Percentage of the de jure population living in households with 'don't know' or missing information on main source of drinking water
3733 WS_SRCE_P_TOT Population: Total Percentage of the de jure population living in households: Total
3734 WS_SRCE_P_IOP Population with improved water source on the premises Percentage of the de jure population living in households with an improved water source on the premises
3735 WS_SRCE_P_BAS Population with basic water service Percentage of the de jure population living in households with basic water service, defined as an improved water source with either water on the premises or round-trip collection time is 30 minutes or less.
3736 WS_SRCE_P_LTD Population with limited water service Percentage of the de jure population living in households with limited water service, defined as an improved water source with round-trip collection time greater than 30 minutes.
3737 WS_TIME_H_ONP Households with water on the premises Percentage of households with water on the premises
3738 WS_TIME_H_L30 Households with water 30 minutes or less away round trip Percentage of households with water 30 minutes or less away round trip
3739 WS_TIME_H_M30 Households with water more than 30 minutes away round trip Percentage of households with water more than 30 minutes away round trip
3740 WS_TIME_H_DKM Household with unknown or missing information on round trip time to water Percentage of household with unknown or missing information on round trip time to water
3741 WS_TIME_H_TOT Households: Total Percentage of households: Total
3742 WS_TIME_P_ONP Population with water on the premises Percentage of the de jure population living in households with water on the premises
3743 WS_TIME_P_L30 Population with water 30 minutes or less away round trip Percentage of the de jure population living in households with water 30 minutes or less away round trip
3744 WS_TIME_P_M30 Population with water more than 30 minutes away round trip Percentage of the de jure population living in households with water more than 30 minutes away round trip
3745 WS_TIME_P_DKM Population with unknown or missing information on round trip time to water Percentage of household with unknown or missing information on round trip time to water
3746 WS_TIME_P_TOT Population: Total Percentage of the de jure population living in households: Total
3747 WS_PCDW_P_NDW Population with no drinking water on premises Percentage of the de jure population with no drinking water on premises. Excludes water piped to a neighbor and those reporting a round trip collection time of zero minutes
3748 WS_PCDW_P_NM1 Number of persons Number of de jure persons
3749 WS_PCDW_P_UN1 Number of persons (unweighted) Number of de jure persons (unweighted)
3750 WS_PCDW_P_AFM Adult female age 15 or older collects the drinking water Percentage of the de jure population for whom an adult female age 15 or older collects the drinking water
3751 WS_PCDW_P_AML Adult male age 15 or older collects the drinking water Percentage of the de jure population for whom an adult male age 15 or older collects the drinking water
3752 WS_PCDW_P_CFM Female child under age 15 collects the drinking water Percentage of the de jure population for whom an female child under age 15 collects the drinking water
3753 WS_PCDW_P_CML Male child under age 15 collects the drinking water Percentage of the de jure population for whom an male child under age 15 collects the drinking water
3754 WS_PCDW_P_NHH Person not in household collects the drinking water Percentage of the de jure population for whom a person not in the household collects the drinking water
3755 WS_PCDW_P_TOT Persons collecting water: total Percentage of the de jure population with persons collecting water: total
3756 WS_PCDW_P_NM2 Number of persons without drinking water on premises Number of de jure persons without drinking water on premises
3757 WS_PCDW_P_UN2 Number of persons without drinking water on premises (unweighted) Number of de jure persons without drinking water on premises (unweighted)
3758 WS_WTRT_H_BOL Households treating water by boiling Percentage of households treating water by boiling
3759 WS_WTRT_H_BLC Households treating water by adding bleach/chlorine Percentage of households treating water by adding bleach or chlorine
3760 WS_WTRT_H_STN Households treating water by straining through a cloth Percentage of households treating water by straining through a cloth
3761 WS_WTRT_H_CER Households treating water using a ceramic, sand or other filter Percentage of households treating water using a ceramic filter, sand filter or other type of filter
3762 WS_WTRT_H_SOL Households treating water using solar disinfection Percentage of households treating water using solar disinfection
3763 WS_WTRT_H_LET Households treating water by letting it stand Percentage of households treating water by letting it stand
3764 WS_WTRT_H_OTH Households treating water using other methods Percentage of households treating water using other methods
3765 WS_WTRT_H_NTR Households not treating water Percentage of households not treating water
3766 WS_WTRT_H_DKM Households with missing information on treatment of water Percentage of households with missing information on treatment of water
3767 WS_WTRT_H_APP Households using an appropriate treatment method Percentage of households using an appropriate treatment method, including boiling, bleaching, filtering or solar disinfecting.
3768 WS_WTRT_H_NUM Number of households Number of households
3769 WS_WTRT_H_UNW Number of households (unweighted) Number of households (unweighted)
3770 WS_WTRT_P_BOL Population treating water by boiling Percentage of the de jure population living in households treating water by boiling
3771 WS_WTRT_P_BLC Population treating water by adding bleach/chlorine Percentage of the de jure population living in households treating water by adding bleach or chlorine
3772 WS_WTRT_P_STN Population treating water by straining through a cloth Percentage of the de jure population living in households treating water by straining through a cloth
3773 WS_WTRT_P_CER Population treating water using a ceramic, sand or other filter Percentage of the de jure population living in households treating water using a ceramic filter, sand filter or other type of filter
3774 WS_WTRT_P_SOL Population treating water using solar disinfection Percentage of the de jure population living in households treating water using solar disinfection
3775 WS_WTRT_P_LET Population treating water by letting it stand Percentage of the de jure population living in households treating water by letting it stand
3776 WS_WTRT_P_OTH Population treating water using other methods Percentage of the de jure population living in households treating water using other methods
3777 WS_WTRT_P_NTR Population not treating water Percentage of the de jure population living in households not treating water
3778 WS_WTRT_P_DKM Population with missing information on treatment of water Percentage of the de jure population living in households with missing information on treatment of water
3779 WS_WTRT_P_APP Population using an appropriate treatment method Percentage of the de jure population living in households using an appropriate treatment method, including boiling, bleaching, filtering or solar disinfecting.
3780 WS_WTRT_P_NUM Number of persons Number of de jure persons
3781 WS_WTRT_P_UNW Number of persons (unweighted) Number of de jure persons (unweighted)
3782 WS_WAVL_H_NAV Households with water not available for at least one day Percentage of households using piped water or water from a tube well or borehole with water not available for at least one day. Includes households reporting piped water or water from a tube well or borehole as their main source of drinking water and households reporting bottled water as their main source of drinking water if their main source of water for cooking and handwashing is piped water or water from a tube well or borehole.
3783 WS_WAVL_H_AVL Households with water available with no interruption of at least one day Percentage of households using piped water or water from a tube well or borehole with water available with no interruption of at least one day. Includes households reporting piped water or water from a tube well or borehole as their main source of drinking water and households reporting bottled water as their main source of drinking water if their main source of water for cooking and handwashing is piped water or water from a tube well or borehole.
3784 WS_WAVL_H_DKM Households with water availability unknown Percentage of households using piped water or water from a tube well or borehole with water availability unknown. Includes households reporting piped water or water from a tube well or borehole as their main source of drinking water and households reporting bottled water as their main source of drinking water if their main source of water for cooking and handwashing is piped water or water from a tube well or borehole.
3785 WS_WAVL_H_TOT Household water availability: Total Percentage of households using piped water or water from a tube well or borehole: water availability: total. Includes households reporting piped water or water from a tube well or borehole as their main source of drinking water and households reporting bottled water as their main source of drinking water if their main source of water for cooking and handwashing is piped water or water from a tube well or borehole.
3786 WS_WAVL_H_NUM Number of households using piped water or water from a tube well or borehole Number of households using piped water or water from a tube well or borehole. Includes households reporting piped water or water from a tube well or borehole as their main source of drinking water and households reporting bottled water as their main source of drinking water if their main source of water for cooking and handwashing is piped water or water from a tube well or borehole.
3787 WS_WAVL_H_UNW Number of households using piped water or water from a tube well or borehole (unweighted) Number of households using piped water or water from a tube well or borehole (unweighted). Includes households reporting piped water or water from a tube well or borehole as their main source of drinking water and households reporting bottled water as their main source of drinking water if their main source of water for cooking and handwashing is piped water or water from a tube well or borehole.
3788 WS_WAVL_P_NAV Population with water not available for at least one day Percentage of population living in households using piped water or water from a tube well or borehole with water not available for at least one day. Includes households reporting piped water or water from a tube well or borehole as their main source of drinking water and households reporting bottled water as their main source of drinking water if their main source of water for cooking and handwashing is piped water or water from a tube well or borehole.
3789 WS_WAVL_P_AVL Population with water available with no interruption of at least one day Percentage of population living in households using piped water or water from a tube well or borehole with water available with no interruption of at least one day. Includes households reporting piped water or water from a tube well or borehole as their main source of drinking water and households reporting bottled water as their main source of drinking water if their main source of water for cooking and handwashing is piped water or water from a tube well or borehole.
3790 WS_WAVL_P_DKM Population with water availability unknown Percentage of population living in households using piped water or water from a tube well or borehole with water availability unknown. Includes households reporting piped water or water from a tube well or borehole as their main source of drinking water and households reporting bottled water as their main source of drinking water if their main source of water for cooking and handwashing is piped water or water from a tube well or borehole.
3791 WS_WAVL_P_TOT Population water availability: Total Percentage of population living in households using piped water or water from a tube well or borehole: water availability: total. Includes households reporting piped water or water from a tube well or borehole as their main source of drinking water and households reporting bottled water as their main source of drinking water if their main source of water for cooking and handwashing is piped water or water from a tube well or borehole.
3792 WS_WAVL_P_NUM Number of persons living in households using piped water or water from a tube well or borehole Number of persons living in households using piped water or water from a tube well or borehole. Includes households reporting piped water or water from a tube well or borehole as their main source of drinking water and households reporting bottled water as their main source of drinking water if their main source of water for cooking and handwashing is piped water or water from a tube well or borehole.
3793 WS_WAVL_P_UNW Number of persons living in households using piped water or water from a tube well or borehole (unweighted) Number of persons living in households using piped water or water from a tube well or borehole (unweighted). Includes households reporting piped water or water from a tube well or borehole as their main source of drinking water and households reporting bottled water as their main source of drinking water if their main source of water for cooking and handwashing is piped water or water from a tube well or borehole.
