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# IndicatorId Label Definition
1 FE_FRTR_W_A10 Age specific fertility rate: 10-14 Age-specific fertility rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 10-14 expressed per 1,000 women
2 FE_FRTR_W_A15 Age specific fertility rate: 15-19 Age-specific fertility rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 15-19 expressed per 1,000 women
3 FE_FRTR_W_A20 Age specific fertility rate: 20-24 Age-specific fertility rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 20-24 expressed per 1,000 women
4 FE_FRTR_W_A25 Age specific fertility rate: 25-29 Age-specific fertility rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 25-29 expressed per 1,000 women
5 FE_FRTR_W_A30 Age specific fertility rate: 30-34 Age-specific fertility rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 30-34 expressed per 1,000 women
6 FE_FRTR_W_A35 Age specific fertility rate: 35-39 Age-specific fertility rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 35-39 expressed per 1,000 women
7 FE_FRTR_W_A40 Age specific fertility rate: 40-44 Age-specific fertility rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 40-44 expressed per 1,000 women
8 FE_FRTR_W_A45 Age specific fertility rate: 45-49 Age-specific fertility rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 45-49 expressed per 1,000 women
9 FE_FRTR_W_TFR Total fertility rate 15-49 Total fertility rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 15-49 expressed per woman
10 FE_FRTR_W_TF4 Total fertility rate 15-44 Total fertility rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 15-44 expressed per woman
11 FE_FRTR_W_GFR General fertility rate General fertility rate for the three years preceding the survey expressed per 1,000 women age 15-44
12 FE_FRTR_W_CBR Crude birth rate Crude birth rate for the three years preceding the survey expressed per 1,000 population
13 FE_FRTY_W_PRG Percentage of women currently pregnant Percentage of women 15-49 currently pregnant
14 FE_FRTY_W_NPG Number of women age 15-49 Number of women age 15-49
15 FE_FRTY_W_UPG Number of women age 15-49 (unweighted) Number of women age 15-49 (unweighted)
16 FE_FRTY_W_MNC Completed fertility of women age 40-49 Mean number of children ever born to women age 40-49
17 FE_FRTY_W_N49 Number of women age 40-49 Number of women age 40-49
18 FE_FRTY_W_U49 Number of women age 40-49 (unweighted) Number of women age 40-49 (unweighted)
19 FE_FRTT_W_A10 Age specific fertility rate: 10-14 (five year periods) Age-specific fertility rates for five-year periods preceding the survey for age group 10-14 per 1,000 women
20 FE_FRTT_W_A15 Age specific fertility rate: 15-19 (five year periods) Age-specific fertility rates for five-year periods preceding the survey for age group 15-19 per 1,000 women
21 FE_FRTT_W_A20 Age specific fertility rate: 20-24 (five year periods) Age-specific fertility rates for five-year periods preceding the survey for age group 20-24 per 1,000 women
22 FE_FRTT_W_A25 Age specific fertility rate: 25-29 (five year periods) Age-specific fertility rates for five-year periods preceding the survey for age group 25-29 per 1,000 women
23 FE_FRTT_W_A30 Age specific fertility rate: 30-34 (five year periods) Age-specific fertility rates for five-year periods preceding the survey for age group 30-34 per 1,000 women
24 FE_FRTT_W_A35 Age specific fertility rate: 35-39 (five year periods) Age-specific fertility rates for five-year periods preceding the survey for age group 35-39 per 1,000 women
25 FE_FRTT_W_A40 Age specific fertility rate: 40-44 (five year periods) Age-specific fertility rates for five-year periods preceding the survey for age group 40-44 per 1,000 women
26 FE_FRTT_W_A45 Age specific fertility rate: 45-49 (five year periods) Age-specific fertility rates for five-year periods preceding the survey for age group 45-49 per 1,000 women
27 FE_CEBA_W_CH0 Women with no children ever born Percentage of women with no children ever born
28 FE_CEBA_W_CH1 Women with 1 child ever born Percentage of women with 1 child ever born
29 FE_CEBA_W_CH2 Women with 2 children ever born Percentage of women with 2 children ever born
30 FE_CEBA_W_CH3 Women with 3 children ever born Percentage of women with 3 children ever born
31 FE_CEBA_W_CH4 Women with 4 children ever born Percentage of women with 4 children ever born
32 FE_CEBA_W_CH5 Women with 5 children ever born Percentage of women with 5 children ever born
33 FE_CEBA_W_CH6 Women with 6 children ever born Percentage of women with 6 children ever born
34 FE_CEBA_W_CH7 Women with 7 children ever born Percentage of women with 7 children ever born
35 FE_CEBA_W_CH8 Women with 8 children ever born Percentage of women with 8 children ever born
36 FE_CEBA_W_CH9 Women with 9 children ever born Percentage of women with 9 children ever born
37 FE_CEBA_W_C10 Women with 10+ children ever born Percentage of women with 10+ children ever born
38 FE_CEBA_W_TOT Women: Total Percentage of women: Total
39 FE_CEBA_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
40 FE_CEBA_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
41 FE_CEBA_W_MNC Mean number of children ever born Mean number of children ever born for all women
42 FE_CEBA_W_MNL Mean number of living children Mean number of living children for all women
43 FE_CEBA_W_MND Mean number of children died Mean number of children born to women who have died
44 FE_CEBM_W_CH0 Married women with no children ever born Percentage of currently married or in union women with no children ever born
45 FE_CEBM_W_CH1 Married women with 1 child ever born Percentage of currently married or in union women with 1 child ever born
46 FE_CEBM_W_CH2 Married women with 2 children ever born Percentage of currently married or in union women with 2 children ever born
47 FE_CEBM_W_CH3 Married women with 3 children ever born Percentage of currently married or in union women with 3 children ever born
48 FE_CEBM_W_CH4 Married women with 4 children ever born Percentage of currently married or in union women with 4 children ever born
49 FE_CEBM_W_CH5 Married women with 5 children ever born Percentage of currently married or in union women with 5 children ever born
50 FE_CEBM_W_CH6 Married women with 6 children ever born Percentage of currently married or in union women with 6 children ever born
51 FE_CEBM_W_CH7 Married women with 7 children ever born Percentage of currently married or in union women with 7 children ever born
52 FE_CEBM_W_CH8 Married women with 8 children ever born Percentage of currently married or in union women with 8 children ever born
53 FE_CEBM_W_CH9 Married women with 9 children ever born Percentage of currently married or in union women with 9 children ever born
54 FE_CEBM_W_C10 Married women with 10+ children ever born Percentage of currently married or in union women with 10+ children ever born
55 FE_CEBM_W_TOT Married women: Total Percentage of currently married or in union women: Total
56 FE_CEBM_W_NUM Number of married women Number of currently married or in union women
57 FE_CEBM_W_UNW Number of married women (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women (unweighted)
58 FE_CEBM_W_MNC Mean number of children ever born to married women Mean number of children ever born for currently married or in union women
59 FE_CEBM_W_MNL Mean number of living children to married women Mean number of living children for for currently married or in union women
60 FE_CEBM_W_MND Mean number of children died to married women Mean number of children born to currently married/in union women who have died
61 FE_BINT_C_I07 Previous birth interval: 7-17 months Percentage of non-first births in the five years preceding the survey whose previous birth interval is 7-17 months
62 FE_BINT_C_I18 Previous birth interval: 18-23 months Percentage of non-first births in the five years preceding the survey whose previous birth interval is 18-23 months
63 FE_BINT_C_I24 Previous birth interval: 24-35 months Percentage of non-first births in the five years preceding the survey whose previous birth interval is 24-35 months
64 FE_BINT_C_I36 Previous birth interval: 36-47 months Percentage of non-first births in the five years preceding the survey whose previous birth interval is 36-47 months
65 FE_BINT_C_I48 Previous birth interval: 48-59 months Percentage of non-first births in the five years preceding the survey whose previous birth interval is 48-59 months
66 FE_BINT_C_I60 Previous birth interval: 60+ months Percentage of non-first births in the five years preceding the survey whose previous birth interval is 60+ months
67 FE_BINT_C_TOT Previous birth interval: Total Percentage of non-first births in the five years preceding the survey: Total
68 FE_BINT_C_NUM Number of non-first births Number of non-first births in the five years preceding the survey
69 FE_BINT_C_UNW Number of non-first births (unweighted) Number of non-first births in the five years preceding the survey (unweighted)
70 FE_BINT_C_MED Median birth interval (months) Median duration of the preceding birth interval in months for non-first births in the five years preceding the survey
71 FE_BINT_C_I3Y Previous birth interval: <36 months Percentage of non-first births in the five years preceding the survey whose previous birth interval is less than 36 months
72 FE_BORD_C_BO1 Births of birth order 1 Percentage of births in the 2 years preceding the survey of birth order 1
73 FE_BORD_C_BO2 Births of birth order 2 Percentage of births in the 2 years preceding the survey of birth order 2
74 FE_BORD_C_BO3 Births of birth order 3 Percentage of births in the 2 years preceding the survey of birth order 3
75 FE_BORD_C_BO4 Births of birth order 4 Percentage of births in the 2 years preceding the survey of birth order 4
76 FE_BORD_C_BO5 Births of birth order 5+ Percentage of births in the 2 years preceding the survey of birth order 5+
77 FE_BORD_C_TOT Births in the 2 years preceding the survey: Total Percentage of births in the 2 years preceding the survey: Total
78 FE_BORD_C_NUM Number of births in the 2 years preceding the survey Number of births in the 2 years preceding the survey
79 FE_BORD_C_UNW Number of births in the 2 years preceding the survey (Unweighted) Number of births in the 2 years preceding the survey (Unweighted)
80 FE_PPIS_W_AMN Postpartum amenorrheic Percentage of births whose mothers are postpartum amenorrheic
81 FE_PPIS_W_ABS Postpartum abstaining Percentage of births whose mothers are postpartum abstaining
82 FE_PPIS_W_INS Postpartum insusceptible Percentage of births whose mothers are postpartum insusceptible
83 FE_PPIS_W_NUM Number of births Number of births
84 FE_PPIS_W_UNW Number of births (unweighted) Number of births (unweighted)
85 FE_PPIS_W_MNA Mean duration postpartum amenorrheic Mean number of months of postpartum amenorrheic
86 FE_PPIS_W_MNB Mean duration postpartum abstaining Mean number of months of postpartum abstaining
87 FE_PPIS_W_MNI Mean duration postpartum insusceptible Mean number of months of postpartum insusceptible (either still amenorrheic or still abstaining following the birth)
88 FE_PPID_W_MDA Median duration postpartum amenorrheic Median number of months of postpartum amenorrheic
89 FE_PPID_W_MDB Median duration postpartum abstaining Median number of months of postpartum abstaining
90 FE_PPID_W_MDI Median duration postpartum insusceptible Median number of months of postpartum insusceptible (either still amenorrheic or still abstaining following the birth)
91 FE_MENA_W_M10 Age at first menarche: <=10 Percentage of women whose first menstruation occurred by age 10 or younger
92 FE_MENA_W_M11 Age at first menarche: 11 Percentage of women whose first menstruation occurred by age 11
93 FE_MENA_W_M12 Age at first menarche: 12 Percentage of women whose first menstruation occurred by age 12
94 FE_MENA_W_M13 Age at first menarche: 13 Percentage of women whose first menstruation occurred by age 13
95 FE_MENA_W_M14 Age at first menarche: 14 Percentage of women whose first menstruation occurred by age 14
96 FE_MENA_W_M15 Age at first menarche: 15 Percentage of women whose first menstruation occurred by age 15
97 FE_MENA_W_M16 Age at first menarche: 16+ Percentage of women whose first menstruation occurred by age 16+
98 FE_MENA_W_MNV Age at first menarche: Never Percentage of women who have never menstruated
99 FE_MENA_W_MDK Age at first menarche: Don't know Percentage of women who don't know their age of first menstruation
100 FE_MENA_W_MAM Mean age at menarche Mean age at menarche
101 FE_MENA_W_TOT Age at first menarche: Total Percentage of women: Total
102 FE_MENA_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
103 FE_MENA_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
104 FE_MENO_W_PCT Women age 30-49 menopausal Percentage of women age 30-49 menopausal, defined as women who are not pregnant and not postpartum amenorrheic whose last menstrual period occurred 6 or more months preceding the survey
105 FE_MENO_W_NUM Number of women age 30-49 Number of women age 30-49
106 FE_MENO_W_UNW Number of women age 30-49 (unweighted) Number of women age 30-49 (unweighted)
107 FE_BBAG_W_A15 Women giving birth by age 15 Percentage of women who gave birth by age 15
108 FE_BBAG_W_A18 Women giving birth by age 18 Percentage of women who gave birth by age 18
109 FE_BBAG_W_A20 Women giving birth by age 20 Percentage of women who gave birth by age 20
110 FE_BBAG_W_A22 Women giving birth by age 22 Percentage of women who gave birth by age 22
111 FE_BBAG_W_A25 Women giving birth by age 25 Percentage of women who gave birth by age 25
112 FE_BBAG_W_NEV Women who never gave birth Percentage of women who never gave birth
113 FE_BBAG_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
114 FE_BBAG_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
115 FE_BBAY_W_A15 Young women age 20-24 giving birth by age 15 Percentage of young women age 20-24 who gave birth by age 15
116 FE_BBAY_W_A18 Young women age 20-24 giving birth by age 18 Percentage of young women age 20-24 who gave birth by age 18
117 FE_BBAY_W_A20 Young women age 20-24 giving birth by age 20 Percentage of young women age 20-24 who gave birth by age 20
118 FE_BBAY_W_NEV Young women age 20-24 who never gave birth Percentage of young women age 20-24 who never gave birth
119 FE_BBAY_W_NUM Number of young women age 20-24 Number of young women age 20-24
120 FE_BBAY_W_UNW Number of young women age 20-24 (unweighted) Number of young women age 20-24 (unweighted)
121 FE_BBAY_W_MED Median age at first birth [Young women] Median age at first birth for young women age 20-24
122 FE_AAFB_W_M20 Median age at first birth for women age 20-24 Median age at first birth for women age 20-24
123 FE_AAFB_W_M25 Median age at first birth for women age 25-29 Median age at first birth for women age 25-29
124 FE_AAFB_W_M30 Median age at first birth for women age 30-34 Median age at first birth for women age 30-34
125 FE_AAFB_W_M35 Median age at first birth for women age 35-39 Median age at first birth for women age 35-39
126 FE_AAFB_W_M40 Median age at first birth for women age 40-44 Median age at first birth for women age 40-44
127 FE_AAFB_W_M45 Median age at first birth for women age 45-49 Median age at first birth for women age 45-49
128 FE_AAFB_W_M2A Median age at first birth for women age 20-49 Median age at first birth for women age 20-49
129 FE_AAFB_W_M2B Median age at first birth for women age 25-49 Median age at first birth for women age 25-49
130 FE_TNPG_W_LVB Teenagers who are mothers Percentage of teenage women who are mothers
131 FE_TNPG_W_PRG Teenagers who are pregnant with their first child Percentage of teenage women who are pregnant with their first child
132 FE_TNPG_W_CBR Teenagers who have begun childbearing Percentage of teenage women who have begun childbearing
133 FE_TNPG_W_PGL Teenagers who have had a pregnancy loss Percentage of women age 15-19 who have had a pregnancy loss
134 FE_TNPG_W_CPG Teenagers who are currently pregnant Percentage of women age 15-19 who are currently pregnancy
135 FE_TNPG_W_EPG Teenagers who have ever been pregnant Percentage of women age 15-19 who have ever been pregnant
136 FE_TNPG_W_DKM Teenagers with don't know or missing information on childbearing Percentage of teenage women with 'don't know' or missing information on childbearing
137 FE_TNPG_W_NUM Number of women age 15-19 Number of teenage women age 15-19
138 FE_TNPG_W_UNW Number of women age 15-19 (unweighted) Number of teenage women age 15-19 (unweighted)
139 FE_TNBH_W_SEX Teenage women who initiated sexual intercourse before age 15 Percentage of women age 15-19 who initiated sexual intercourse before age 15
140 FE_TNBH_W_MAR Teenage women who married before age 15 Percentage of women age 15-19 who married before age 15
141 FE_TNBH_W_BTH Teenage women who had a live birth before age 15 Percentage of women age 15-19 who had a live birth before age 15
142 FE_TNBH_W_PRG Teenage women who have ever been pregnant before age 15 Percentage of women age 15-19 who have ever been pregnant before age 15
143 FE_TNBH_W_NUM Number of women age 15-19 Number of women age 15-19
144 FE_TNBH_W_UNW Number of women age 15-19 (unweighted) Number of women age 15-19 (unweighted)
145 FE_TNBH_M_SEX Teenage men who initiated sexual intercourse before age 15 Percentage of men age 15-19 who initiated sexual intercourse before age 15
146 FE_TNBH_M_MAR Teenage men who married before age 15 Percentage of men age 15-19 who married before age 15
147 FE_TNBH_M_BTH Teenage men who fathered a live birth before age 15 Percentage of men age 15-19 who fathered a live birth before age 15
148 FE_TNBH_M_NUM Number of men age 15-19 Number of men age 15-19
149 FE_TNBH_M_UNW Number of men age 15-19 (unweighted) Number of men age 15-19 (unweighted)
150 FE_PRGO_W_POL Pregnancy outcome: Live birth Percentage of pregnancy outcomes in the 3 years preceding the survey ending in a live birth
151 FE_PRGO_W_POS Pregnancy outcome: Stillbirth Percentage of pregnancy outcomes in the 3 years preceding the survey ending in a stillbirth
152 FE_PRGO_W_POM Pregnancy outcome: Miscarriage Percentage of pregnancy outcomes in the 3 years preceding the survey ending in a miscarriage
153 FE_PRGO_W_POA Pregnancy outcome: Induced abortion Percentage of pregnancy outcomes in the 3 years preceding the survey ending in an induced abortion
154 FE_PRGO_W_TOT Pregnancy outcome: Total Percentage of pregnancy outcomes in the 3 years preceding the survey: Total
155 FE_PRGO_W_NUM Number of pregnancies ending in the 3 years preceding the survey Number of pregnancies ending in the 3 years preceding the survey
156 FE_PRGO_W_UNW Number of pregnancies ending in the 3 years preceding the survey (unweighted) Number of pregnancies ending in the 3 years preceding the survey (unweighted)
157 FE_ABRT_W_A10 Induced abortion rate: 10-14 Induced abortion rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 10-14 expressed per 1,000 women
158 FE_ABRT_W_A15 Induced abortion rate: 15-19 Induced abortion rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 15-19 expressed per 1,000 women
159 FE_ABRT_W_A20 Induced abortion rate: 20-24 Induced abortion rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 20-24 expressed per 1,000 women
160 FE_ABRT_W_A25 Induced abortion rate: 25-29 Induced abortion rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 25-29 expressed per 1,000 women
161 FE_ABRT_W_A30 Induced abortion rate: 30-34 Induced abortion rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 30-34 expressed per 1,000 women
162 FE_ABRT_W_A35 Induced abortion rate: 35-39 Induced abortion rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 35-39 expressed per 1,000 women
163 FE_ABRT_W_A40 Induced abortion rate: 40-44 Induced abortion rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 40-44 expressed per 1,000 women
164 FE_ABRT_W_A45 Induced abortion rate: 45-49 Induced abortion rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 45-49 expressed per 1,000 women
165 FE_ABRT_W_TAR Total induced abortion rate Total induced abortion rate for the 3 years preceding the survey expressed per woman
166 FE_ABRT_W_GAR General induced abortion rate General induced abortion rate for the 3 years preceding the survey expressed per 1,000 women age 15-44
167 PR_DESC_W_ASN Desire for more children: Have another soon Percentage of currently married or in union women who want to have another child soon
168 PR_DESC_W_ALT Desire for more children: Have another later Percentage of currently married or in union women who want to have another child later
169 PR_DESC_W_AUN Desire for more children: Wants, unsure timing Percentage of currently married or in union women who want another child but are unsure of the timing
170 PR_DESC_W_UND Desire for more children: Undecided Percentage of currently married or in union women who undecided if they want another child
171 PR_DESC_W_WNM Desire for more children: Wants no more Percentage of currently married or in union women who want no more children
172 PR_DESC_W_STR Desire for more children: Sterilized Percentage of currently married or in union women who are sterilized
173 PR_DESC_W_INF Desire for more children: Declared infecund Percentage of currently married or in union women who declare that they are infecund
174 PR_DESC_W_MIS Desire for more children: Missing Percentage of currently married or in union women with missing information on desire for more children
175 PR_DESC_W_TOT Married women: Total Percentage of currently married/in union women: Total
176 PR_DESC_W_NUM Number of currently married women Number of currently married/in union women
177 PR_DESC_W_UNW Number of currently married women (unweighted) Number of currently married/in union women (unweighted)
178 PR_DESC_M_ASN Desire for more children [Men]: Have another soon Percentage of currently married or in union men who want to have another child soon
179 PR_DESC_M_ALT Desire for more children [Men]: Have another later Percentage of currently married or in union men who want to have another child later
180 PR_DESC_M_AUN Desire for more children [Men]: Wants, unsure timing Percentage of currently married or in union men who want another child but are unsure of the timing
181 PR_DESC_M_UND Desire for more children [Men]: Undecided Percentage of currently married or in union men who undecided if they want another child
182 PR_DESC_M_WNM Desire for more children [Men]: Wants no more Percentage of currently married or in union men who want no more children
183 PR_DESC_M_STR Desire for more children [Men]: Sterilized Percentage of currently married or in union men who are sterilized
184 PR_DESC_M_INF Desire for more children [Men]: Declared infecund Percentage of currently married or in union men who declare that they are infecund
185 PR_DESC_M_MIS Desire for more children [Men]: Missing Percentage of currently married or in union men with missing information on desire for more children
186 PR_DESC_M_TOT Married men: Total Percentage of currently married/in union men: Total
187 PR_DESC_M_NUM Number of currently married men Number of currently married/in union men
188 PR_DESC_M_UNW Number of currently married men (unweighted) Number of currently married/in union men (unweighted)
189 PR_DESL_W_WNM Women who want no more children Percentage of currently married or in union women who want no more children or are sterilized
190 PR_DESL_W_NUM Number of currently married women Number of currently married/in union women
191 PR_DESL_W_UNW Number of currently married women (unweighted) Number of currently married/in union women (unweighted)
192 PR_DESL_M_WNM Men who want no more children Percentage of currently married or in union men who want no more children or are sterilized
193 PR_DESL_M_NUM Number of currently married men Number of currently married/in union men
194 PR_DESL_M_UNW Number of currently married men (unweighted) Number of currently married/in union men (unweighted)
195 PR_IDLC_W_ID0 Ideal number of children [Women]: 0 Percentage of all women whose ideal number of children is 0
196 PR_IDLC_W_ID1 Ideal number of children [Women]: 1 Percentage of all women whose ideal number of children is 1
197 PR_IDLC_W_ID2 Ideal number of children [Women]: 2 Percentage of all women whose ideal number of children is 2
198 PR_IDLC_W_ID3 Ideal number of children [Women]: 3 Percentage of all women whose ideal number of children is 3
199 PR_IDLC_W_ID4 Ideal number of children [Women]: 4 Percentage of all women whose ideal number of children is 4
200 PR_IDLC_W_ID5 Ideal number of children [Women]: 5 Percentage of all women whose ideal number of children is 5
201 PR_IDLC_W_ID6 Ideal number of children [Women]: 6+ Percentage of all women whose ideal number of children is 6+
202 PR_IDLC_W_IDN Ideal number of children [Women]: Non-numeric response Percentage of all women whose response for the ideal number of children is a non-numeric response
203 PR_IDLC_W_TOT Women: Total Percentage of all women: Total
204 PR_IDLC_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
205 PR_IDLC_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
206 PR_IDLC_W_MNA Mean ideal number of children for all women Mean ideal number of children for all women
207 PR_IDLC_W_NMA Number of women with a numeric response for ideal number of children Number of women with a numeric response for ideal number of children
208 PR_IDLC_W_UNA Number of women with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted) Number of women with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted)
209 PR_IDLC_W_MNM Mean ideal number of children for currently married women Mean ideal number of children for currently married women
210 PR_IDLC_W_NMM Number of married women with a numeric response for ideal number of children Number of currently married or in union women with a numeric response for ideal number of children
211 PR_IDLC_W_UNM Number of married women with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted)
212 PR_IDLC_M_ID0 Ideal number of children [Men]: 0 Percentage of all men whose ideal number of children is 0
213 PR_IDLC_M_ID1 Ideal number of children [Men]: 1 Percentage of all men whose ideal number of children is 1
214 PR_IDLC_M_ID2 Ideal number of children [Men]: 2 Percentage of all men whose ideal number of children is 2
215 PR_IDLC_M_ID3 Ideal number of children [Men]: 3 Percentage of all men whose ideal number of children is 3
216 PR_IDLC_M_ID4 Ideal number of children [Men]: 4 Percentage of all men whose ideal number of children is 4
217 PR_IDLC_M_ID5 Ideal number of children [Men]: 5 Percentage of all men whose ideal number of children is 5
218 PR_IDLC_M_ID6 Ideal number of children [Men]: 6+ Percentage of all men whose ideal number of children is 6+
219 PR_IDLC_M_IDN Ideal number of children [Men]: Non-numeric response Percentage of all men whose response for the ideal number of children is a non-numeric response
220 PR_IDLC_M_TOT Men: Total Percentage of all men: Total
221 PR_IDLC_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
222 PR_IDLC_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
223 PR_IDLC_M_MNA Mean ideal number of children for all men Mean ideal number of children for all men
224 PR_IDLC_M_NMA Number of men with a numeric response for ideal number of children Number of men with a numeric response for ideal number of children
225 PR_IDLC_M_UNA Number of men with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted) Number of men with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted)
226 PR_IDLC_M_MNM Mean ideal number of children for currently married men Mean ideal number of children for currently married men
227 PR_IDLC_M_NMM Number of married men with a numeric response for ideal number of children Number of currently married or in union men with a numeric response for ideal number of children
228 PR_IDLC_M_UNM Number of married men with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union men with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted)
229 PR_IDLC_M_M5A Mean ideal number of children for all men 15-54(59) Mean ideal number of children for all men age 15-54(59)
230 PR_IDLC_M_N5A Number of men age 15-54(59) with a numeric response for ideal number of children Number of men age 15-49(54,59) with a numeric response for ideal number of children
231 PR_IDLC_M_U5A Number of men age 15-54(59) with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted) Number of men age 15-49(54,59) with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted)
232 PR_IDLC_M_M5M Mean ideal number of children for currently married men 15-54(59) Mean ideal number of children for currently married men age 15-54(59)
233 PR_IDLC_M_N5M Number of married men age 15-54(59) with a numeric response for ideal number of children Number of currently married or in union men age 15-54(59) with a numeric response for ideal number of children
234 PR_IDLC_M_U5M Number of married men age 15-54(59) with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union men age 15-54(59) with a numeric response for ideal number of children (unweighted)
235 PR_MIDL_W_MNA Mean ideal number of children for all women Mean ideal number of children for all women
236 PR_MIDL_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
237 PR_MIDL_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
238 PR_PLST_W_THN Percentage of births wanted then Percentage of births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey wanted then
239 PR_PLST_W_LAT Percentage of births wanted later Percentage of births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey wanted later
240 PR_PLST_W_NOM Percentage of births not wanted at all Percentage of births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey not wanted at all
241 PR_PLST_W_MIS Percentage of births unsure about wantedness/with missing information on wantedness of birth Percentage of births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey unsure about wantedness/with missing information on wantedness of birth
242 PR_PLST_W_TOT Percentage of births: Total Percentage of births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey: Total
243 PR_PLST_W_NUM Number of births in the last five (or three) years Number of births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey
244 PR_PLST_W_UNW Number of births in the last five (or three) years (unweighted) Number of births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey (unweighted)
245 PR_PLSA_W_THN Percentage of pregnancy outcomes wanted then Percentage of pregnancy outcomes in the three/five years preceding the survey wanted then
246 PR_PLSA_W_LAT Percentage of pregnancy outcomes wanted later Percentage of pregnancy outcomes in the three/five years preceding the survey wanted later
247 PR_PLSA_W_NOM Percentage of pregnancy outcomes not wanted at all Percentage of pregnancy outcomes in the three/five years preceding the survey not wanted at all
248 PR_PLSA_W_MIS Percentage of pregnancy outcomes unsure about wantedness/with missing information on wantedness of birth Percentage of pregnancy outcomes in the three/five years preceding the survey unsure about wantedness/with missing information on wantedness of birth
249 PR_PLSA_W_TOT Percentage of pregnancy outcomes: Total Percentage of pregnancy outcomes in the three/five years preceding the survey: Total
250 PR_PLSA_W_NUM Number of pregnancy outcomes in the last three/five years Number of pregnancy outcomes in the three/five years preceding the survey
251 PR_PLSA_W_UNW Number of pregnancy outcomes in the last three/five years (unweighted) Number of pregnancy outcomes in the three/five years preceding the survey (unweighted)
252 PR_WTFR_W_WFR Total wanted fertility rate Total wanted fertility rate for the three years preceding the survey for age group 15-49 expressed per woman. Total wanted fertility rate is calculated in the same way as the total fertility rate, but only including wanted births. A birth is considered wanted if the number of living children plus this birth is less than or equal to the ideal number of children
253 FP_KMTA_W_ANY Knowledge of any method of contraception (all women) Percentage of women who know any method of contraception
254 FP_KMTA_W_MOD Knowledge of any modern method of contraception (all women) Percentage of women who know any modern method of contraception
255 FP_KMTA_W_FST Knowledge of female sterilization (all women) Percentage of women who know of female sterilization
256 FP_KMTA_W_MST Knowledge of male sterilization (all women) Percentage of women who know of male sterilization
