# fieldname fieldDescription
1 IndicatorId Indicator ID for the specified indicator. Each indicator will always have a unique ID and can be used across surveys.
2 Label Indicator label describing the specified indicator.
3 Definition Provides a definition of the specified indicator. The definition can be used to provide detailed information to your users.
4 Denominator Provides a definition of the denominator of the specified indicator. The denominator definition can be used to provide detailed information to your users.
5 Level1 Each indicator is grouped in a three level hierarchy. This column provides the top level grouping and is the major subject area.
6 Level2 Each indicator is grouped in a three level hierarchy. This column provides the second level grouping and is the topic area within the major subject.
7 Level3 Each indicator is grouped in a three level hierarchy. This column provides the third level grouping and is the universe for the topic (typically Women, Men, Both Sexes, Children, Households, Population).
8 ShortName Provides a short name for the specified indicator that can be used when displaying the indicator within the hierarchy level if the indicator label is too long. If space is available we recommend using the indicator label.
9 MeasurementType Specifies the type of measurement.
  • Mean
  • Median
  • Number
  • Percent
  • Rate
10 IndicatorType Type of indicator:
I = Indicator
D = Weighted denominator
U = Unweighted denominator
T = Distribution total (100%)
S = Special answers (don't know/missing)
E = Sampling errors
C = Confidence interval
11 NumberScale Number Scale provides the precision (number of decimal places) that should be presented for the indicator.
12 IndicatorOrder Indicator Order is used for ordering indicators within the levels.
13 TagIds A list of tag IDs for selecting indicators according to tagged groups. See the tags list for the descriptions associated with each ID.
14 IsQuickStat This column will display a '1' for DHS Quickstat indicators that are used or viewed most often. The information can be utilized to serve the most common data to users quickly.
15 QuickStatOrder This column will provide an integer to help provide a special sort order for all the Quickstat Indicators. These are indicators that display a '1' in the IsQuickStat column and are used or viewed most often. The information can be utilized to serve the most common data to users quickly.
16 SDRID This column contains the Spatial Data Repository Indicator ID.