3794 WS_ASDW_P_WAS Drinking water available in sufficient quantities Percentage with drinking water available in sufficient quantities
3795 WS_ASDW_P_NUM Number of persons Number of de jure persons
3796 WS_ASDW_P_UNW Number of persons (unweighted) Number of de jure persons (unweighted)
3797 WS_TLET_H_IMP Households with an improved sanitation facility Percentage of households with an improved sanitation facility
3798 WS_TLET_H_FSW Households with a flush or pour flush toilet to a piped sewer system Percentage of households with a flush or pour flush toilet to a piped sewer system
3799 WS_TLET_H_FSP Households with a flush or pour flush toilet to a septic tank Percentage of households with a flush or pour flush toilet to a septic tank
3800 WS_TLET_H_FPT Households with a flush or pour flush toilet to a pit latrine Percentage of households with a flush or pour flush toilet to a pit latrine
3801 WS_TLET_H_FUN Households with a flush or pour flush toilet to an unknown location Percentage of households with a flush or pour flush toilet to an unknown location
3802 WS_TLET_H_VIP Households with a ventilated improved pit latrine (VIP) Percentage of households with a ventilated improved pit latrine (VIP)
3803 WS_TLET_H_PSL Households with a pit latrine with a slab Percentage of households with a pit latrine with a slab
3804 WS_TLET_H_COM Households with a composting toilet Percentage of households with a composting toilet
3805 WS_TLET_H_IMO Households with an other improved toilet Percentage of households with an other improved toilet
3806 WS_TLET_H_NIM Households with an unimproved sanitation facility Percentage of households with an unimproved sanitation facility
3807 WS_TLET_H_NFL Households with a flush or pour flush toilet not to a sewer, septic tank or pit latrine Percentage of households with a flush or pour flush toilet not to a sewer, septic tank or pit latrine
3808 WS_TLET_H_NPT Households with a pit latrine without a slab or an open pit Percentage of households with a pit latrine without a slab or an open pit
3809 WS_TLET_H_NBK Households with a bucket toilet Percentage of households with a bucket toilet
3810 WS_TLET_H_NHG Households with a hanging toilet or hanging latrine Percentage of households with a hanging toilet or hanging latrine
3811 WS_TLET_H_NFC Households using open defecation Percentage of households whose main type of toilet facility is no facility (open defecation)
3812 WS_TLET_H_OTH Households using other types of toilet facility Percentage of households whose main type of toilet facility is other
3813 WS_TLET_H_DKM Households with don't know or missing information on toilet facility Percentage of households with 'don't know' or missing information on main type of toilet facility
3814 WS_TLET_H_TOT Households total Percentage of households total
3815 WS_TLET_H_NUM Number of households Number of households
3816 WS_TLET_H_UNW Number of households (unweighted) Number of households (unweighted)
3817 WS_TLET_H_BAS Households with basic sanitation service Percentage of households with basic sanitation service, defined as improved sanitation facilities that are not shared with other households
3818 WS_TLET_H_LTD Households with limited sanitation service Percentage of households with limited sanitation service, defined as improved sanitation facilities that are shared by 2 or more households
3819 WS_TLET_P_IMP Population with an improved sanitation facility Percentage of the de jure population living in households with an improved sanitation facility
3820 WS_TLET_P_FSW Population with a flush or pour flush toilet to a piped sewer system Percentage of the de jure population living in households with a flush or pour flush toilet to a piped sewer system
3821 WS_TLET_P_FSP Population with a flush or pour flush toilet to a septic tank Percentage of the de jure population living in households with a flush or pour flush toilet to a septic tank
3822 WS_TLET_P_FPT Population with a flush or pour flush toilet to a pit latrine Percentage of the de jure population living in households with a flush or pour flush toilet to a pit latrine
3823 WS_TLET_P_FUN Population with a flush or pour flush toilet to an unknown location Percentage of the de jure population living in households with a flush or pour flush toilet to an unknown location
3824 WS_TLET_P_VIP Population with a ventilated improved pit latrine (VIP) Percentage of the de jure population living in households with a ventilated improved pit latrine (VIP)
3825 WS_TLET_P_PSL Population with a pit latrine with a slab Percentage of the de jure population living in households with a pit latrine with a slab
3826 WS_TLET_P_COM Population with a composting toilet Percentage of the de jure population living in households with a composting toilet
3827 WS_TLET_P_IMO Population with an other improved toilet Percentage of the de jure population living in households with an other improved toilet
3828 WS_TLET_P_NIM Population with an unimproved sanitation facility Percentage of the de jure population living in households with an unimproved sanitation facility
3829 WS_TLET_P_NFL Population with a flush or pour flush toilet not to a sewer, septic tank or pit latrine Percentage of the de jure population living in households with a flush or pour flush toilet not to a sewer, septic tank or pit latrine
3830 WS_TLET_P_NPT Population with a pit latrine without a slab or an open pit Percentage of the de jure population living in households with a pit latrine without a slab or an open pit
3831 WS_TLET_P_NBK Population with a bucket toilet Percentage of the de jure population living in households with a bucket toilet
3832 WS_TLET_P_NHG Population with a hanging toilet or hanging latrine Percentage of the de jure population living in households with a hanging toilet or hanging latrine
3833 WS_TLET_P_NFC Population using open defecation Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main type of toilet facility is no facility (open defecation)
3834 WS_TLET_P_OTH Population using other types of toilet facility Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main type of toilet facility is other
3835 WS_TLET_P_DKM Population with don't know or missing information on toilet facility Percentage of the de jure population living in households with 'don't know' or missing information on main type of toilet facility
3836 WS_TLET_P_TOT Population total Percentage of the de jure population living in households total
3837 WS_TLET_P_NUM Number of persons Number of de jure persons
3838 WS_TLET_P_UNW Number of persons (unweighted) Number of de jure persons (unweighted)
3839 WS_TLET_P_BAS Population with basic sanitation service Percentage of the de jure population living in households with basic sanitation service, defined as improved sanitation facilities that are not shared with other households
3840 WS_TLET_P_LTD Population with limited sanitation service Percentage of the de jure population living in households with limited sanitation service, defined as improved sanitation facilities that are shared by 2 or more households
3841 WS_TLOC_H_DWL Households with sanitation facility in own dwelling Percentage of households with sanitation facility in own dwelling
3842 WS_TLOC_H_YRD Households with sanitation facility in own yard/plot Percentage of households with sanitation facility in own yard/plot
3843 WS_TLOC_H_ELS Households with sanitation facility elsewhere Percentage of households with sanitation facility elsewhere
3844 WS_TLOC_H_DKM Households with DK or missing information on location of toilet facility Percentage of households with DK or missing information on location of toilet facility
3845 WS_TLOC_H_TOT Household toilet facility location: total Percentage of households: toilet facility location: total
3846 WS_TLOC_H_NUM Number of households with a toilet/latrine facility Number of households with a toilet/latrine facility
3847 WS_TLOC_H_UNW Number of households with a toilet/latrine facility (unweighted) Number of households with a toilet/latrine facility (unweighted)
3848 WS_TLOC_P_DWL Population with sanitation facility in own dwelling Percentage of the de jure population living in households with sanitation facility in own dwelling
3849 WS_TLOC_P_YRD Population with sanitation facility in own yard/plot Percentage of the de jure population living in households with sanitation facility in own yard/plot
3850 WS_TLOC_P_ELS Population with sanitation facility elsewhere Percentage of the de jure population living in households with sanitation facility elsewhere
3851 WS_TLOC_P_DKM Population with DK or missing information on location of toilet facility Percentage of the de jure population living in households with DK or missing information on location of toilet facility
3852 WS_TLOC_P_TOT Population: toilet facility location: total Percentage of the de jure population living in households: toilet facility location: total
3853 WS_TLOC_P_NUM Number of persons living in households with a toilet/latrine facility Number of de jure persons living in households with a toilet/latrine facility
3854 WS_TLOC_P_UNW Number of persons with a toilet/latrine facility (unweighted) Number of de jure persons living in households with a toilet/latrine facility (unweighted)
3855 WS_ERWA_P_STP Wastes were removed by a service provider to treatment plant Percentage of the de jure population living in households with on-site sanitation facilities whose wastes were removed by a service provider to treatment plant
3856 WS_ERWA_P_SDK Wastes were removed by a service provider, don't know where Percentage of the de jure population living in households with on-site sanitation facilities whose wastes were removed by a service provider, don't know where
3857 WS_ERWA_P_PIT Wastes were buried in a covered pit Percentage of the de jure population living in households with on-site sanitation facilities whose wastes were buried in a covered pit
3858 WS_ERWA_P_OPN Wastes were moved to uncovered pit, open ground, water body or elsewhere Percentage of the de jure population living in households with on-site sanitation facilities whose wastes were moved to uncovered pit, open ground, water body or elsewhere
3859 WS_ERWA_P_OTH Wastes were disposed of in another way Percentage of the de jure population living in households with on-site sanitation facilities whose wastes were disposed of in another way
3860 WS_ERWA_P_DKW Don't know where wastes were taken Percentage of the de jure population living in households with on-site sanitation facilities who don't know where wastes were taken
3861 WS_ERWA_P_NEV On-site facilities never emptied Percentage of the de jure population living in households with on-site sanitation facilities whose facilities were never emptied
3862 WS_ERWA_P_DKE Don't know if on-site facilities were ever emptied Percentage of the de jure population living in households with on-site sanitation facilities who don't know if the facilities were ever emptied
3863 WS_ERWA_P_TOT Total Percentage of the de jure population living in households with on-site sanitation facilities: total
3864 WS_ERWA_P_SAF Excreta was safely disposed of in situ Percentage of the de jure population living in households with on-site sanitation facilities whose excreta was safely disposed of in situ. Includes septic tanks and latrines in which wastes have been buried in a covered pit, never emptied, and don't know if ever emptied.
3865 WS_ERWA_P_UNS Excreta was disposed of unsafely Percentage of the de jure population living in households with on-site sanitation facilities whose excreta was disposed of unsafely. Includes septic tanks and latrines in which wastes have been emptied to uncovered pits, open ground, water body, or other locations.
3866 WS_ERWA_P_TRT Excreta was removed for treatment Percentage of the de jure population living in households with on-site sanitation facilities whose excreta was removed for treatment. Includes septic tanks and latrines in which wastes have been removed by a service provider to a treatment plan or an unknown location or were removed by a non-service provider to an unknown location.
3867 WS_ERWA_P_NUM Number of persons with improved on-site sanitation facilites Number of de jure persons with improved on-site sanitation facilites. On-site sanitation facilities are those where the excreta are stored in a septic tank, pit latrine, or composting toilet.
3868 WS_ERWA_P_UNW Number of persons with improved on-site sanitation facilites (unweighted) Number of de jure persons with improved on-site sanitation facilites (unweighted). On-site sanitation facilities are those where the excreta are stored in a septic tank, pit latrine, or composting toilet.