257 FP_KMTA_W_PIL Knowledge of pill (all women) Percentage of women who know of pill
258 FP_KMTA_W_IUD Knowledge of IUD (all women) Percentage of women who know of IUD
259 FP_KMTA_W_INJ Knowledge of injections (all women) Percentage of women who know of injections
260 FP_KMTA_W_DFJ Knowledge of diaphragm, foam or jelly (all women) Percentage of women who know of diaphragm, foam or jelly
261 FP_KMTA_W_IMP Knowledge of implants (all women) Percentage of women who know of implants
262 FP_KMTA_W_MCN Knowledge of condom (all women) Percentage of women who know of condom
263 FP_KMTA_W_FCN Knowledge of female condom (all women) Percentage of women who know of female condom
264 FP_KMTA_W_LAM Knowledge of lactational amenorrhea method (all women) Percentage of women who know of lactational amenorrhea method
265 FP_KMTA_W_EMC Knowledge of emergency contraception (all women) Percentage of women who know of emergency contraception
266 FP_KMTA_W_DIA Knowledge of diaphragm (all women) Percentage of women who know of diaphragm
267 FP_KMTA_W_FOM Knowledge of foam or jelly (all women) Percentage of women who know of foam or jelly
268 FP_KMTA_W_MPL Knowledge of monthly pill (all women) Percentage of women who know of monthly pill
269 FP_KMTA_W_STD Knowledge of standard days method (all women) Percentage of women who know of standard days method
270 FP_KMTA_W_OMD Knowledge of other modern methods (all women) Percentage of women who know of other modern methods
271 FP_KMTA_W_TRA Knowledge of any traditional method (all women) Percentage of women who know of any traditional method
272 FP_KMTA_W_RHY Knowledge of periodic abstinence (all women) Percentage of women who know of periodic abstinence
273 FP_KMTA_W_WTH Knowledge of withdrawal (all women) Percentage of women who know of withdrawal
274 FP_KMTA_W_BRF Knowledge of breastfeeding (all women) Percentage of women who know of breastfeeding
275 FP_KMTA_W_OTR Knowledge of other traditional methods (all women) Percentage of women who know of other traditional methods
276 FP_KMTA_W_FLK Knowledge of any folk method (all women) Percentage of women who know of any folk method
277 FP_KMTA_W_TFK Knowledge of any traditional or folk method (all women) Percentage of women who know of any traditional or folk method
278 FP_KMTA_W_MNM Mean number of methods known Mean number of methods known by respondents 15-49
279 FP_KMTA_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
280 FP_KMTA_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
281 FP_KMTA_M_ANY Knowledge of any method of contraception (all men) Percentage of men who know any method of contraception
282 FP_KMTA_M_MOD Knowledge of any modern method of contraception (all men) Percentage of men who know any modern method of contraception
283 FP_KMTA_M_FST Knowledge of female sterilization (all men) Percentage of men who know of female sterilization
284 FP_KMTA_M_MST Knowledge of male sterilization (all men) Percentage of men who know of male sterilization
285 FP_KMTA_M_PIL Knowledge of pill (all men) Percentage of men who know of pill
286 FP_KMTA_M_IUD Knowledge of IUD (all men) Percentage of men who know of IUD
287 FP_KMTA_M_INJ Knowledge of injections (all men) Percentage of men who know of injections
288 FP_KMTA_M_DFJ Knowledge of diaphragm, foam or jelly (all men) Percentage of men who know of diaphragm, foam or jelly
289 FP_KMTA_M_IMP Knowledge of implants (all men) Percentage of men who know of implants
290 FP_KMTA_M_MCN Knowledge of condom (all men) Percentage of men who know of condom
291 FP_KMTA_M_FCN Knowledge of female condom (all men) Percentage of men who know of female condom
292 FP_KMTA_M_LAM Knowledge of lactational amenorrhea method (all men) Percentage of men who know of lactational amenorrhea method
293 FP_KMTA_M_EMC Knowledge of emergency contraception (all men) Percentage of men who know of emergency contraception
294 FP_KMTA_M_DIA Knowledge of diaphragm (all men) Percentage of men who know of diaphragm
295 FP_KMTA_M_FOM Knowledge of foam or jelly (all men) Percentage of men who know of foam or jelly
296 FP_KMTA_M_MPL Knowledge of monthly pill (all men) Percentage of men who know of monthly pill
297 FP_KMTA_M_STD Knowledge of standard days method (all men) Percentage of men who know of standard days method
298 FP_KMTA_M_OMD Knowledge of other modern methods (all men) Percentage of men who know of other modern methods
299 FP_KMTA_M_TRA Knowledge of any traditional method (all men) Percentage of men who know of any traditional method
300 FP_KMTA_M_RHY Knowledge of periodic abstinence (all men) Percentage of men who know of periodic abstinence
301 FP_KMTA_M_WTH Knowledge of withdrawal (all men) Percentage of men who know of withdrawal
302 FP_KMTA_M_BRF Knowledge of breastfeeding (all men) Percentage of men who know of breastfeeding
303 FP_KMTA_M_OTR Knowledge of other traditional methods (all men) Percentage of men who know of other traditional methods
304 FP_KMTA_M_FLK Knowledge of any folk method (all men) Percentage of men who know of any folk method
305 FP_KMTA_M_TFK Knowledge of any traditional or folk method (all men) Percentage of men who know of any traditional or folk method
306 FP_KMTA_M_MNM Mean number of methods known (all men) Mean number of contraceptive methods known by all men
307 FP_KMTA_M_NUM Number of men 15-49 Number of men 15-49
308 FP_KMTA_M_UNW Number of men 15-49 (unweighted) Number of men 15-49 (unweighted)
309 FP_KMTA_M_UN5 Number of men 15-54(59) (unweighted) Number of men 15-54(59) (unweighted)
310 FP_KMTM_W_ANY Knowledge of any method of contraception (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know any method of contraception
311 FP_KMTM_W_MOD Knowledge of any modern method of contraception (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know any modern method of contraception
312 FP_KMTM_W_FST Knowledge of female sterilization (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of female sterilization
313 FP_KMTM_W_MST Knowledge of male sterilization (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of male sterilization
314 FP_KMTM_W_PIL Knowledge of pill (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of pill
315 FP_KMTM_W_IUD Knowledge of IUD (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of IUD
316 FP_KMTM_W_INJ Knowledge of injections (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of injections
317 FP_KMTM_W_DFJ Knowledge of diaphragm, foam or jelly (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of diaphragm, foam or jelly
318 FP_KMTM_W_IMP Knowledge of implants (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of implants
319 FP_KMTM_W_MCN Knowledge of condom (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of condom
320 FP_KMTM_W_FCN Knowledge of female condom (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of female condom
321 FP_KMTM_W_LAM Knowledge of lactational amenorrhea method (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of lactational amenorrhea method
322 FP_KMTM_W_EMC Knowledge of emergency contraception (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of emergency contraception
323 FP_KMTM_W_DIA Knowledge of diaphragm (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of diaphragm
324 FP_KMTM_W_FOM Knowledge of foam or jelly (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of foam or jelly
325 FP_KMTM_W_MPL Knowledge of monthly pill (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of monthly pill
326 FP_KMTM_W_STD Knowledge of standard days method (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of standard days method
327 FP_KMTM_W_OMD Knowledge of other modern methods (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of other modern methods
328 FP_KMTM_W_TRA Knowledge of any traditional method (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of any traditional method
329 FP_KMTM_W_RHY Knowledge of periodic abstinence (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of periodic abstinence
330 FP_KMTM_W_WTH Knowledge of withdrawal (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of withdrawal
331 FP_KMTM_W_BRF Knowledge of breastfeeding (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of breastfeeding
332 FP_KMTM_W_OTR Knowledge of other traditional methods (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of other traditional methods
333 FP_KMTM_W_FLK Knowledge of any folk method (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of any folk method
334 FP_KMTM_W_TFK Knowledge of any traditional or folk method (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who know of any traditional or folk method
335 FP_KMTM_W_MNM Mean number of methods known (married women) Mean number of contraceptive methods known by currently married or in union women
336 FP_KMTM_W_NUM Number of married women Number of currently married or in union women
337 FP_KMTM_W_UNW Number of married women (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women (unweighted)
338 FP_KMTM_M_ANY Knowledge of any method of contraception (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know any method of contraception
339 FP_KMTM_M_MOD Knowledge of any modern method of contraception (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know any modern method of contraception
340 FP_KMTM_M_FST Knowledge of female sterilization (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of female sterilization
341 FP_KMTM_M_MST Knowledge of male sterilization (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of male sterilization
342 FP_KMTM_M_PIL Knowledge of pill (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of pill
343 FP_KMTM_M_IUD Knowledge of IUD (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of IUD
344 FP_KMTM_M_INJ Knowledge of injections (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of injections
345 FP_KMTM_M_DFJ Knowledge of diaphragm, foam or jelly (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of diaphragm, foam or jelly
346 FP_KMTM_M_IMP Knowledge of implants (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of implants
347 FP_KMTM_M_MCN Knowledge of condom (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of condom
348 FP_KMTM_M_FCN Knowledge of female condom (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of female condom
349 FP_KMTM_M_LAM Knowledge of lactational amenorrhea method (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of lactational amenorrhea method
350 FP_KMTM_M_EMC Knowledge of emergency contraception (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of emergency contraception
351 FP_KMTM_M_DIA Knowledge of diaphragm (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of diaphragm
352 FP_KMTM_M_FOM Knowledge of foam or jelly (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of foam or jelly
353 FP_KMTM_M_MPL Knowledge of monthly pill (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of monthly pill
354 FP_KMTM_M_STD Knowledge of standard days method (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of standard days method
355 FP_KMTM_M_OMD Knowledge of other modern methods (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of other modern methods
356 FP_KMTM_M_TRA Knowledge of any traditional method (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of any traditional method
357 FP_KMTM_M_RHY Knowledge of periodic abstinence (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of periodic abstinence
358 FP_KMTM_M_WTH Knowledge of withdrawal (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of withdrawal
359 FP_KMTM_M_OTR Knowledge of other traditional methods (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of other traditional methods
360 FP_KMTM_M_FLK Knowledge of any folk method (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of any folk method
361 FP_KMTM_M_TFK Knowledge of any traditional or folk method (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who know of any traditional or folk method
362 FP_KMTM_M_MNM Mean number of contraceptive methods known (married men age 15-49) Mean number of contraceptive methods known by currently married or in union men age 15-49
363 FP_KMTM_M_NUM Number of married men 15-49 Number of currently married or in union men 15-49
364 FP_KMTM_M_UNW Number of married men 15-49 (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union men 15-49 (unweighted)
365 FP_KMTM_M_UN5 Number of married men 15-54(59) (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union men 15-54(59) (unweighted)
366 FP_KMTU_W_ANY Knowledge of any method of contraception (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know any method of contraception
367 FP_KMTU_W_MOD Knowledge of any modern method of contraception (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know any modern method of contraception
368 FP_KMTU_W_FST Knowledge of female sterilization (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of female sterilization
369 FP_KMTU_W_MST Knowledge of male sterilization (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of male sterilization
370 FP_KMTU_W_PIL Knowledge of pill (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of pill
371 FP_KMTU_W_IUD Knowledge of IUD (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of IUD
372 FP_KMTU_W_INJ Knowledge of injections (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of injections
373 FP_KMTU_W_DFJ Knowledge of diaphragm, foam or jelly (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of diaphragm, foam or jelly
374 FP_KMTU_W_IMP Knowledge of implants (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of implants
375 FP_KMTU_W_MCN Knowledge of condom (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of condom
376 FP_KMTU_W_FCN Knowledge of female condom (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of female condom
377 FP_KMTU_W_LAM Knowledge of lactational amenorrhea method (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of lactational amenorrhea method
378 FP_KMTU_W_EMC Knowledge of emergency contraception (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of emergency contraception
379 FP_KMTU_W_DIA Knowledge of diaphragm (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of diaphragm
380 FP_KMTU_W_FOM Knowledge of foam or jelly (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of foam or jelly
381 FP_KMTU_W_MPL Knowledge of monthly pill (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of monthly pill
382 FP_KMTU_W_STD Knowledge of standard days method (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of standard days method
383 FP_KMTU_W_OMD Knowledge of other modern methods (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of other modern methods
384 FP_KMTU_W_TRA Knowledge of any traditional method (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of any traditional method
385 FP_KMTU_W_RHY Knowledge of periodic abstinence (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of periodic abstinence
386 FP_KMTU_W_WTH Knowledge of withdrawal (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of withdrawal
387 FP_KMTU_W_BRF Knowledge of breastfeeding (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of breastfeeding
388 FP_KMTU_W_OTR Knowledge of other traditional methods (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of other traditional methods
389 FP_KMTU_W_FLK Knowledge of any folk method (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of any folk method
390 FP_KMTU_W_TFK Knowledge of any traditional or folk method (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women women who know of any traditional or folk method
391 FP_KMTU_W_MNM Mean number of contraceptive methods known (sexually active unmarried women) Mean number of contraceptive methods known by sexually active unmarried women
392 FP_KMTU_W_NUM Number of sexually active unmarried women Number of sexually active unmarried women
393 FP_KMTU_W_UNW Number of sexually active unmarried women (unweighted) Number of sexually active unmarried women (unweighted)
394 FP_KMTU_M_ANY Knowledge of any method of contraception (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know any method of contraception
395 FP_KMTU_M_MOD Knowledge of any modern method of contraception (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know any modern method of contraception
396 FP_KMTU_M_FST Knowledge of female sterilization (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of female sterilization
397 FP_KMTU_M_MST Knowledge of male sterilization (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of male sterilization
398 FP_KMTU_M_PIL Knowledge of pill (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of pill
399 FP_KMTU_M_IUD Knowledge of IUD (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of IUD
400 FP_KMTU_M_INJ Knowledge of injections (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of injections
401 FP_KMTU_M_DFJ Knowledge of diaphragm, foam or jelly (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of diaphragm, foam or jelly
402 FP_KMTU_M_IMP Knowledge of implants (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of implants
403 FP_KMTU_M_MCN Knowledge of condom (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of condom
404 FP_KMTU_M_FCN Knowledge of female condom (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of female condom
405 FP_KMTU_M_LAM Knowledge of lactational amenorrhea method (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of lactational amenorrhea method
406 FP_KMTU_M_EMC Knowledge of emergency contraception (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of emergency contraception
407 FP_KMTU_M_DIA Knowledge of diaphragm (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of diaphragm
408 FP_KMTU_M_FOM Knowledge of foam or jelly (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of foam or jelly
409 FP_KMTU_M_MPL Knowledge of monthly pill (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of monthly pill
410 FP_KMTU_M_STD Knowledge of standard days method (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of standard days method
411 FP_KMTU_M_OMD Knowledge of other modern methods (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of other modern methods
412 FP_KMTU_M_TRA Knowledge of any traditional method (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of any traditional method
413 FP_KMTU_M_RHY Knowledge of periodic abstinence (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of periodic abstinence
414 FP_KMTU_M_WTH Knowledge of withdrawal (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of withdrawal
415 FP_KMTU_M_OTR Knowledge of other traditional methods (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of other traditional methods
416 FP_KMTU_M_FLK Knowledge of any folk method (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of any folk method
417 FP_KMTU_M_TFK Knowledge of any traditional or folk method (sexually active unmmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmmarried men who know of any traditional or folk method
418 FP_KMTU_M_MNM Mean number of methods known by sexually active unmarried men age 15-49 Mean number of methods known by sexually active unmarried men age 15-49
419 FP_KMTU_M_NUM Number of sexually active unmarried men 15-49 Number of sexually active unmarried men 15-49
420 FP_KMTU_M_UNW Number of sexually active unmarried men 15-49 (unweighted) Number of sexually active unmarried men 15-49 (unweighted)
421 FP_KMTU_M_UN5 Number of sexually active unmarried men 15-54(59) (unweighted) Number of sexually active unmarried men 15-54(59) (unweighted)
422 FP_KMET_W_ANY Knowledge of any method of contraception among married women Percentage of currently married/in union women who know any method of contraception
423 FP_KMET_W_MOD Knowledge of any modern method of contraception amonth married women Percentage of currently married/in union women who know any modern method of contraception
424 FP_KMET_W_NUM Number of married women Number of currently married/in union women
425 FP_KMET_W_UNW Number of married women (unweighted) Number of currently married/in union women (unweighted)
426 FP_KMET_M_ANY Knowledge of any method of contraception among married men Percentage of currently married/in union men who know any method of contraception
427 FP_KMET_M_MOD Knowledge of any modern method of contraception amonth married men Percentage of currently married/in union men who know any modern method of contraception
428 FP_KMET_M_NUM Number of married men Number of currently married/in union men
429 FP_KMET_M_UNW Number of married men (unweighted) Number of currently married/in union men (unweighted)
430 FP_EVUA_W_ANY Ever use of any method of contraception (all women) Percentage of women who ever used any method of contraception
431 FP_EVUA_W_MOD Ever use of any modern method of contraception (all women) Percentage of women who ever used any modern method of contraception
432 FP_EVUA_W_FST Ever use of female sterilization (all women) Percentage of women who ever used female sterilization
433 FP_EVUA_W_MST Ever use of male sterilization (all women) Percentage of women who ever used male sterilization
434 FP_EVUA_W_PIL Ever use of pill (all women) Percentage of women who ever used pill
435 FP_EVUA_W_IUD Ever use of IUD (all women) Percentage of women who ever used IUD
436 FP_EVUA_W_INJ Ever use of injections (all women) Percentage of women who ever used injections
437 FP_EVUA_W_DFJ Ever use of diaphragm, foam or jelly (all women) Percentage of women who ever used diaphragm, foam or jelly
438 FP_EVUA_W_IMP Ever use of implants (all women) Percentage of women who ever used implants
439 FP_EVUA_W_MCN Ever use of condom (all women) Percentage of women who ever used condom
440 FP_EVUA_W_FCN Ever use of female condom (all women) Percentage of women who ever used female condom
441 FP_EVUA_W_LAM Ever use of lactational amenorrhea (all women) Percentage of women who ever used lactational amenorrhea
442 FP_EVUA_W_EMC Ever use of emergency contraception (all women) Percentage of women who ever used emergency contraception
443 FP_EVUA_W_DIA Ever use of diaphragm (all women) Percentage of women who ever used diaphragm
444 FP_EVUA_W_FOM Ever use of foam or jelly (all women) Percentage of women who ever used foam or jelly
445 FP_EVUA_W_MPL Ever use of monthly pill (all women) Percentage of women who ever used monthly pill
446 FP_EVUA_W_STD Ever use of standard days method (all women) Percentage of women who ever used standard days method
447 FP_EVUA_W_OMD Ever use of other modern methods (all women) Percentage of women who ever used other modern methods
448 FP_EVUA_W_TRA Ever use of any traditional method (all women) Percentage of women who ever used any traditional method
449 FP_EVUA_W_RHY Ever use of periodic abstinence (all women) Percentage of women who ever used periodic abstinence
450 FP_EVUA_W_WTH Ever use of withdrawal (all women) Percentage of women who ever used withdrawal
451 FP_EVUA_W_BRF Ever use of breastfeeding (all women) Percentage of women who ever used breastfeeding
452 FP_EVUA_W_OTR Ever use of other traditional methods (all women) Percentage of women who ever used other traditional methods
453 FP_EVUA_W_FLK Ever use of any folk method (all women) Percentage of women who ever used any folk method
454 FP_EVUA_W_TFK Ever use of any traditional or folk method (all women) Percentage of women who ever used any traditional or folk method
455 FP_EVUA_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
456 FP_EVUA_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
457 FP_EVUA_M_ANY Ever use of any method of contraception (all men) Percentage of men who ever used any method of contraception
458 FP_EVUA_M_MOD Ever use of any modern method of contraception (all men) Percentage of men who ever used any modern method of contraception
459 FP_EVUA_M_FST Ever use of female sterilization (all men) Percentage of men who ever used female sterilization
460 FP_EVUA_M_MST Ever use of male sterilization (all men) Percentage of men who ever used male sterilization
461 FP_EVUA_M_PIL Ever use of pill (all men) Percentage of men who ever used pill
462 FP_EVUA_M_IUD Ever use of IUD (all men) Percentage of men who ever used IUD
463 FP_EVUA_M_INJ Ever use of injections (all men) Percentage of men who ever used injections
464 FP_EVUA_M_DFJ Ever use of diaphragm, foam or jelly (all men) Percentage of men who ever used diaphragm, foam or jelly
465 FP_EVUA_M_IMP Ever use of implants (all men) Percentage of men who ever used implants
466 FP_EVUA_M_MCN Ever use of condom (all men) Percentage of men who ever used condom
467 FP_EVUA_M_FCN Ever use of female condom (all men) Percentage of men who ever used female condom
468 FP_EVUA_M_LAM Ever use of lactational amenorrhea (all men) Percentage of men who ever used lactational amenorrhea
469 FP_EVUA_M_EMC Ever use of emergency contraception (all men) Percentage of men who ever used emergency contraception
470 FP_EVUA_M_DIA Ever use of diaphragm (all men) Percentage of men who ever used diaphragm
471 FP_EVUA_M_FOM Ever use of foam or jelly (all men) Percentage of men who ever used foam or jelly
472 FP_EVUA_M_MPL Ever use of monthly pill (all men) Percentage of men who ever used monthly pill
473 FP_EVUA_M_STD Ever use of standard days method (all men) Percentage of men who ever used standard days method
474 FP_EVUA_M_OMD Ever use of other modern methods (all men) Percentage of men who ever used other modern methods
475 FP_EVUA_M_TRA Ever use of any traditional method (all men) Percentage of men who ever used any traditional method
476 FP_EVUA_M_RHY Ever use of periodic abstinence (all men) Percentage of men who ever used periodic abstinence
477 FP_EVUA_M_WTH Ever use of withdrawal (all men) Percentage of men who ever used withdrawal
478 FP_EVUA_M_OTR Ever use of other traditional methods (all men) Percentage of men who ever used other traditional methods
479 FP_EVUA_M_FLK Ever use of any folk method (all men) Percentage of men who ever used any folk method
480 FP_EVUA_M_TFK Ever use of any traditional or folk method (all men) Percentage of men who ever used any traditional or folk method
481 FP_EVUA_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
482 FP_EVUA_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
483 FP_EVUM_W_ANY Ever use of any method of contraception (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used any method of contraception
484 FP_EVUM_W_MOD Ever use of any modern method of contraception (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used any modern method of contraception
485 FP_EVUM_W_FST Ever use of female sterilization (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used female sterilization
486 FP_EVUM_W_MST Ever use of male sterilization (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used male sterilization
487 FP_EVUM_W_PIL Ever use of pill (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used pill
488 FP_EVUM_W_IUD Ever use of IUD (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used IUD
489 FP_EVUM_W_INJ Ever use of injections (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used injections
490 FP_EVUM_W_DFJ Ever use of diaphragm, foam or jelly (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used diaphragm, foam or jelly
491 FP_EVUM_W_IMP Ever use of implants (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used implants
492 FP_EVUM_W_MCN Ever use of condom (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used condom
493 FP_EVUM_W_FCN Ever use of female condom (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used female condom
494 FP_EVUM_W_LAM Ever use of lactational amenorrhea (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used lactational amenorrhea
495 FP_EVUM_W_EMC Ever use of emergency contraception (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used emergency contraception
496 FP_EVUM_W_DIA Ever use of diaphragm (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used diaphragm
497 FP_EVUM_W_FOM Ever use of foam or jelly (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used foam or jelly
498 FP_EVUM_W_MPL Ever use of monthly pill (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used monthly pill
499 FP_EVUM_W_STD Ever use of standard days method (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used standard days method
500 FP_EVUM_W_OMD Ever use of other modern methods (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used other modern methods
501 FP_EVUM_W_TRA Ever use of any traditional method (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used any traditional method
502 FP_EVUM_W_RHY Ever use of periodic abstinence (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used periodic abstinence
503 FP_EVUM_W_WTH Ever use of withdrawal (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used withdrawal
504 FP_EVUM_W_BRF Ever use of breastfeeding (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used breastfeeding
505 FP_EVUM_W_OTR Ever use of other traditional methods (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used other traditional methods
506 FP_EVUM_W_FLK Ever use of any folk method (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used any folk method
507 FP_EVUM_W_TFK Ever use of any traditional or folk method (married women) Percentage of currently married or in union women who ever used any traditional or folk method
508 FP_EVUM_W_NUM Number of married women Number of currently married or in union women
509 FP_EVUM_W_UNW Number of married women (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women (unweighted)
510 FP_EVUM_M_ANY Ever use of any method of contraception (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used any method of contraception
511 FP_EVUM_M_MOD Ever use of any modern method of contraception (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used any modern method of contraception
512 FP_EVUM_M_FST Ever use of female sterilization (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used female sterilization
513 FP_EVUM_M_MST Ever use of male sterilization (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used male sterilization
514 FP_EVUM_M_PIL Ever use of pill (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used pill
515 FP_EVUM_M_IUD Ever use of IUD (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used IUD
516 FP_EVUM_M_INJ Ever use of injections (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used injections
517 FP_EVUM_M_DFJ Ever use of diaphragm, foam or jelly (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used diaphragm, foam or jelly
518 FP_EVUM_M_IMP Ever use of implants (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used implants
519 FP_EVUM_M_MCN Ever use of condom (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used condom
520 FP_EVUM_M_FCN Ever use of female condom (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used female condom
521 FP_EVUM_M_LAM Ever use of lactational amenorrhea (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used lactational amenorrhea
522 FP_EVUM_M_EMC Ever use of emergency contraception (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used emergency contraception
523 FP_EVUM_M_DIA Ever use of diaphragm (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used diaphragm
524 FP_EVUM_M_FOM Ever use of foam or jelly (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used foam or jelly
525 FP_EVUM_M_MPL Ever use of monthly pill (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used monthly pill
526 FP_EVUM_M_STD Ever use of standard days method (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used standard days method
527 FP_EVUM_M_OMD Ever use of other modern methods (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used other modern methods
528 FP_EVUM_M_TRA Ever use of any traditional method (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used any traditional method
529 FP_EVUM_M_RHY Ever use of periodic abstinence (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used periodic abstinence
530 FP_EVUM_M_WTH Ever use of withdrawal (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used withdrawal
531 FP_EVUM_M_OTR Ever use of other traditional methods (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used other traditional methods
532 FP_EVUM_M_FLK Ever use of any folk method (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used any folk method
533 FP_EVUM_M_TFK Ever use of any traditional or folk method (married men) Percentage of currently married or in union men who ever used any traditional or folk method
