# |
fieldname |
fieldDescription |
1 |
A unique numeric record ID corresponding to the data record provided.
2 |
The name or label of the particular indicator for this data.
3 |
The actual value (percentage, rate, number, etc.) of the particular indicator specified. The value can be used to provide statistics to users.
4 |
The number of decimal places that should be presented for value of the indicator.
5 |
Two-letter DHS specific country code.
6 |
DHS specific country name.
7 |
The principal year in which the survey was conducted.
8 |
DHS survey ID. Each survey will always have a unique ID (of the form ccyyyyttt where cc is the DHS country code,
yyyy is the survey year, and ttt is the survey type) and can be used to obtain national or subnational data for a particular survey.
9 |
Indicator ID for the indicator specified for the particular data.
10 |
Indicator Order for the indicator specified for the particular data.
11 |
Indicator Type for the indicator specified for the particular data.
12 |
DHS has defined a list of characteristics that are used across surveys to make sure the data can be compared across countries
very easily. A characteristic ID gives you the unique ID that represents that particular characteristic.
13 |
Sort order in which to display characteristics.
14 |
DHS has defined a list of characteristic categories that are used across surveys to make sure the data can be compared across
countries very easily. This category can be used to filter data. See also CharacteristicLabel.
15 |
This field provides label of the characteristic within a particular characteristic category. For example, Urban and Rural are the two
characteristics within the category Residence.
16 |
A characteristic ID identifying a further level of disaggregation, when an indicator is disaggregated in multiple ways. For example,
Current Use of Contraception is disaggregated by Age, but also for All women, currently married women and sexually active unmarried
women. Age is presented in the characteristic category above; the disaggregation for All women, currently married women and sexually
active unmarried women is captured in the ByVariableId and ByVariableLabel. If this additional level of disaggregation is not used
for the indicator the ByVariableId will be 0 and the ByVariableLabel will be blank. A common use of the ByVariableId and
17 |
The descriptive label for the level of disaggregation provided in the ByVariableId.
18 |
This column will identify if a certain value is a Total value used for national totals.
19 |
If a particular indicator has multiple values because it is disaggregated in multiple ways, this column will identify which is
the preferred value to display by default.
20 |
ID used in The DHS Program Spatial Data Repository (SDR).
21 |
Unique ID given to each survey and region.
22 |
The Survey Year Label can provide slightly more details about a survey's year.
For example if a survey started in 1998 and finished in 1999, the survey year
would be 1998 while the display would provide 1998-99. This information could be
used to make the user interface more intuitive and accurate.
23 |
The survey type determines whether the survey was a DHS, AIS, MIS, SPA, RHS or other type of survey.
24 |
The weighted denominator for the indicator data.
25 |
The unweighted denominator for the indicator data.
26 |
The lower bound of the 95% confidence interval for the indicator. The confidence interval is only presented for the maternal
mortality ratio and the HIV prevalence indicators.
27 |
The upper bound of the 95% confidence interval for the indicator. The confidence interval is only presented for the maternal
mortality ratio and the HIV prevalence indicators.
28 |
Determines the administrative boundaries.