3869 WS_MHEX_P_SEW Population connected to sewer Percentage of the de jure population living in householdsconnected to sewer
3870 WS_MHEX_P_SAF Population safe disposal in situ of excreta from on-site sanitation facilities Percentage of the de jure population living in households using improved on-site sanitation facilities safe disposal in situ of excreta from on-site sanitation facilities
3871 WS_MHEX_P_UNS Population unsafe disposal of excreta from on-site sanitation facilities Percentage of the de jure population living in households using improved on-site sanitation facilities unsafe disposal of excreta from on-site sanitation facilities
3872 WS_MHEX_P_TRT Population removal of excreta for treatment off-site Percentage of the de jure population living in households using improved on-site sanitation facilities removal of excreta for treatment off-site
3873 WS_MHEX_P_UNK Population using improved santiation facilities, on-site status unknown Percentage of the de jure population living in households using improved santiation facilities, on-site status unknown
3874 WS_MHEX_P_NON Population using unimproved sanitation facilities Percentage of the de jure population living in households using unimproved sanitation facilities
3875 WS_MHEX_P_NFC Population practicing open defecation Percentage of the de jure population living in households practicing open defecation
3876 WS_MHEX_P_TOT Population total Percentage of the de jure population living in households total
3877 WS_MHEX_P_SSR Population connected to sewer, safely disposed of on-site, or removed for treatment off-site Percentage of the de jure population living in households connected to a sewer, safely disposing excreta on-site, or removing for treatment off-site
3878 WS_MHEX_P_NUM Number of persons Number of de jure persons
3879 WS_MHEX_P_UNW Number of persons (unweigted) Number of de jure persons (unweighted)
3880 WS_HNDW_H_FXD Households with a fixed place for handwashing was observed Percentage of households where a place for washing hands was observed and was a fixed place
3881 WS_HNDW_H_MOB Households with a mobile place for handwashing was observed Percentage of households where a place for washing hands was observed and was a mobile place
3882 WS_HNDW_H_OBS Households with a place for handwashing was observed Percentage of households where a place for washing hands was observed
3883 WS_HNDW_H_NUM Number of households Number of households
3884 WS_HNDW_H_UNW Number of households (unweighted) Number of households (unweighted)
3885 WS_HNDW_H_WAT Households with water available for handwashing Percentage of households where a place for washing hands was observed with water available
3886 WS_HNDW_H_SOP Households with soap available for handwashing Percentage of households where a place for washing hands was observed with soap available, including soap or detergent in bar, liquid, powder, or paste form
3887 WS_HNDW_H_CLN Households with cleansing agent other than soap available for handwashing Percentage of households where a place for washing hands was observed with cleansing agent other than soap available, including locally available materials such as ash, mud or sand
3888 WS_HNDW_H_NM1 Number of households with place for handwashing observed Number of households with place for handwashing observed
3889 WS_HNDW_H_UN1 Number of households with place for handwashing observed (unweighted) Number of households with place for handwashing observed (unweighted)
3890 WS_HNDW_H_BAS Households with a basic handwashing facility, with soap and water available Percentage of households with a basic handwashing facility, defined as a handwashing facility with soap and water available
3891 WS_HNDW_H_LTD Households with a limited handwashing facility, lacking soap and/or water Percentage of households with a limited handwashing facility, defined as a handwashing facility lacking soap and/or water
3892 WS_HNDW_H_NUM Number of households Number of households where a place for handwashing observed or no place for handwashing
3893 WS_HNDW_H_UNW Number of households (unweighted) Number of households where a place for handwashing observed or no place for handwashing (unweighted)
3894 WS_HNDW_P_FXD Population with a fixed place for handwashing was observed Percentage of the de jure population living in households where a place for washing hands was observed and was a fixed place
3895 WS_HNDW_P_MOB Population with a mobile place for handwashing was observed Percentage of the de jure population living in households where a place for washing hands was observed and was a mobile place
3896 WS_HNDW_P_OBS Population with a place for handwashing was observed Percentage of the de jure population living in households where a place for washing hands was observed
3897 WS_HNDW_P_NUM Number of persons Number of de jure population
3898 WS_HNDW_P_UNW Number of persons (unweighted) Number of de jure population (unweighted)
3899 WS_HNDW_P_WAT Population with water available for handwashing Percentage of the de jure population living in households where a place for washing hands was observed with water available
3900 WS_HNDW_P_SOP Population with soap available for handwashing Percentage of the de jure population living in households where a place for washing hands was observed with soap available, including soap or detergent in bar, liquid, powder, or paste form
3901 WS_HNDW_P_CLN Population with cleansing agent other than soap available for handwashing Percentage of the de jure population living in households where a place for washing hands was observed with cleansing agent other than soap available, including locally available materials such as ash, mud or sand
3902 WS_HNDW_P_NM1 Number of persons living in households with place for handwashing observed Number of persons living in households where a place for handwashing observed
3903 WS_HNDW_P_UN1 Number of persons living in households with place for handwashing observed (unweighted) Number of persons living in households where a place for handwashing observed (unweighted)
3904 WS_HNDW_P_BAS Population with a basic handwashing facility, with soap and water available Percentage of the de jure population living in households with a basic handwashing facility, defined as a handwashing facility with soap and water available
3905 WS_HNDW_P_LTD Population with a limited handwashing facility, lacking soap and/or water Percentage of the de jure population living in households with a limited handwashing facility, defined as a handwashing facility lacking soap and/or water
3906 WS_HNDW_P_NUM Number of persons Number of de jure population living in households where a place for handwashing observed or no place for handwashing
3907 WS_HNDW_P_UNW Number of persons (unweighted) Number of de jure population living in households where a place for handwashing observed or no place for handwashing (unweighted)
3908 WS_MHYG_W_RSP Used reusable sanitary pads during last menstrual period Percentage of women who used reusable sanitary pads during last menstrual period
3909 WS_MHYG_W_DSP Used disposable sanitary pads during last menstrual period Percentage of women who used disposable sanitary pads during last menstrual period
3910 WS_MHYG_W_TAM Used tampons during last menstrual period Percentage of women who used tampons during last menstrual period
3911 WS_MHYG_W_CUP Used menstrual cup during last menstrual period Percentage of women who used menstrual cup during last menstrual period
3912 WS_MHYG_W_CLT Used cloth during last menstrual period Percentage of women who used cloth during last menstrual period
3913 WS_MHYG_W_TLP Used toilet paper during last menstrual period Percentage of women who used toilet paper during last menstrual period
3914 WS_MHYG_W_COT Used cotton wool during last menstrual period Percentage of women who used cotton wool during last menstrual period
3915 WS_MHYG_W_UWO Used underwear only during last menstrual period Percentage of women who used underwear only during last menstrual period
3916 WS_MHYG_W_OTH Used other materials during last menstrual period Percentage of women who used other materials during last menstrual period
3917 WS_MHYG_W_NON Used nothing during last menstrual period Percentage of women who used nothing during last menstrual period
3918 WS_MHYG_W_NM1 Number of women Number of women whose most recent menstrual period was in the last year
3919 WS_MHYG_W_UN1 Number of women (unweighted) Number of women whose most recent menstrual period was in the last year (unweighted)
3920 WS_MHYG_W_PRV Women able to wash and change in privacy Percentage of women able to wash and change in privacy
3921 WS_MHYG_W_PRA Women able to wash and change in privacy and who used appropriate materials during last menstrual period Percentage of women able to wash and change in privacy and who used appropriate materials during last menstrual period
3922 WS_MHYG_W_NM2 Number of women Number of women whose most recent menstrual period was in the last year and who were at home durng their last menstrual period
3923 WS_MHYG_W_UN2 Number of women (unweighted) Number of women whose most recent menstrual period was in the last year and who were at home durng their last menstrual period (unweighted)
3924 HC_ELEC_H_ELC Households with electricity Percentage of households with electricity
3925 HC_ELEC_H_NEL Households with no electricity Percentage of households with no electricity
3926 HC_ELEC_H_DKM Households with don't know or missing information on electricity Percentage of households with 'don't know' or missing information on electricity
3927 HC_ELEC_P_ELC Population with electricity Percentage of the de jure population living in households with electricity
3928 HC_ELEC_P_NEL Population with no electricity Percentage of the de jure population living in households with no electricity
3929 HC_ELEC_P_DKM Population with don't know or missing information on electricity Percentage of the de jure population living in households with 'don't know' or missing information on electricity
3930 HC_FLRM_H_NAT Households with natural floors Percentage of households with natural floors
3931 HC_FLRM_H_ETH Households with earth/sand floors Percentage of households with earth/sand floors
3932 HC_FLRM_H_DNG Households with dung floors Percentage of households with dung floors
3933 HC_FLRM_H_RUD Households with rudimentary floors Percentage of households with rudimentary floors
3934 HC_FLRM_H_WDP Households with wood plank floors Percentage of households with wood plank floors
3935 HC_FLRM_H_PLM Households with palm/bamboo floors Percentage of households with palm/bamboo floors
3936 HC_FLRM_H_OTR Households with other rudimentary floors Percentage of households with other rudimentary floors
3937 HC_FLRM_H_FIN Households with finished floors Percentage of households with finished floors
3938 HC_FLRM_H_PQT Households with parquet or polished wood floors Percentage of households with parquet or polished wood floors
3939 HC_FLRM_H_VIN Households with vinyl or asphalt strips floors Percentage of households with vinyl or asphalt strips floors
3940 HC_FLRM_H_CER Households with ceramic tile floors Percentage of households with ceramic tile floors
3941 HC_FLRM_H_CEM Households with cement floors Percentage of households with cement floors
3942 HC_FLRM_H_CPT Households with carpet floors Percentage of households with carpet floors
3943 HC_FLRM_H_OTH Households with other floors Percentage of households with other floors
3944 HC_FLRM_H_DKM Households with don't know or missing information on type of flooring Percentage of households with 'don't know' or missing information on type of flooring
3945 HC_FLRM_P_NAT Population with natural floors Percentage of the de jure population living in households with natural floors
3946 HC_FLRM_P_ETH Population with earth/sand floors Percentage of the de jure population living in households with earth/sand floors
3947 HC_FLRM_P_DNG Population with dung floors Percentage of the de jure population living in households with dung floors
3948 HC_FLRM_P_RUD Population with rudimentary floors Percentage of the de jure population living in households with rudimentary floors
3949 HC_FLRM_P_WDP Population with wood plank floors Percentage of the de jure population living in households with wood plank floors
3950 HC_FLRM_P_PLM Population with palm/bamboo floors Percentage of the de jure population living in households with palm/bamboo floors
3951 HC_FLRM_P_OTR Population with other rudimentary floors Percentage of the de jure population living in households with other rudimentary floors
3952 HC_FLRM_P_FIN Population with finished floors Percentage of the de jure population living in households with finished floors
3953 HC_FLRM_P_PQT Population with parquet or polished wood floors Percentage of the de jure population living in households with parquet or polished wood floors
3954 HC_FLRM_P_VIN Population with vinyl or asphalt strips floors Percentage of the de jure population living in households with vinyl or asphalt strips floors
3955 HC_FLRM_P_CER Population with ceramic tile floors Percentage of the de jure population living in households with ceramic tile floors
3956 HC_FLRM_P_CEM Population with cement floors Percentage of the de jure population living in households with cement floors
3957 HC_FLRM_P_CPT Population with carpet floors Percentage of the de jure population living in households with carpet floors
3958 HC_FLRM_P_OTH Population with other floors Percentage of the de jure population living in households with other floors
3959 HC_FLRM_P_DKM Population with don't know or missing information on type of flooring Percentage of the de jure population living in households with 'don't know' or missing information on type of flooring