534 FP_EVUM_M_NUM Number of married men Number of currently married or in union men
535 FP_EVUM_M_UNW Number of married men (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union men (unweighted)
536 FP_EVUU_W_ANY Ever use of any method of contraception (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used any method of contraception
537 FP_EVUU_W_MOD Ever use of any modern method of contraception (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used any modern method of contraception
538 FP_EVUU_W_FST Ever use of female sterilization (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used female sterilization
539 FP_EVUU_W_MST Ever use of male sterilization (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used male sterilization
540 FP_EVUU_W_PIL Ever use of pill (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used pill
541 FP_EVUU_W_IUD Ever use of IUD (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used IUD
542 FP_EVUU_W_INJ Ever use of injections (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used injections
543 FP_EVUU_W_DFJ Ever use of diaphragm, foam or jelly (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used diaphragm, foam or jelly
544 FP_EVUU_W_IMP Ever use of implants (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used implants
545 FP_EVUU_W_MCN Ever use of condom (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used condom
546 FP_EVUU_W_FCN Ever use of female condom (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used female condom
547 FP_EVUU_W_LAM Ever use of lactational amenorrhea (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used lactational amenorrhea
548 FP_EVUU_W_EMC Ever use of emergency contraception (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used emergency contraception
549 FP_EVUU_W_DIA Ever use of diaphragm (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used diaphragm
550 FP_EVUU_W_FOM Ever use of foam or jelly (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used foam or jelly
551 FP_EVUU_W_MPL Ever use of monthly pill (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used monthly pill
552 FP_EVUU_W_STD Ever use of standard days method (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used standard days method
553 FP_EVUU_W_OMD Ever use of other modern methods (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used other modern methods
554 FP_EVUU_W_TRA Ever use of any traditional method (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used any traditional method
555 FP_EVUU_W_RHY Ever use of periodic abstinence (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used periodic abstinence
556 FP_EVUU_W_WTH Ever use of withdrawal (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used withdrawal
557 FP_EVUU_W_BRF Ever use of breastfeeding (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used breastfeeding
558 FP_EVUU_W_OTR Ever use of other traditional methods (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used other traditional methods
559 FP_EVUU_W_FLK Ever use of any folk method (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used any folk method
560 FP_EVUU_W_TFK Ever use of any traditional or folk method (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women who ever used any traditional or folk method
561 FP_EVUU_W_NUM Number of sexually active unmarried women Number of sexually active unmarried women
562 FP_EVUU_W_UNW Number of sexually active unmarried women (unweighted) Number of sexually active unmarried women (unweighted)
563 FP_EVUU_M_ANY Ever use of any method of contraception (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used any method of contraception
564 FP_EVUU_M_MOD Ever use of any modern method of contraception (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used any modern method of contraception
565 FP_EVUU_M_FST Ever use of female sterilization (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used female sterilization
566 FP_EVUU_M_MST Ever use of male sterilization (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used male sterilization
567 FP_EVUU_M_PIL Ever use of pill (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used pill
568 FP_EVUU_M_IUD Ever use of IUD (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used IUD
569 FP_EVUU_M_INJ Ever use of injections (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used injections
570 FP_EVUU_M_DFJ Ever use of diaphragm, foam or jelly (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used diaphragm, foam or jelly
571 FP_EVUU_M_IMP Ever use of implants (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used implants
572 FP_EVUU_M_MCN Ever use of condom (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used condom
573 FP_EVUU_M_FCN Ever use of female condom (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used female condom
574 FP_EVUU_M_LAM Ever use of lactational amenorrhea (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used lactational amenorrhea
575 FP_EVUU_M_EMC Ever use of emergency contraception (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used emergency contraception
576 FP_EVUU_M_DIA Ever use of diaphragm (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used diaphragm
577 FP_EVUU_M_FOM Ever use of foam or jelly (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used foam or jelly
578 FP_EVUU_M_MPL Ever use of monthly pill (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used monthly pill
579 FP_EVUU_M_STD Ever use of standard days method (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used standard days method
580 FP_EVUU_M_OMD Ever use of other modern methods (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used other modern methods
581 FP_EVUU_M_TRA Ever use of any traditional method (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used any traditional method
582 FP_EVUU_M_RHY Ever use of periodic abstinence (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used periodic abstinence
583 FP_EVUU_M_WTH Ever use of withdrawal (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used withdrawal
584 FP_EVUU_M_OTR Ever use of other traditional methods (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used other traditional methods
585 FP_EVUU_M_FLK Ever use of any folk method (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used any folk method
586 FP_EVUU_M_TFK Ever use of any traditional or folk method (sexually active unmarried men) Percentage of sexually active unmarried men who ever used any traditional or folk method
587 FP_EVUU_M_NUM Number of sexually active unmarried men Number of sexually active unmarried men
588 FP_EVUU_M_UNW Number of sexually active unmarried men (unweighted) Number of sexually active unmarried men (unweighted)
589 FP_CUSA_W_ANY Current use of any method of contraception (all women) Percentage of women currently using any method of contraception
590 FP_CUSA_W_MOD Current use of any modern method of contraception (all women) Percentage of women currently using any modern method of contraception
591 FP_CUSA_W_FST Current use of female sterilization (all women) Percentage of women currently using female sterilization
592 FP_CUSA_W_MST Current use of male sterilization (all women) Percentage of women currently using male sterilization
593 FP_CUSA_W_PIL Current use of pill (all women) Percentage of women currently using pill
594 FP_CUSA_W_IUD Current use of IUD (all women) Percentage of women currently using IUD
595 FP_CUSA_W_INJ Current use of injections (all women) Percentage of women currently using injections
596 FP_CUSA_W_DFJ Current use of diaphragm, foam or jelly (all women) Percentage of women currently using diaphragm, foam or jelly
597 FP_CUSA_W_IMP Current use of implants (all women) Percentage of women currently using implants
598 FP_CUSA_W_MCN Current use of condom (all women) Percentage of women currently using condom
599 FP_CUSA_W_FCN Current use of female condom (all women) Percentage of women currently using female condom
600 FP_CUSA_W_LAM Current use of lactational amenorrhea (all women) Percentage of women currently using lactational amenorrhea
601 FP_CUSA_W_EMC Current use of emergency contraception (all women) Percentage of women currently using emergency contraception
602 FP_CUSA_W_DIA Current use of diaphragm (all women) Percentage of women currently using diaphragm
603 FP_CUSA_W_FOM Current use of foam or jelly (all women) Percentage of women currently using foam or jelly
604 FP_CUSA_W_MPL Current use of monthly pill (all women) Percentage of women currently using monthly pill
605 FP_CUSA_W_STD Current use of standard days method (all women) Percentage of women currently using standard days method
606 FP_CUSA_W_OMD Current use of other modern methods (all women) Percentage of women currently using other modern methods
607 FP_CUSA_W_TRA Current use of any traditional method (all women) Percentage of women currently using any traditional method
608 FP_CUSA_W_RHY Current use of periodic abstinence (all women) Percentage of women currently using periodic abstinence
609 FP_CUSA_W_WTH Current use of withdrawal (all women) Percentage of women currently using withdrawal
610 FP_CUSA_W_BRF Current use of breastfeeding (all women) Percentage of women currently using breastfeeding
611 FP_CUSA_W_OTR Current use of other traditional methods (all women) Percentage of women currently using other traditional methods
612 FP_CUSA_W_FLK Current use of any folk method (all women) Percentage of women currently using any folk method
613 FP_CUSA_W_TFK Current use of any traditional or folk method (all women) Percentage of women currently using any traditional or folk method
614 FP_CUSA_W_NCU Women not currently using any method Percentage of women not currently using any method
615 FP_CUSA_W_TOT Women: Total Percentage of women: Total
616 FP_CUSA_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
617 FP_CUSA_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
618 FP_CUSM_W_ANY Married women currently using any method of contraception Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using any method of contraception
619 FP_CUSM_W_MOD Married women currently using any modern method of contraception Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using any modern method of contraception
620 FP_CUSM_W_FST Married women currently using female sterilization Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using female sterilization
621 FP_CUSM_W_MST Married women currently using male sterilization Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using male sterilization
622 FP_CUSM_W_PIL Married women currently using pill Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using pill
623 FP_CUSM_W_IUD Married women currently using IUD Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using IUD
624 FP_CUSM_W_INJ Married women currently using injections Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using injections
625 FP_CUSM_W_DFJ Married women currently using diaphragm, foam or jelly Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using diaphragm, foam or jelly
626 FP_CUSM_W_IMP Married women currently using implants Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using implants
627 FP_CUSM_W_MCN Married women currently using condom Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using condom
628 FP_CUSM_W_FCN Married women currently using female condom Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using female condom
629 FP_CUSM_W_LAM Married women currently using lactational amenorrhea Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using lactational amenorrhea
630 FP_CUSM_W_EMC Married women currently using emergency contraception Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using emergency contraception
631 FP_CUSM_W_DIA Married women currently using diaphragm Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using diaphragm
632 FP_CUSM_W_FOM Married women currently using foam or jelly Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using foam or jelly
633 FP_CUSM_W_MPL Married women currently using monthly pill Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using monthly pill
634 FP_CUSM_W_STD Married women currently using standard days method Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using standard days method
635 FP_CUSM_W_OMD Married women currently using other modern methods Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using other modern methods
636 FP_CUSM_W_TRA Married women currently using any traditional method Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using any traditional method
637 FP_CUSM_W_RHY Married women currently using periodic abstinence Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using periodic abstinence
638 FP_CUSM_W_WTH Married women currently using withdrawal Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using withdrawal
639 FP_CUSM_W_BRF Married women currently using breastfeeding Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using breastfeeding
640 FP_CUSM_W_OTR Married women currently using other traditional methods Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using other traditional methods
641 FP_CUSM_W_FLK Married women currently using any folk method Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using any folk method
642 FP_CUSM_W_TFK Married women currently using any traditional or folk method Percentage of currently married or in union women currently using any traditional or folk method
643 FP_CUSM_W_NCU Married women not currently using any method Percentage of currently married or in union women not currently using any method
644 FP_CUSM_W_TOT Married women: Total Percentage of currently married or in union women: Total
645 FP_CUSM_W_NUM Number of married women Number of currently married or in union women
646 FP_CUSM_W_UNW Number of married women (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women (unweighted)
647 FP_CUSU_W_ANY Current use of any method of contraception (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using any method of contraception
648 FP_CUSU_W_MOD Current use of any modern method of contraception (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using any modern method of contraception
649 FP_CUSU_W_FST Current use of female sterilization (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using female sterilization
650 FP_CUSU_W_MST Current use of male sterilization (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using male sterilization
651 FP_CUSU_W_PIL Current use of pill (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using pill
652 FP_CUSU_W_IUD Current use of IUD (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using IUD
653 FP_CUSU_W_INJ Current use of injections (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using injections
654 FP_CUSU_W_IMP Current use of implants (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using implants
655 FP_CUSU_W_MCN Current use of condom (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using condom
656 FP_CUSU_W_FCN Current use of female condom (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using female condom
657 FP_CUSU_W_LAM Current use of lactational amenorrhea (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using lactational amenorrhea
658 FP_CUSU_W_EMC Current use of emergency contraception (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using emergency contraception
659 FP_CUSU_W_DIA Current use of diaphragm (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using diaphragm
660 FP_CUSU_W_FOM Current use of foam or jelly (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using foam or jelly
661 FP_CUSU_W_MPL Current use of monthly pill (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using monthly pill
662 FP_CUSU_W_STD Current use of standard days method (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using standard days method
663 FP_CUSU_W_OMD Current use of other modern methods (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using other modern methods
664 FP_CUSU_W_TRA Current use of any traditional method (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using any traditional method
665 FP_CUSU_W_RHY Current use of periodic abstinence (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using periodic abstinence
666 FP_CUSU_W_WTH Current use of withdrawal (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using withdrawal
667 FP_CUSU_W_BRF Current use of breastfeeding (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using breastfeeding
668 FP_CUSU_W_OTR Current use of other traditional methods (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using other traditional methods
669 FP_CUSU_W_FLK Current use of any folk method (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using any folk method
670 FP_CUSU_W_TFK Current use of any traditional or folk method (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women currently using any traditional or folk method
671 FP_CUSU_W_NCU Sexually active unmarried women not currently using any method Percentage of sexually active unmarried women not currently using any method
672 FP_CUSU_W_TOT Sexually active unmarried women: total Percentage of sexually active unmarried women: Total
673 FP_CUSU_W_NUM Number of sexually active unmarried women Number of sexually active unmarried women
674 FP_CUSU_W_UNW Number of sexually active unmarried women (unweighted) Number of sexually active unmarried women (unweighted)
675 FP_CUSY_W_ANY Current use of any method of contraception (young women) Percentage of young women currently using any method of contraception
676 FP_CUSY_W_MOD Current use of any modern method of contraception (young women) Percentage of young women currently using any modern method of contraception
677 FP_CUSY_W_NCU Young women not currently using any method Percentage of young women not currently using any method
678 FP_CUSY_W_TOT Young women: Total Percentage of young women: Total
679 FP_CUSY_W_NUM Number of young women Number of young women
680 FP_CUSY_W_UNW Number of young women (unweighted) Number of young women (unweighted)
681 FP_ASTR_W_A20 Age at sterilization: <25 Percentage of sterilized women sterilized at age <25
682 FP_ASTR_W_A25 Age at sterilization: 25-29 Percentage of sterilized women sterilized at age 25-29
683 FP_ASTR_W_A30 Age at sterilization: 30-34 Percentage of sterilized women sterilized at age 30-34
684 FP_ASTR_W_A35 Age at sterilization: 35-39 Percentage of sterilized women sterilized at age 35-39
685 FP_ASTR_W_A40 Age at sterilization: 40-44 Percentage of sterilized women sterilized at age 40-44
686 FP_ASTR_W_A45 Age at sterilization: 45-49 Percentage of sterilized women sterilized at age 45-49
687 FP_ASTR_W_TOT Sterilized women: Total Percentage of sterilized women: Total
688 FP_ASTR_W_NUM Sterilized women Number of sterilized women
689 FP_ASTR_W_UNW Sterilized women (unweighted) Number of sterilized women (unweighted)
690 FP_ASTR_W_MED Median age at sterilization Median age at sterilization for sterilized women
691 FP_SRCM_W_PUB Current users most recent supply or information from a public source Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a public source
692 FP_SRCM_W_GHS Current users most recent supply or information from a government hospital Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a government hospital
693 FP_SRCM_W_GHC Current users most recent supply or information from a government health center Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a government health center
694 FP_SRCM_W_GFP Current users most recent supply or information from a family planning clinic Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a family planning clinic
695 FP_SRCM_W_GMB Current users most recent supply or information from a mobile clinic Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a mobile clinic
696 FP_SRCM_W_GFW Current users most recent supply or information from a fieldworker Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a fieldworker
697 FP_SRCM_W_GOT Current users most recent supply or information from an other public medical source Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from an other public medical source
698 FP_SRCM_W_PRV Current users most recent supply or information from a private medical source Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a private medical source
699 FP_SRCM_W_PHS Current users most recent supply or information from a private hospital/clinic Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a private hospital/clinic
700 FP_SRCM_W_PPH Current users most recent supply or information from a pharmacy Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a pharmacy
701 FP_SRCM_W_PDR Current users most recent supply or information from a private doctor Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a private doctor
702 FP_SRCM_W_PMB Current users most recent supply or information from a mobile clinic Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a mobile clinic
703 FP_SRCM_W_PFW Current users most recent supply or information from a fieldworker Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a fieldworker
704 FP_SRCM_W_POT Current users most recent supply or information from an other private medical source Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from an other private medical source
705 FP_SRCM_W_NGS Current users most recent supply or information from NGO sector Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from NGO sector
706 FP_SRCM_W_NGH Current users most recent supply or information from an NGO hospital Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from NGO hospital
707 FP_SRCM_W_ONG Current users most recent supply or information from another NGO source Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from another NGO source
708 FP_SRCM_W_OSR Current users most recent supply or information from other non-medical sources Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from an other private non-medical sources
709 FP_SRCM_W_SHP Current users most recent supply or information from a shop Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a shop
710 FP_SRCM_W_CHH Current users most recent supply or information from a church Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a church
711 FP_SRCM_W_FRR Current users most recent supply or information from a friend/relative Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from a friend/relative
712 FP_SRCM_W_OTH Current users most recent supply or information from an other unspecified source Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from an other unspecified source
713 FP_SRCM_W_DKM Current users most recent supply or information from an unknown source Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information from an unknown source
714 FP_SRCM_W_MIS Current users most recent supply or information: Missing Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods who received their most recent supply or information: Missing
715 FP_SRCM_W_TOT Current users: Total Percentage of women currently using modern contraceptive methods: Total
716 FP_SRCM_W_NUM Current users Number of women currently using modern contraceptive methods
717 FP_SRCM_W_UNW Current users (unweighted) Number of women currently using modern contraceptive methods (unweighted)
718 FP_SPUS_W_SPU Percentage using DMPA-SC/Sayana Press Percentage of women using injectables receiving DMPA-SC/Sayana Press
719 FP_SPUS_W_NM1 Number of women using injectables Number of women using injectables
720 FP_SPUS_W_UN1 Number of women using injectables (unweighted) Number of women using injectables (unweighted)
721 FP_SPUS_W_SPS Percentage using self injection Percentage of women using DMPA-SC receiving self injection
722 FP_SPUS_W_SPH Percentage receiving injection given by health care provider Percentage of women using DMPA-SC receiving injection given by health care provider
723 FP_SPUS_W_DKM Person administering injection: Don't know Percentage of women using DMPA-SC reporting Don't know for the person administering the injection
724 FP_SPUS_W_TOT Person administering injection: Total Person administering DMPA-SC injection: Total
725 FP_SPUS_W_NM2 Number of women receiving injection Number of women receiving DMPA-SC injection
726 FP_SPUS_W_UN2 Number of women receiving injection (unweighted) Number of women receiving DMPA-SC injection (unweighted)
727 FP_ECUS_W_ECU Percentage using emergency contraception in last 12 months Percentage of women using emergency contraception in the last 12 months
728 FP_ECUS_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
729 FP_ECUS_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
730 FP_SOCM_W_PIL Using social marketing brand of pill Percentage of women currently using pills who are using a social marketing brand of pill
731 FP_SOCM_W_NPL Number of women using pills Number of women using pills
732 FP_SOCM_W_UPL Number of women using pills (unweighted) Number of women using pills (unweighted)
733 FP_SOCM_W_CON Using social marketing brand of condom Percentage of women currently using condoms who are using a social marketing brand of condom
734 FP_SOCM_W_NCN Number of women using condoms Number of women using condoms
735 FP_SOCM_W_UCN Number of women using condoms (unweighted) Number of women using condoms (unweighted)
736 FP_ICHC_W_SID Users informed about side effect or problems of method used Among women currently using modern contraceptive methods who adopted the current method in the five years preceding the survey, percentage who were informed about side effects or problems of method used
737 FP_ICHC_W_WDO Users informed what to do if experienced side effects Among women currently using modern contraceptive methods who adopted the current method in the five years preceding the survey, percentage who were informed what to do if experienced side effects
738 FP_ICHC_W_HFP Users informed about other methods Among women currently using modern contraceptive methods who adopted the current method in the five years preceding the survey, percentage who were informed about other methods that could be used
739 FP_ICHC_W_PRM Users informed that sterilization is permanent Among women who were sterilized in the five years preceding the survey, percentage who were informed that sterilization is permanent
740 FP_ICHC_W_MII Users informed of all three (Method Information Index) Among women currently using modern contraceptive methods who adopted the current method in the five years preceding the survey, percentage who were informed of all three (Method Mix Index)
741 FP_ICHC_W_NUM Number of users of selected modern methods of contraception Number of users of selected modern methods of contraception
742 FP_ICHC_W_UNW Number of users of selected modern methods of contraception (unweighted) Number of users of selected modern methods of contraception (unweighted)
743 FP_ICHC_W_SWT Users informed they could switch to another method Among women currently using modern contraceptive methods (excluding sterilization) who adopted the current method in the five years preceding the survey, percentage who were informed that they could switch to another method if they wanted to or needed to
744 FP_ICHC_W_NM1 Number of users of selected modern methods of contraception excluding sterilization Number of users of selected modern methods of contraception excluding sterilization
745 FP_ICHC_W_UN1 Number of users of selected modern methods of contraception excluding sterilization (unweighted) Number of users of selected modern methods of contraception excluding sterilization (unweighted)
746 FP_DISR_W_PRG First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to method failure Among women who started an episode of contraceptive use within the five years preceding the survey, the percentage of episodes discontinued within 12 months due to method failure
747 FP_DISR_W_DES First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to desire to become pregnant Among women who started an episode of contraceptive use within the five years preceding the survey, the percentage of episodes discontinued within 12 months due to becoming pregnant
748 FP_DISR_W_FRT First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to other fertility related reasons Among women who started an episode of contraceptive use within the five years preceding the survey, the percentage of episodes discontinued within 12 months due to other fertility related reasons
749 FP_DISR_W_MBL First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to changes in menstrual bleeding Among women who started an episode of contraceptive use within the five years preceding the survey, the percentage of episodes discontinued within 12 months due to changes in menstrual bleeding
750 FP_DISR_W_SID First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to side effects, health Among women who started an episode of contraceptive use within the five years preceding the survey, the percentage of episodes discontinued within 12 months due to side effects, health
751 FP_DISR_W_WME First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to wanting a more effective method Among women who started an episode of contraceptive use within the five years preceding the survey, the percentage of episodes discontinued within 12 months due to wanting a more effective method
752 FP_DISR_W_MET First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to other method related reasons Among women who started an episode of contraceptive use within the five years preceding the survey, the percentage of episodes discontinued within 12 months due to other method related reasons
753 FP_DISR_W_OTH First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to other reasons Among women who started an episode of contraceptive use within the five years preceding the survey, the percentage of episodes discontinued within 12 months due to other reasons
754 FP_DISR_W_ANY First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to all reasons Among women who started an episode of contraceptive use within the five years preceding the survey, the percentage of episodes discontinued within 12 months due to all reasons
755 FP_DISR_W_SWH First-year contraceptive discontinuation rate due to switching to another method Among women who started an episode of contraceptive use within the five years preceding the survey, the percentage of episodes discontinued within 12 months due to switching to another method
756 FP_DISR_W_NUM Number of episodes of use Number of episodes of use of the contraceptive method within the five years preceding the survey
757 FP_DISR_W_UNW Number of episodes of use (unweighted) Number of episodes of use of the contraceptive method within the five years preceding the survey (unweighted)
758 FP_RDIS_W_PRG Discontinuation due to becoming pregnant Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due to becoming pregnant
759 FP_RDIS_W_DES Discontinuation to become pregnant Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey to become pregnant
760 FP_RDIS_W_DIS Discontinuation due to husband's disapproval Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due to husband's disapproval
761 FP_RDIS_W_WME Discontinuation due to switching to a more effective method Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due to switching to a more effective method
762 FP_RDIS_W_MBL Discontinuation due to changes in menstrual bleeding Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due to changes in menstrual bleeding
763 FP_RDIS_W_SID Discontinuation due to side effects/health concerns Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due to side effects or health concerns
764 FP_RDIS_W_ACC Discontinuation due to access/availability Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due to access/availability
765 FP_RDIS_W_CST Discontinuation due to cost Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due to cost
766 FP_RDIS_W_INC Discontinuation due to method being inconvenient to use Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due to method being inconvenient to use
767 FP_RDIS_W_FAT Discontinuation as woman is fatalistic Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey as woman is fatalistic
768 FP_RDIS_W_DIF Discontinuation due to menopause Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due to menopause
769 FP_RDIS_W_INF Discontinuation due to infrequent sex Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due to infrequent sex
770 FP_RDIS_W_SEP Discontinuation due to marital dissolution Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due to marital dissolution
771 FP_RDIS_W_OTH Discontinuation due to other reasons Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due to other reasons
772 FP_RDIS_W_DKN Discontinuation due to unknown reason Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due unknown reasons
773 FP_RDIS_W_MIS Discontinuation with missing information on reason Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey due with missing information on reason for discontinuation
774 FP_RDIS_W_TOT Discontinuation: Total Percentage of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey: Total
775 FP_RDIS_W_NUM Number of discontinuations Number of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey
776 FP_RDIS_W_UNW Number of discontinuations (unweighted) Number of discontinuations of contraceptive methods in the five years preceding the survey (unweighted)
777 FP_KFTP_W_BEF Believes fertile period is before period begins Percentage of women who believe the fertile period is before period begins
778 FP_KFTP_W_DUR Believes fertile period is during her period Percentage of women who believe the fertile period is during her period
779 FP_KFTP_W_AFT Believes fertile period is after period ended Percentage of women who believe the fertile period is after period ended
780 FP_KFTP_W_HLF Believes fertile period is middle of the cycle Percentage of women who believe the fertile period is middle of the cycle
781 FP_KFTP_W_OTH Believes fertile period is 'other' Percentage of women who believe the fertile period is 'other'
782 FP_KFTP_W_NON Believes fertile period is at any time Percentage of women who believe the fertile period is at any time
783 FP_KFTP_W_DKN Doesn't know the fertile period Percentage of women who don't know the fertile period
784 FP_KFTP_W_MIS Fertile period: Missing Percentage of women with missing information on knowledge of the fertile period
785 FP_KFTP_W_TOT Women: Total Percentage of women: Total
786 FP_KFTP_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
787 FP_KFTP_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
788 FP_KFPC_W_CKF Correct knowledge of the fertile period Percentage of women with correct knowledge of the fertile period
789 FP_KFPC_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
790 FP_KFPC_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
791 FP_NADM_W_UNS Unmet need for family planning for spacing Percentage of currently married or in union women with an unmet need for family planning for spacing
792 FP_NADM_W_UNL Unmet need for family planning for limiting Percentage of currently married or in union women with an unmet need for family planning for limiting
793 FP_NADM_W_UNT Unmet need for family planning Percentage of currently married or in union women with an unmet need for family planning
794 FP_NADM_W_MNS Met need for family planning (currently using) for spacing Percentage of currently married or in union women using family planning for spacing
795 FP_NADM_W_MNL Met need for family planning (currently using) for limiting Percentage of currently married or in union women using family planning for limiting
796 FP_NADM_W_MNT Met need for family planning (currently using), total Percentage of currently married or in union women using family planning
797 FP_NADM_W_TDS Total demand for family planning for spacing Total demand for family planning for spacing is the sum of unmet need for family planning for spacing and those currently using family planning for spacing
798 FP_NADM_W_TDL Total demand for family planning for limiting Total demand for family planning for limiting is the sum of unmet need for family planning for limiting and those currently using family planning for limiting
799 FP_NADM_W_TDT Total demand for family planning Total demand for family planning is the sum of unmet need for family planning and those currently using family planning
800 FP_NADM_W_UMS Unmet need for modern methods for spacing Percentage of currently married or in union women with an unmet need for modern methods for spacing
801 FP_NADM_W_UML Unmet need for modern methods for limiting Percentage of currently married or in union women with an unmet need for modern methods for limiting
802 FP_NADM_W_UMT Unmet need for modern methods Percentage of currently married or in union women with an unmet need for modern methods
803 FP_NADM_W_NUM Number of married women Number of currently married or in union women
804 FP_NADM_W_UNW Number of married women (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women (unweighted)
805 FP_NADM_W_PDS Demand for family planning satisfied Percentage of demand for family planning satisfied is calculated as the number of currently married women using family planning divided by the number of currently married women with demand for family planning (either with unmet need or currently using any family planning)
806 FP_NADM_W_PDM Demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods Percentage of demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods is calculated as the number of currently married women using modern methods of family planning divided by the number of currently married women with demand for family planning (either with unmet need or currently using any family planning)
807 FP_NADM_W_TDN Number of married women with a demand for family planning Number of married women with a demand for family planning
808 FP_NADM_W_TDU Number of married women with a demand for family planning (unweighted) Number of married women with a demand for family planning (unweighted)
809 FP_NADA_W_UNS Unmet need for family planning for spacing (all women) Percentage of women with an unmet need for family planning for spacing
810 FP_NADA_W_UNL Unmet need for family planning for limiting (all women) Percentage of women with an unmet need for family planning for limiting
811 FP_NADA_W_UNT Unmet need for family planning, total (all women) Percentage of women with an unmet need for family planning
812 FP_NADA_W_MNS Met need for family planning (currently using) for spacing (all women) Percentage of women using family planning for spacing
813 FP_NADA_W_MNL Met need for family planning (currently using) for limiting (all women) Percentage of women using family planning for limiting
814 FP_NADA_W_MNT Met need for family planning (currently using), total (all women) Percentage of women using family planning
815 FP_NADA_W_TDS Total demand for family planning for spacing (all women) Total demand for family planning for spacing is the sum of unmet need for spacing and those currently using for spacing
816 FP_NADA_W_TDL Total demand for family planning for limiting (all women) Total demand for family planning for limiting is the sum of unmet need for limiting and those currently using for limiting
817 FP_NADA_W_TDT Total demand for family planning, total (all women) Total demand for family planning is the sum of unmet need and those currently using
818 FP_NADA_W_UMS Unmet need for modern methods for spacing (all women) Percentage of women with an unmet need for modern methods for spacing
819 FP_NADA_W_UML Unmet need for modern methods for limiting (all women) Percentage of women with an unmet need for modern methods for limiting
820 FP_NADA_W_UMT Unmet need for modern methods, total (all women) Percentage of women with an unmet need for modern methods
821 FP_NADA_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
822 FP_NADA_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
823 FP_NADA_W_PDS Demand for family planning satisfied (all women) Percentage of demand for family planning satisfied is calculated as the number of all women using family planning divided by the number of all women with demand for family planning (either with unmet need or currently using any family planning)
824 FP_NADA_W_PDM Demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods (all women) Percentage of demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods is calculated as the number of all women using modern methods of family planning divided by the number of all women with demand for family planning (either with unmet need or currently using any family planning)
825 FP_NADA_W_TDN Number of women with a demand for family planning Number of women with a demand for family planning
826 FP_NADA_W_TDU Number of women with a demand for family planning (unweighted) Number of women with a demand for family planning (unweighted)
827 FP_NADU_W_UNS Unmet need for family planning for spacing (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women with an unmet need for family planning for spacing
828 FP_NADU_W_UNL Unmet need for family planning for limiting (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women with an unmet need for family planning for limiting
829 FP_NADU_W_UNT Unmet need for family planning, total (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women with an unmet need for family planning
830 FP_NADU_W_MNS Met need for family planning (currently using) for spacing (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women using family planning for spacing
831 FP_NADU_W_MNL Met need for family planning (currently using) for limiting (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women using family planning for limiting
832 FP_NADU_W_MNT Met need for family planning (currently using), total (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women using family planning
833 FP_NADU_W_TDS Total demand for family planning for spacing (sexually active unmarried women) Total demand for family planning for spacing is the sum of unmet need for spacing and those currently using for spacing
834 FP_NADU_W_TDL Total demand for family planning for limiting (sexually active unmarried women) Total demand for family planning for limiting is the sum of unmet need for limiting and those currently using for limiting
835 FP_NADU_W_TDT Total demand for family planning, total (sexually active unmarried women) Total demand for family planning is the sum of unmet need and those currently using
836 FP_NADU_W_UMS Unmet need for modern methods for spacing (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women with an unmet need for modern methods for spacing
837 FP_NADU_W_UML Unmet need for modern methods for limiting (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women with an unmet need for modern methods for limiting
838 FP_NADU_W_UMT Unmet need for modern methods, total (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried women with an unmet need for modern methods
839 FP_NADU_W_NUM Number of sexually active unmarried women Number of sexually active unmarried women
840 FP_NADU_W_UNW Number of sexually active unmarried women (unweighted) Number of sexually active unmarried women (unweighted)
841 FP_NADU_W_PDS Demand for family planning satisfied (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of demand for family planning satisfied is calculated as the number of sexually active unmarried women using family planning divided by the number of sexually active unmarried women with demand for family planning (either with unmet need or currently using any family planning)
842 FP_NADU_W_PDM Demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods (sexually active unmarried women) Percentage of demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods is calculated as the number of sexually active unmarried women using modern methods of family planning divided by the number of sexually active unmarried women with demand for family planning (either with unmet need or currently using any family planning)
843 FP_NADU_W_TDN Number of sexually active unmarried women with a demand for family planning Number of sexually active unmarried women with a demand for family planning
844 FP_NADU_W_TDU Number of sexually active unmarried women with a demand for family planning (unweighted) Number of sexually active unmarried women with a demand for family planning (unweighted)
845 FP_NDYM_W_UNS Unmet need for family planning for spacing (married young women) Percentage of currently married or in union young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for family planning for spacing
846 FP_NDYM_W_UNL Unmet need for family planning for limiting (married young women) Percentage of currently married or in union young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for family planning for limiting
847 FP_NDYM_W_UNT Unmet need for family planning (married young women) Percentage of currently married or in union young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for family planning
848 FP_NDYM_W_MNS Met need for family planning (currently using) for spacing (married young women) Percentage of currently married or in union young women age 15-24 using family planning for spacing
849 FP_NDYM_W_MNL Met need for family planning (currently using) for limiting (married young women) Percentage of currently married or in union young women age 15-24 using family planning for limiting
850 FP_NDYM_W_MNT Met need for family planning (currently using), total (married young women) Percentage of currently married or in union young women age 15-24 using family planning
851 FP_NDYM_W_TDS Total demand for family planning for spacing (married young women) Total demand for family planning for spacing is the sum of unmet need for family planning for spacing and those currently using family planning for spacing
852 FP_NDYM_W_TDL Total demand for family planning for limiting (married young women) Total demand for family planning for limiting is the sum of unmet need for family planning for limiting and those currently using family planning for limiting
853 FP_NDYM_W_TDT Total demand for family planning (married young women) Total demand for family planning is the sum of unmet need for family planning and those currently using family planning
854 FP_NDYM_W_UMS Unmet need for modern methods for spacing (married young women) Percentage of currently married or in union young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for modern methods for spacing
855 FP_NDYM_W_UML Unmet need for modern methods for limiting (married young women) Percentage of currently married or in union young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for modern methods for limiting
856 FP_NDYM_W_UMT Unmet need for modern methods (married young women) Percentage of currently married or in union young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for modern methods
857 FP_NDYM_W_NUM Number of married young women Number of currently married or in union young women age 15-24
858 FP_NDYM_W_UNW Number of married young women (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union young women age 15-24 (unweighted)
859 FP_NDYM_W_PDS Demand for family planning satisfied (married young women) Percentage of demand for family planning satisfied is calculated as the number of currently married women using family planning divided by the number of currently married women with demand for family planning (either with unmet need or currently using any family planning)
860 FP_NDYM_W_PDM Demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods (married young women) Percentage of demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods is calculated as the number of currently married women using modern methods of family planning divided by the number of currently married women with demand for family planning (either with unmet need or currently using any family planning)
861 FP_NDYM_W_TDN Number of married young women with a demand for family planning Number of married young women age 15-24 with a demand for family planning
862 FP_NDYM_W_TDU Number of married young women with a demand for family planning (unweighted) Number of married young women age 15-24 with a demand for family planning (unweighted)
863 FP_NDYA_W_UNS Unmet need for family planning for spacing (all young women) Percentage of young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for family planning for spacing
864 FP_NDYA_W_UNL Unmet need for family planning for limiting (all young women) Percentage of young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for family planning for limiting
865 FP_NDYA_W_UNT Unmet need for family planning, total (all young women) Percentage of young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for family planning
866 FP_NDYA_W_MNS Met need for family planning (currently using) for spacing (all young women) Percentage of young women age 15-24 using family planning for spacing
867 FP_NDYA_W_MNL Met need for family planning (currently using) for limiting (all young women) Percentage of young women age 15-24 using family planning for limiting
868 FP_NDYA_W_MNT Met need for family planning (currently using), total (all young women) Percentage of young women age 15-24 using family planning
869 FP_NDYA_W_TDS Total demand for family planning for spacing (all young women) Total demand for family planning for spacing is the sum of unmet need for spacing and those currently using for spacing
870 FP_NDYA_W_TDL Total demand for family planning for limiting (all young women) Total demand for family planning for limiting is the sum of unmet need for limiting and those currently using for limiting
871 FP_NDYA_W_TDT Total demand for family planning, total (all young women) Total demand for family planning is the sum of unmet need and those currently using
872 FP_NDYA_W_UMS Unmet need for modern methods for spacing (all young women) Percentage of young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for modern methods for spacing
873 FP_NDYA_W_UML Unmet need for modern methods for limiting (all young women) Percentage of young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for modern methods for limiting
874 FP_NDYA_W_UMT Unmet need for modern methods, total (all young women) Percentage of young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for modern methods
875 FP_NDYA_W_NUM Number of young women Number of young women age 15-24
876 FP_NDYA_W_UNW Number of young women (unweighted) Number of young women age 15-24 (unweighted)
877 FP_NDYA_W_PDS Demand for family planning satisfied (all young women) Percentage of demand for family planning satisfied is calculated as the number of young women age 15-24 using family planning divided by the number of all young women with demand for family planning (either with unmet need or currently using any family planning)
878 FP_NDYA_W_PDM Demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods (all young women) Percentage of demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods is calculated as the number of young women age 15-24 using modern methods of family planning divided by the number of all young women with demand for family planning (either with unmet need or currently using any family planning)
879 FP_NDYA_W_TDN Number of young women with a demand for family planning Number of young women age 15-24 with a demand for family planning
880 FP_NDYA_W_TDU Number of young women with a demand for family planning (unweighted) Number of young women age 15-24 with a demand for family planning (unweighted)
881 FP_NDYU_W_UNS Unmet need for family planning for spacing (sexually active unmarried young women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for family planning for spacing
882 FP_NDYU_W_UNL Unmet need for family planning for limiting (sexually active unmarried young women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for family planning for limiting
883 FP_NDYU_W_UNT Unmet need for family planning, total (sexually active unmarried young women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for family planning
884 FP_NDYU_W_MNS Met need for family planning (currently using) for spacing (sexually active unmarried young women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried young women age 15-24 using family planning for spacing
885 FP_NDYU_W_MNL Met need for family planning (currently using) for limiting (sexually active unmarried young women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried young women age 15-24 using family planning for limiting
886 FP_NDYU_W_MNT Met need for family planning (currently using), total (sexually active unmarried young women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried young women age 15-24 using family planning
887 FP_NDYU_W_TDS Total demand for family planning for spacing (sexually active unmarried young women) Total demand for family planning for spacing is the sum of unmet need for spacing and those currently using for spacing
888 FP_NDYU_W_TDL Total demand for family planning for limiting (sexually active unmarried young women) Total demand for family planning for limiting is the sum of unmet need for limiting and those currently using for limiting
889 FP_NDYU_W_TDT Total demand for family planning, total (sexually active unmarried young women) Total demand for family planning is the sum of unmet need and those currently using
890 FP_NDYU_W_UMS Unmet need for modern methods for spacing (sexually active unmarried young women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for modern methods for spacing
891 FP_NDYU_W_UML Unmet need for modern methods for limiting (sexually active unmarried young women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for modern methods for limiting
892 FP_NDYU_W_UMT Unmet need for modern methods, total (sexually active unmarried young women) Percentage of sexually active unmarried young women age 15-24 with an unmet need for modern methods
893 FP_NDYU_W_NUM Number of sexually active unmarried women Number of sexually active unmarried young women age 15-24
894 FP_NDYU_W_UNW Number of sexually active unmarried women (unweighted) Number of sexually active unmarried young women age 15-24 (unweighted)
895 FP_NDYU_W_PDS Demand for family planning satisfied (sexually active unmarried young women) Percentage of demand for family planning satisfied is calculated as the number of sexually active unmarried young women using family planning divided by the number of sexually active unmarried young women age 15-24 with demand for family planning (either with unmet need or currently using any family planning)
896 FP_NDYU_W_PDM Demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods (sexually active unmarried young women) Percentage of demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods is calculated as the number of sexually active unmarried young women using modern methods of family planning divided by the number of sexually active unmarried young women age 15-24 with demand for family planning (either with unmet need or currently using any family planning)
897 FP_NDYU_W_TDN Number of sexually active unmarried young women with a demand for family planning Number of sexually active unmarried young women with a demand for family planning
898 FP_NDYU_W_TDU Number of sexually active unmarried young women with a demand for family planning (unweighted) Number of sexually active unmarried young women with a demand for family planning (unweighted)
899 FP_RNIU_W_MAR Reason for not intending to use contraception: Not married Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to not being married or in union
900 FP_RNIU_W_OMR Reason for not intending to use contraception: Other marriage related reasons Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to other marriage related reasons
901 FP_RNIU_W_INS Reason for not intending to use contraception: Infrequent sex Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to infrequent sex
902 FP_RNIU_W_MEN Reason for not intending to use contraception: Menopausal, hysterectomized Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to being menopausal, hysterectomized
903 FP_RNIU_W_SBF Reason for not intending to use contraception: Subfecund, infecund Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to being subfecund, infecund
904 FP_RNIU_W_PPA Reason for not intending to use contraception: Postpartum amenorrheic/breastfeeding Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to being postpartum amenorrheic/breastfeeding
905 FP_RNIU_W_WMC Reason for not intending to use contraception: Wants more children Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to wanting more children
906 FP_RNIU_W_OFT Reason for not intending to use contraception: Other fertility related reasons Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to other fertility related reasons
907 FP_RNIU_W_ROP Reason for not intending to use contraception: Respondent opposed Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to respondent being opposed
908 FP_RNIU_W_SOP Reason for not intending to use contraception: Spouse opposed Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to spouse being opposed
909 FP_RNIU_W_OOP Reason for not intending to use contraception: Others opposed Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to others being opposed
910 FP_RNIU_W_REL Reason for not intending to use contraception: Religious prohibition Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to religious prohibition
911 FP_RNIU_W_OPP Reason for not intending to use contraception: Other opposition to use Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to other opposition to use
912 FP_RNIU_W_LKN Reason for not intending to use contraception: Lack of knowledge Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to lack of knowledge
913 FP_RNIU_W_KNM Reason for not intending to use contraception: Knows no method Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to knowing no method
914 FP_RNIU_W_KNS Reason for not intending to use contraception: Knows no source Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to knowing no source
915 FP_RNIU_W_OKN Reason for not intending to use contraception: Other knowledge related Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to other knowledge related
916 FP_RNIU_W_HCN Reason for not intending to use contraception: Health concerns Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to health concerns
917 FP_RNIU_W_SID Reason for not intending to use contraception: Fear of side effects Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to fear of side effects
918 FP_RNIU_W_ACC Reason for not intending to use contraception: Lack of access Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to lack of access
919 FP_RNIU_W_CST Reason for not intending to use contraception: Cost too much Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to method costing too much
920 FP_RNIU_W_INC Reason for not intending to use contraception: Inconvenient to use Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to being inconvenient to use
921 FP_RNIU_W_BOD Reason for not intending to use contraception: Interfere with body Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to method interfering with body
922 FP_RNIU_W_MTH Reason for not intending to use contraception: Other method related Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to other method related
923 FP_RNIU_W_OTH Reason for not intending to use contraception: Other Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to other reasons
924 FP_RNIU_W_UNK Reason for not intending to use contraception: DK Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to unknown reasons
925 FP_RNIU_W_MIS Reason for not intending to use contraception: Missing Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future due to: Missing
926 FP_RNIU_W_TOT Reason for not intending to use contraception: Total Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future: Total
927 FP_RNIU_W_NUM Married women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future Number of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future
928 FP_RNIU_W_UNW Married women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women who are not using a contraceptive method and who do not intend to use in the future (unweighted)
929 FP_FUTU_W_INT Future use of contraception: Intends to use in the future Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not currently using a contraceptive method who intend to use a method in the future
930 FP_FUTU_W_I12 Future use of contraception: In next 12 months Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not currently using a contraceptive method who intend to use a method in the next 12 months
931 FP_FUTU_W_ILT Future use of contraception: Use later Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not currently using a contraceptive method who intend to use a method later
932 FP_FUTU_W_IUN Future use of contraception: Unsure about timing Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not currently using a contraceptive method who are unsure when they will use a method in the future
933 FP_FUTU_W_UNS Future use of contraception: Unsure about use Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not currently using a contraceptive method who are unsure whether they will use a method in the future
934 FP_FUTU_W_DNI Future use of contraception: Does not intend Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not currently using a contraceptive method who does not intend to use a method in the future
935 FP_FUTU_W_DKM Future use of contraception: don't know or missing information on future intentions Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not currently using a contraceptive method who are 'don't know' or missing on future intentions
936 FP_FUTU_W_TOT Future use of contraception: Total Percentage of currently married or in union women who are not currently using a contraceptive method: Total
937 FP_FUTU_W_NUM Married women not currently using a contraceptive method Number of currently married or in union women who are not currently using a contraceptive method
938 FP_FUTU_W_UNW Married women not currently using a contraceptive method (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women who are not currently using a contraceptive method (unweighted)
939 FP_EFPM_W_SMD Family planning messages on social media Percentage of women by whether they have received a message about family planning on social media in the last few months prior to the interview
940 FP_EFPM_W_PLB Family planning messages on poster/leaflet/brochure Percentage of women by whether they have received a message about family planning on a poster/leaflet/brochure in the last few months prior to the interview
941 FP_EFPM_W_OSB Family planning messages on outdoor sign or billboard Percentage of women by whether they have received a message about family planning on an outdoor sign or billboard in the last few months prior to the interview
942 FP_EFPM_W_RDO Family planning messages on the radio [Women] Percentage of women by whether they have received a message about family planning from the radio in the last few months prior to the interview
943 FP_EFPM_W_COM Family planning messages at community meeting or event Percentage of women by whether they have received a message about family planning at a community meeting or event in the last few months prior to the interview
944 FP_EFPM_W_NO8 Family planning messages in none of these eight media Percentage of women by whether they have report receiving no messages about family planning from the radio, television, newspaper or magazine, mobile phone, social media, poster/leaflet/brochure, outdoor sign or billboard, community meeting or events in the last few months prior to the interview
945 FP_EFPM_W_TLV Family planning messages on television [Women] Percentage of women by whether they have received a message about family planning from television in the last few months prior to the interview
946 FP_EFPM_W_NWS Family planning messages in newspapers or magazines [Women] Percentage of women by whether they have received a message about family planning from a newspaper or magazine in the last few months prior to the interview
947 FP_EFPM_W_NON Family planning messages in none of these three media [Women] Percentage of women by whether they have report receiving no messages about family planning from the radio, television, or a newspaper or magazine in the last few months prior to the interview
948 FP_EFPM_W_MOB Family planning messages on mobile phone Percentage of women by whether they have received a message about family planning on a mobile phone in the last few months prior to the interview