3960 HC_RMSL_H_1RM Households with one room for sleeping Percentage of households with one room used for sleeping
3961 HC_RMSL_H_2RM Households with two rooms for sleeping Percentage of households with two rooms used for sleeping
3962 HC_RMSL_H_3RM Households with three or more rooms for sleeping Percentage of households with three or more rooms used for sleeping
3963 HC_RMSL_H_DKM Households with don't know or missing information on rooms for sleeping Percentage of households with 'don't know' or missing information on the number of rooms for sleeping
3964 HC_RMSL_H_TOT Households total Percentage of households total
3965 HC_RMSL_H_NUM Number of households Number of households
3966 HC_RMSL_H_UNW Number of households (unweighted) Number of households (unweighted)
3967 HC_RMSL_P_1RM Population with one room for sleeping Percentage of the de jure population living in households with one room used for sleeping
3968 HC_RMSL_P_2RM Population with two rooms for sleeping Percentage of the de jure population living in households with two rooms used for sleeping
3969 HC_RMSL_P_3RM Population with three or more rooms for sleeping Percentage of the de jure population living in households with three or more rooms used for sleeping
3970 HC_RMSL_P_DKM Population with don't know or missing information on rooms for sleeping Percentage of the de jure population living in households with 'don't know' or missing information on the number of rooms for sleeping
3971 HC_RMSL_P_TOT Population total Percentage of the de jure population living in households total
3972 HC_RMSL_P_NUM Number of persons Number of persons
3973 HC_RMSL_P_UNW Number of persons (unweighted) Number of persons (unweighted)
3974 HC_CKPL_H_HSE Households cooking in the house Percentage of households cooking in the house
3975 HC_CKPL_H_KIT Households cooking in the house in a separate room/kitchen Percentage of households cooking in the house in a separate room or kitchen
3976 HC_CKPL_H_NKT Households cooking in the house with no separate room/kitchen Percentage of households cooking in the house but with no separate room or kitchen
3977 HC_CKPL_H_KMS Households cooking in the house with missing information on location in the house Percentage of households cooking in the house with missing information on location in the house
3978 HC_CKPL_H_SEP Households cooking in a separate building Percentage of households cooking in a separate building
3979 HC_CKPL_H_OUT Households cooking outdoors Percentage of households cooking outdoors
3980 HC_CKPL_H_NFD Households cooking no food in the household Percentage of households cooking no food in the household
3981 HC_CKPL_H_OTH Households cooking in other places Percentage of households cooking in other places
3982 HC_CKPL_H_DKM Households with don't know or missing information on place for cooking Percentage of households with 'don't know' or missing information on the place where cooking takes place in the household
3983 HC_CKPL_P_HSE Population cooking in the house Percentage of the de jure population living in households cooking in the house
3984 HC_CKPL_P_KIT Population cooking in the house in a separate room/kitchen Percentage of the de jure population cooking in the house in a separate room or kitchen
3985 HC_CKPL_P_NKT Population cooking in the house with no separate room/kitchen Percentage of the de jure population cooking in the house but with no separate room or kitchen
3986 HC_CKPL_P_KMS Population cooking in the house with missing information on location in the house Percentage of the de jure population cooking in the house with missing information on location in the house
3987 HC_CKPL_P_SEP Population cooking in a separate building Percentage of the de jure population living in households cooking in a separate building
3988 HC_CKPL_P_OUT Population cooking outdoors Percentage of the de jure population living in households cooking outdoors
3989 HC_CKPL_P_NFD Population cooking no food in the household Percentage of the de jure population living in households cooking no food in the household
3990 HC_CKPL_P_OTH Population cooking in other places Percentage of the de jure population living in households cooking in other places
3991 HC_CKPL_P_DKM Population with don't know or missing information on place for cooking Percentage of the de jure population living in households with 'don't know' or missing information on the place where cooking takes place in the household
3992 HC_CKTC_H_CFT Households cooking with clean fuels and technologies Percentage of households that use clean fuels and technologies
3993 HC_CKTC_H_ELC Households cooking with electric stove Percentage of households that use an electric stove
3994 HC_CKTC_H_SOL Households cooking with solar cooker Percentage of households that use a solar cooker
3995 HC_CKTC_H_LPG Households cooking with lpg/natural gas stove Percentage of households that use an LPG or natural gas stove
3996 HC_CKTC_H_NAT Households cooking with piped natural gas stove Percentage of households that use a piped natural gas stove
3997 HC_CKTC_H_BIO Households cooking with biogas stove Percentage of households that use a biogas stove
3998 HC_CKTC_H_LFA Households cooking with liquid fuel stove using alcohol/ethanol Percentage of households that use a liquid fuel stove using alcohol/ethanol
3999 HC_CKTC_H_OFT Households cooking with other fuels and technologies Percentage of households that use other fuels and technologies
4000 HC_CKTC_H_LFN Households cooking with liquid fuel stove not using alcohol/ethanol Percentage of households that use a liquid fuel stove not using alcohol/ethanol
4001 HC_CKTC_H_MSF Households cooking with manufactured solid fuel stove Percentage of households that use a manufactured solid fuel stove
4002 HC_CKTC_H_MSC Households cooking with manufactured solid fuel stove with a chimney Percentage of households that use a manufactured solid fuel stove with a chimney
4003 HC_CKTC_H_MSW Households cooking with manufactured solid fuel stove without a chimney Percentage of households that use a manufactured solid fuel stove without a chimney
4004 HC_CKTC_H_TSF Households cooking with traditional solid fuel stove Percentage of households that use a traditional solid fuel stove
4005 HC_CKTC_H_TSC Households cooking with traditional solid fuel stove with a chimney Percentage of households that use a traditional solid fuel stove with a chimney
4006 HC_CKTC_H_TSW Households cooking with traditional solid fuel stove without a chimney Percentage of households that use a traditional solid fuel stove without a chimney
4007 HC_CKTC_H_3SO Households cooking with three stone stove/open fire Percentage of households that use a three stone stove or open fire
4008 HC_CKTC_H_OTH Households cooking with other Percentage of households that use other types of fuels and technologies
4009 HC_CKTC_H_NFD Households cooking with no food cooked in household Percentage of households that have no food cooked in the household
4010 HC_CKTC_H_DKM Households with missing information for the cooking technology Percentage of households with missing information for the main technology for cooking
4011 HC_CKTC_H_TOT Households cooking total Percentage of households by main cooking technology: Total
4012 HC_CKTC_H_NUM Number of households Number of households
4013 HC_CKTC_H_UNW Number of households (unweighted) Number of households (unweighted)
4014 HC_CKTC_P_CFT Population cooking with clean fuels and technologies Percentage of the de jure population living in households that use clean fuels and technologies
4015 HC_CKTC_P_ELC Population cooking with electric stove Percentage of the de jure population living in households that use an electric stove
4016 HC_CKTC_P_SOL Population cooking with solar cooker Percentage of the de jure population living in households that use a solar cooker
4017 HC_CKTC_P_LPG Population cooking with lpg/natural gas stove Percentage of the de jure population living in households that use an LPG or natural gas stove
4018 HC_CKTC_P_NAT Population cooking with piped natural gas stove Percentage of the de jure population living in households that use a piped natural gas stove
4019 HC_CKTC_P_BIO Population cooking with biogas stove Percentage of the de jure population living in households that use a biogas stove
4020 HC_CKTC_P_LFA Population cooking with liquid fuel stove using alcohol/ethanol Percentage of the de jure population living in households that use a liquid fuel stove using alcohol/ethanol
4021 HC_CKTC_P_OFT Population cooking with other fuels and technologies Percentage of the de jure population living in households that use other fuels and technologies
4022 HC_CKTC_P_LFN Population cooking with liquid fuel stove not using alcohol/ethanol Percentage of the de jure population living in households that use a liquid fuel stove not using alcohol/ethanol
4023 HC_CKTC_P_MSF Population cooking with manufactured solid fuel stove Percentage of the de jure population living in households that use a manufactured solid fuel stove
4024 HC_CKTC_P_MSC Population cooking with manufactured solid fuel stove with a chimney Percentage of the de jure population living in households that use a manufactured solid fuel stove with a chimney
4025 HC_CKTC_P_MSW Population cooking with manufactured solid fuel stove without a chimney Percentage of the de jure population living in households that use a manufactured solid fuel stove without a chimney
4026 HC_CKTC_P_TSF Population cooking with traditional solid fuel stove Percentage of the de jure population living in households that use a traditional solid fuel stove
4027 HC_CKTC_P_TSC Population cooking with traditional solid fuel stove with a chimney Percentage of the de jure population living in households that use a traditional solid fuel stove with a chimney
4028 HC_CKTC_P_TSW Population cooking with traditional solid fuel stove without a chimney Percentage of the de jure population living in households that use a traditional solid fuel stove without a chimney
4029 HC_CKTC_P_3SO Population cooking with three stone stove/open fire Percentage of the de jure population living in households that use a three stone stove or open fire
4030 HC_CKTC_P_OTH Population cooking with other fuels and technologies Percentage of the de jure population living in households that use other types of fuels and technologies
4031 HC_CKTC_P_NFD Population cooking with no food cooked in household Percentage of the de jure population living in households that have no food cooked in the household
4032 HC_CKTC_P_DKM Population with missing information for the cooking technology Percentage of the de jure population with missing information for the main technology for cooking
4033 HC_CKTC_P_TOT Population cooking total Percentage of the de jure population by main cooking technology: Total
4034 HC_CKTC_P_NUM Number of persons Number of de jure persons
4035 HC_CKTC_P_UNW Number of persons (unweighted) Number of de jure persons (unweighted)
4036 HC_CKFL_H_ELC Households cooking with electricity Percentage of households whose main type of cooking fuel is electricity
4037 HC_CKFL_H_LPG Households cooking with LPG/natural gas/biogas Percentage of households whose main type of cooking fuel is Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) or natural gas or biogas
4038 HC_CKFL_H_KER Households cooking with kerosene Percentage of households whose main type of cooking fuel is kerosene
4039 HC_CKFL_H_COL Households cooking with coal, lignite Percentage of households whose main type of cooking fuel is coal, lignite
4040 HC_CKFL_H_CHR Households cooking with charcoal Percentage of households whose main type of cooking fuel is charcoal
4041 HC_CKFL_H_WOD Households cooking with wood Percentage of households whose main type of cooking fuel is wood
4042 HC_CKFL_H_STR Households cooking with straw/shrubs/grass Percentage of households whose main type of cooking fuel is straw/shrubs/grass
4043 HC_CKFL_H_AGR Households cooking with agricultural crop Percentage of households whose main type of cooking fuel is agricultural crop
4044 HC_CKFL_H_DNG Households cooking with dung Percentage of households whose main type of cooking fuel is dung
4045 HC_CKFL_H_GAS Households cooking with gasoline Percentage of households whose main type of cooking fuel is gasoline
4046 HC_CKFL_H_BMS Households cooking with processed biomass (pellets) or woodchips Percentage of households cooking with processed biomass (pellets) or woodchips
4047 HC_CKFL_H_GBP Households cooking with garbage/plastic Percentage of households cooking with garbage/plastic
4048 HC_CKFL_H_SWD Households cooking with sawdust Percentage of households cooking with sawdust
4049 HC_CKFL_H_OTH Households cooking with other types of fuel Percentage of households whose main type of cooking fuel is other
4050 HC_CKFL_H_NFD Households who do no cooking in the household Percentage of households who do no cooking in the household
4051 HC_CKFL_H_DKM Households with don't know or missing information on type of cooking fuel Percentage of households with 'don't know' or missing information on type of cooking fuel
4052 HC_CKFL_H_SLD Households using solid fuel for cooking Percentage of households using solid fuel for cooking, including coal/lignite, xcharcoal, wood, straw/shrubs/grass, agricultural crops, and animal dung
4053 HC_CKFL_H_CLN Households using clean fuel for cooking Percentage of households using clean fuel for cooking, including electricity, LPG, natural gas, biogas
4054 HC_CKFL_P_ELC Population cooking with electricity Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main type of cooking fuel is electricity