949 FP_EFPM_W_NO4 Family planning messages in none of these four media Percentage of women by whether they have report receiving no messages about family planning from the radio, television, newspaper or magazine, or mobile phone in the last few months prior to the interview
950 FP_EFPM_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
951 FP_EFPM_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
952 FP_EFPM_M_SMD Family planning messages on social media Percentage of men by whether they have received a message about family planning on social media in the last few months prior to the interview
953 FP_EFPM_M_PLB Family planning messages on poster/leaflet/brochure Percentage of men by whether they have received a message about family planning on a poster/leaflet/brochure in the last few months prior to the interview
954 FP_EFPM_M_OSB Family planning messages on outdoor sign or billboard Percentage of men by whether they have received a message about family planning on an outdoor sign or billboard in the last few months prior to the interview
955 FP_EFPM_M_COM Family planning messages at community meeting or event Percentage of men by whether they have received a message about family planning at a community meeting or event in the last few months prior to the interview
956 FP_EFPM_M_NO8 Family planning messages in none of these eight media Percentage of men by whether they have report receiving no messages about family planning from the radio, television, newspaper or magazine, mobile phone, social media, poster/leaflet/brochure, outdoor sign or billboard, community meeting or events in the last few months prior to the interview
957 FP_EFPM_M_RDO Family planning messages on the radio [Men] Percentage of men by whether they have received a message about family planning from the radio in the last few months prior to the interview
958 FP_EFPM_M_TLV Family planning messages on television [Men] Percentage of men by whether they have received a message about family planning from television in the last few months prior to the interview
959 FP_EFPM_M_NWS Family planning messages in newspapers or magazines [Men] Percentage of men by whether they have received a message about family planning from a newspaper or magazine in the last few months prior to the interview
960 FP_EFPM_M_NON Family planning messages in none of these three media [Men] Percentage of men by whether they have report receiving no messages about family planning from the radio, television, or a newspaper or magazine in the last few months prior to the interview
961 FP_EFPM_M_MOB Family planning messages on mobile phone Percentage of men by whether they have received a message about family planning on a mobile phone in the last few months prior to the interview
962 FP_EFPM_M_NO4 Family planning messages in none of these four media Percentage of men by whether they have report receiving no messages about family planning from the radio, television, newspaper or magazine, or mobile phone in the last few months prior to the interview
963 FP_EFPM_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
964 FP_EFPM_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
965 FP_PRGP_W_PPR Ever pressured to become pregnant by husband/partner Percentage of currently married women who were ever pressured by their husbands/partners or any other family member to become pregnant when they did not want to
966 FP_PRGP_W_NUM Number of currently married women Number of currently married women
967 FP_PRGP_W_UNW Number of currently married women (unweighted) Number of currently married women (unweighted)
968 FP_NFPP_W_FPW Nonusers visited by FP worker and told about FP Percentage of women who are not using contraception who were visited by a family planning worker and told about family planning methods during the 12 months preceding the interview
969 FP_NFPP_W_HFP Nonusers who visited a health facility and discussed FP Percentage of women who are not using contraception who visited a health facility and discussed family during the 12 months preceding the interview
970 FP_NFPP_W_HNF Nonusers who visited a health facility but did not discuss FP Percentage of women who are not using contraception who visited a health facility but did not discuss family during the 12 months preceding the interview
971 FP_NFPP_W_NFP Nonusers who did not discuss FP with a fieldworker or at a health facility Percentage of women who are not using contraception who did not discuss family planning either with a fieldworker or at a health facility during the 12 months preceding the interview
972 FP_NFPP_W_NUM Number of nonusers of FP Number of women who are not using contraception
973 FP_NFPP_W_UNW Number of nonusers of FP (unweighted) Number of women who are not using contraception (unweighted)
974 FP_DMKF_W_UWF Family planning use decisionmaking mainly by wife Among currently married women using family planning, the percentage for whom the decision was made mainly by the wife
975 FP_DMKF_W_UJN Family planning use decisionmaking jointly by wife and husband Among currently married women using family planning, the percentage for whom the decision was made jointly by wife and husband
976 FP_DMKF_W_UHS Family planning use decisionmaking mainly by husband Among currently married women using family planning, the percentage for whom the decision was made mainly by the husband
977 FP_DMKF_W_UDK Family planning use decisionmaking mainly by others/don't know/missing Among currently married women using family planning, the percentage for whom the decision was made mainly by others or the response is don't know or missing
978 FP_DMKF_W_UTT Family planning use decisionmaking: total Among currently married women using family planning, the percentage for whom the decision was made: total
979 FP_DMKF_W_UNM Number of currently married women using family planning Number of currently married women using family planning
980 FP_DMKF_W_UUN Number of currently married women using family planning (unweighted) Number of currently married women using family planning (unweighted)
981 FP_DMKF_W_NWF Family planning non-use decisionmaking mainly by wife Among currently married women not currently using family planning, the percentage for whom the decision was made mainly by the wife
982 FP_DMKF_W_NJN Family planning non-use decisionmaking jointly by wife and husband Among currently married women not currently using family planning, the percentage for whom the decision was made jointly by wife and husband
983 FP_DMKF_W_NHS Family planning non-use decisionmaking mainly by husband Among currently married women not currently using family planning, the percentage for whom the decision was made mainly by the husband
984 FP_DMKF_W_NDK Family planning non-use decisionmaking mainly by others/don't know/missing Among currently married women not currently using family planning, the percentage for whom the decision was made mainly by others or the response is don't know or missing
985 FP_DMKF_W_NTT Family planning non-use decisionmaking: total Among currently married women not currently using family planning, the percentage for whom the decision was made: total
986 FP_DMKF_W_NNM Number of currently married women not using family planning Number of currently married women not currently using family planning
987 FP_DMKF_W_NUN Number of currently married women not using family planning (unweighted) Number of currently married women not currently using family planning (unweighted)
988 FP_DMKP_W_MWF Family planning decisionmaking mainly by wife Percentage of currently married women age 15-49 for whom decisionmaking about whether to use or not use or family planning is made mainly by the wife
989 FP_DMKP_W_MJN Family planning decisionmaking jointly by wife and husband Percentage of currently married women age 15-49 for whom decisionmaking about whether to use or not use or family planning is made jointly by the wife and husband
990 FP_DMKP_W_WFM Family planning decisionmaking jointly: Wife's opinion more important Percentage of currently married women age 15-49 for whom decisionmaking about whether to use or not use or family planning is made jointly by the wife and husband, but the wife's opinion is more important
991 FP_DMKP_W_WHE Family planning decisionmaking jointly: Wife's and husband's/partner's opinion equally important Percentage of currently married women age 15-49 for whom decisionmaking about whether to use or not use or family planning is made jointly by the wife and husband, and the wife's and husband's opinion are equally important
992 FP_DMKP_W_WFL Family planning decisionmaking jointly: Wife's opinion less important than husband's/partner's Percentage of currently married women age 15-49 for whom decisionmaking about whether to use or not use or family planning is made jointly by the wife and husband, but the husband/partner's opinion is more important
993 FP_DMKP_W_MHS Family planning decisionmaking mainly by husband Percentage of currently married women age 15-49 for whom decisionmaking about whether to use or not use or family planning is made mainly by the husband
994 FP_DMKP_W_OTH Family planning decisionmaking by someone else/other Percentage of currently married women age 15-49 for whom decisionmaking about whether to use or not use or family planning is made mainly by someone else or another answer is given
995 FP_DMKP_W_TOT Family planning decisionmaking: Total Percentage of currently married women age 15-49 for whom decisionmaking about whether to use or not use or family planning is given: total
996 FP_DMKP_W_PTP Percentage who participated in decision-making about family planning Percentage of currently married women age 15-49 who participated in decisionmaking about whether to use or not use or family planning. This is the sum of those for whom the wife, or the wife and husband/partner together, make the decision
997 FP_DMKP_W_NUM Number of currently married women Number of currently married women
998 FP_DMKP_W_UNW Number of currently married women (unweighted) Number of currently married women (unweighted)
999 MA_MSTA_W_NMA Current marital status [Women]: Never married Percentage of women never married
1000 MA_MSTA_W_MAR Current marital status [Women]: Married Percentage of women married
1001 MA_MSTA_W_LTG Current marital status [Women]: Living together Percentage of women living together
1002 MA_MSTA_W_DIV Current marital status [Women]: Divorced Percentage of women divorced
1003 MA_MSTA_W_SEP Current marital status [Women]: Not living together Percentage of women not living together
1004 MA_MSTA_W_WID Current marital status [Women]: Widowed Percentage of women widowed
1005 MA_MSTA_W_MIS Current marital status [Women]: Missing Percentage of women with missing information on marital status
1006 MA_MSTA_W_TOT Women: Total Percentage of women: Total
1007 MA_MSTA_W_UNI Current marital status [Women]: Married or living in union Percentage of women married or living in union
1008 MA_MSTA_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
1009 MA_MSTA_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
1010 MA_MSTA_M_NMA Current marital status [Men]: Never married Percentage of men never married
1011 MA_MSTA_M_MAR Current marital status [Men]: Married Percentage of men married
1012 MA_MSTA_M_LTG Current marital status [Men]: Living together Percentage of men living together
1013 MA_MSTA_M_DIV Current marital status [Men]: Divorced Percentage of men divorced
1014 MA_MSTA_M_SEP Current marital status [Men]: Not living together Percentage of men not living together
1015 MA_MSTA_M_WID Current marital status [Men]: Widowed Percentage of men widowed
1016 MA_MSTA_M_MIS Current marital status [Men]: Missing Percentage of men with missing information on marital status
1017 MA_MSTA_M_TOT Men: Total Percentage of men: Total
1018 MA_MSTA_M_UNI Current marital status [Men]: Married or living in union Percentage of men married or living in union
1019 MA_MSTA_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
1020 MA_MSTA_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
1021 MA_MSTY_W_NMA Current marital status [Young women]: Never married Percentage of young women age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 never married
1022 MA_MSTY_W_MAR Current marital status [Young women]: Married Percentage of young women age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 married
1023 MA_MSTY_W_LTG Current marital status [Young women]: Living together Percentage of young women age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 living together
1024 MA_MSTY_W_DIV Current marital status [Young women]: Divorced Percentage of young women age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 divorced
1025 MA_MSTY_W_SEP Current marital status [Young women]: Not living together Percentage of young women age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 not living together
1026 MA_MSTY_W_WID Current marital status [Young women]: Widowed Percentage of young women age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 widowed
1027 MA_MSTY_W_MIS Current marital status [Young women]: Missing Percentage of young women age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 with missing information on marital status
1028 MA_MSTY_W_TOT Young women: Total Percentage of young women age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24: Total
1029 MA_MSTY_W_UNI Current marital status [Young women]: Married or living in union Percentage of young women age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 married or living in union
1030 MA_MSTY_W_NUM Number of young women Percentage of young women age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24
1031 MA_MSTY_W_UNW Number of young women (unweighted) Percentage of young women age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 (unweighted)
1032 MA_MSTY_M_NMA Current marital status [Young men]: Never married Percentage of young men age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 never married
1033 MA_MSTY_M_MAR Current marital status [Young men]: Married Percentage of young men age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 married
1034 MA_MSTY_M_LTG Current marital status [Young men]: Living together Percentage of young men age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 living together
1035 MA_MSTY_M_DIV Current marital status [Young men]: Divorced Percentage of young men age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 divorced
1036 MA_MSTY_M_SEP Current marital status [Young men]: Not living together Percentage of young men age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 not living together
1037 MA_MSTY_M_WID Current marital status [Young men]: Widowed Percentage of young men age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 widowed
1038 MA_MSTY_M_MIS Current marital status [Young men]: Missing Percentage of young men age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 with missing information on marital status
1039 MA_MSTY_M_TOT Young men: Total Percentage of young men age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24: Total
1040 MA_MSTY_M_UNI Current marital status [Young men]: Married or living in union Percentage of young men age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 married or living in union
1041 MA_MSTY_M_NUM Number of young men Percentage of young men age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24
1042 MA_MSTY_M_UNW Number of young men (unweighted) Percentage of young men age 15-19, 20-24, or 15-24 (unweighted)
1043 MA_MREG_W_RGT Current marriage or union is registered Percentage of women whose current marriage or union is registered
1044 MA_MREG_W_RGD Current marriage or union is registered and who have any documentation recognizing the marriage/union Percentage of women whose current marriage or union is registered and who have any documentation recognizing the marriage/union
1045 MA_MREG_W_RGC Current marriage is registered and who have a marriage certificate Percentage of women whose current marriage is registered and who have a marriage certificate
1046 MA_MREG_W_NUM Number of married women Number of currently married/in union women
1047 MA_MREG_W_UNW Number of married women (unweighted) Number of currently married/in union women (unweighted)
1048 MA_CWIV_W_0WV Number of co-wives: No other wives Percentage of currently married or in union women whose husband has no other wives
1049 MA_CWIV_W_1WV Number of co-wives: One other wife Percentage of currently married or in union women whose husband has one other wife
1050 MA_CWIV_W_2PW Number of co-wives: Two or more wives Percentage of currently married or in union women whose husband has two or more wives
1051 MA_CWIV_W_DKM Number of co-wives: don't know or missing Percentage of currently married or in union women with 'don't know' or missing information on number of co-wives
1052 MA_CWIV_W_TOT Married women: Total Percentage of currently married or in union women: Total
1053 MA_CWIV_W_CWV Number of co-wives: One or more wives Percentage of currently married or in union women whose husband has one or more wives
1054 MA_CWIV_W_NUM Number of married women Number of currently married or in union women
1055 MA_CWIV_W_UNW Number of married women (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women (unweighted)
1056 MA_WIVE_M_1WV Number of wives: One wife Percentage of currently married or in union men who have one wife
1057 MA_WIVE_M_2PW Number of wives: Two or more wives Percentage of currently married or in union men who have two or more wives
1058 MA_WIVE_M_DKM Number of wives [Men]: don't know or missing Percentage of currently married or in union men with 'don't know' or missing information on number of wives
1059 MA_WIVE_M_TOT Number of wives: Total Percentage of currently married or in union men: Total
1060 MA_WIVE_M_NUM Number of married men Number of currently married or in union men
1061 MA_WIVE_M_UNW Number of married men (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union men (unweighted)
1062 MA_MBAG_W_B15 Women first married by exact age 15 Percentage of women who were first married by exact age 15
1063 MA_MBAG_W_B18 Women first married by exact age 18 Percentage of women who were first married by exact age 18
1064 MA_MBAG_W_B20 Women first married by exact age 20 Percentage of women who were first married by exact age 20
1065 MA_MBAG_W_B22 Women first married by exact age 22 Percentage of women who were first married by exact age 22
1066 MA_MBAG_W_B25 Women first married by exact age 25 Percentage of women who were first married by exact age 25
1067 MA_MBAG_W_NMA Women never married Percentage of women who were never married
1068 MA_MBAG_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
1069 MA_MBAG_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
1070 MA_MBAG_M_B15 Men first married by exact age 15 Percentage of men who were first married by exact age 15
1071 MA_MBAG_M_B18 Men first married by exact age 18 Percentage of men who were first married by exact age 18
1072 MA_MBAG_M_B20 Men first married by exact age 20 Percentage of men who were first married by exact age 20
1073 MA_MBAG_M_B22 Men first married by exact age 22 Percentage of men who were first married by exact age 22
1074 MA_MBAG_M_B25 Men first married by exact age 25 Percentage of men who were first married by exact age 25
1075 MA_MBAG_M_B28 Men first married by exact age 28 Percentage of men who were first married by exact age 28
1076 MA_MBAG_M_B30 Men first married by exact age 30 Percentage of men who were first married by exact age 30
1077 MA_MBAG_M_NMA Men never married Percentage of men who were never married
1078 MA_MBAG_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
1079 MA_MBAG_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
1080 MA_MBAY_W_B15 Young women age 20-24 first married by exact age 15 Percentage of young women age 20-24 who were first married by exact age 15
1081 MA_MBAY_W_B18 Young women age 20-24 first married by exact age 18 Percentage of young women age 20-24 who were first married by exact age 18
1082 MA_MBAY_W_B20 Young women age 20-24 first married by exact age 20 Percentage of young women age 20-24 who were first married by exact age 20
1083 MA_MBAY_W_NMA Young women age 20-24 never married Percentage of young women age 20-24 who were never married
1084 MA_MBAY_W_NUM Number of young women age 20-24 Number of young women age 20-24
1085 MA_MBAY_W_UNW Number of young women age 20-24 (unweighted) Number of young women age 20-24 (unweighted)
1086 MA_MBAY_W_MDA Median age at first marriage [Young women age 20-24] Median age at first marriage or union in years defined as the age at which the respondent began living with her first spouse or partner
1087 MA_MBAY_M_B15 Young men age 20-24 first married by exact age 15 Percentage of young men age 20-24 who were first married by exact age 15
1088 MA_MBAY_M_B18 Young men age 20-24 first married by exact age 18 Percentage of young men age 20-24 who were first married by exact age 18
1089 MA_MBAY_M_B20 Young men age 20-24 first married by exact age 20 Percentage of young men age 20-24 who were first married by exact age 20
1090 MA_MBAY_M_NMA Young men age 20-24 never married Percentage of young men age 20-24 who were never married
1091 MA_MBAY_M_NUM Number of young men age 20-24 Number of young men age 20-24
1092 MA_MBAY_M_UNW Number of young men age 20-24 (unweighted) Number of young men age 20-24 (unweighted)
1093 MA_MBAY_M_MDA Median age at first marriage [Young men age 20-24] Median age at first marriage or union in years defined as the age at which the respondent began living with his first spouse or partner
1094 MA_AAFM_W_M20 Median age at first marriage [Women]: 20-24 Median age at first marriage or union in years among women age 20-24
1095 MA_AAFM_W_M25 Median age at first marriage [Women]: 25-29 Median age at first marriage or union in years among women age 25-29
1096 MA_AAFM_W_M30 Median age at first marriage [Women]: 30-34 Median age at first marriage or union in years among women age 30-34
1097 MA_AAFM_W_M35 Median age at first marriage [Women]: 35-39 Median age at first marriage or union in years among women age 35-39
1098 MA_AAFM_W_M40 Median age at first marriage [Women]: 40-44 Median age at first marriage or union in years among women age 40-44
1099 MA_AAFM_W_M45 Median age at first marriage [Women]: 45-49 Median age at first marriage or union in years among women age 45-49
1100 MA_AAFM_W_M2A Median age at first marriage [Women]: 20-49 Median age at first marriage or union in years among women age 20-49
1101 MA_AAFM_W_M2B Median age at first marriage [Women]: 25-49 Median age at first marriage or union in years among women age 25-49
1102 MA_AAFM_M_M20 Median age at first marriage [Men]: 20-24 Median age at first marriage or union in years among men age 20-24
1103 MA_AAFM_M_M25 Median age at first marriage [Men]: 25-29 Median age at first marriage or union in years among men age 25-29
1104 MA_AAFM_M_M30 Median age at first marriage [Men]: 30-34 Median age at first marriage or union in years among men age 30-34
1105 MA_AAFM_M_M35 Median age at first marriage [Men]: 35-39 Median age at first marriage or union in years among men age 35-39
1106 MA_AAFM_M_M40 Median age at first marriage [Men]: 40-44 Median age at first marriage or union in years among men age 40-44
1107 MA_AAFM_M_M45 Median age at first marriage [Men]: 45-49 Median age at first marriage or union in years among men age 45-49
1108 MA_AAFM_M_M50 Median age at first marriage [Men]: 50-54 Median age at first marriage or union in years among men age 50-54
1109 MA_AAFM_M_M55 Median age at first marriage [Men]: 55-59 Median age at first marriage or union in years among men age 55-59
1110 MA_AAFM_M_M60 Median age at first marriage [Men]: 60-64 Median age at first marriage or union in years among men age 60-64
1111 MA_AAFM_M_M2A Median age at first marriage [Men]: 20-49(54,59) Median age at first marriage or union in years among men age 20-49(54,59)
1112 MA_AAFM_M_M2B Median age at first marriage [Men]: 25-49(54,59) Median age at first marriage or union in years among men age 25-49(54,59)
1113 MA_ADIF_W_O10 Age difference between man and woman is 10+ years Percentage of currently married women age 15-24 for whom the age difference with her partner is 10+ years
1114 MA_ADIF_W_O05 Age difference between man and woman is 5-9 years Percentage of currently married women age 15-24 for whom the age difference with her partner is 5-9 years
1115 MA_ADIF_W_O01 Age difference between man and woman is <5 years Percentage of currently married women age 15-24 for whom the age difference with her partner is <5 years
1116 MA_ADIF_W_SAM Man and woman are the same age Percentage of currently married women age 15-24 for whom the woman and her partner have the same age
1117 MA_ADIF_W_YNG Man is younger than woman Percentage of currently married women age 15-24 for whom the man is younger than the woman
1118 MA_ADIF_W_MIS Age of man missing Percentage of currently married women age 15-24 for whom the age of her partner is missing
1119 MA_ADIF_W_TOT Age difference: Total Percentage of currently married women age 15-24: Total
1120 MA_ADIF_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
1121 MA_ADIF_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
1122 SX_SBAG_W_B15 First sexual intercourse by exact age 15 [Women] Percentage of women who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 15
1123 SX_SBAG_W_B18 First sexual intercourse by exact age 18 [Women] Percentage of women who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 18
1124 SX_SBAG_W_B20 First sexual intercourse by exact age 20 [Women] Percentage of women who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 20
1125 SX_SBAG_W_B22 First sexual intercourse by exact age 22 [Women] Percentage of women who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 22
1126 SX_SBAG_W_B25 First sexual intercourse by exact age 25 [Women] Percentage of women who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 25
1127 SX_SBAG_W_NSX Never had sexual intercourse [Women] Percentage of women who never had intercourse
1128 SX_SBAG_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
1129 SX_SBAG_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
1130 SX_SBAG_M_B15 First sexual intercourse by exact age 15 [Men] Percentage of men who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 15
1131 SX_SBAG_M_B18 First sexual intercourse by exact age 18 [Men] Percentage of men who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 18
1132 SX_SBAG_M_B20 First sexual intercourse by exact age 20 [Men] Percentage of men who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 20
1133 SX_SBAG_M_B22 First sexual intercourse by exact age 22 [Men] Percentage of men who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 22
1134 SX_SBAG_M_B25 First sexual intercourse by exact age 25 [Men] Percentage of men who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 25
1135 SX_SBAG_M_NSX Never had sexual intercourse [Men] Percentage of men who never had intercourse
1136 SX_SBAG_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
1137 SX_SBAG_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
1138 SX_SBAY_W_B15 First sexual intercourse by exact age 15 [Young women] Percentage of young women age 20-24 who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 15
1139 SX_SBAY_W_B18 First sexual intercourse by exact age 18 [Young women] Percentage of young women age 20-24 who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 18
1140 SX_SBAY_W_B20 First sexual intercourse by exact age 20 [Young women] Percentage of young women age 20-24 who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 20
1141 SX_SBAY_W_NSX Never had sexual intercourse [Young women] Percentage of young women age 20-24 who never had intercourse
1142 SX_SBAY_W_NUM Number of young women age 20-24 Number of young women age 20-24
1143 SX_SBAY_W_UNW Number of young women age 20-24 (unweighted) Number of young women age 20-24 (unweighted)
1144 SX_SBAY_W_MSX Median age at first sexual intercourse [Young women] Median age at first sexual intercourse among young women age 20-24
1145 SX_SBAY_M_B15 First sexual intercourse by exact age 15 [Young men] Percentage of young men age 20-24 who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 15
1146 SX_SBAY_M_B18 First sexual intercourse by exact age 18 [Young men] Percentage of young men age 20-24 who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 18
1147 SX_SBAY_M_B20 First sexual intercourse by exact age 20 [Young men] Percentage of young men age 20-24 who had first sexual intercourse by exact age 20
1148 SX_SBAY_M_NSX Never had sexual intercourse [Young men] Percentage of young men age 20-24 who never had intercourse
1149 SX_SBAY_M_NUM Number of young men age 20-24 Number of young men age 20-24
1150 SX_SBAY_M_UNW Number of young men age 20-24 (unweighted) Number of young men age 20-24 (unweighted)
1151 SX_SBAY_M_MSX Median age at first sexual intercourse [Young men] Median age at first sexual intercourse among young men age 20-24
1152 SX_AAFS_W_M20 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Women]: 20-24 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among women age 20-24
1153 SX_AAFS_W_M25 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Women]: 25-29 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among women age 25-29
1154 SX_AAFS_W_M30 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Women]: 30-34 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among women age 30-34
1155 SX_AAFS_W_M35 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Women]: 35-39 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among women age 35-39
1156 SX_AAFS_W_M40 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Women]: 40-44 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among women age 40-44
1157 SX_AAFS_W_M45 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Women]: 45-49 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among women age 45-49
1158 SX_AAFS_W_M2A Median age at first sexual intercourse [Women]: 20-49 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among women age 20-49
1159 SX_AAFS_W_M2B Median age at first sexual intercourse [Women]: 25-49 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among women age 25-49
1160 SX_AAFS_M_M20 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Men]: 20-24 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among men age 20-24
1161 SX_AAFS_M_M25 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Men]: 25-29 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among men age 25-29
1162 SX_AAFS_M_M30 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Men]: 30-34 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among men age 30-34
1163 SX_AAFS_M_M35 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Men]: 35-39 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among men age 35-39
1164 SX_AAFS_M_M40 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Men]: 40-44 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among men age 40-44
1165 SX_AAFS_M_M45 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Men]: 45-49 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among men age 45-49
1166 SX_AAFS_M_M50 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Men]: 50-54 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among men age 50-54
1167 SX_AAFS_M_M55 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Men]: 55-59 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among men age 55-59
1168 SX_AAFS_M_M60 Median age at first sexual intercourse [Men]: 60-64 Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among men age 60-64
1169 SX_AAFS_M_M2A Median age at first sexual intercourse [Men]: 20-49(54,59) Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among men age 20-49(54,59)
1170 SX_AAFS_M_M2B Median age at first sexual intercourse [Men]: 25-49(54,59) Median age at first sexual intercourse in years among men age 25-49(54,59)
1171 SX_LSEX_W_4WK Recent sexual activity: Active in last 4 weeks Percentage of women who were sexually activity in the four weeks preceding the survey
1172 SX_LSEX_W_1YR Recent sexual activity [Women]: Within the last year Percentage of women who were sexually activity in the last year preceding the survey, excluding women who were sexually active in the last 4 weeks
1173 SX_LSEX_W_1PY Recent sexual activity [Women]: One or more years ago Percentage of women who were sexually activity one or more years preceding the survey
1174 SX_LSEX_W_MIS Recent sexual activity [Women]: Missing Percentage of women who were sexually active, and had missing information on timing of last sex
1175 SX_LSEX_W_NSX Recent sexual activity: Never had sex Percentage of women who had never had sexual intercourse
1176 SX_LSEX_W_TOT Women: Total Percentage of women: Total
1177 SX_LSEX_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
1178 SX_LSEX_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
1179 SX_LSEX_M_4WK Recent sexual activity [Men]: Active 4 Weeks Percentage of men who were sexually active in the four weeks preceding the survey
1180 SX_LSEX_M_1YR Recent sexual activity [Men]: Within the last year Percentage of men who were sexually activity in the last year preceding the survey, excluding men who were sexually active in the last 4 weeks
1181 SX_LSEX_M_1PY Recent sexual activity [Men]: One or more years ago Percentage of men who were sexually activity one or more years preceding the survey
1182 SX_LSEX_M_MIS Recent sexual activity [Men]: Missing Percentage of men who were sexually active, and had missing information on timing of last sex
1183 SX_LSEX_M_NSX Recent sexual activity [Men]: Never had sex Percentage of men who never had sexual intercourse
1184 SX_LSEX_M_TOT Men: Total Percentage of men: Total
1185 SX_LSEX_M_NUM Number of men Number of men
1186 SX_LSEX_M_UNW Number of men (unweighted) Number of men (unweighted)
1187 SX_SACY_W_ESX Young women age 15-19 who ever had sexual intercourse Percentage of young women age 15-19 who ever had sexual intercourse
1188 SX_SACY_W_SAC Young women age 15-19 who are sexually active Percentage of young women age 15-19 who are sexually active, that is had sexual intercourse in the last 4 weeks (0-28 days inclusive)
1189 SX_SACY_W_NUM Number of young women age 15-19 Number of young women age 15-19
1190 SX_SACY_W_UNW Number of young women age 15-19 (unweighted) Number of young women age 15-19 (unweighted)
1191 SX_SACY_M_ESX Young men age 15-19 who ever had sexual intercourse Percentage of young men age 15-19 who ever had sexual intercourse
1192 SX_SACY_M_SAC Young men age 15-19 who are sexually active Percentage of young men age 15-19 who are sexually active, that is had sexual intercourse in the last 4 weeks (0-28 days inclusive)
1193 SX_SACY_M_NUM Number of young men age 15-19 Number of young men age 15-19
1194 SX_SACY_M_UNW Number of young men age 15-19 (unweighted) Number of young men age 15-19 (unweighted)
1195 CM_ECMT_C_NNR Neonatal mortality rate (5 year periods) Probability of dying in the first month of life (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1196 CM_ECMT_C_NNE Neonatal mortality rate (5 year periods) - standard error Standard error of the probability of dying in the first month of life (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1197 CM_ECMT_C_NNX Neonatal mortality rate (5 year periods) - relative error Relative error of the probability of dying in the first month of life (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1198 CM_ECMT_C_NNL Neonatal mortality rate (5 year periods) - CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying in the first month of life (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births calculated as the neonatal mortality rate minus 2 standard errors
1199 CM_ECMT_C_NNU Neonatal mortality rate (5 year periods) - CI upper bound (+2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying in the first month of life (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births calculated as the neonatal mortality rate plus 2 standard errors
1200 CM_ECMT_C_PNR Postneonatal mortality (5 year periods) Probability of dying after the first month of life and before the first birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving the first month of life, computed as the difference between the infant and neonatal mortality rates
1201 CM_ECMT_C_PNE Postneonatal mortality (5 year periods) - standard error Standard error of the probability of dying after the first month of life and before the first birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving the first month of life, computed as the difference between the infant and neonatal mortality rates
1202 CM_ECMT_C_PNX Postneonatal mortality (5 year periods) - relative error Relative error of the probability of dying after the first month of life and before the first birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving the first month of life, computed as the difference between the infant and neonatal mortality rates
1203 CM_ECMT_C_PNL Postneonatal mortality (5 year periods) - CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying after the first month of life and before the first birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving the first month of life, computed as the difference between the infant and neonatal mortality rates calculated as the postneonatal mortality rate minus 2 standard errors
1204 CM_ECMT_C_PNU Postneonatal mortality (5 year periods) - CI upper bound (+2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying after the first month of life and before the first birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving the first month of life, computed as the difference between the infant and neonatal mortality rates calculated as the postneonatal mortality rate plus 2 standard errors
1205 CM_ECMT_C_IMR Infant mortality rate (5 year periods) Probability of dying before the first birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1206 CM_ECMT_C_IME Infant mortality rate (5 year periods) - standard error Standard error of the probability of dying before the first birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1207 CM_ECMT_C_IMX Infant mortality rate (5 year periods) - relative error Relative error of the probability of dying before the first birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1208 CM_ECMT_C_IML Infant mortality rate (5 year periods) - CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying before the first birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births calculated as the infant mortality rate minus 2 standard errors
1209 CM_ECMT_C_IMU Infant mortality rate (5 year periods) - CI upper bound (+2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying before the first birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births calculated as the infant mortality rate plus 2 standard errors
1210 CM_ECMT_C_CMR Child mortality (5 year periods) Probability of dying between the first birthday and the fifth birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving to their first birthday
1211 CM_ECMT_C_CME Child mortality (5 year periods) - standard error Standard error of the probability of dying between the first birthday and the fifth birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving to their first birthday
1212 CM_ECMT_C_CMX Child mortality (5 year periods) - relative error Relative error of the probability of dying between the first birthday and the fifth birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving to their first birthday
1213 CM_ECMT_C_CML Child mortality (5 year periods) - CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying between the first birthday and the fifth birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving to their first birthday calculated as the child mortality rate minus 2 standard errors
1214 CM_ECMT_C_CMU Child mortality (5 year periods) - CI upper bound (+2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying between the first birthday and the fifth birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving to their first birthday calculated as the child mortality rate plus 2 standard errors
1215 CM_ECMT_C_U5M Under-five mortality rate (5 year periods) Probability of dying before the fifth birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1216 CM_ECMT_C_U5E Under-five mortality rate (5 year periods) - standard error Standard error of the probability of dying before the fifth birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1217 CM_ECMT_C_U5X Under-five mortality rate (5 year periods) - relative error Relative error of the probability of dying before the fifth birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1218 CM_ECMT_C_U5L Under-five mortality rate (5 year periods) - CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying before the fifth birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births calculated as the under-five mortality rate minus 2 standard errors
1219 CM_ECMT_C_U5U Under-five mortality rate (5 year periods) - CI upper bound (+2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying before the fifth birthday (in the five years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births calculated as the under-five mortality rate plus 2 standard errors
1220 CM_ECMR_C_NNR Neonatal mortality rate Probability of dying in the first month of life in the five or ten years preceding the survey, per 1,000 live births. Estimates are given for ten year periods for all characteristics, but for five year periods only for the national total, by residence, and by sex.
1221 CM_ECMR_C_NNE Neonatal mortality rate - standard error Standard error of the probability of dying in the first month of life (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1222 CM_ECMR_C_NNX Neonatal mortality rate - relative error Relative error of the probability of dying in the first month of life (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1223 CM_ECMR_C_NNL Neonatal mortality rate - CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying in the first month of life (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births calculated as the neonatal mortality rate minus 2 standard errors
1224 CM_ECMR_C_NNU Neonatal mortality rate - CI upper bound (+2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying in the first month of life (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births calculated as the neonatal mortality rate plus 2 standard errors
1225 CM_ECMR_C_PNR Postneonatal mortality rate Probability of dying after the first month of life and before the first birthday in the five or ten years preceding the survey, per 1,000 children surviving the first month of life, computed as the difference between the infant and neonatal mortality rates. Estimates are given for ten year periods for all characteristics, but for five year periods only for the national total, by residence, and by sex.
1226 CM_ECMR_C_PNE Postneonatal mortality - standard error Standard error of the probability of dying after the first month of life and before the first birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving the first month of life, computed as the difference between the infant and neonatal mortality rates
1227 CM_ECMR_C_PNX Postneonatal mortality - relative error Relative error of the probability of dying after the first month of life and before the first birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving the first month of life, computed as the difference between the infant and neonatal mortality rates
1228 CM_ECMR_C_PNL Postneonatal mortality - CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying after the first month of life and before the first birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving the first month of life, computed as the difference between the infant and neonatal mortality rates calculated as the postneonatal mortality rate minus 2 standard errors
1229 CM_ECMR_C_PNU Postneonatal mortality - CI upper bound (+2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying after the first month of life and before the first birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving the first month of life, computed as the difference between the infant and neonatal mortality rates calculated as the postneonatal mortality rate plus 2 standard errors
1230 CM_ECMR_C_IMR Infant mortality rate Probability of dying before the first birthday in the five or ten years preceding the survey, per 1,000 live births. Estimates are given for ten year periods for all characteristics, but for five year periods only for the national total, by residence, and by sex.
1231 CM_ECMR_C_IME Infant mortality rate - standard error Standard error of the probability of dying before the first birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1232 CM_ECMR_C_IMX Infant mortality rate - relative error Relative error of the probability of dying before the first birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1233 CM_ECMR_C_IML Infant mortality rate - CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying before the first birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births calculated as the infant mortality rate minus 2 standard errors
1234 CM_ECMR_C_IMU Infant mortality rate - CI upper bound (+2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying before the first birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births calculated as the infant mortality rate plus 2 standard errors
1235 CM_ECMR_C_CMR Child mortality rate Probability of dying between the first birthday and the fifth birthday in the five or ten years preceding the survey), per 1,000 children surviving to their first birthday. Estimates are given for ten year periods for all characteristics, but for five year periods only for the national total, by residence, and by sex.
1236 CM_ECMR_C_CME Child mortality - standard error Standard error of the probability of dying between the first birthday and the fifth birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving to their first birthday
1237 CM_ECMR_C_CMX Child mortality - relative error Relative error of the probability of dying between the first birthday and the fifth birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving to their first birthday
1238 CM_ECMR_C_CML Child mortality - CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying between the first birthday and the fifth birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving to their first birthday calculated as the child mortality rate minus 2 standard errors
1239 CM_ECMR_C_CMU Child mortality - CI upper bound (+2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying between the first birthday and the fifth birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 children surviving to their first birthday calculated as the child mortality rate plus 2 standard errors
1240 CM_ECMR_C_U5M Under-five mortality rate Probability of dying before the fifth birthday in the five or ten years preceding the survey, per 1,000 live births. Estimates are given for ten year periods for all characteristics, but for five year periods only for the national total, by residence, and by sex.
1241 CM_ECMR_C_U5E Under-five mortality rate - standard error Standard error of the probability of dying before the fifth birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1242 CM_ECMR_C_U5X Under-five mortality rate - relative error Relative error of the probability of dying before the fifth birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births
1243 CM_ECMR_C_U5L Under-five mortality rate - CI lower bound (-2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying before the fifth birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births calculated as the under-five mortality rate minus 2 standard errors
1244 CM_ECMR_C_U5U Under-five mortality rate - CI upper bound (+2SE) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the probability of dying before the fifth birthday (in the five or ten years preceding the survey) per 1,000 live births calculated as the under-five mortality rate plus 2 standard errors
1245 CM_PNMR_C_NSB Stillbirths Number of stillbirths for the five-year period preceding the survey. Stillbirths are fetal deaths in pregnancies of 7 months or more.
1246 CM_PNMR_C_SBR Stillbirth rate Stillbirth rate for the five-year period preceding the survey per 1,000 pregnancies of 7+ months duration. Stillbirths are fetal deaths in pregnancies of 7 months or more.
1247 CM_PNMR_C_NEN Early neonatal deaths Number of early neonatal deaths for the five-year period preceding the survey. Early neonatal deaths are deaths at age 0-6 days among live-born children.
1248 CM_PNMR_C_ENR Early neonatal mortality rate Early neonatal mortality rate for the five-year period preceding the survey per 1,000 live births.
1249 CM_PNMR_C_PMR Perinatal mortality rate (5 years) Perinatal mortality rate for the five-year period preceding the survey, defined as the sum of the stillbirths and early neonatal deaths divided by the number of pregnancies of 7 or months' duration, expressed per 1,000 pregnancies.
1250 CM_PNMR_C_NUM Number of pregnancies of 7+ months duration Number of pregnancies of 7+ months duration in the five-year period preceding the survey
1251 CM_PNMR_C_UNW Number of pregnancies of 7+ months duration (unweighted) Number of pregnancies of 7+ months duration in the five-year period preceding the survey (unweighted)
1252 CM_PNMR_C_UNN Number of live births (unweighted) Number of live births in the five-year period preceding the survey (unweighted)
1253 CM_PNMR_C_RSE Ratio of stillbirths to early neonatal deaths Ratio of the stillbirths to the early neonatal deaths for the five years preceding the survey.
1254 CM_HRFB_C_NON High-risk births: Not in any risk category Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey not in any risk category
1255 CM_HRFB_C_FOB High-risk births: First birth Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey which are first births
1256 CM_HRFB_C_A18 High-risk births: Mother's age < 18 Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age < 18
1257 CM_HRFB_C_A34 High-risk births: Mother's age > 34 Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34
1258 CM_HRFB_C_B24 High-risk births: Birth interval < 24 months Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth interval < 24 months
1259 CM_HRFB_C_BO3 High-risk births: Birth order > 3 Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth order > 3
1260 CM_HRFB_C_SNG High-risk births: Single risk category Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey in a single risk category
1261 CM_HRFB_C_A1B High-risk births: Age < 18 & birth interval < 24 months Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age < 18 and with a birth interval < 24 months
1262 CM_HRFB_C_A2B High-risk births: Age > 34 & birth interval < 24 months Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34 and with a birth interval < 24 months
1263 CM_HRFB_C_ABO High-risk births: Age > 34 & birth order > 3 Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34 and with a birth order > 3
1264 CM_HRFB_C_A3B High-risk births: Age > 34, birth interval < 24 and birth order > 3 Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34 and with a birth interval < 24 and birth order > 3
1265 CM_HRFB_C_BIO High-risk births: Birth interval < 24 & birth order > 3 Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth interval < 24 and a birth order > 3
1266 CM_HRFB_C_MLT High-risk births: Multiple risk categories Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey in multiple risk categories
1267 CM_HRFB_C_ANY High-risk births: In any avoidable risk category Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey in any risk category
1268 CM_HRFB_C_A1S High-risk births: Mother's age < 18 subtotal Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age < 18
1269 CM_HRFB_C_A3S High-risk births: Mother's age > 34 subtotal Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34
1270 CM_HRFB_C_B1S High-risk births: Birth interval < 24 months subtotal Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth interval < 24 months
1271 CM_HRFB_C_B3S High-risk births: Birth order > 3 subtotal Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth order > 3
1272 CM_HRFB_C_TOT High risk births: Total Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey: Total
1273 CM_HRFB_C_NUM Number of children born in the last five years Number of children born in the last five years preceding the survey
1274 CM_HRFB_C_UNW Number of children born in the last five years (unweighted) Number of children born in the last five years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1275 CM_HRFR_C_NON High-risk fertility risk ratio: Not in any risk category Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey not in any high-risk category. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1276 CM_HRFR_C_FOB High-risk fertility risk ratio: First birth Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey which are first births. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1277 CM_HRFR_C_A18 High-risk fertility risk ratio: Mother's age < 18 Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age < 18. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1278 CM_HRFR_C_A34 High-risk fertility risk ratio: Mother's age > 34 Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1279 CM_HRFR_C_B24 High-risk fertility risk ratio: Birth interval < 24 months Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth interval < 24 months. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1280 CM_HRFR_C_BO3 High-risk fertility risk ratio: Birth order > 3 Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth order > 3. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1281 CM_HRFR_C_SNG High-risk fertility risk ratio: Single risk category Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey in a single high-risk category. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1282 CM_HRFR_C_A1B High-risk fertility risk ratio: Age < 18 & birth interval < 24 months Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age < 18 and with a birth interval < 24 months. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1283 CM_HRFR_C_A2B High-risk fertility risk ratio: Age > 34 & birth interval < 24 months Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34 and with a birth interval < 24 months. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1284 CM_HRFR_C_ABO High-risk fertility risk ratio: Age > 34 & birth order > 3 Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34 and with a birth order > 3. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1285 CM_HRFR_C_A3B High-risk fertility risk ratio: Age > 34, birth interval < 24 and birth order > 3 Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34 and with a birth interval < 24 and birth order > 3. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1286 CM_HRFR_C_BIO High-risk fertility risk ratio: Birth interval < 24 & birth order > 3 Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth interval < 24 and a birth order > 3. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1287 CM_HRFR_C_MLT High-risk fertility risk ratio: Multiple risk categories Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey in multiple high-risk categories. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1288 CM_HRFR_C_ANY High-risk fertility risk ratio: In any avoidable risk category Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey in any high-risk category. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
1289 CM_HRFR_C_A1S High-risk fertility risk ratio: Mother's age < 18 subtotal Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age < 18. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any risk category.
1290 CM_HRFR_C_A3S High-risk fertility risk ratio: Mother's age > 34 subtotal Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any risk category.
1291 CM_HRFR_C_B1S High-risk fertility risk ratio: Birth interval < 24 months subtotal Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth interval < 24 months. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any risk category.
1292 CM_HRFR_C_B3S High-risk fertility risk ratio: Birth order > 3 subtotal Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth order > 3. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any risk category.
1293 CM_HRFR_U_NON Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Not in any risk category Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey not in any high-risk category
1294 CM_HRFR_U_FOB Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: First birth Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey which are first births
1295 CM_HRFR_U_A18 Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Mother's age < 18 Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age < 18
1296 CM_HRFR_U_A34 Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Mother's age > 34 Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34
1297 CM_HRFR_U_B24 Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Birth interval < 24 months Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth interval < 24 months
1298 CM_HRFR_U_BO3 Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Birth order > 3 Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth order > 3
1299 CM_HRFR_U_SNG Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Single risk category Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey in a single high-risk category
1300 CM_HRFR_U_A1B Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Age < 18 & birth interval < 24 months Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age < 18 and with a birth interval < 24 months
1301 CM_HRFR_U_A2B Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Age > 34 & birth interval < 24 months Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34 and with a birth interval < 24 months
1302 CM_HRFR_U_ABO Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Age > 34 & birth order > 3 Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34 and with a birth order > 3
1303 CM_HRFR_U_A3B Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Age > 34, birth interval < 24 and birth order > 3 Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34 and with a birth interval < 24 and birth order > 3
1304 CM_HRFR_U_BIO Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Birth interval < 24 & birth order > 3 Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth interval < 24 and a birth order > 3
1305 CM_HRFR_U_MLT Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Multiple risk categories Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey in multiple high-risk categories
1306 CM_HRFR_U_ANY High-risk fertility risk ratio: In any avoidable risk category Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey in any avoidable risk category. Avoidable risk categories are any except a first birth between ages 18 & 34
1307 CM_HRFR_U_A1S Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Mother's age < 18 subtotal Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age < 18
1308 CM_HRFR_U_A3S Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Mother's age > 34 subtotal Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34
1309 CM_HRFR_U_B1S Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Birth interval < 24 months subtotal Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth interval < 24 months
1310 CM_HRFR_U_B3S Number of births (unweighted) in risk category: Birth order > 3 subtotal Number of children (unweighted) born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth order > 3
1311 CM_HRFW_W_NON High-risk fertility behavior: Not in any risk category Percentage of currently married or in union women not in any risk category
1312 CM_HRFW_W_FOB High-risk fertility behavior: First birth Percentage of currently married or in union women which are first births
1313 CM_HRFW_W_A18 High-risk fertility behavior: Mother's age < 18 Percentage of currently married or in union women to mothers age < 18
1314 CM_HRFW_W_A34 High-risk fertility behavior: Mother's age > 34 Percentage of currently married or in union women to mothers age > 34
1315 CM_HRFW_W_B24 High-risk fertility behavior: Birth interval < 24 months Percentage of currently married or in union women with a birth interval < 24 months
1316 CM_HRFW_W_BO3 High-risk fertility behavior: Birth order > 3 Percentage of currently married or in union women with a birth order > 3
1317 CM_HRFW_W_SNG High-risk fertility behavior: Single risk category Percentage of currently married or in union women in a single risk category
1318 CM_HRFW_W_A1B High-risk fertility behavior: Age < 18 & birth interval < 24 months Percentage of currently married or in union women to mothers age < 18 and with a birth interval < 24 months
1319 CM_HRFW_W_A2B High-risk fertility behavior: Age > 34 & birth interval < 24 months Percentage of currently married or in union women to mothers age > 34 and with a birth interval < 24 months
1320 CM_HRFW_W_ABO High-risk fertility behavior: Age > 34 & birth order > 3 Percentage of currently married or in union women to mothers age > 34 and with a birth order > 3
1321 CM_HRFW_W_A3B High-risk fertility behavior: Age > 34, birth interval < 24 and birth order > 3 Percentage of currently married or in union women to mothers age > 34 and with a birth interval < 24 and birth order > 3
1322 CM_HRFW_W_BIO High-risk fertility behavior: Birth interval < 24 & birth order > 3 Percentage of currently married or in union women with a birth interval < 24 and a birth order > 3
1323 CM_HRFW_W_MLT High-risk fertility behavior: Multiple risk categories Percentage of currently married or in union women in multiple risk categories
1324 CM_HRFW_W_ANY High-risk fertility behavior: In any avoidable risk category Percentage of currently married or in union women in any avoidable risk category. Avoidable risk categories are any except a first birth between ages 18 & 34
1325 CM_HRFW_W_A1S High-risk births: Mother's age < 18 subtotal Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age < 18
1326 CM_HRFW_W_A3S High-risk births: Mother's age > 34 subtotal Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34
1327 CM_HRFW_W_B1S High-risk births: Birth interval < 24 months subtotal Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth interval < 24 months
1328 CM_HRFW_W_B3S High-risk births: Birth order > 3 subtotal Percentage of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth order > 3
1329 CM_HRFW_W_TOT High risk fertility behavior: Total Percentage of currently married or in union women: Total
1330 CM_HRFW_W_NUM Number of married women Number of currently married or in union women
1331 CM_HRFW_W_UNW Number of married women (unweighted) Number of currently married or in union women (unweighted)
1332 MM_AMRT_W_DTH Deaths of adult women Number of deaths to adult women in the seven years preceding the survey
1333 MM_AMRT_W_EXP Years of exposure to the risk of mortality for women Number of years of exposure to the risk of mortality for women in the seven years preceding the survey
1334 MM_AMRT_W_EXU Years of exposure to the risk of mortality for women (unweighted) Number of years of exposure to the risk of mortality for women in the seven years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1335 MM_AMRT_W_AMR Adult female mortality rate Adult female mortality rate for the seven years preceding the survey expressed per 1,000 women-years of exposure
1336 MM_AMRT_M_DTH Deaths of adult men Number of deaths to adult wmen in the seven years preceding the survey
1337 MM_AMRT_M_EXP Years of exposure to the risk of mortality for men Number of years of exposure to the risk of mortality for men in the seven years preceding the survey
1338 MM_AMRT_M_EXU Years of exposure to the risk of mortality for men (unweighted) Number of years of exposure to the risk of mortality for men in the seven years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1339 MM_AMRT_M_AMR Adult male mortality rate Adult male mortality rate for the seven years preceding the survey expressed per 1,000 men-years of exposure
1340 MM_AMPB_W_AMP Probability of dying between exact age 15 and 50 (35q15) for women Probability of dying between exact age 15 and 50 (35q15) for women
1341 MM_AMPB_M_AMP Probability of dying between exact age 15 and 50 (35q15) for men Probability of dying between exact age 15 and 50 (35q15) for men
1342 MM_MMRT_W_FDP Female deaths that are pregnancy-related Percentage of all female adult deaths during pregnancy, delivery and the two months following delivery that are pregnancy related deaths, including deaths due to accidents or violence
1343 MM_MMRT_W_FDM Female deaths that are maternal Percentage of all female adult deaths that are maternal deaths. Maternal deaths are deaths to adult females during pregnancy, delivery or in the 42 days following delivery, excluding those due to accidents or violence.