4055 HC_CKFL_P_LPG Population cooking with LPG/natural gas/biogas Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main type of cooking fuel is Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) or natural gas or biogas
4056 HC_CKFL_P_KER Population cooking with kerosene Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main type of cooking fuel is kerosene
4057 HC_CKFL_P_COL Population cooking with coal, lignite Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main type of cooking fuel is coal, lignite
4058 HC_CKFL_P_CHR Population cooking with charcoal Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main type of cooking fuel is charcoal
4059 HC_CKFL_P_WOD Population cooking with wood Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main type of cooking fuel is wood
4060 HC_CKFL_P_STR Population cooking with straw/shrubs/grass Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main type of cooking fuel is straw/shrubs/grass
4061 HC_CKFL_P_AGR Population cooking with agricultural crop Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main type of cooking fuel is agricultural crop
4062 HC_CKFL_P_DNG Population cooking with dung Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main type of cooking fuel is dung
4063 HC_CKFL_P_GAS Population cooking with gasoline Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main type of cooking fuel is gasoline
4064 HC_CKFL_P_BMS Population cooking with processed biomass (pellets) or woodchips Percentage of the de jure population living in households cooking with processed biomass (pellets) or woodchips
4065 HC_CKFL_P_GBP Population cooking with garbage/plastic Percentage of the de jure population living in households cooking with garbage/plastic
4066 HC_CKFL_P_SWD Population cooking with sawdust Percentage of the de jure population living in households cooking with sawdust
4067 HC_CKFL_P_OTH Population cooking with other types of fuel Percentage of the de jure population living in households whose main type of cooking fuel is other
4068 HC_CKFL_P_NFD Population who do no cooking in the household Percentage of the de jure population living in households who do no cooking in the household
4069 HC_CKFL_P_DKM Population with don't know or missing information on type of cooking fuel Percentage of the de jure population living in households with 'don't know' or missing information on type of cooking fuel
4070 HC_CKFL_P_SLD Population using solid fuel for cooking Percentage of the de jure population living in households using solid fuel for cooking, including coal/lignite, xcharcoal, wood, straw/shrubs/grass, agricultural crops, and animal dung
4071 HC_CKFL_P_CLN Population using clean fuel for cooking Percentage of the de jure population living in households using clean fuel for cooking, including electricity, LPG, natural gas, biogas
4072 HC_HTTC_H_CHT Households using central heating Percentage of households using central heating as the main heating technology
4073 HC_HTTC_H_MSH Households using a manufactured space heater Percentage of households using a manufactured space heater as the main heating technology
4074 HC_HTTC_H_MSC Households using a manufactured space heater with a chimney Percentage of households using a manufactured space heater with a chimney as the main heating technology
4075 HC_HTTC_H_MSW Households using a manufactured space heater without a chimney Percentage of households using a manufactured space heater without a chimney as the main heating technology
4076 HC_HTTC_H_TSH Households using a traditional space heater Percentage of households using a traditional space heater as the main heating technology
4077 HC_HTTC_H_TSC Households using a traditional space heater with a chimney Percentage of households using a traditional space heater with a chimney as the main heating technology
4078 HC_HTTC_H_TSW Households using a traditional space heater without a chimney Percentage of households using a traditional space heater without a chimney as the main heating technology
4079 HC_HTTC_H_MCS Households using a manufactured cookstove for heating Percentage of households using a manufactured cookstove as the main heating technology
4080 HC_HTTC_H_MCC Households using a manufactured cookstove with a chimney for heating Percentage of households using a manufactured cookstove with a chimney as the main heating technology
4081 HC_HTTC_H_MCW Households using a manufactured cookstove without a chimney for heating Percentage of households using a manufactured cookstove without a chimney as the main heating technology
4082 HC_HTTC_H_TCS Households using a traditional cookstove for heating Percentage of households using a traditional cookstove as the main heating technology
4083 HC_HTTC_H_TCC Households using a traditional cookstove with a chimney for heating Percentage of households using a traditional cookstove with a chimney as the main heating technology
4084 HC_HTTC_H_TCW Households using a traditional cookstove without a chimney for heating Percentage of households using a traditional cookstove without a chimney as the main heating technology
4085 HC_HTTC_H_3SO Households using a three stone stove/open fire for heating Percentage of households using a three stone stove/open fire as the main heating technology
4086 HC_HTTC_H_OTH Households using other forms of heating Percentage of households using other forms of heating as the main heating technology
4087 HC_HTTC_H_NON Households using no heating in household Percentage of households using no heating in household
4088 HC_HTTC_H_TOT Households by heating technology: Total Percentage of households by heating technology: total
4089 HC_HTTC_H_NUM Number of households Number of households
4090 HC_HTTC_H_UNW Number of households (unweighted) Number of households (unweighted)
4091 HC_HTTC_P_CHT Population using central heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using central heating as the main heating technology
4092 HC_HTTC_P_MSH Population using a manufactured space heater Percentage of the de jure population living in households using a manufactured space heater as the main heating technology
4093 HC_HTTC_P_MSC Population using a manufactured space heater with a chimney Percentage of the de jure population living in households using a manufactured space heater with a chimney as the main heating technology
4094 HC_HTTC_P_MSW Population using a manufactured space heater without a chimney Percentage of the de jure population living in households using a manufactured space heater without a chimney as the main heating technology
4095 HC_HTTC_P_TSH Population using a traditional space heater Percentage of the de jure population living in households using a traditional space heater as the main heating technology
4096 HC_HTTC_P_TSC Population using a traditional space heater with a chimney Percentage of the de jure population living in households using a traditional space heater with a chimney as the main heating technology
4097 HC_HTTC_P_TSW Population using a traditional space heater without a chimney Percentage of the de jure population living in households using a traditional space heater without a chimney as the main heating technology
4098 HC_HTTC_P_MCS Population using a manufactured cookstove for heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using a manufactured cookstove as the main heating technology
4099 HC_HTTC_P_MCC Population using a manufactured cookstove with a chimney for heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using a manufactured cookstove with a chimney as the main heating technology
4100 HC_HTTC_P_MCW Population using a manufactured cookstove without a chimney for heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using a manufactured cookstove without a chimney as the main heating technology
4101 HC_HTTC_P_TCS Population using a traditional cookstove for heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using a traditional cookstove as the main heating technology
4102 HC_HTTC_P_TCC Population using a traditional cookstove with a chimney for heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using a traditional cookstove with a chimney as the main heating technology
4103 HC_HTTC_P_TCW Population using a traditional cookstove without a chimney for heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using a traditional cookstove without a chimney as the main heating technology
4104 HC_HTTC_P_3SO Population using a three stone stove/open fire for heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using a three stone stove/open fire as the main heating technology
4105 HC_HTTC_P_OTH Population using other forms of heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using other forms of heating as the main heating technology
4106 HC_HTTC_P_NON Population using no heating in household Percentage of the de jure population living in households using no heating in household
4107 HC_HTTC_P_TOT Population by heating technology: Total Percentage of the de jure population living in households by heating technology: total
4108 HC_HTTC_P_NUM Number of persons Number of de jure persons
4109 HC_HTTC_P_UNW Number of persons (unweighted) Number of de jure persons (unweighted)
4110 HC_HTFL_H_CFT Households using clean fuels and technologies for heating Percentage of households using clean fuels and technologies for heating as the main heating fuel
4111 HC_HTFL_H_CHT Households using central heating Percentage of households using central heating as the main heating fuel
4112 HC_HTFL_H_ELC Households using electricity for heating Percentage of households using electricity for heating as the main heating fuel
4113 HC_HTFL_H_NAT Households using piped natural gas for heating Percentage of households using piped natural gas for heating as the main heating fuel
4114 HC_HTFL_H_SOL Households using solar air heater for heating Percentage of households using solar air heater for heating as the main heating fuel
4115 HC_HTFL_H_LPG Households using liquified petroluem gas (lpg)/cooking gas for heating Percentage of households using liquified petroluem gas (lpg)/cooking gas for heating as the main heating fuel
4116 HC_HTFL_H_BIO Households using biogas for heating Percentage of households using biogas for heating as the main heating fuel
4117 HC_HTFL_H_ALC Households using alcohol/ethanol for heating Percentage of households using alcohol/ethanol for heating as the main heating fuel
4118 HC_HTFL_H_GDS Households using gasoline/diesel for heating Percentage of households using gasoline/diesel for heating as the main heating fuel
4119 HC_HTFL_H_KER Households using kerosene/paraffin for heating Percentage of households using kerosene/paraffin for heating as the main heating fuel
4120 HC_HTFL_H_COL Households using coal/lignite for heating Percentage of households using coal/lignite for heating as the main heating fuel
4121 HC_HTFL_H_CHR Households using charcoal for heating Percentage of households using charcoal for heating as the main heating fuel
4122 HC_HTFL_H_WOD Households using wood for heating Percentage of households using wood for heating as the main heating fuel
4123 HC_HTFL_H_STR Households using straw/shrubs/grass for heating Percentage of households using straw/shrubs/grass for heating as the main heating fuel
4124 HC_HTFL_H_AGR Households using agricultural crop for heating Percentage of households using agricultural crop for heating as the main heating fuel
4125 HC_HTFL_H_DNG Households using animal dung/waste for heating Percentage of households using animal dung/waste for heating as the main heating fuel
4126 HC_HTFL_H_BMS Households using processed biomass (pellets) or woodchips for heating Percentage of households using processed biomass (pellets) or woodchips for heating as the main heating fuel
4127 HC_HTFL_H_GBP Households using garbage/plastic for heating Percentage of households using garbage/plastic for heating as the main heating fuel
4128 HC_HTFL_H_SWD Households using sawdust for heating Percentage of households using sawdust for heating as the main heating fuel
4129 HC_HTFL_H_OTH Households using other fuels for heating Percentage of households using other fuels for heating as the main heating fuel
4130 HC_HTFL_H_NON Households using no heating in household Percentage of households using no heating in household
4131 HC_HTFL_H_TOT Households by heating fuel: Total Percentage of households by heating fuel: total
4132 HC_HTFL_H_NUM Number of households Number of households
4133 HC_HTFL_H_UNW Number of households (unweighted) Number of households (unweighted)
4134 HC_HTFL_P_CFT Population using clean fuels and technologies for heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using clean fuels and technologies for heating as the main heating fuel
4135 HC_HTFL_P_CHT Population using central heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using central heating as the main heating fuel
4136 HC_HTFL_P_ELC Population using electricity for heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using electricity for heating as the main heating fuel
4137 HC_HTFL_P_NAT Population using piped natural gas for heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using piped natural gas for heating as the main heating fuel
4138 HC_HTFL_P_SOL Population using solar air heater for heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using solar air heater for heating as the main heating fuel
4139 HC_HTFL_P_LPG Population using liquified petroluem gas (lpg)/cooking gas for heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using liquified petroluem gas (lpg)/cooking gas for heating as the main heating fuel
4140 HC_HTFL_P_BIO Population using biogas for heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using biogas for heating as the main heating fuel
4141 HC_HTFL_P_ALC Population using alcohol/ethanol for heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using alcohol/ethanol for heating as the main heating fuel
4142 HC_HTFL_P_GDS Population using gasoline/diesel for heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using gasoline/diesel for heating as the main heating fuel
4143 HC_HTFL_P_KER Population using kerosene/paraffin for heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using kerosene/paraffin for heating as the main heating fuel
4144 HC_HTFL_P_COL Population using coal/lignite for heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using coal/lignite for heating as the main heating fuel
4145 HC_HTFL_P_CHR Population using charcoal for heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using charcoal for heating as the main heating fuel
4146 HC_HTFL_P_WOD Population using wood for heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using wood for heating as the main heating fuel
4147 HC_HTFL_P_STR Population using straw/shrubs/grass for heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using straw/shrubs/grass for heating as the main heating fuel
4148 HC_HTFL_P_AGR Population using agricultural crop for heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using agricultural crop for heating as the main heating fuel
4149 HC_HTFL_P_DNG Population using animal dung/waste for heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using animal dung/waste for heating as the main heating fuel
4150 HC_HTFL_P_BMS Population using processed biomass (pellets) or woodchips for heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using processed biomass (pellets) or woodchips for heating as the main heating fuel
4151 HC_HTFL_P_GBP Population using garbage/plastic for heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using garbage/plastic for heating as the main heating fuel
4152 HC_HTFL_P_SWD Population using sawdust for heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using sawdust for heating as the main heating fuel
4153 HC_HTFL_P_OTH Population using other fuels for heating Percentage of the de jure population living in households using other fuels for heating as the main heating fuel
4154 HC_HTFL_P_NON Population using no heating in household Percentage of the de jure population living in households using no heating in household
4155 HC_HTFL_P_TOT Population by heating fuel: Total Percentage of the de jure population living in households by heating fuel: total
4156 HC_HTFL_P_NUM Number of persons Number of de jure persons
4157 HC_HTFL_P_UNW Number of persons (unweighted) Number of de jure persons (unweighted)
4158 HC_LTFL_H_CFT Households using clean fuels and technologies for lighting Percentage of households using clean fuels and technologies as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4159 HC_LTFL_H_ELC Households using electricity for lighting Percentage of households using electricity as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4160 HC_LTFL_H_SOL Households using a solar lantern for lighting Percentage of households using a solar lantern as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4161 HC_LTFL_H_REC Households using a rechargeable flashlight/torch/lantern for lighting Percentage of households using a rechargeable flashlight/torch/lantern as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4162 HC_LTFL_H_BAT Households using a battery powered flashlight/torch/lantern for lighting Percentage of households using a battery powered flashlight/torch/lantern as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4163 HC_LTFL_H_BIO Households using a biogas lamp for lighting Percentage of households using a biogas lamp as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4164 HC_LTFL_H_GDS Households using a gasoline lamp for lighting Percentage of households using a gasoline lamp as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4165 HC_LTFL_H_KER Households using a kerosene/paraffin lamp for lighting Percentage of households using a kerosene/paraffin lamp as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4166 HC_LTFL_H_CHR Households using charcoal for lighting Percentage of households using charcoal as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4167 HC_LTFL_H_WOD Households using wood for lighting Percentage of households using wood as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4168 HC_LTFL_H_STR Households using straw/shrubs/grass for lighting Percentage of households using straw/shrubs/grass as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4169 HC_LTFL_H_AGR Households using agricultural crop for lighting Percentage of households using agricultural crop as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4170 HC_LTFL_H_DNG Households using animal dung/waste for lighting Percentage of households using animal dung/waste as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4171 HC_LTFL_H_OIL Households using an oil lamp for lighting Percentage of households using an oil lamp as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4172 HC_LTFL_H_CDL Households using a candle for lighting Percentage of households using a candle as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4173 HC_LTFL_H_OTH Households using other fuel for lighting Percentage of households using other fuel as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4174 HC_LTFL_H_NON Households using no lighting in household Percentage of households using no lighting in household as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4175 HC_LTFL_H_DKM Households with missing information for the lighting technology Percentage of households with missing information for the main fuel or technology for lighting
4176 HC_LTFL_H_DKM Households with missing information for the heating fuel Percentage of households with missing information for the main fuel for heating
4177 HC_LTFL_H_DKM Households with missing information for the heating technology Percentage of households with missing information for the main technology for heating
4178 HC_LTFL_H_TOT Households by lighting fuel/technology: Total Percentage of households by lighting fuel/technology: total
4179 HC_LTFL_H_NUM Number of households Number of households
4180 HC_LTFL_H_UNW Number of households (unweighted) Number of households (unweighted)
4181 HC_LTFL_P_CFT Population using clean fuels and technologies for lighting Percentage of the de jure population living in households using clean fuels and technologies as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4182 HC_LTFL_P_ELC Population using electricity for lighting Percentage of the de jure population living in households using electricity as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4183 HC_LTFL_P_SOL Population using a solar lantern for lighting Percentage of the de jure population living in households using a solar lantern as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4184 HC_LTFL_P_REC Population using a rechargeable flashlight/torch/lantern for lighting Percentage of the de jure population living in households using a rechargeable flashlight/torch/lantern as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4185 HC_LTFL_P_BAT Population using a battery powered flashlight/torch/lantern for lighting Percentage of the de jure population living in households using a battery powered flashlight/torch/lantern as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4186 HC_LTFL_P_BIO Population using a biogas lamp for lighting Percentage of the de jure population living in households using a biogas lamp as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4187 HC_LTFL_P_GDS Population using a gasoline lamp for lighting Percentage of the de jure population living in households using a gasoline lamp as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4188 HC_LTFL_P_KER Population using a kerosene/paraffin lamp for lighting Percentage of the de jure population living in households using a kerosene/paraffin lamp as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4189 HC_LTFL_P_CHR Population using charcoal for lighting Percentage of the de jure population living in households using charcoal as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4190 HC_LTFL_P_WOD Population using wood for lighting Percentage of the de jure population living in households using wood as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4191 HC_LTFL_P_STR Population using straw/shrubs/grass for lighting Percentage of the de jure population living in households using straw/shrubs/grass as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4192 HC_LTFL_P_AGR Population using agricultural crop for lighting Percentage of the de jure population living in households using agricultural crop as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4193 HC_LTFL_P_DNG Population using animal dung/waste for lighting Percentage of the de jure population living in households using animal dung/waste as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4194 HC_LTFL_P_OIL Population using an oil lamp for lighting Percentage of the de jure population living in households using an oil lamp as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4195 HC_LTFL_P_CDL Population using a candle for lighting Percentage of the de jure population living in households using a candle as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4196 HC_LTFL_P_OTH Population using other fuel for lighting Percentage of the de jure population living in households using other fuel as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4197 HC_LTFL_P_NON Population using no lighting in household Percentage of the de jure population living in households using no lighting in household as the main fuel or technology for lighting
4198 HC_LTFL_P_DKM Population with missing information for the heating technology Percentage of the de jure population living in households with missing information for the main technology for heating
4199 HC_LTFL_P_DKM Population with missing information for the heating fuel Percentage of the de jure population living in households with missing information for the main fuel for heating
4200 HC_LTFL_P_DKM Population with missing information for the lighting technology Percentage of the de jure population living in households with missing information for the main fuel or technology for lighting
4201 HC_LTFL_P_TOT Population by lighting fuel/technology: Total Percentage of the de jure population living in households by lighting fuel/technology: total
4202 HC_LTFL_P_NUM Number of persons Number of de jure persons
4203 HC_LTFL_P_UNW Number of persons (unweighted) Number of de jure persons (unweighted)
4204 HC_CLFT_P_CFC Population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technologies for cooking Percentage of the de jure population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technologies for cooking
4205 HC_CLFT_P_SFC Population with primary reliance on solid fuels for cooking Percentage of the de jure population with primary reliance on solid fuels for cooking
4206 HC_CLFT_P_NMC Number of persons in households that reported cooking in the house Number of de jure persons in households that reported cooking in the house
4207 HC_CLFT_P_UNC Number of persons in households that reported cooking in the house (unweighted) Number of de jure persons in households that reported cooking in the house (unweighted)
4208 HC_CLFT_P_CFH Population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technologies for space heating Percentage of the de jure population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technologies for space heating
4209 HC_CLFT_P_NMH Number of persons in households that reported use of space heating Number of de jure persons in households that reported use of space heating
4210 HC_CLFT_P_UNH Number of persons in households that reported use of space heating (unweighted) Number of de jure persons in households that reported use of space heating (unweighted)
4211 HC_CLFT_P_CFL Population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technologies for lighting Percentage of the de jure population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technologies for lighting
4212 HC_CLFT_P_NML Number of persons in households that reported use of lighting Number of de jure persons in households that reported use of lighting
4213 HC_CLFT_P_UNL Number of persons in households that reported use of lighting (unweighted) Number of de jure persons in households that reported use of lighting (unweighted)
4214 HC_CLFT_P_CFA Population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technologies for cooking, space heating, and lighting Percentage of the de jure population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technologies for cooking, space heating, and lighting
4215 HC_CLFT_P_NMA Number of persons Number of de jure persons
4216 HC_CLFT_P_UNA Number of persons (unweighted) Number of de jure persons (unweighted)
4217 HC_SMKH_H_DLY Households with smoking in the household daily Percentage of households with smoking in the household daily
4218 HC_SMKH_H_WLY Households with smoking in the household weekly Percentage of households with smoking in the household weekly
4219 HC_SMKH_H_MLY Households with smoking in the household monthly Percentage of households with smoking in the household monthly
4220 HC_SMKH_H_LES Households with smoking in the household less than monthly Percentage of households with smoking in the household less than monthly
4221 HC_SMKH_H_NEV Households with no smoking in the household ever Percentage of households with no smoking in the household ever