1344 MM_MMRT_W_PDT Number of pregnancy-related deaths Number of female adult deaths that are pregnancy related deaths. Prengnacy-related deaths are deaths during pregnancy, delivery or the two months following delivery, including those due to accidents or violence
1345 MM_MMRT_W_MDT Number of maternal deaths Number of female adult deaths that are maternal deaths, during the pregnancy, delivery or in the 42 days following delivery, excluding those due to accidents or violence
1346 MM_MMRT_W_EXP Years of exposure to the risk of mortality for women Number of years of exposure to the risk of mortality for women in the seven years preceding the survey
1347 MM_MMRT_W_EXU Years of exposure to the risk of mortality for women (unweighted) Number of years of exposure to the risk of mortality for women in the seven years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1348 MM_MMRT_W_PRT Pregnancy-related mortality rate Pregnancy-related mortality rate for the seven years preceding the survey expressed per 1,000 women-years of exposure. Pregnancy-related deaths are deaths during pregnancy, delivery and in the two months following delivery, including deaths due to accidents or violence
1349 MM_MMRT_W_MRT Maternal mortality rate Maternal mortality rate for the seven years preceding the survey expressed per 1,000 women-years of exposure. Maternal deaths are deaths to adult females during pregnancy, delivery or in the 42 days following delivery, excluding those due to accidents or violence.
1350 MM_MMRO_W_GFR General fertility rate General fertility rate for the seven years preceding the survey per 1,000 women age 15-49
1351 MM_MMRO_W_PMR Pregnancy-related mortality ratio Pregnancy-related mortality ratio for the seven years preceding the survey expressed per 100,000 live births, calculated as the age-adjusted pregnancy-related mortality rate times 100 divided by the age-adjusted general fertility rate. Pregnancy-related deaths are deaths during pregnancy, delivery and in the two months following delivery, including deaths due to accidents or violence
1352 MM_MMRO_W_PIL Pregnancy-related mortality ratio CI lower bound (PRMR-2SE) Lower bound for the confidence interval of the pregnancy-related mortality ratio calculated as the pregnancy-related mortality ratio minus 2 standard errors
1353 MM_MMRO_W_PIH Pregnancy-related mortality ratio CI upper bound (PRMR+2SE) Upper bound for the confidence interval of the pregnancy-related mortality ratio calculated as the pregnancy-related mortality ratio plus 2 standard errors
1354 MM_MMRO_W_LTP Lifetime risk of pregnancy-related death Lifetime risk of pregnancy-related death calculated as 1-(1-PRMR)^TFR where TFR is the total fertility rate for the seven years preceding the survey. Pregnancy-related deaths are deaths during pregnancy, delivery and in the two months following delivery, including deaths due to accidents or violence
1355 MM_MMRO_W_MMR Maternal mortality ratio Maternal mortality ratio for the seven years preceding the survey expressed per 100,000 live births, calculated as the age-adjusted maternal mortality rate times 100 divided by the age-adjusted general fertility rate. Maternal deaths are deaths to adult females during pregnancy, delivery or in the 42 days following delivery, excluding those due to accidents or violence.
1356 MM_MMRO_W_CIL Maternal mortality ratio CI lower bound (MMR-2SE) Lower bound for the confidence interval of the maternal mortality ratio calculated as the maternal mortality ratio minus 2 standard errors
1357 MM_MMRO_W_CIH Maternal mortality ratio CI upper bound (MMR+2SE) Upper bound for the confidence interval of the maternal mortality ratio calculated as the maternal mortality ratio plus 2 standard errors
1358 MM_MMRO_W_LTR Lifetime risk of maternal death Lifetime risk of maternal death calculated as 1-(1-MMR)^TFR where TFR is the total fertility rate for the seven years preceding the survey. Maternal deaths are deaths to adult females during pregnancy, delivery or in the 42 days following delivery, excluding those due to accidents or violence.
1359 RH_ANCP_W_DOC Antenatal care provider: Doctor Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose source of antenatal care during the pregnancy for the most recent live birth was a doctor
1360 RH_ANCP_W_NRS Antenatal care provider: Nurse/midwife Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose source of antenatal care during the pregnancy for the most recent live birth was a nurse or midwife
1361 RH_ANCP_W_AUX Antenatal care provider: Auxiliary nurse/midwife Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose source of antenatal care during the pregnancy for the most recent live birth was an auxiliary nurse
1362 RH_ANCP_W_CHW Antenatal care provider: Community health worker Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose source of antenatal care during the pregnancy for the most recent live birth was a community health worker
1363 RH_ANCP_W_OHW Antenatal care provider: Other health worker Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose source of antenatal care during the pregnancy for the most recent live birth was another type of health worker
1364 RH_ANCP_W_TBA Antenatal care provider: Traditional birth attendant Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose source of antenatal care during the pregnancy for the most recent live birth was a traditional birth attendant
1365 RH_ANCP_W_OTH Antenatal care provider: Other Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose source of antenatal care during the pregnancy for the most recent live birth was other
1366 RH_ANCP_W_MIS Antenatal care provider: Missing Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey with missing information on antenatal care during the pregnancy for the most recent live birth
1367 RH_ANCP_W_NON No antenatal care Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received no antenatal care during the pregnancy for the most recent live birth
1368 RH_ANCP_W_TOT Antenatal care: Total Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey: Total
1369 RH_ANCP_W_SKP Antenatal care from a skilled provider Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care during the pregnancy for the most recent live birth from a skilled provider
1370 RH_ANCP_W_NUM Number of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the last two (or three/five) years Number of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey
1371 RH_ANCP_W_UNW Number of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the last two (or three/five) years (unweighted) Number of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1372 RH_ANCN_W_NON Antenatal visits for pregnancy: None Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who had no antenatal care visits
1373 RH_ANCN_W_N01 Antenatal visits for pregnancy: 1 Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who had 1 antenatal care visit
1374 RH_ANCN_W_N23 Antenatal visits for pregnancy: 2-3 visits Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who had 2-3 antenatal care visits
1375 RH_ANCN_W_N4P Antenatal visits for pregnancy: 4+ visits Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who had 4+ antenatal care visits
1376 RH_ANCN_W_N47 Antenatal visits for pregnancy: 4-7 visits Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who had 4-7 antenatal care visits
1377 RH_ANCN_W_N8P Antenatal visits for pregnancy: 8+ visits Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who had 8+ antenatal care visits
1378 RH_ANCN_W_DKM Antenatal visits for pregnancy: don't know or missing Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey with 'don't know' or missing information on number of antenatal care visits
1379 RH_ANCN_W_TOT Number of women with a birth in the last two (or three/five) years Number of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth)s in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey
1380 RH_ANCT_W_NON Timing of first antenatal check: No antenatal care Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey receiving no antenatal care
1381 RH_ANCT_W_TL4 Timing of first antenatal check: Less than 4 months Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose first antenatal care visit was at less than 4 months
1382 RH_ANCT_W_T45 Timing of first antenatal check: 4-5 months Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose first antenatal care visit was at 4-5 months
1383 RH_ANCT_W_T67 Timing of first antenatal check: 6-7 months Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose first antenatal care visit was at 6-7 months
1384 RH_ANCT_W_T8P Timing of first antenatal check: 8+ months Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose first antenatal care visit was at 8+ months
1385 RH_ANCT_W_DKM Timing of first antenatal check: don't know or missing information on timing Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey with 'don't know' or missing information on timing of first antenatal care visit
1386 RH_ANCT_W_TOT Timing of first antenatal check: Total Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth)s in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey: Total
1387 RH_ANCT_W_NUM Number of women with a birth in the last two (or three/five) years Number of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth)s in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey
1388 RH_ANCT_W_UNW Number of women with a birth in the last two (or three/five) years (unweighted) Number of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth)s in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1389 RH_ANCT_W_MED Median months of pregnancy at first antenatal care visit Median number of months of pregnancy at time of the first visit antenatal care visit of those withh at least one antenatal care visit for Live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey
1390 RH_ANCT_W_NMA Number of women with a birth in the last two (or three/five) years receiving antenatal care (ANC) Number of women with a birth in the last two (or three/five) years receiving antenatal care (ANC)
1391 RH_ANCT_W_UNA Number of women with a birth in the last two (or three/five) years receiving antenatal care (ANC) (unweighted) Number of women with a birth in the last two (or three/five) years receiving antenatal care (ANC) (unweighted)
1392 RH_ANCC_W_RAS Antenatal care content: Received food or cash assistance Percentage of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received food or cash assistance
1393 RH_ANCC_W_IRN Antenatal care content: Received iron tablets or syrup Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received iron tablets or syrup during antenatal care
1394 RH_ANCC_W_PAR Antenatal care content: Took intestinal parasite drugs Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who took intestinal parasite drugs during antenatal care
1395 RH_ANCC_W_NUM Number of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the last two (or three/five) years who received antenatal care Number of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care for the most recent birth
1396 RH_ANCC_W_UNW Number of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the last two (or three/five) years who received antenatal care (unweighted) Number of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care for the most recent birth (unweighted)
1397 RH_ICSP_W_TNI Iron supplementation: none Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who took no iron containing supplements during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth (or stillbirth)
1398 RH_ICSP_W_L60 Iron supplementation: less than 60 days Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who took iron containing supplements for less than 60 days during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth (or stillbirth)
1399 RH_ICSP_W_B69 Iron supplementation: 60-89 days Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who took iron containing supplements for 60-89 days during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth (or stillbirth)
1400 RH_ICSP_W_B99 Iron supplementation: 90-179 days Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who took iron containing supplements for 90-179 days during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth (or stillbirth)
1401 RH_ICSP_W_M18 Iron supplementation: 180+ days Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who took iron containing supplements for 180 days or more during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth (or stillbirth)
1402 RH_ICSP_W_IDK Iron supplementation: don't know/missing Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who did not know if they took iron containing supplements or did not know the number of days they took iron supplementation during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth (or stillbirth) or where the information was missing
1403 RH_ICSP_W_TOT Iron supplementation: total Percentage of women: total
1404 RH_ICSP_W_NUM Number of women Number of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey
1405 RH_ICSP_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1406 RH_SICS_W_PUB Source of iron-containing supplementation during pregnancy: Public sector Among women age 15-49 who had a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey who were given or bought iron-containing supplements during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth or stillbirth, the percentage who obtained the supplements from the public sector
1407 RH_SICS_W_GHS Source of iron-containing supplementation during pregnancy: Public hospital Among women age 15-49 who had a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey who were given or bought iron-containing supplements during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth or stillbirth, the percentage who obtained the supplements from a public hospital
1408 RH_SICS_W_GHC Source of iron-containing supplementation during pregnancy: Public health center Among women age 15-49 who had a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey who were given or bought iron-containing supplements during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth or stillbirth, the percentage who obtained the supplements from a public health center
1409 RH_SICS_W_GHP Source of iron-containing supplementation during pregnancy: Public health post Among women age 15-49 who had a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey who were given or bought iron-containing supplements during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth or stillbirth, the percentage who obtained the supplements from a public health post
1410 RH_SICS_W_GMB Source of iron-containing supplementation during pregnancy: Public mobile clinic Among women age 15-49 who had a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey who were given or bought iron-containing supplements during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth or stillbirth, the percentage who obtained the supplements from a public mobile clinic
1411 RH_SICS_W_GFW Source of iron-containing supplementation during pregnancy: Public fieldworker/CHW Among women age 15-49 who had a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey who were given or bought iron-containing supplements during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth or stillbirth, the percentage who obtained the supplements from a public fieldworker/CHW
1412 RH_SICS_W_GOT Source of iron-containing supplementation during pregnancy: Public other Among women age 15-49 who had a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey who were given or bought iron-containing supplements during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth or stillbirth, the percentage who obtained the supplements from an other public source
1413 RH_SICS_W_PMS Source of iron-containing supplementation during pregnancy: Private medical sector (non-NGO) Among women age 15-49 who had a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey who were given or bought iron-containing supplements during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth or stillbirth, the percentage who obtained the supplements from the private medical sector (non-NGO)
1414 RH_SICS_W_PHC Source of iron-containing supplementation during pregnancy: Private hospital/clinic Among women age 15-49 who had a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey who were given or bought iron-containing supplements during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth or stillbirth, the percentage who obtained the supplements from a private hospital/clinic
1415 RH_SICS_W_PPH Source of iron-containing supplementation during pregnancy: Private pharmacy Among women age 15-49 who had a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey who were given or bought iron-containing supplements during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth or stillbirth, the percentage who obtained the supplements from a private pharmacy
1416 RH_SICS_W_PDR Source of iron-containing supplementation during pregnancy: Private doctor Among women age 15-49 who had a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey who were given or bought iron-containing supplements during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth or stillbirth, the percentage who obtained the supplements from a private doctor
1417 RH_SICS_W_PMC Source of iron-containing supplementation during pregnancy: Private mobile clinic Among women age 15-49 who had a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey who were given or bought iron-containing supplements during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth or stillbirth, the percentage who obtained the supplements from a private mobile clinic
1418 RH_SICS_W_PFW Source of iron-containing supplementation during pregnancy: Private fieldworker/CHW Among women age 15-49 who had a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey who were given or bought iron-containing supplements during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth or stillbirth, the percentage who obtained the supplements from a private fieldworker/CHW
1419 RH_SICS_W_PRO Source of iron-containing supplementation during pregnancy: Other private medical sector Among women age 15-49 who had a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey who were given or bought iron-containing supplements during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth or stillbirth, the percentage who obtained the supplements from an other private medical source
1420 RH_SICS_W_NGO Source of iron-containing supplementation during pregnancy: Private medical sector (NGO) Among women age 15-49 who had a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey who were given or bought iron-containing supplements during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth or stillbirth, the percentage who obtained the supplements from the private medical sector (NGO)
1421 RH_SICS_W_NHS Source of iron-containing supplementation during pregnancy: NGO hospital/clinic Among women age 15-49 who had a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey who were given or bought iron-containing supplements during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth or stillbirth, the percentage who obtained the supplements from a NGO hospital or clinic
1422 RH_SICS_W_NCL Source of iron-containing supplementation during pregnancy: Other NGO medical sector Among women age 15-49 who had a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey who were given or bought iron-containing supplements during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth or stillbirth, the percentage who obtained the supplements from an other NGO medical source
1423 RH_SICS_W_NOT Source of iron-containing supplementation during pregnancy: Other NGO sector Among women age 15-49 who had a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey who were given or bought iron-containing supplements during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth or stillbirth, the percentage who obtained the supplements from an other private NGO source
1424 RH_SICS_W_OPS Source of iron-containing supplementation during pregnancy: Other NGO sector Among women age 15-49 who had a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey who were given or bought iron-containing supplements during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth or stillbirth, the percentage who obtained the supplements from an other private NGO source
1425 RH_SICS_W_OSH Source of iron-containing supplementation during pregnancy: Shop Among women age 15-49 who had a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey who were given or bought iron-containing supplements during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth or stillbirth, the percentage who obtained the supplements from a shop
1426 RH_SICS_W_OTR Source of iron-containing supplementation during pregnancy: Traditional practitioner Among women age 15-49 who had a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey who were given or bought iron-containing supplements during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth or stillbirth, the percentage who obtained the supplements from a traditional practitioner
1427 RH_SICS_W_OTM Source of iron-containing supplementation during pregnancy: Market Among women age 15-49 who had a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey who were given or bought iron-containing supplements during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth or stillbirth, the percentage who obtained the supplements from a market
1428 RH_SICS_W_OTO Source of iron-containing supplementation during pregnancy: Other Among women age 15-49 who had a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey who were given or bought iron-containing supplements during the pregnancy of the most recent live birth or stillbirth, the percentage who obtained the supplements from an other source
1429 RH_SICS_W_NUM Source of iron-containing supplementation during pregnancy: Number of women Number of women age 15-49 who had a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey
1430 RH_SICS_W_UNW Source of iron-containing supplementation during pregnancy: Number of women (unweighted) Number of women age 15-49 who had a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1431 RH_ANCS_W_SGN Antenatal care content (of all): Informed of signs of pregnancy complications Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey informed of signs of pregnancy complications
1432 RH_ANCS_W_WGT Antenatal care content (of all): Weight measured Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey with weight measured
1433 RH_ANCS_W_HGT Antenatal care content (of all): Height measured Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey with height measured
1434 RH_ANCS_W_BLP Antenatal care content (of all): Blood pressure measured Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey with blood pressure measured
1435 RH_ANCS_W_URN Antenatal care content (of all): Urine sample taken Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey with urine sample taken
1436 RH_ANCS_W_BLS Antenatal care content (of all): Blood sample taken Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey with blood sample taken
1437 RH_ANCS_W_SGN Antenatal care content (of ANC): Informed of signs of pregnancy complications Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care for the most recent birth informed of signs of pregnancy complications
1438 RH_ANCS_W_HRT Antenatal care content (of ANC): Baby's heartbeat listened for Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care for the most recent birth and whose baby's heartbeat was listened for
1439 RH_ANCS_W_HRT Antenatal care content (of all): Baby's heartbeat listened for Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose baby's heartbeat was listened for
1440 RH_ANCS_W_MDT Antenatal care content (of ANC): Counseled about maternal diet Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care for the most recent birth and were counseled about maternal diet
1441 RH_ANCS_W_MDT Antenatal care content (of all): Counseled about maternal diet Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who were counseled about maternal diet
1442 RH_ANCS_W_CBF Antenatal care content (of ANC): Counseled about breastfeeding Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care for the most recent birth and were counseled about breastfeeding
1443 RH_ANCS_W_CBF Antenatal care content (of all): Counseled about breastfeeding Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who were counseled about breastfeeding
1444 RH_ANCS_W_VGB Antenatal care content (of ANC): Asked about vaginal bleeding Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care for the most recent birth and were asked about vaginal bleeding
1445 RH_ANCS_W_VGB Antenatal care content (of all): Asked about vaginal bleeding Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who were asked about vaginal bleeding
1446 RH_ANCS_W_DUE Antenatal care content (of ANC): Discussed the baby's due date Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care for the most recent birth and discussed the baby's due date
1447 RH_ANCS_W_DUE Antenatal care content (of all): Discussed the baby's due date Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who discussed the baby's due date
1448 RH_ANCS_W_BMV Antenatal care content (of ANC): Told to pay attention to baby's movements Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care for the most recent birth and were told to pay attention to baby's movements
1449 RH_ANCS_W_BMV Antenatal care content (of all): Told to pay attention to baby's movements Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who were told to pay attention to baby's movements
1450 RH_ANCS_W_WGT Antenatal care content (of ANC): Weight measured Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care for the most recent birth with weight measured
1451 RH_ANCS_W_HGT Antenatal care content (of ANC): Height measured Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care for the most recent birth with height measured
1452 RH_ANCS_W_BLP Antenatal care content (of ANC): Blood pressure measured Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care for the most recent birth with blood pressure measured
1453 RH_ANCS_W_URN Antenatal care content (of ANC): Urine sample taken Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care for the most recent birth with urine sample taken
1454 RH_ANCS_W_BLS Antenatal care content (of ANC): Blood sample taken Percentage of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care for the most recent birth with blood sample taken
1455 RH_ANCS_W_NUM Number of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the last two (or three/five) years who received antenatal care Number of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care for the most recent birth
1456 RH_ANCS_W_UNW Number of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the last two (or three/five) years who received antenatal care (unweighted) Number of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received antenatal care for the most recent birth (unweighted)
1457 RH_ANCS_W_UNW Number of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey (unweighted) Number of women with a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1458 RH_TTIJ_W_TT0 Tetanus injections before birth: None Percentage of mothers with a last live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received no tetanus toxoid injections during pregnancy
1459 RH_TTIJ_W_TT1 Tetanus injections before birth: One dose Percentage of mothers with a last live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received one dose of tetanus toxoid injections during pregnancy
1460 RH_TTIJ_W_TT2 Tetanus injections before birth: Two doses or more Percentage of mothers with a last live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received two doses or more of tetanus toxoid injections during pregnancy
1461 RH_TTIJ_W_DKM Tetanus injections before birth: don't know or missing Percentage of mothers with a last live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey with 'don't know' or missing information on the number of tetanus toxoid injections received during pregnancy
1462 RH_TTIJ_W_TOT Tetanus injections before birth: Total Percentage of mothers with a last live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey: Total
1463 RH_TTIJ_W_PRT Tetanus protection at birth Percentage of mothers with a last live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who received sufficient tetanus toxoid injections to provide protection at birth. Includes mothers with two injections during the pregnancy of her last birth, or two or more injections (the last within 3 years of the last live birth), or three or more injections (the last within 5 years of the last birth), or four or more injections (the last within 10 years of the last live birth), or five or more...
1464 RH_TTIJ_W_NUM Number of mothers with a last live births in the last two (or three/five) years Number of mothers with a last live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey
1465 RH_TTIJ_W_UNW Number of mothers with a last live births in the last two (or three/five) years (unweighted) Number of mothers with a last live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1466 RH_DELP_C_PUB Place of delivery: Public sector Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey delivered in a public sector facility
1467 RH_DELP_C_PRV Place of delivery: Private sector Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey delivered in a private sector facility
1468 RH_DELP_C_PNN Place of delivery: Private sector (non-NGO) Percentage of live births in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey delivered in a private sector non-NGO facility
1469 RH_DELP_C_PNG Place of delivery: Private sector (NGO) Percentage of live births in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey delivered in a private sector NGO facility
1470 RH_DELP_C_HOM Place of delivery: At home Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey delivered at home
1471 RH_DELP_C_OTH Place of delivery: Other Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey delivered at an other location
1472 RH_DELP_C_DKM Place of delivery: don't know or missing Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey with 'don't know' or missing information on the location of delivery
1473 RH_DELP_C_TOT Place of delivery: Total Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey: Total
1474 RH_DELP_C_DHF Place of delivery: Health facility Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey delivered at a health facility
1475 RH_DELP_C_NUM Number of live births (or stillbirths) in the last two (or three/five) years Number of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey
1476 RH_DELP_C_UNW Number of live births (or stillbirths) in the last two (or three/five) years (unweighted) Number of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1477 RH_DELA_C_DOC Assistance during delivery: Doctor Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey assisted by a doctor
1478 RH_DELA_C_NRS Assistance during delivery: Nurse/midwife Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey assisted by a nurse or midwife
1479 RH_DELA_C_AUX Assistance during delivery: Auxiliary nurse/midwife Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey assisted by an auxiliary nurse
1480 RH_DELA_C_OHW Assistance during delivery: Other health worker Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey assisted by another type of health worker
1481 RH_DELA_C_OHP Assistance during delivery: Health professional other than a doctor Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey assisted by a health professional other than a doctor
1482 RH_DELA_C_TBA Assistance during delivery: Traditional birth attendant Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey assisted by a traditional birth attendant
1483 RH_DELA_C_REL Assistance during delivery: Relative or other Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey assisted by a relative or other
1484 RH_DELA_C_NON Assistance during delivery: No one Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey assisted by no one
1485 RH_DELA_C_DKM Assistance during delivery: don't know or missing Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey with 'don't know' or missing information on assistance during delivery
1486 RH_DELA_C_TOT Assistance during delivery: Total Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey: Total
1487 RH_DELA_C_NM1 Number of (most recent) live births in the last two (or three/five) years Number of (most recent) live births in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey
1488 RH_DELA_C_UN1 Number of (most recent) live births in the last two (or three/five) years (unweighted) Number of (most recent) live births in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1489 RH_DELA_C_SKP Assistance during delivery from a skilled provider Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey assisted by a skilled provider. Skilled provider includes doctor, nurse, midwife and auxiliary nurse or midwife.