4222 HC_SMKH_H_DKM Households with don't know or missing information of the frequency of smoking in the household Percentage of households with 'don't know' or missing information of the frequency of smoking in the household
4223 HC_SMKH_P_DLY Population with smoking in the household daily Percentage of the de jure population living in households with smoking in the household daily
4224 HC_SMKH_P_WLY Population with smoking in the household weekly Percentage of the de jure population living in households with smoking in the household weekly
4225 HC_SMKH_P_MLY Population with smoking in the household monthly Percentage of the de jure population living in households with smoking in the household monthly
4226 HC_SMKH_P_LES Population with smoking in the household less than monthly Percentage of the de jure population living in households with smoking in the household less than monthly
4227 HC_SMKH_P_NEV Population with no smoking in the household ever Percentage of the de jure population living in households with no smoking in the household ever
4228 HC_SMKH_P_DKM Population with don't know or missing information of the frequency of smoking in the household Percentage of the de jure population living in households with 'don't know' or missing information of the frequency of smoking in the household
4229 HC_CHAR_H_TOT Households total Percentage of households total
4230 HC_CHAR_H_NUM Number of households Number of households
4231 HC_CHAR_H_UNW Number of households (unweighted) Number of households (unweighted)
4232 HC_CHAR_P_TOT Population total Percentage of the de jure population living in households total
4233 HC_CHAR_P_NUM Number of persons Number of persons
4234 HC_CHAR_P_UNW Number of persons (unweighted) Number of persons (unweighted)
4235 HC_PPRM_H_12P Households with 1-2 persons per sleeping room Percentage of households with 1-2 persons per sleeping room
4236 HC_PPRM_H_34P Households with 3-4 persons per sleeping room Percentage of households with 3-4 persons per sleeping room
4237 HC_PPRM_H_56P Households with 5-6 persons per sleeping room Percentage of households with 5-6 persons per sleeping room
4238 HC_PPRM_H_7PP Households with 7 + persons per sleeping room Percentage of households with 7 + persons per sleeping room
4239 HC_PPRM_H_DKM Households with don't know or missing information on sleeping rooms Percentage of households with 'don't know' or missing information on number of rooms for sleeping
4240 HC_PPRM_H_TOT Households: Total Percentage of households: Total
4241 HC_PPRM_H_MNP Mean number of persons per sleeping room Mean number of persons per sleeping room
4242 HC_PPRM_H_NUM Number of households Number of households
4243 HC_PPRM_H_UNW Number of households (unweighted) Number of households (unweighted)
4244 HC_HEFF_H_RDO Households possessing a radio Percentage of households possessing a radio
4245 HC_HEFF_H_TLV Households possessing a television Percentage of households possessing a television
4246 HC_HEFF_H_MPH Households possessing a mobile telephone Percentage of households possessing a mobile telephone
4247 HC_HEFF_H_NPH Households possessing a telephone Percentage of households possessing a telephone
4248 HC_HEFF_H_CMP Households possessing a computer Percentage of households possessing a computer
4249 HC_HEFF_H_FRG Households possessing a refrigerator Percentage of households possessing a refrigerator
4250 HC_HEFF_H_NUM Number of households Number of households
4251 HC_HEFF_H_UNW Number of households (unweighted) Number of households (unweighted)
4252 HC_TRNS_H_BIK Households possessing a bicycle Percentage of households possessing a bicycle
4253 HC_TRNS_H_CRT Households possessing an animal drawn cart Percentage of households possessing an animal drawn cart
4254 HC_TRNS_H_SCT Households possessing a motorcycle Percentage of households possessing a motorcycle
4255 HC_TRNS_H_CAR Households possessing a private car Percentage of households possessing a private car
4256 HC_TRNS_H_BTM Households possessing a boat with a motor Percentage of households possessing a boat with a motor
4257 HC_AGON_H_LND Households owning agricultural land Percentage of households owning agricultural land
4258 HC_AGON_H_ANM Households owning farm animals Percentage of households owning farm animals including cattle, cows, bulls, horses, donkeys, goats, sheep, or chickens
4259 HC_WIXQ_P_LOW Population in the lowest wealth quintile Percentage of the de jure population in the lowest wealth quintile
4260 HC_WIXQ_P_2ND Population in the second wealth quintile Percentage of the de jure population in the second wealth quintile
4261 HC_WIXQ_P_MID Population in the middle wealth quintile Percentage of the de jure population in the middle wealth quintile
4262 HC_WIXQ_P_4TH Population in the fourth wealth quintile Percentage of the de jure population in the fourth wealth quintile
4263 HC_WIXQ_P_HGH Population in the highest wealth quintile Percentage of the de jure population in the highest wealth quintile
4264 HC_WIXQ_P_TOT Population total Percentage of the de jure population total
4265 HC_WIXQ_P_NUM Number of persons Number of de jure persons
4266 HC_WIXQ_P_UNW Number of persons (unweighted) Number of de pure persons (unweighted)
4267 HC_WIXQ_P_GNI Wealth index Gini coefficient The Gini coefficient indicates the level of concentration of wealth in the country
4268 HC_AGEG_P_004 Percentage of population age 0-4 Percentage of the de facto household population age 0-4
4269 HC_AGEG_P_059 Percentage of population age 5-9 Percentage of the de facto household population age 5-9
4270 HC_AGEG_P_104 Percentage of population age 10-14 Percentage of the de facto household population age 10-14
4271 HC_AGEG_P_159 Percentage of population age 15-19 Percentage of the de facto household population age 15-19
4272 HC_AGEG_P_204 Percentage of population age 20-24 Percentage of the de facto household population age 20-24
4273 HC_AGEG_P_259 Percentage of population age 25-29 Percentage of the de facto household population age 25-29
4274 HC_AGEG_P_304 Percentage of population age 30-34 Percentage of the de facto household population age 30-34
4275 HC_AGEG_P_359 Percentage of population age 35-39 Percentage of the de facto household population age 35-39
4276 HC_AGEG_P_404 Percentage of population age 40-44 Percentage of the de facto household population age 40-44
4277 HC_AGEG_P_459 Percentage of population age 45-49 Percentage of the de facto household population age 45-49
4278 HC_AGEG_P_504 Percentage of population age 50-54 Percentage of the de facto household population age 50-54
4279 HC_AGEG_P_559 Percentage of population age 55-59 Percentage of the de facto household population age 55-59
4280 HC_AGEG_P_604 Percentage of population age 60-64 Percentage of the de facto household population age 60-64
4281 HC_AGEG_P_659 Percentage of population age 65-69 Percentage of the de facto household population age 65-69
4282 HC_AGEG_P_704 Percentage of population age 70-74 Percentage of the de facto household population age 70-74
4283 HC_AGEG_P_759 Percentage of population age 75-79 Percentage of the de facto household population age 75-79
4284 HC_AGEG_P_80P Percentage of population age 80 + Percentage of the de facto household population age 80 +
4285 HC_AGEG_P_DKM Percentage of population with age don't know or missing Percentage of the de facto household population with 'don't know' or missing information on age
4286 HC_AGEG_P_TOT Percentage of population: Total Percentage of the de facto household population: Total
4287 HC_AGEG_P_NUM Household population Number of de facto household members
4288 HC_AGEG_P_UNW Household population (unweighted) Number of de facto household members (unweighted)
4289 HC_AGEG_P_014 Dependency age group 0-14 Percentage of the de facto population age 0-14
4290 HC_AGEG_P_WRK Dependency age group 15-64 Percentage of the de facto population age 15-64
4291 HC_AGEG_P_SNR Dependency age group 65+ Percentage of the de facto population age 65+
4292 HC_AGEG_P_DK1 Percentage of population with age DK/missing Percentage of the de facto household population with DK/missing information on age
4293 HC_AGEG_P_CHL Child population 0-17 Percentage of the de facto population who are children age 0-17
4294 HC_AGEG_P_ADT Adult population 18+ Percentage of the de facto population who are adults age 18+
4295 HC_AGEG_P_DK2 Percentage of population with age DK/missing Percentage of the de facto household population with DK/missing information on age
4296 HC_AGEG_P_ADL Adolescents 10-19 Percentage of the de facto population who are adolescents age 10-19
4297 HC_OLDR_H_W65 Households with members age 65+ Percentage of households with members age 65+
4298 HC_OLDR_H_O65 Households with only members age 65+ Percentage of households with only members age 65+
4299 HC_OLDR_H_3GN Households with 3 generations Percentage of households with 3 generations
4300 HC_OLDR_H_NUM Number of households Number of households
4301 HC_OLDR_H_UNW Number of households (unweighted) Number of households (unweighted)
4302 HC_OLDR_P_NNC Population living in non-nuclear families Percentage of the de jure population living in non-nuclear families
4303 HC_OLDR_P_65P De jure population age 65+ Percentage of the de jure population age 65+
4304 HC_OLDR_P_NUM Number of de jure persons Number of de jure persons
4305 HC_OLDR_P_UNW Number of de jure persons (unweighted) Number of de jure persons (unweighted)
4306 HC_YTHC_W_PCT Percentage of young women Percentage of young women in category
4307 HC_YTHC_M_PCT Percentage of young men Percentage of young men in category
4308 HC_YTHC_B_PCT Percentage of young people Percentage of young people in category
4309 HC_HHHD_H_MAL Male-headed households Percentage of households headed by men
4310 HC_HHHD_H_FEM Female-headed households Percentage of households headed by women
4311 HC_HHHD_H_TOT Households total Percentage of households total
4312 HC_HHHD_H_DKM Sex of head of household unknown/missing Percentage of households with Don't know or missing information on sex of head of household
4313 HC_MEMB_H_0MM Households with 0 usual members Percentage of households with 0 usual members
4314 HC_MEMB_H_1MM Households with 1 usual members Percentage of households with 1 usual members
4315 HC_MEMB_H_2MM Households with 2 usual members Percentage of households with 2 usual members
4316 HC_MEMB_H_3MM Households with 3 usual members Percentage of households with 3 usual members
4317 HC_MEMB_H_4MM Households with 4 usual members Percentage of households with 4 usual members
4318 HC_MEMB_H_5MM Households with 5 usual members Percentage of households with 5 usual members
4319 HC_MEMB_H_6MM Households with 6 usual members Percentage of households with 6 usual members
4320 HC_MEMB_H_7MM Households with 7 usual members Percentage of households with 7 usual members
4321 HC_MEMB_H_8MM Households with 8 usual members Percentage of households with 8 usual members
4322 HC_MEMB_H_9MM Households with 9+ usual members Percentage of households with 9+ usual members
4323 HC_MEMB_H_TOT Households: Total Percentage of households: Total
4324 HC_MEMB_H_MNM Mean number of household members Mean number of household members
4325 HC_ORPH_H_FOS Households with foster children Percentage of households with foster children. Forster children are those children under 18 living in households with neither their mother nor their father.
4326 HC_ORPH_H_DBL Households with double orphans Percentage of households with children whose parents have both died
4327 HC_ORPH_H_SNG Households with single orphans Percentage of households with children for whom one parent has died
4328 HC_ORPH_H_FOR Households with foster children and/or orphan children Percentage of households with foster children and/or orphan children
4329 HC_ORPH_H_NUM Number of households Number of households
4330 HC_ORPH_H_UNW Number of households (unweighted) Number of households (unweighted)
4331 HC_LVAR_C_BTH Children living with both parents Percentage of the de jure children living with both parents
4332 HC_LVAR_C_MFA Children living with mother, father alive Percentage of the de jure children living with mother, father alive
4333 HC_LVAR_C_MFD Children living with mother, father dead Percentage of the de jure children living with mother, father dead
4334 HC_LVAR_C_FMA Children living with father, mother alive Percentage of the de jure children living with father, mother alive
4335 HC_LVAR_C_FMD Children living with father, mother dead Percentage of the de jure children living with father, mother dead
4336 HC_LVAR_C_NBA Children living with neither parent, both alive Percentage of the de jure children living with neither parent, both alive
4337 HC_LVAR_C_NMA Children living with neither parent, mother alive Percentage of the de jure children living with neither parent, mother alive
4338 HC_LVAR_C_NFA Children living with neither parent, father alive Percentage of the de jure children living with neither parent, father alive
4339 HC_LVAR_C_NBD Children living with neither parent, both dead Percentage of the de jure children living with neither parent, both dead
4340 HC_LVAR_C_NMS Children with missing information on whether father/mother alive Percentage of the de jure children with missing information on whether their father and/or mother is alive
4341 HC_LVAR_C_TOT Children: Total Percentage of the de jure children: Total
4342 HC_LVAR_C_NBP Children not living with a biological parent Percentage of the de jure children under 18 not living with a biological parent
4343 HC_LVAR_C_P1D Prevalence of orphanhood: children under 18 who are orphans - mother, father or both dead Percentage of the de jure children under 18 whose mother, father or both parents have died.
4344 HC_LVAR_C_NUM Number of children Number of de jure children
4345 HC_LVAR_C_UNW Number of children (unweighted) Number of de jure children (unweighted)
4346 HC_LVAY_C_BTH Children age 10-14 living with both parents Percentage of the de jure children age 10-14 living with both parents
4347 HC_LVAY_C_MFA Children age 10-14 living with mother, father alive Percentage of the de jure children age 10-14 living with mother, father alive
4348 HC_LVAY_C_MFD Children age 10-14 living with mother, father dead Percentage of the de jure children age 10-14 living with mother, father dead
4349 HC_LVAY_C_FMA Children age 10-14 living with father, mother alive Percentage of the de jure children age 10-14 living with father, mother alive
4350 HC_LVAY_C_FMD Children age 10-14 living with father, mother dead Percentage of the de jure children age 10-14 living with father, mother dead
4351 HC_LVAY_C_NBA Children age 10-14 living with neither parent, both alive Percentage of the de jure children age 10-14 living with neither parent, both alive
4352 HC_LVAY_C_NMA Children age 10-14 living with neither parent, mother alive Percentage of the de jure children age 10-14 living with neither parent, mother alive
4353 HC_LVAY_C_NFA Children age 10-14 living with neither parent, father alive Percentage of the de jure children age 10-14 living with neither parent, father alive
4354 HC_LVAY_C_NBD Children age 10-14 living with neither parent, both dead Percentage of the de jure children age 10-14 living with neither parent, both dead
4355 HC_LVAY_C_NMS Children age 10-14 with missing information on whether father/mother alive Percentage of the de jure children age 10-14 with missing information on whether their father and/or mother is alive
4356 HC_LVAY_C_TOT Children age 10-14: Total Percentage of the de jure children age 10-14: Total
4357 HC_LVAY_C_NBP Children age 10-14 not living with a biological parent Percentage of the de jure children age 10-14 not living with a biological parent
4358 HC_LVAY_C_P1D Prevalence of orphanhood: children age 10-14 who are orphans - mother, father or both dead Percentage of the de jure children age 10-14 whose mother, father or both parents have died
4359 HC_LVAY_C_MON Children age 10-14 living with mother only Percentage of the de jure children age 10-14 living with their biological mother only
4360 HC_LVAY_C_FON Children age 10-14 living with father only Percentage of the de jure children age 10-14 living with their biological father only
4361 HC_LVAY_C_NUM Number of children age 10-14 Number of de jure children age 10-14
4362 HC_LVAY_C_UNW Number of children age 10-14 (unweighted) Number of de jure children age 10-14 (unweighted)
4363 SV_HRES_H_INT Sample implementation: Households completed Percentage of household interviews completed
4364 SV_HRES_H_NOR Sample implementation: Households no competent respondent Percentage of households with no competent respondent at home
4365 SV_HRES_H_POS Sample implementation: Households postponed Percentage of household interviews postponed
4366 SV_HRES_H_REF Sample implementation: Households refused Percentage of households that refused to be interviewed
4367 SV_HRES_H_DNF Sample implementation: Households dwelling not found Percentage of households for which the dwelling was not found
4368 SV_HRES_H_ABS Sample implementation: Households absent Percentage of households absent for an extended period of time
4369 SV_HRES_H_VAC Sample implementation: Households dwelling vacant Percentage of households for which the dwelling was vacant
4370 SV_HRES_H_DES Sample implementation: Households dwelling destroyed Percentage of households for which the dwelling was destroyed
4371 SV_HRES_H_OTH Sample implementation: Households other Percentage of household interviews not completed for other reasons
4372 SV_HRES_H_TOT Sample implementation: Households total percent Percentage of households: Total
4373 SV_HRES_H_SEL Sample implementation: Households number Total number of households selected
4374 SV_HRES_H_OCC Number of households found Number of households found
4375 SV_HRES_H_INN Number of households interviewed Number of households interviewed
4376 SV_HRES_H_RES Sample implementation: Households response rate Household response rate (=completed/(completed+postponed+refused+dwelling not found)
4377 SV_RESI_W_INT Sample implementation: Eligible women completed Percentage of eligible women interviews completed
4378 SV_RESI_W_NAH Sample implementation: Eligible women not at home Percentage of eligible women not at home
4379 SV_RESI_W_POS Sample implementation: Eligible women postponed Percentage of eligible women interviews postponed
4380 SV_RESI_W_REF Sample implementation: Eligible women refused Percentage of eligible women who refused to be interviewed
4381 SV_RESI_W_PRT Sample implementation: Eligible women partly completed Percentage of eligible women interviews partly completed
4382 SV_RESI_W_INC Sample implementation: Eligible women incapacitated Percentage of eligible women who were incapacitated
4383 SV_RESI_W_OTH Sample implementation: Eligible women other Percentage of eligible women for whom interviews were not completed for other reasons
4384 SV_RESI_W_TOT Sample implementation: Eligible women total percent Percentage of eligible women: Total
4385 SV_RESI_W_ELG Sample implementation: Eligible women number Total number of eligible women identified for the survey
4386 SV_RESI_W_INN Number of eligible women interviewed Number of eligible women interviewed
4387 SV_RESI_W_RES Sample implementation: Eligible women response rate Eligible women response rate (=completed/total eligible women)
4388 SV_RESI_W_ORR Sample implementation: Overall response rate for women Overall response rate combining the household and eligible women's response rates
4389 SV_RESI_M_INT Sample implementation: Eligible men completed Percentage of eligible men interviews completed
4390 SV_RESI_M_NAH Sample implementation: Eligible men not at home Percentage of eligible men not at home
4391 SV_RESI_M_POS Sample implementation: Eligible men postponed Percentage of eligible men interviews postponed
4392 SV_RESI_M_REF Sample implementation: Eligible men refused Percentage of eligible men who refused to be interviewed
4393 SV_RESI_M_PRT Sample implementation: Eligible men partly completed Percentage of eligible men interviews partly completed
4394 SV_RESI_M_INC Sample implementation: Eligible men incapacitated Percentage of eligible men who were incapacitated
4395 SV_RESI_M_OTH Sample implementation: Eligible men other Percentage of eligible men for whom interviews were not completed for other reasons
4396 SV_RESI_M_TOT Sample implementation: Eligible men total percent Percentage of eligible men: Total
4397 SV_RESI_M_ELG Number of eligible men Number of eligible men
4398 SV_RESI_M_INN Number of eligible men interviewed Number of eligible men interviewed
4399 SV_RESI_M_RES Eligible men response rate Eligible men response rate
4400 SV_RESI_M_ORR Sample implementation: Overall response rate for men Overall response rate combining the household response rate for men's surveys and eligible men's response rates
4401 SV_HRSM_H_INT Men's survey sample implementation: Households completed Percentage of men's survey household interviews completed
4402 SV_HRSM_H_NOR Men's survey sample implementation: Households no competent respondent Percentage of men's survey households with no competent respondent at home
4403 SV_HRSM_H_POS Men's survey sample implementation: Households postponed Percentage of men's survey household interviews postponed
4404 SV_HRSM_H_REF Men's survey sample implementation: Households refused Percentage of men's survey households that refused to be interviewed
4405 SV_HRSM_H_DNF Men's survey sample implementation: Households dwelling not found Percentage of men's survey households for which the dwelling was not found
4406 SV_HRSM_H_ABS Men's survey sample implementation: Households absent Percentage of men's survey households absent for an extended period of time
4407 SV_HRSM_H_VAC Men's survey sample implementation: Households dwelling vacant Percentage of men's survey households for which the dwelling was vacant
4408 SV_HRSM_H_DES Men's survey sample implementation: Households dwelling destroyed Percentage of men's survey households for which the dwelling was destroyed
4409 SV_HRSM_H_OTH Men's survey sample implementation: Households other Percentage of men's survey household interviews not completed for other reasons
4410 SV_HRSM_H_TOT Men's survey sample implementation: Households total percent Percentage of men's survey households: Total
4411 SV_HRSM_H_SEL Number of households sampled for men's survey Number of households sampled for men's survey
4412 SV_HRSM_H_OCC Number of households found for men's survey Number of households found for men's survey
4413 SV_HRSM_H_INN Number of households interviewed for men's survey Number of households interviewed for men's survey
4414 SV_HRSM_H_RES Households response rate for men's survey Households response rate for men's survey
4415 SV_INTV_H_YRI Median date of interview Median date of household interview in years
4416 SV_INTV_H_MED Median duration of household interview Median duration of household interview in minutes
4417 SV_INTV_H_MNI Mean duration of household interview Mean duration of household interview in minutes
4418 SV_INTV_H_NUM Number of households interviewed in one visit with complete interview start and stop time Number of households interviewed in one visit with complete interview start and stop time
4419 SV_INTV_H_UNW Number of households interviewed in one visit with complete interview start and stop time (unweighted) Number of households interviewed in one visit with complete interview start and stop time (unweighted)
4420 SV_INTV_W_MED Median duration of women's interview Median duration of women's interview in minutes
4421 SV_INTV_W_MNI Mean duration of women's interview Mean duration of women's interview in minutes
4422 SV_INTV_W_NUM Number of women interviewed in one visit with complete interview start and stop time Number of women interviewed in one visit with complete interview start and stop time
4423 SV_INTV_W_UNW Number of women interviewed in one visit with complete interview start and stop time (unweighted) Number of women interviewed in one visit with complete interview start and stop time (unweighted)
4424 SV_INTV_M_MED Median duration of men's interview Median duration of men's interview in minutes
4425 SV_INTV_M_MNI Mean duration of men's interview Mean duration of men's interview in minutes
4426 SV_INTV_M_NUM Number of men interviewed in one visit with complete interview start and stop time [Men] Number of men interviewed in one visit with complete interview start and stop time [Men]
4427 SV_INTV_M_UNW Number of men interviewed in one visit with complete interview start and stop time (unweighted) [Men] Number of men interviewed in one visit with complete interview start and stop time (unweighted) [Men]
4428 SV_BACK_W_PCW Percentage of women Percentage of women in category
4429 SV_BACK_W_NUM Weighted number of women Weighted number of women in category in sample
4430 SV_BACK_W_UNW Unweighted number of women Unweighted number of women in category in sample
4431 SV_BACK_M_PCM Percentage of men Percentage of men in category
4432 SV_BACK_M_NUM Weighted number of men Weighted number of men in category in sample
4433 SV_BACK_M_UNW Unweighted number of men Unweighted number of men in category in sample
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