1490 RH_DELA_C_CSC Delivery by cesarean section Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey delivered by cesarean section
1491 RH_DELA_C_CSP Delivery by caesarean section planned before onset of labor pains Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey with a caesarean section planned before onset of labor pains
1492 RH_DELA_C_CSA Delivery by caesarean section decided after onset of labor pains Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey with a caesarean section decided after the onset of labor pains
1493 RH_DELA_C_CSM Delivery by caesarean section - planning status missing Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey with a caesarean section but the planning status was unknown or missing
1494 RH_DELA_C_NUM Number of live births (or stillbirths) in the last two (or three/five) years Number of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey
1495 RH_DELA_C_UNW Number of live births (or stillbirths) in the last two (or three/five) years (unweighted) Number of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1496 RH_DELA_C_SKN Skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth Percentage of live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey with skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth
1497 RH_DURH_W_H05 Duration of stay in health facility < 6 hours Percentage of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility and stayed < 6 hours in the health facility after delivery
1498 RH_DURH_W_H06 Duration of stay in health facility 6-11 hours Percentage of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility and stayed 6-11 hours in the health facility after delivery
1499 RH_DURH_W_H12 Duration of stay in health facility 12-23 hours Percentage of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility and stayed 12-23 hours in the health facility after delivery
1500 RH_DURH_W_D12 Duration of stay in health facility 1-2 days Percentage of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility and stayed 1-2 days in the health facility after delivery
1501 RH_DURH_W_D3P Duration of stay in health facility 3+ days Percentage of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility and stayed 3+ days in the health facility after delivery
1502 RH_DURH_W_DKM Duration of stay in health facility unknown or missing Percentage of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility whose duration of stay in the health facility after delivery is unknown or missing
1503 RH_DURH_W_TOT Duration of stay in health facility: Total Percentage of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility: Total
1504 RH_DURH_W_NUM Number of women Number of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility
1505 RH_DURH_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility (unweighted)
1506 RH_PCMT_W_L4H Mother's first postnatal checkup: Less than 4 hours Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey who had their first postnatal checkup less than 4 hours after birth
1507 RH_PCMT_W_23H Mother's first postnatal checkup: 4-23 hours Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey who had their first postnatal checkup 4-23 hours after birth
1508 RH_PCMT_W_D12 Mother's first postnatal checkup: 1-2 days Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey who had their first postnatal checkup 1-2 days after birth
1509 RH_PCMT_W_D36 Mother's first postnatal checkup: 3-6 days Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey who had their first postnatal checkup 3-6 days after birth
1510 RH_PCMT_W_D7P Mother's first postnatal checkup: 7-41 days Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey who had their first postnatal checkup 7-41 days after birth
1511 RH_PCMT_W_DKM Mother's first postnatal checkup: don't know or missing Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey with missing information on their first postnatal checkup after birth
1512 RH_PCMT_W_NON No postnatal checkup for mother Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey with no postnatal checkup in the first 42 days after birth
1513 RH_PCMT_W_TOT Mother's first postnatal checkup: Total Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey: Total
1514 RH_PCMT_W_DY2 Mother's first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey who had their first postnatal checkup within the first two days after birth
1515 RH_PCMT_W_NUM Number of mothers Number of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey
1516 RH_PCMT_W_UNW Number of mothers (unweighted) Number of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1517 RH_PCMP_W_DOC Provider of mothers' first postnatal checkup: Doctor/nurse/midwife Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey who received their first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth from a doctor, nurse or midwife
1518 RH_PCMP_W_NRS Provider of mothers' first postnatal checkup: Auxiliary nurse/midwife Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey who received their first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth from an auxiliary nurse
1519 RH_PCMP_W_CHW Provider of mothers' first postnatal checkup: Community health worker Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey who received their first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth from a community health worker
1520 RH_PCMP_W_OHW Provider of mothers' first postnatal checkup: Other health worker Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey who received their first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth from another type of health worker
1521 RH_PCMP_W_TBA Provider of mothers' first postnatal checkup: Traditional birth attendant Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey who received their first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth from a traditional birth attendant
1522 RH_PCMP_W_DKM Provider of mothers' first postnatal checkup: don't know or missing Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey who have missing information on the provider from whom they received their first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth
1523 RH_PCMP_W_NON No postnatal checkup for mother within first two days of birth Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey who received no postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth
1524 RH_PCMP_W_TOT Provider of mothers' first postnatal checkup: Total Percentage of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey: Total
1525 RH_PCMP_W_NUM Number of mothers Number of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey
1526 RH_PCMP_W_UNW Number of mothers (unweighted) Number of women giving birth in the two years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1527 RH_PCCT_C_L1H Newborn's first postnatal checkup: Less than 1 hour Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey who had their first postnatal checkup less than 1 hour after birth
1528 RH_PCCT_C_H13 Newborn's first postnatal checkup: 1-3 hours Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey who had their first postnatal checkup 1-3 hours after birth
1529 RH_PCCT_C_H4P Newborn's first postnatal checkup: 4-23 hours Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey who had their first postnatal checkup 4-23 hours after birth
1530 RH_PCCT_C_D12 Newborn's first postnatal checkup: 1-2 days Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey who had their first postnatal checkup 1-2 days after birth
1531 RH_PCCT_C_D36 Newborn's first postnatal checkup: 3-6 days Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey who had their first postnatal checkup 3-6 days after birth
1532 RH_PCCT_C_DKM Newborn's first postnatal checkup: don't know or missing Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey with missing information on their first postnatal checkup after birth
1533 RH_PCCT_C_NON No postnatal checkup for newborn Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey with no postnatal checkup in the first 7 days after birth
1534 RH_PCCT_C_TOT Newborn's first postnatal checkup: Total Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey: Total
1535 RH_PCCT_C_DY2 Newborn's first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey who had their first postnatal checkup within the first two days after birth
1536 RH_PCCT_C_NUM Number of newborns Number of last births in the two years preceding the survey
1537 RH_PCCT_C_UNW Number of newborns (unweighted) Number of last births in the two years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1538 RH_PCCP_C_DOC Provider of newborns' first postnatal checkup: Doctor/nurse/midwife Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey who received their first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth from a doctor, nurse or midwife
1539 RH_PCCP_C_NRS Provider of newborns' first postnatal checkup: Auxiliary nurse/midwife Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey who received their first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth from an auxiliary nurse
1540 RH_PCCP_C_CHW Provider of newborns' first postnatal checkup: Community health worker Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey who received their first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth from a community health worker
1541 RH_PCCP_C_OHW Provider of newborns' first postnatal checkup: Other health worker Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey who received their first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth from another type of health worker
1542 RH_PCCP_C_TBA Provider of newborns' first postnatal checkup: Traditional birth attendant Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey who received their first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth from a traditional birth attendant
1543 RH_PCCP_C_DKM Provider of newborns' first postnatal checkup: don't know or missing Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey who have missing information on the provider from whom they received their first postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth
1544 RH_PCCP_C_NON No postnatal checkup for newborn within first two days of birth Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey who received no postnatal checkup in the first two days after birth
1545 RH_PCCP_C_TOT Provider of newborns' first postnatal checkup: Total Percentage of last births in the two years preceding the survey: Total
1546 RH_PCCP_C_NUM Number of newborns Number of last births in the two years preceding the survey
1547 RH_PCCP_C_UNW Number of newborns (unweighted) Number of last births in the two years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1548 RH_CPCN_C_CRD Cord examined Among most recent live births in the 2 years preceding the survey, the percentage for whom the cord was examined during the first 2 days after birth
1549 RH_CPCN_C_TMP Temperature measured Among most recent live births in the 2 years preceding the survey, the percentage for whom the temperature was measured during the first 2 days after birth
1550 RH_CPCN_C_DNG Counseling on danger signs Among most recent live births in the 2 years preceding the survey, the percentage for whom counseling on danger signs was provided during the first 2 days after birth
1551 RH_CPCN_C_BRF Counseling on breastfeeding Among most recent live births in the 2 years preceding the survey, the percentage for whom counseling on breastfeeding was provided during the first 2 days after birth
1552 RH_CPCN_C_OBB Observation of breastfeeding Among most recent live births in the 2 years preceding the survey, the percentage for whom breastfeeding was observed during the first 2 days after birth
1553 RH_CPCN_C_COB Counseling on breastfeeding and observation of breastfeeding Among most recent live births in the 2 years preceding the survey, the percentage for whom counseling on breastfeeding was provided and breastfeeding was observed during the first 2 days after birth
1554 RH_CPCN_C_HBF Told where to get help with breastfeeding Among most recent live births in the 2 years preceding the survey, the percentage for who were told where to get help with breastfeeding during the first 2 days after birth
1555 RH_CPCN_C_WGH Weighed Among most recent live births in the 2 years preceding the survey, the percentage for whom the child was weighed during the first 2 days after birth
1556 RH_CPCN_C_S2P At least 2 signal functions performed during the first 2 days after birth Among most recent live births in the 2 years preceding the survey, the percentage for whom at least 2 signal functions were performed during the first 2 days after birth
1557 RH_CPCN_C_S5P 5 signal functions performed during the first 2 days after birth Among most recent live births in the 2 years preceding the survey, the percentage for whom 5 signal functions were performed during the first 2 days after birth
1558 RH_CPCN_C_NUM Number of births Number of last live births in the 2 years preceding the survey
1559 RH_CPCN_C_UNW Number of births (unweighted) Number of last live births in the 2 years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1560 RH_CPNM_W_BLP Postnatal care content for the mother: Measured blood pressure Among women age 15-49 with a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey, percentage for whom the blood pressure was measured during the first two days after the most recent birth
1561 RH_CPNM_W_VGB Postnatal care content for the mother: Discussed vaginal bleeding Among women age 15-49 with a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey, percentage with whom vaginal bleeding was discussed during the first two days after the most recent birth
1562 RH_CPNM_W_FML Postnatal care content for the mother: Discussed family planning Among women age 15-49 with a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey, percentage with whom family planning was discussed during the first two days after the most recent birth
1563 RH_CPNM_W_URN Postnatal care content for the mother: Asked about problems with urination Among women age 15-49 with a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey, percentage who were asked during the first two days after the most recent birth about problems with urination
1564 RH_CPNM_W_PAI Postnatal care content for the mother: Asked about pain Among women age 15-49 with a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey, percentage who were asked during the first two days after the most recent birth about pain
1565 RH_CPNM_W_FSD Postnatal care content for the mother: Asked about feeling sad or depressed Among women age 15-49 with a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey, percentage who were asked during the first two days after the most recent birth about feeling sad or depressed
1566 RH_CPNM_W_3CK Postnatal care content for the mother: Measured blood pressure and discussed vaginal bleeding and family planning Among women age 15-49 with a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey, percentage for whom the blood pressure was measured and vaginal bleeding and family planning were discussed during the first two days after the most recent birth
1567 RH_CPNM_W_6CK Postnatal care content for the mother: All six postnatal checks were performed Among women age 15-49 with a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey, percentage for whom the blood pressure was measured, vaginal bleeding and family planning were discussed and was asked about problems with urination, pain and feeling sad or depressed during the first two days after the most recent birth
1568 RH_CPNM_W_NUM Postnatal care content for the mother: Number of women Number of women age 15-49 with a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey
1569 RH_CPNM_W_UNW Postnatal care content for the mother: Number of women (unweighted) Number of women age 15-49 with a live birth (and/or stillbirth) in the two years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1570 RH_PCMN_W_MOT Mother received postnatal check during first two days after birth Among most recent live births in the 2 years preceding the survey, percentage for which the mother age 15-49 received a postnatal check during the first 2 days after birth
1571 RH_PCMN_W_NBR Newborn received postnatal check during first two days after birth Among most recent live births in the 2 years preceding the survey, percentage for which the newborn received a postnatal check during the first 2 days after birth
1572 RH_PCMN_W_MNB Mother and newborn received postnatal check in first two days after birth Among most recent live births in the 2 years preceding the survey, percentage for which neither the mother age 15-49 nor the newborn received a postnatal check during the first 2 days after birth
1573 RH_PCMN_W_NMN Neither mother nor newborn received postnatal check in first two days after birth Among most recent live births in the 2 years preceding the survey, percentage for which the mother age 15-49 received a postnatal check during the first 2 days after birth
1574 RH_PCMN_W_NUM Postnatal checks on mother and newborn: number of women Most recent live births in the 2 years preceding the survey
1575 RH_PCMN_W_UNW Postnatal checks on mother and newborn: number of women (unweighted) Most recent live births in the 2 years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1576 RH_MIMH_M_ANM Reported that the child's mother had any antenatal check-ups during the pregnancy with the child Among men age 15-49 with a youngest child age 0-2 years, percentage who report that the child's mother had any antenatal check-ups during the pregnancy with the child
1577 RH_MIMH_M_NM1 Number of men Number of men age 15-49 with a youngest child age 0-2 years
1578 RH_MIMH_M_UN1 Number of men (unweighted) Number of men age 15-49 with a youngest child age 0-2 years (unweighted)
1579 RH_MIMH_M_PDA Ever present during any antenatal check-up Among men age 15-49 for whom the mother of the youngest child age 0-2 years had any antenatal check-ups during the pregnancy with the child, percentage who were present for any antenatal check-up
1580 RH_MIMH_M_NM2 Number of men Number of men age 15-49 for whom the mother of the youngest child age 0-2 years had any antenatal check-ups during the pregnancy with the child
1581 RH_MIMH_M_UN2 Number of men (unweighted) Number of men age 15-49 for whom the mother of the youngest child age 0-2 years had any antenatal check-ups during the pregnancy with the child (unweighted)
1582 RH_MIMH_M_RCH Reported their child was born in a health facility Among men age 15-49 with a child age 0-2 years, percentage who report their child was born in a health facility
1583 RH_MIMH_M_NM3 Number of men Number of men age 15-49 with a child age 0-2 years
1584 RH_MIMH_M_UN3 Number of men (unweighted) Number of men age 15-49 with a child age 0-2 years (unweighted)
1585 RH_MIMH_M_WCM Went with the child's mother to a health facility Among men age 15-49 whose youngest child age 0-2 years was born in a health facility, percentage who went to the health facility with the mother
1586 RH_MIMH_M_NM4 Number of men Number of men age 15-49 whose youngest child age 0-2 years was born in a health facility
1587 RH_MIMH_M_UN4 Number of men (unweighted) Number of men age 15-49 whose youngest child age 0-2 years was born in a health facility (unweighted)
1588 RH_PAHC_W_KNW Problems in accessing health care: Knowing where to go for treatment Percentage of women who reported they have big problems in knowing where to go for treatment for themselves when they are sick
1589 RH_PAHC_W_PRM Problems in accessing health care: Getting permission to go for treatment Percentage of women who reported they have big problems in getting permission to go for treatment for themselves when they are sick
1590 RH_PAHC_W_MON Problems in accessing health care: Getting money for treatment Percentage of women who reported they have big problems in getting money for treatment for themselves when they are sick
1591 RH_PAHC_W_DIS Problems in accessing health care: Distance to health facility Percentage of women who reported they have big problems in the distance to health facility for treatment for themselves when they are sick
1592 RH_PAHC_W_TRN Problems in accessing health care: Having to take transport Percentage of women who reported they have big problems in having to take transport for treatment for themselves when they are sick
1593 RH_PAHC_W_ALN Problems in accessing health care: Not wanting to go alone Percentage of women who reported they have big problems in not wanting to go alone for treatment for themselves when they are sick
1594 RH_PAHC_W_FEM Problems in accessing health care: Concern there may not be a female provider Percentage of women who reported they have big problems in concern there may not be a female provider for treatment for themselves when they are sick
1595 RH_PAHC_W_PR1 Problems in accessing health care: Any of the specified problems Percentage of women who reported they have big problems in any of the specified problems for treatment for themselves when they are sick
1596 RH_PAHC_W_NUM Number of women Number of women
1597 RH_PAHC_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women (unweighted)
1598 RH_EBCC_W_EBC Examined for breast cancer Percentage of women age 15-49 ever examined by a doctor or healthcare worker for breast cancer
1599 RH_EBCC_W_ECC Examined for cervical cancer Percentage of women age 15-49 ever tested by a doctor or healthcare worker for cervical cancer
1600 RH_EBCC_W_NUM Number of women Number of women age 15-49
1601 RH_EBCC_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women age 15-49 (unweighted)
1602 RH_DFHC_W_LTH Travel time to nearest health facility: less than 30 minutes Percentage of women age 15-49 for whom the travel time to the nearest health facility is less than 30 minutes
1603 RH_DFHC_W_THF Travel time to nearest health facility: 30-59 minutes Percentage of women age 15-49 for whom the travel time to the nearest health facility is 30 minutes or more but less than one hour
1604 RH_DFHC_W_SXO Travel time to nearest health facility: 60-119 minutes Percentage of women age 15-49 for whom the travel time to the nearest health facility is 1 hour or more but less than 2 hours
1605 RH_DFHC_W_MTT Travel time to nearest health facility: 2 hours or more Percentage of women age 15-49 for whom the travel time to the nearest health facility is 2 hours or more
1606 RH_DFHC_W_TO1 Travel time to nearest health facility: total Percentage of women for travel time to nearest health facility: total
1607 RH_DFHC_W_MOT Means of transport to nearest health facility: motorized Percentage of women age 15-49 who use motorized transport to the nearest health facility
1608 RH_DFHC_W_NMO Means of transport to nearest health facility: not motorized Percentage of women age 15-49 who use non-motorized transport to the nearest health facility
1609 RH_DFHC_W_OTH Means of transport to nearest health facility: other Percentage of women age 15-49 who use other transport to the nearest health facility
1610 RH_DFHC_W_TO2 Means of transport to nearest health facility: total Percentage of women for means of transport to nearest health facility: total
1611 RH_DFHC_W_NUM Number of women Number of women age 15-49
1612 RH_DFHC_W_UNW Number of women (unweighted) Number of women age 15-49 (unweighted)
1613 CH_SZWT_C_REW Birth weight of child reported by: written record Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with a birth weight reported by: written record
1614 CH_SZWT_C_REM Birth weight of child reported by: mother's recall Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with a birth weight reported by: mother's recall
1615 CH_SZWT_C_VSM Size of child at birth: Very small Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey where the size of the child at birth was very small
1616 CH_SZWT_C_SML Size of child at birth: Smaller than average Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey where the size of the child at birth was smaller than average
1617 CH_SZWT_C_AVG Size of child at birth: Average or larger Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey where the size of the child at birth was average or larger
1618 CH_SZWT_C_DKM Size of child at birth: don't know or missing Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with 'don't know' or missing information on size of child at birth
1619 CH_SZWT_C_TOT Size of child at birth: Total Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey: Total
1620 CH_SZWT_C_REP Birth weight of child reported Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with a birth weight reported numerically
1621 CH_SZWT_C_NUM Number of live births in the last five (or three) years Number of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey
1622 CH_SZWT_C_UNW Number of live births in the last five (or three) years (unweighted) Number of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey (unweighted)
1623 CH_SZWT_C_L25 Birth weight: Less than 2.5 kg Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey whose birth weight was less than 2.5 kg
1624 CH_SZWT_C_NM1 Number of live births in the last five (or three) years with a numerical birth weight reported Number of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with a numerical birth weight reported
1625 CH_SZWT_C_UN1 Number of live births in the last five (or three) years with a numerical birth weight reported (unweighted) Number of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with a numerical birth weight reported (unweighted)
1626 CH_VACS_C_BCG BCG vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received BCG vaccination
1627 CH_VACS_C_PT1 Pentavalent 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Pentavalent 1 vaccination
1628 CH_VACS_C_PT2 Pentavalent 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Pentavalent 2 vaccination
1629 CH_VACS_C_PT3 Pentavalent 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Pentavalent 3 vaccination
1630 CH_VACS_C_PT4 Pentavalent 4 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received Pentavalent 4 vaccination
1631 CH_VACS_C_DP1 DPT 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received DPT 1 vaccination
1632 CH_VACS_C_DP2 DPT 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received DPT 2 vaccination
1633 CH_VACS_C_DP3 DPT 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received DPT 3 vaccination
1634 CH_VACS_C_DP4 DPT 4 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received DPT 4 vaccination
1635 CH_VACS_C_OP0 Polio 0 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Polio 0 vaccination
1636 CH_VACS_C_OP1 Polio 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Polio 1 vaccination
1637 CH_VACS_C_OP2 Polio 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Polio 2 vaccination
1638 CH_VACS_C_OP3 Polio 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Polio 3 vaccination
1639 CH_VACS_C_IP1 IPV 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received an IPV 1 vaccination
1640 CH_VACS_C_IP2 IPV 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received an IPV 2 vaccination
1641 CH_VACS_C_IP3 IPV 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received an IPV 3 vaccination
1642 CH_VACS_C_IP4 IPV 4 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received an IPV 4 vaccination
1643 CH_VACS_C_MSL Measles vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Measles vaccination
1644 CH_VACS_C_MS2 Measles 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Measles 2 vaccination
1645 CH_VACS_C_HP0 Hepatitis 0 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Hepatitis 0 vaccination
1646 CH_VACS_C_HPD Hepatitis 0 vaccination received within 1 day Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Hepatitis 0 vaccination within one day
1647 CH_VACS_C_HPA Hepatitis 0 vaccination received after 1 day Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Hepatitis 0 vaccination after one day
1648 CH_VACS_C_HP1 Hepatitis 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Hepatitis 1 vaccination
1649 CH_VACS_C_HP2 Hepatitis 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Hepatitis 2 vaccination
1650 CH_VACS_C_HP3 Hepatitis 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Hepatitis 3 vaccination
1651 CH_VACS_C_HP4 Hepatitis 4 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received Hepatitis 4 vaccination
1652 CH_VACS_C_HB1 Haemophilus influenza type b 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Haemophilus influenza type b 1 vaccination
1653 CH_VACS_C_HB2 Haemophilus influenza type b 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Haemophilus influenza type b 2 vaccination
1654 CH_VACS_C_HB3 Haemophilus influenza type b 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Haemophilus influenza type b 3 vaccination
1655 CH_VACS_C_HB4 Haemophilus influenza type b 4 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received Haemophilus influenza type b 4 vaccination
1656 CH_VACS_C_PN1 Pneumococcal 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Pneumococcal 1 vaccination
1657 CH_VACS_C_PN2 Pneumococcal 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Pneumococcal 2 vaccination
1658 CH_VACS_C_PN3 Pneumococcal 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Pneumococcal 3 vaccination
1659 CH_VACS_C_RT1 Rotavirus 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Rotavirus 1 vaccination
1660 CH_VACS_C_RT2 Rotavirus 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Rotavirus 2 vaccination
1661 CH_VACS_C_RT3 Rotavirus 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received Rotavirus 3 vaccination
1662 CH_VACS_C_BAS Fully vaccinated (8 basic antigens) Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who were fully vaccinated with 8 basic antigens (BCG, Polio 1-3, DPT 1-3, Measles)
1663 CH_VACS_C_APP Fully vaccinated (according to national schedule) Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who were fully vaccinated according to the national schedule
1664 CH_VACS_C_NON Received no vaccinations Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who had received no vaccinations
1665 CH_VACS_C_NUM Number of children 12-23 months Number of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months
1666 CH_VACS_C_UNW Number of children 12-23 months (unweighted) Number of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months (unweighted)
1667 CH_VACC_C_BCG BCG vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received BCG vaccination
1668 CH_VACC_C_PT1 Pentavalent 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received Pentavalent 1 vaccination
1669 CH_VACC_C_PT2 Pentavalent 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received Pentavalent 2 vaccination
1670 CH_VACC_C_PT3 Pentavalent 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received Pentavalent 3 vaccination
1671 CH_VACC_C_PT4 Pentavalent 4/booster vaccination received Percentage of children 24-35 months who had received Pentavalent 4 vaccination (DPT-HepB-Hib 4/Booster)
1672 CH_VACC_C_DP1 DPT 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received DPT 1 vaccination
1673 CH_VACC_C_DP2 DPT 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received DPT 2 vaccination
1674 CH_VACC_C_DP3 DPT 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received DPT 3 vaccination
1675 CH_VACC_C_OP0 Polio 0 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received Polio 0 vaccination
1676 CH_VACC_C_OP1 Polio 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received Polio 1 vaccination
1677 CH_VACC_C_OP2 Polio 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received Polio 2 vaccination
1678 CH_VACC_C_OP3 Polio 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received Polio 3 vaccination
1679 CH_VACC_C_IP1 IPV vaccination 1 received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received an IPV 1 vaccination
1680 CH_VACC_C_IP2 IPV 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received an IPV 2 vaccination
1681 CH_VACC_C_IP3 IPV 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received an IPV 3 vaccination
1682 CH_VACC_C_MSL Measles vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received Measles vaccination
1683 CH_VACC_C_MS2 Measles 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received Measles 2 vaccination
1684 CH_VACC_C_HP0 Hepatitis 0 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received Hepatitis 0 vaccination
1685 CH_VACC_C_HPD Hepatitis 0 vaccination received within 1 day Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received Hepatitis 0 vaccination within one day
1686 CH_VACC_C_HPA Hepatitis 0 vaccination received after 1 day Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received Hepatitis 0 vaccination after one day
1687 CH_VACC_C_HP1 Hepatitis 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received Hepatitis 1 vaccination
1688 CH_VACC_C_HP2 Hepatitis 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received Hepatitis 2 vaccination
1689 CH_VACC_C_HP3 Hepatitis 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received Hepatitis 3 vaccination
1690 CH_VACC_C_HB1 Haemophilus influenza type b 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received Haemophilus influenza type b 1 vaccination
1691 CH_VACC_C_HB2 Haemophilus influenza type b 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received Haemophilus influenza type b 2 vaccination
1692 CH_VACC_C_HB3 Haemophilus influenza type b 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received Haemophilus influenza type b 3 vaccination
1693 CH_VACC_C_PN1 Pneumococcal 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received Pneumococcal 1 vaccination
1694 CH_VACC_C_PN2 Pneumococcal 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received Pneumococcal 2 vaccination
1695 CH_VACC_C_PN3 Pneumococcal 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received Pneumococcal 3 vaccination
1696 CH_VACC_C_RT1 Rotavirus 1 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received Rotavirus 1 vaccination
1697 CH_VACC_C_RT2 Rotavirus 2 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received Rotavirus 2 vaccination
1698 CH_VACC_C_RT3 Rotavirus 3 vaccination received Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received Rotavirus 3 vaccination
1699 CH_VACC_C_BAS Fully vaccinated (8 basic antigens) Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who were fully vaccinated with 8 basic antigens (BCG, Polio 1-3, DPT 1-3, Measles)
1700 CH_VACC_C_APP Fully vaccinated (according to national schedule) Percentage of children 12-23 (or 24-35) months who were fully vaccinated according to the national schedule
1701 CH_VACC_C_NON Received no vaccinations Percentage of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months who had received no vaccinations
1702 CH_VACC_C_NUM Number of children 12-23 months Number of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months
1703 CH_VACC_C_UNW Number of children 12-23 months (unweighted) Number of children 12-23 [or 24-35] months (unweighted)
1704 CH_VACC_C_M21 Measles 1 vaccination received [24-35] Percentage of children 24-35 months who had received Measles 1 vaccination
1705 CH_VACC_C_M22 Measles 2 vaccination received [24-35] Percentage of children 24-35